Douluo: I am Huo Yuhao, the Pope of the Holy Spirit!

Chapter 51 Huo Yuhao's Evil Ambition

Chapter 51 Huo Yuhao's Evil Ambition
This building is really extravagant, even many students who are born in noble families, when they see this building, their eyes are filled with amazement.

On both sides of the entrance of Jubao Pavilion, there are four girls in long skirts standing, making many young people's eyes drift away.

These girls in long skirts who were obviously in charge of the reception looked about seventeen or seventeen years old, with a sweet appearance and a slender figure.The lower body is covered by a long skirt, but the upper body is bare with snow shoulders, and the chest is round and tightly wrapped, revealing obvious gullies.Against the backdrop of the resplendent and resplendent buildings of Jubao Pavilion, the fair skin looks even more graceful.

"Huo Yuhao, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Huo Yuhao's pensive look when he saw the situation at the door, Wang Dong couldn't help asking.

"I'm thinking that I will build a palace in the future. At that time, the princesses and concubines of the four countries, including the Star Luo Empire, the Heavenly Soul Empire, the Dou Ling Empire, and the Sun Moon Empire, as well as the senior sisters of our Shrek Academy, will be chained outside and guard the gate. Wouldn't this be interesting?"

Huo Yuhao said with an evil smile on his face.

"Yeah, you crazy"

Wang Donger was instantly startled by Huo Yuhao's evil thoughts, and looked at Huo Yuhao in horror.

"Don't worry, even though you are the eldest lady of the Clear Sky School, if you are allowed to be a guard pet, it would be a bit overkill."

Just as Wang Dong breathed a sigh of relief, Huo Yuhao went on to say: "I think it's obvious that the back kitchen needs you more. After all, who knows, you are the real creator of the famous 'Membership-only Grilled Fish'. Isn't that right, Ms. Dong'er?"


Wang Donger screamed, blushing, took two steps back, and almost fell to the ground.

"This is outside! What nonsense are you talking about?"


Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Dong'er's cute appearance, laughed a few times, took Wang Dong's hand, and entered the Jubao Pavilion.

Before they reached the door of the Jubao Pavilion, one of the eight girls at the door had already greeted them. With a faint smile on his face, he came to stand beside the two of them, and said respectfully: "Are the two soul masters here to participate in the treasure appreciation meeting?"

Both Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong were wearing the school uniforms of Shrek Academy, so it was not difficult to be recognized, they had already received a lot of attention during their journey.

The two took out their invitation cards and handed them over.After the girl read the invitation, the smile on her face suddenly became more gentle, "Two soul masters, please follow me." While speaking, she made a gesture to lead the way, and walked in front.

Apparently, even among the core disciples of Shrek Academy, there were very few of them at the age of Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong who came to Jubao Pavilion to participate in the Treasure Appreciation Fair.When they passed between the girls, they all felt curious eyes from both sides.

Stepping into Jubao Pavilion, a luxurious atmosphere immediately blows your face.The golden hall shows an unparalleled sense of luxury, and the entire space is illuminated by high-hanging crystal lamps, shining brightly.Rows of young girls lined up on both sides of the hall.

Compared with the eight girls in long skirts outside, these girls in short golden skirts are even more eye-catching.They are younger, and the design of their short skirts is bolder, showing off their white and slender thighs.Whether it is appearance or figure, they are beyond the standard of ordinary people, and their beauty is amazing.Everyone highlights the beauty that should be concave and convex.The moment you step into the golden hall, you feel like you are in a fairyland on earth.

"Welcome distinguished guest." The girls on both sides bowed in unison.The sudden sound startled Wang Dong.Seeing them bowing to ninety degrees one by one, and everyone showing a charming career line, Huo Yuhao didn't care, but Wang Dong felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Wang Dong's embarrassment did not last long.The girl in the white skirt led them up the golden stairs to the second floor of Jubao Pavilion.

The second floor is much quieter than the first floor, and it seems a bit messy, but each booth is surrounded by a huge crystal glass cover, placed in the most reasonable and conspicuous position.A variety of different items are displayed on each stand.

The girl in the white dress stopped, "Welcome distinguished guests to the Treasure Appreciation Fair in Jubao Pavilion. The Treasure Appreciation Fair will be held on the second floor, and the VIPs are free to visit. If you are interested in an item, you can go to the west side to register for purchase. If you need credit, you can also evaluate it there. The evaluation result will determine the discount you can enjoy and the credit amount."


For a moment, Wang Dong was a little surprised.

"It seems that the two distinguished guests are here for the first time. Our Treasure Pavilion will formulate different credit qualifications according to the personal circumstances of each VIP who participates in the Treasure Appreciation Club. The evaluation method mainly considers your current cultivation level, age, soul master class and other factors to conduct a comprehensive assessment. Please rest assured that the Treasure Pavilion will strictly keep your privacy secret, and will never inquire about your family background and life experience. The assessment is only based on your personal ability. We have a set of strict confidentiality measures. Evaluate. In this way, you can determine your credit limit, and you can know when you buy items for the Treasure Appreciation Club. If VIPs need it, I can take you there for evaluation."

"Okay, lead the way."

Huo Yuhao waved his hand and said calmly.

The girl in the white dress led Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong to the west side, and followed her. Wang Dong's gaze was attracted by the booths around him from time to time, like a curious baby.

Wang Dong suddenly pulled Huo Yuhao forcefully and pointed to a booth.In that booth, there was an eye-catching soul bone.The soul bone was golden red, floating on the stand like an arm bone, with five slender finger bones stretching upwards, each fingertip shining with a faint golden red light.Not only Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong noticed this soul bone, but almost everyone who passed by it would be attracted.Moreover, this booth was at least twice the size of other exhibits, and the huge crystal cover made the golden-red light of the spirit bone appear even more brilliant.

Below the soul bone, there is a sign with handwriting written all over it.But because Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong were walking forward, they didn't see clearly what was written on it.

Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Dong, just in time to catch the fiery light in her eyes, and Wang Dong was also watching him, and said in a low voice: "I can feel it, it suits me."

"Then buy it."

Huo Yuhao said calmly.

"Huh? But, at this price"

Wang Dong didn't seem to expect that Huo Yuhao would agree so simply, as if it was some snack he saw on the side of the road.

"What price, this kind of thing also needs to be considered? Who do you think I am?"

Huo Yuhao wrapped one hand around Wang Donger's waist, and said domineeringly, making Wang Donger's face blush again.

Huo Yuhao doesn't care about money at all, because he has too many gold soul coins now.What's more, even if he really can't buy something, if he wants it, the big deal is to let the ice emperor and the dark bell smash the auction house, kill people, and take the things away.

Only the weak will submit to these ridiculous rules.

Just like in the previous life, there are still many things that Huo Yuhao could want here.Needless to say, those medicinal materials for cultivation, the blueprints of soul guides are useless to him, but Huo Yuhao still needs to collect various rare metals for making soul guides, and even various special carving knives for making soul guides.

In fact, when it comes to this, Huo Yuhao also has an easy way to make money, and that is to draw blueprints for making soul tools.As the soul mentor who will become a god in the future, Huo Yuhao's attainment in soul tools is not to say that he is unparalleled in the world, but it is almost the same.When it comes to the height of vision, it must be above anyone in the world.If he wants to sell some blueprints, it will definitely trigger a crowd of soul engineers to snap up them.

They walked nearly a hundred meters, and finally came to the end of the west side.Below the long counter was a light trough that shone with crystal yellow light.Soft light flows from below, which is neither dazzling nor full of texture.

The girl in white walked to the left side of the counter with the two of them, and a girl stood up at the counter and said respectfully: "Hello, two soul masters. Please fill out an evaluation form. We will calculate the creditable amount for you within a few minutes."

Two forms and exquisite ink pens were pushed in front of them, and the contents to be filled in were not cumbersome.

Name, gender, age, soul power level, martial soul.honors received.

There are only six simple items, and there is no need to fill in the age of the soul ring.

In this way, it was much easier for Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong to fill in.Huo Yuhao filled out his spirit eyes in terms of martial soul, so of course he wouldn't reveal his evil martial soul, and naturally he didn't need to mention the second martial soul.

Fill out the form and hand it in.Soon, the evaluation results of the two came out.

The girl who was in charge of registering and calculating the credit limit seemed to be in a daze, and the girl in the white skirt next to the counter urged in a low voice: "Xiao Hong, hurry up."

The girl at the counter has a pretty round face with small eyes, but she looks cute and cute. She looks about seventeen or eighteen years old.Hearing the urging sound, she quickly stood up, but the way she looked at Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong completely changed, with a somewhat fiery brilliance shining.

(End of this chapter)

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