Douluo: I am Huo Yuhao, the Pope of the Holy Spirit!

Chapter 142 The Nightmare of the Dou Ling Empire

Chapter 142 The Nightmare of the Dou Ling Empire

The news of Mingdu's destruction quickly spread throughout the entire continent, and the remaining Heavenly Soul Empire was not only not happy, but panicked.

That's right, in the eyes of the Sky Soul Empire, the biggest enemy is no longer the Sun Moon Empire, but the rampantly expanding Holy Spirit Cult.What happened to the Dou Ling Empire, which came from the same source as them, they watched helplessly.

After the Dou Ling Empire fell, all male members of the royal family, under the age of 20, were all eunuchs and entered the newly built Holy Spirit Palace as eunuchs.It is worth mentioning that in the past two years, the Holy Spirit Sect has recruited millions of manpower from the North and the South to build the current Holy Spirit Palace on the basis of the original "Star Palace" of the Star Luo Empire; Inspired by the members of the Holy Spirit Church, millions of construction workers worked hard for a year, and they fought bravely to be the first, maintaining the extremely high efficiency of working [-] to [-] hours a day around the clock. In just two years, the construction of the main area of ​​the Holy Spirit Palace was completed.

The Holy Spirit Palace occupies a vast area, almost covering more than one-third of the area of ​​the former Star Luo City, and its area is ten times larger than the original Star Luo Empire's old palace.Even Shrek Academy, compared with it, is more than one or two points behind, which is enough to make Mu En and Xuanzi feel that the academy needs to be expanded.

Behind the central hall of the Holy Spirit Palace stands a golden statue of Huo Yuhao, the Pope of the Holy Spirit. It is [-] meters high, looking at the people of the entire continent with benevolent and expectant eyes.

The Sun Moon Empire, relying on its leading soul guidance technology and the application of many engineering technologies, has also built many magnificent buildings, but the scale is also difficult to compare with the Holy Spirit Palace.If one had to explain it in one sentence, the Abomination Douluo who was in charge of the general construction would definitely say proudly that the Sun Moon Empire has technology, and our people of the Holy Spirit Cult have power!

On the east side of the Holy Spirit Palace, there is also a newly completed landmark building; under the proposal of Tian Centen Douluo, in order to commemorate those civilian husbands who unfortunately died of overwork during the construction of the Holy Spirit Palace; the Holy Spirit Cult gathered those remains , On the east side of the Holy Spirit Palace, an incomparably majestic mountain was piled up to commemorate their dedication and dedication.In the future, I don't know how many people will shed tears under this majestic monument.

The male royal family members over the age of 20 are not so lucky; as the remnants of the decadent rule, they are destined to be punished by the Holy Spirit Church: after being stripped naked and paraded in the streets, there are a total of 560 people in the Dou Ling Empire clan, divided into one On Sundays, all kinds of imaginative executions were performed in public on Yuhao Square outside the Holy Spirit Palace to show respect and effectiveness.

The reason why it took a long time is because members of the Holy Spirit Cult have too much imagination, their thinking is extremely active, and sparks of dialectical sparks are rubbed out; in order to practice various genius inspirations, they spent a lot of time It took a week to realize with regret that all the experimental supplies had been used up.

Seeing the fate of the imperial family of the Dou Ling Empire, the royal family of the Tianhun Empire was all cold from head to toe, and all the queens and concubines in the royal family were crying day by day.You must know that although the Dou Ling Empire and the Tianhun Empire have had many quarrels in history, strictly speaking, they are actually two families of the same blood, and their ancestors were both the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire back then.

After the Dou Ling Empire was destroyed and almost all the 20 supporting troops of the Dou Ling Empire were annihilated, the Heavenly Soul Empire was already in turmoil. On the other hand, he was planning to send envoys to the Sun Moon Empire to discuss cooperation matters. Unexpectedly, before the envoys had passed, there was another earth-shattering news——a mythical event happened in Mingdu. According to legend, half the land of the Sun Moon Empire trembled with a terrifying explosion like a fire from the sky.

On the ground, it seemed as if five suns appeared at the same time; then, the entire Mingdu, the capital of the Sun Moon Empire, and the heart of the soul engineer world of the entire continent were completely wiped off from the ground.

Almost all of the tens of millions of people gathered in Mingdu were evaporated by the terrifying flames. Only a few soul engineers with the most profound cultivation bases at the ninth level managed to escape, and all of them suffered terrible injuries.

After this big explosion, the strength of the Sun Moon Empire's soul engineer world has declined by at least half, and the whole country has immediately fallen into a state of chaos and collapse, and there is even a crisis of civil strife at any time.

That's right, in the current Sun Moon Empire, even a new national leader cannot be chosen for a while.The direct line of the royal family, and even most of the members of the clan, were all turned into smoke in this explosion.The crown prince Xu Tianran died, the old emperor Xu Fengtao died, and even many members of the clan outside the [-]th line died.Other people may not be able to come to this birthday celebration ceremony, but clan members, in principle, must come.

Now there are only a few Liao Liao and Xu family members left, and only a few vassal princes in the border area, who are not allowed to come because of military affairs.Otherwise, the clan of the Sun Moon Empire would be wiped out immediately.

There is one more frightening thing. It is said that after the big bang, the shadow of the Holy Spirit Cult appeared; Mingdu was destroyed, so many resentful souls, if they fell into the hands of these evil soul masters, how much help would it give them?Not many people are willing to think about this matter.

There is a saying that whatever you fear will come to you.Just when the Heavenly Soul Empire was trembling, fearing day and night for the invasion of the Holy Spirit Cult's heavenly soldiers, and even considering sending people to the Holy Spirit Palace to pay tribute as a show of goodwill, the Holy Spirit Cult launched a war against the Heavenly Soul Empire non-stop. The army was divided into two groups, one on the other. Expedition from the south to the north, all the way from the east to the west, all the way to outflank the Tianhun Empire.

And at the same time when the Holy Spirit Cult's million-strong army crossed the two borders and set off another bloodbath, Huo Yuhao's Shrek group finally returned to Shrek Academy.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back"

When they returned to the academy, including Elder Xuan, all the elders in the Sea God Pavilion came out to greet him in person.When they just got the news of Mingdu's destruction, they were all very worried, but they didn't expect Huo Yuhao and the others to survive. In their eyes, this was really the blessing of the Sea God.

What you can see is that when they come back, everyone has obviously grown a lot.Two years have passed, Huo Yuhao is now a 14-year-old youth, with a slender and handsome figure, a handsome and flawless appearance, and an indescribable and inexplicable strange temperament.

In addition to the original Shrek group, there were a few more people, namely Xuan Ziwen, Kong Xiyue, and the sweet couple Ji Juechen and Jing Ziyan.

(End of this chapter)

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