Chapter 176 The noble Dragon God!
Gu Junlin groaned in pain, the ultimate power of the five elements raging crazily in his body.

Although the power of the five elements has been completely harmonized, the sense of destruction it brought has not dissipated.

Inside his body, he was undergoing destructive violence every moment.

Even though Gu Junlin had cultivated the ancestral dragon energy, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"No matter, eat again!"

Ancestral dragon energy has strong compatibility. Only through the energy of other immortal grasses can there be a chance to offset the power of the five elements in the body!

"Brother Xuexing, you worked so hard!"

Dugu Bo on the side was secretly stunned. Even a titled Douluo like him might not be able to withstand the various kinds of celestial herbs that Gu Junlin absorbed in this moment.

What's more, Gu Junlin is only level [-].

However, the more Gu Junlin worked harder, the more grateful Dugu Bo became.

Because, in his opinion, the reason why Gu Junlin was so desperate was to save his grandfather and grandson!

"This guy is so perverted!"

Dugu Yan murmured.

Strong men always have a special charm. At this time, Gu Junlin made Dugu Yan extremely admired!

One after another, the herbs were continuously swallowed by Gu Junlin, turning into energy to resist the power of the five elements.

When Gu Junlin ate up almost all the herbs in Ban Yuanzi, he found that the herbs had no effect.

Therefore, Gu Junlin's eyes were fixed on the ice and fire eyes.

Tang San's hanging wall can go in and temper his body, no matter what aspect he is stronger than him, it doesn't make sense, right?
Thinking of this, Gu Junlin did not hesitate anymore and jumped directly into the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi with a pop.

"Brother Xuexing!"

"Your Majesty the Prince!"

The two people exclaimed and hurried to the side of the Ice and Fire Eyes to check the situation inside.

However, they were not able to see through the two-pole eyes of ice and fire that they were born with. After observing for a long time, they still could not detect any information about Gu Junlin.

In the eyes of ice and fire.

Gu Junlin entered it, and an even more terrifying power of ice and fire continued to pour into his body.

Compared with the two eyes of ice and fire, Star Anise Ice Grass and Liehuo Xingjiaoshu are not even younger brothers!
After all, they are all immortal grasses bred from the polar eyes of ice and fire.

And the Ice and Fire Polar Eye itself is the most domineering existence in the world!

Holding back the pain, Gu Junlin swam to the dividing line between the ice and fire springs and accepted the more intense baptism of ice and fire.

In just a few seconds, every corner of Gu Junlin's body was filled with the power of ice and fire.

In addition, the energy possessed by the Ice and Fire Eyes is almost endless.

And this is the real purpose of Gu Junlin jumping into the Ice and Fire Eyes.

"Five Elements Immortal Grass, come out!"

With Gu Junlin's soft drink, his hands returned to their original state.

At the same time, the five immortal grasses that he had previously absorbed with his soul power also reappeared in sight.

It's just that unlike before, the five immortal grasses have become more pure.

The five great immortal grasses have been evolved by Gu Junlin using the energy of the ancestral dragon, leaving only the most essential parts.

It can be said that anyone who takes these five immortal herbs can become the top genius in Douluo Continent.

Gu Junlin looked at the fairy grass in his hand with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Junlin took the five immortal herbs, and the surrounding soul power poured into Gu Junlin's body like it was free of charge.

With the integration of soul power, Gu Junlin seemed to have had his genes changed.

Constantly broken and reorganized, broken and reorganized again!

In this way, after 49 times of fragmentation and reorganization.

In the end, the five immortal grasses disappeared completely, and Gu Junlin's body turned into five colors.

Afterwards, Gu Junlin looked around, preparing to leave the Ice and Fire Eyes.But just as he was about to leave, a subtle light caught his eye.

The light is very weak, so it's not easy to spot if you don't pay attention.

For this reason, Gu Junlin was also puzzled.

"How can there be light in the pool?"

In order to eliminate the doubts in his heart, Gu Junlin slowly swam towards the light.

But while swimming, Gu Junlin discovered something that surprised him even more.

The ice and fire energy in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes was gone.
You know, the Ice and Fire Eyes are one of the most powerful opportunities in Douluo Continent!

The energy it contains is almost endless.

It is no exaggeration to say that all existing titled Douluo in the Douluo Continent combined do not have as much energy as the Ice and Fire Eyes.

But even with such a powerful ice and fire eye, its energy mysteriously disappeared.

This surprised Gu Junlin.

Precisely because of this, Gu Junlin became even more interested in that sudden light.

Thinking of this, Gu Junlin swam a little faster.

Not long after, Gu Junlin came to the light source.

If you look closely, the thing that shines is a stone.

The stone is not big, only about the size of a fist.

What's surprising is that the light emitted by this stone is red and white.

Out of curiosity, Gu Junlin reached out and picked it up.

Suddenly, the moment Gu Junlin picked up the stone, he disappeared.

When he woke up again, he had come to a terrifying world full of scarlet eyes!
This is a strange world, the floor is paved with tiles similar to blood-colored gems.

And there was a white mist all around, with no end in sight.

Gu Junlin lay on the ground and stood up with difficulty.

But as soon as he stood up, a voice sounded in his ears.

"Hello, Lord Dragon God!"

Just when Gu Junlin stood up, a male voice attracted his attention.

He looked up and found a throne made of ruby ​​in front of him.

And on this seat, there is a man dressed in white.

The man was wearing white clothes, but he had long blood-red hair, and his grade could not be clearly seen.

At this time, he was lazily sitting on the throne and looking at himself.

The cautious Gu Junlin did not answer immediately, but looked at the surrounding environment.

Seeing the other party staring at him with interest, he finally asked tentatively, "Who are you?"

"I am your most loyal subject!"

"Then why are you looking for me?"

Seeing Gu Junlin being so direct, the man was stunned for a moment. Then he cleared his throat and got straight to the point:
"It's very simple. I'll give my final value to Lord Dragon God!"

After saying that, without waiting for Gu Junlin's consent, the man started to move directly.

He raised his big hand lightly, and a red and white light penetrated into Gu Junlin's eyebrows.

Afterwards, Gu Junlin fell into a coma!

Immediately afterwards, the red and white light was like ink dripping into clear water, rendering Gu Junlin's entire body red and white in the blink of an eye.

Gu Junlin's clothes were already torn to pieces by the Ice and Fire Eyes, but under the influence of this red and white light, they became even more terrifying and gnawing.

As the red and white light continued to bloom, Gu Junlin's body slowly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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