Chapter 16 Sanctions, Zhou Yi!
"She is domesticating students. She has experience."

Huo Yuhao said calmly while running.


Wang Dong frowned, feeling that this word sounded very uncomfortable.

"How is it possible? We are not slaves, let alone chickens, ducks and geese."

"There is nothing impossible. The history of human beings is a history of human beings domesticating human beings, and the superiors taming the inferiors. Do you think that you are free because of your extraordinary birth? Wrong, just like you domesticate your slaves, someone is domesticating you, but you don't know it yet."

Huo Yuhao said with a mocking smile.

"You act like you know everything."

Wang Dong rolled his eyes and said.

"Why, don't you believe it? When you become my pet, you will understand."

Huo Yuhao smiled strangely and said.

"What did you say?"

Wang Dong raised his eyebrows and said angrily.

"Nothing. Hahahaha!"

Huo Yuhao laughed loudly, accelerated suddenly, and rushed to the front; Wang Dong stomped his feet angrily, and also activated his soul power. A pair of pink-blue gorgeous butterfly wings spread behind him, and approached Huo Yuhao at the fastest speed.

The two chased after each other, and before they knew it, the number of circles set by Zhou Yi had already been completed.In comparison, the other freshmen seemed to have struggled a lot and were out of breath; but in the end, all the freshmen also completed the number of laps assigned by Zhou Yi within the stipulated time.

When everyone stood on the square again, Zhou Yi turned to the students expressionlessly, and said calmly, "Those whose names I have read come out, Cheng Cheng, Qiu Jianyao, Tang Xiaodao, Shangguan Chendong, Lin Zeyu, Zhuge Yun, Tai Long, Tang Ling, and Yun Piao."

There were a total of nine new students whose names were read by her.The students obviously did not expect that Zhou Yi would be able to casually call out the names of nine of them without introducing themselves.

The freshmen who were called came out calmly.

Zhou Yi glanced at them and said calmly, "The nine of you can go back and pack your bags and leave the academy. From this moment on, you are no longer students of Shrek Academy."

"Ah?" The nine students who had just finished running and were still exhausted were shocked, and the other students were even more uproarious.

"Teacher, why?" A boy named Tai Long stood up with an angry face.Tall, he was one of the first of the cadets who had just finished running laps.

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Shrek Academy doesn't need opportunistic students. Although you have strength, if you don't have a good and honest attitude, the people you cultivate will only bring disasters to the country instead of help. Tai Long, tell yourself, did you run a hundred laps just now?"

Tyrone replied contradictoryly: "Of course it's enough to run."

Zhou Yi smiled, "Have you run enough? If I remember correctly, at the beginning of the run, because I hadn't reached Shrek Square, you walked leisurely for two laps, and you didn't join in until the leader reached the fifth lap. So, you didn't run 97 laps, but [-] laps. I believe that more than one person saw your laziness at the beginning."

"I..." Tai Long's face flushed instantly, he never expected that Zhou Yi could describe his lazy behavior at the beginning so accurately, as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes, "But, even if I skip a few laps, you can't just fire me!"

Zhou Yi snorted disdainfully, "I've already said the reason, you don't deserve to be called a student of Shrek Academy. Pack your things and get out."

"You..." Tai Long was completely stunned.In fact, with his strength, there is no problem at all in completing a hundred laps.Among all the students in class one, grade one, his cultivation was among the best.However, he never expected to be knocked out like this.

Zhou Yi turned to the other students, and said calmly, "Although I have a bad temper, I mean what I say. The nine people I pointed out were all lazy and slippery during the running and failed to complete the hundred laps. If you are not convinced by this, you can go to the Academic Affairs Office to complain to me, but now, you can leave."

Under Zhou Yi's terrifying power, the nine students who were singled out left in despair. Of course, they didn't go back to pack their bags, but went directly to the Academic Affairs Office to file a complaint.It's the first day of school!How could they be convinced?

The expressions on the faces of the other remaining freshmen had completely changed at this time, and they didn't dare to take a breath when they looked at Zhou Yi.In just an hour, Zhou Yi had already established absolute authority in the first-year freshman class.

"Go back to the dormitory to change clothes, and then come to the classroom for class. I only give you a quarter of an hour." After finishing speaking, Zhou Yi turned around and went back to the teaching building.

This time, no one dared to procrastinate for half a minute, and immediately dispersed. Almost everyone ran to their dormitory at a sprint speed.

"This old woman is too cruel!"

Wang Dong frowned and said.

"Hmph, this is just the beginning. It won't take long for the whole class to get used to it and take it for granted."

Huo Yuhao smiled faintly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said.

"Will it really happen?"


The time Zhou Yi gave for changing clothes was only fifteen minutes, but in fact, it didn't take even ten minutes for the slowest person, and all the students were already sitting neatly in the classroom.Looking at the nine empty actions, the fear in the children's eyes has not disappeared.

Everyone has heard the saying that entering Shrek Academy is easy but leaving is difficult, but when it was their turn, they felt a strong sense of crisis, and no one dared to be opportunistic anymore.

"I know that most of you are upset that I just punished you for running laps and fired nine people. It's just that I didn't dare to show it out of pressure. I don't need to explain. People with savvy will naturally understand later, and those stupid people who can't figure it out. Let them continue to be confused. Now, let's start the class."

"You should all know the two words I wrote on the blackboard—attack and defense. In the first lesson today, I will explain to you the attack and defense methods of soul masters. Since ancient times, soul masters have been divided into many departments according to their own martial arts abilities, including assault, agility, support, food, control, defense, etc. Some soul masters develop towards the limit in a certain direction, while others choose to develop in a balanced way.

Zhou Yi began to lecture incessantly.Of course Huo Yuhao was too lazy to listen to these things. He propped his chin with one hand, and there was a cold light in his eyes.He was thinking, how should he give this shrew some color.

There is no doubt that Zhou Yi's name is also on Huo Yuhao's revenge branch, and the points are not low; Zhou Yi's strength is nothing, just a six-ring soul emperor, and the same as the Duchess.This also shows how ruthlessly Huo Yuhao was bullied by this guy in his previous life.

Soon, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Huo Yuhao's mouth.

He can't wait to get out of school now.



After school, Zhou Yi went to a place where no one was around, took off the human skin mask, and let herself breathe.At this time, Zhou Yi was no longer that chicken-skinned and white-haired old woman, but a pretty young woman with a very elegant appearance.However, there was a little arrogance in the corners of her eyes and brows.

"It's another bunch of troublesome little guys. The most interesting thing every time is to train these freshmen! Hmph, I'm still happy to be transferred to a lower grade!"

Zhou Yi lowered her head and walked forward while talking to herself.

Few people know that what Zhou Yi likes the most is the kind of little guy who thinks he's great, like wild cats and dogs.When trampling on the self-esteem of these pampered young masters and little princesses, little by little turning them into docile puppies in the class, her heart and body will give birth to a kind of pleasure that even her husband can hardly bring.

Suddenly, Zhou Yi felt a warning in his heart, feeling that something was wrong around him.Is this road a bit too quiet?

Zhou Yi looked around, but there was no one there; suddenly, she found that the surrounding light dimmed, as if she was trapped in a huge hood.

"Who? Who? Playing tricks here?"

Fear rose in Zhou Yi's heart; circles of soul rings rose from her feet, and she let out a slightly trembling roar, trying to let the other teachers hear.

However, she was doomed to be disappointed.

"Mr. Zhou, hello!"

A slightly lively girl's voice sounded behind Zhou Yi.Zhou Yi turned around and saw a girl with twin ponytails and a long wine-colored dress. She lifted the hem of the skirt and saluted herself, and said with a smile.

"Who are you? What's going on here?"

Zhou Yi tried to stay calm, looked at this girl who seemed to be in the third or fourth grade, and said.

"Oh, I'm a freshman too! Let me introduce you, I'm Nunnally from Class [-], Grade [-]."

"Teacher Zhou Yi, if the student is troubled, even if you waste a little of your precious time, it should be fine!"

Another handsome young man with a smile on his face walked out of the shadows with his hands behind his back.

"Huo Yuhao?"

Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes and said.This is a student in her class, of course she knows it.

(End of this chapter)

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