Chapter 71
It has been more than a month since the book was opened, and it has become a VIP volume without notification from the backstage. It feels quite sudden for a newcomer and a new book to be put on the shelves for the first time.

However, this also means that Huo Yuhao's fanfiction has finally been live-streamed to the shelves.

Thank you all for your support over the past month.

The original intention of writing this book was actually to see Huo Hang in the original book being puaed too hard by Tang God King.

Just like a well-trained military dog, I feel a little uncomfortable, so I have this book.

What makes me feel guilty is that the update speed of the author's bacteria is too average, so I'm sorry everyone.

To express my apologies, give everyone a knock, dong dong dong——

I am practicing every day, and I can only go home after six o'clock and start coding. I will try my best to achieve stable updates.

As long as I have time, I will do my best to update more, I hope everyone can understand.

Readers, if you think this book is still worth reading, you can find some fun in this fun book.

Then the author urges everyone to support a first subscription.

Friends on the QQ reading terminal, if you can, can come to the starting point to support a first order.

Can Huo Yuhao broadcast live to hang and beat the King of God?
Just look at the first order, wow,

The author bows ninety degrees, thank you readers.

(End of this chapter)

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