Douluo: I am Huo Yuhao, the Pope of the Holy Spirit!

Chapter 68 The "Stupid" Duchess

Chapter 68 The "Stupid" Duchess
"There is no need to hide that since you have become candidate disciples, you have entered the threshold of the inner court. However, because of this, I must confirm whether you are willing to take on the responsibilities required by the inner court before you actually leave the academy. If you are not willing, you can return to the academy now, and no one will blame you. You can still study and graduate in the outer court. In addition, I must tell you that the knowledge granted by the inner court is not much more than that of the outer court. The inner court disciples are powerful because of that responsibility. You also need to swear to keep it secret like those students who choose to leave after graduating from the outer courtyard, can you do it?"

Everyone could feel that the secret that Elder Xuan was about to reveal was extraordinary, and of course Huo Yuhao knew what he was going to say next.The seven replied almost in unison: "Yes."

Elder Xuan continued: "The Douluo Continent was originally vast and boundless, and its fusion with the Sun Moon Continent made it even wider. Among the four great empires, the Sun Moon Empire has the largest area and rich mineral resources. However, they are always outsiders. Even though thousands of years have passed, the three kingdoms that originally belonged to the Douluo Continent still cannot really accept their existence and are incompatible with each other. This has led to mutual confrontation. Too much damage. But if it is a dispute between soul masters, it will be different."

"Not all soul masters are kind. There are many people who are conceited because of their personal strength, full of arrogance to be the best in the world, and even have evil thoughts. These people bring great harm to ordinary people. Evil soul masters happen from time to time, and often soul masters with higher talents and cultivation bases will be more destructive once they go on evil paths. There was once a tragedy where a soul emperor slaughtered an entire village just because a dish didn't suit his taste. Why?

"Our Shrek Academy has never claimed to be righteous, but we never want to witness the tragedy. Therefore, about 6000 years ago, the academy began to distinguish the inner and outer courtyards."

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao and Nunnally felt almost sick, but they could only continue listening.

"The division of the inner court and the inner court seems to outsiders to be a simple division of strength, and it is even somewhat unfair to the disciples of the outer court. Many people think that the best teachers are in the inner court. But this is not the case. The pressure and responsibilities that the inner court bears are unimaginable for the outer court disciples. And this responsibility is called supervision."

Having said that, Elder Xuan's expression became more serious.

"You must want to ask, supervision? Supervise what? What we want to supervise is not all injustices on the mainland. In fact, that is impossible. The Douluo Continent is vast, and the population of the four empires is uncountable. Our Shrek City alone has a total of 500 million permanent and floating populations. And our inner court has a limited number of disciples, which cannot be managed at all. Therefore, what we supervise can only be soul masters. We target individuals, and even officials, but not the entire country. When there are vicious incidents in the world that the country is unable or unwilling to supervise, or when soul masters commit crimes, we will send inner court disciples to solve them. At that time, our inner court students were called Shrek supervisors, and our inner court also had another title, the Shrek supervisory team. Currently, I am the deputy head of this supervisory team."

"You must be curious. Since there are only less than a hundred people in our inner court, and the mainland is so vast, there must be a lot of vicious incidents. How do we conduct surveillance? Now I can tell you that no matter what country, even the most powerful Sun Moon Empire, dare not underestimate our Shrek monitoring group. At present, although the monitoring group members in our academy have only a few hundred disciples, according to the records of the students in the outer courtyard, there are as many as 2 students who have graduated from Shrek Academy. There are often casualties in the inner courtyard, but I dare say that every person who graduates from the Shrek inner courtyard is the elite of all mankind. Moreover, our academy has the most outstanding teacher team in the whole continent, and every teacher who stays in the academy is also one of the supervisors."

"Every inner court disciple is a supervisor, and they must complete thirty supervisory tasks before they can graduate. This process is not only a test of their strength, but also a edification of their hearts. The training goal of our Shrek Academy is by no means limited to cultivating strong men, but more importantly, cultivating real talents who are willing to dedicate themselves to maintaining peace and stability in the mainland."

"I must tell you that as members of the Shrek Oversight Group, we are both observers and law enforcers. The tasks we face are all difficult and full of danger. We have even faced the threat of Title Douluo. It is possible to put your life in danger at any time. Therefore, you must carefully consider whether you are willing to become a member of the Oversight Group. Moreover, the Oversight Group is not paid."

Xuanzi looked at the crowd seriously and said.There was hesitation on Wang Donger's face, while Xiao Xiao, Jiang Nannan and others all looked eager to try, obviously they had been completely substituted into the rhythm of Elder Xuan.

Dai Yaoheng took a step, walked to Elder Xuan's side, and said in a steady voice: "Students, juniors, as a member of the Shrek Supervisory Team, I want to tell you that becoming a supervisor is the proudest honor of many seniors in the inner courtyard who have graduated. Even though they have left the academy, there are still many people who are silently undertaking the duties of supervisors. For the wicked, we are the blade of death; The Lakers have helped countless people, and helping them is the most beautiful process of our inner growth. I have always believed that doing good is not just helping others, but helping ourselves. That sense of satisfaction cannot be replaced by anything else.”

"I am very honored. So far, I have completed 28 monitoring missions, and I am not far away from thirty. In this process, I have eliminated those robbers who wanted to plunder, put an end to those stupid officials who were greedy for life, and rescued enslaved children. The school motto of the inner court is that strength and responsibility are equal, and the heart and kindness go together. I am willing to work together with you."

"It's really satisfying. How can you be dissatisfied with getting hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins so quickly? Hey, although you say you are a teacher, can you bring me one?"

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded, and both Dai Huabin and Elder Xuan frowned suddenly.

"Teacher Xu Jiaer, watch your words and deeds!"

Wang Yan's expression darkened suddenly, and he said.

"Oh, am I wrong? Even though you said you didn't get paid, in two years you've 'self-raised' hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins with this identity. I've always been envious of this. As a teacher, you should add me to this kind of thing!"

The Duchess raised her hand and said with a weary face, which made Dai Yueheng feel black on his forehead.

"Mr. Jia'er, why did you pick this kind of thing to talk about! Is this our theme now?"

Dai Yueheng was startled and angry in his heart, and said through gritted teeth.Even if you want to follow along to make a fortune, you can say it on another occasion!

And at this time, the expressions on the faces of Xiao Xiao, Jiang Nannan and others became very exciting.

Didn't you agree that you won't be paid?Didn't you talk about the satisfaction in your heart?Didn't you agree on the mission and responsibilities of the supervisor?

Hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins are in Wang Dong's concept. It seems that the Haotian School's annual income through various tangible and intangible industries, plus some secret offerings of the sect, seems to be only a few million gold soul coins.

Hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins, I am afraid that I can already open a small sect.Is this a monitoring group, a blackmailing group, or a looting group?

Brother Fu, add me!
The expression on Elder Xuan's face at this moment was even more exciting, wishing he could slap the duchess, a blind idiot, to death right now, but he couldn't get angry.He had just brewed a good mood, said such a big thing, and was disturbed by the Duchess, it all turned into a pile of shit.

The point is, what the Duchess said was still true.

His thoughts now are naturally exactly the same as Dai Yueheng's.You bastard, why do you only pick up this kind of thing to report?Don't know how to stick to a benign guide?How innocent these children are.

"Ahem. Sigh, children, some things are not that simple. That's right, what the old man didn't say is that although being a Shrek monitoring team doesn't get paid, it will also generate various incomes. But, you all understand that these are secondary and unimportant. We usually donate these golden soul coins to poor areas or fund the construction of schools. You will understand these things in the future."

Elder Xuan cleared his throat, and said without blushing.

"Well, let's think about joining the monitoring team later."

Huo Yuhao said calmly, in front of Elder Xuan, there was an unquestionable feeling in his voice.

Although it would not hurt him to join this shit monitoring group, he still felt a little disgusted in his heart, so he didn't want to join it unless necessary.

However, what he didn't expect was that even if they didn't choose to join the Shrek monitoring group for the time being in this life, Elder Xuan still assigned the "death mission" to go to the bordering mountains to destroy the bandit group of evil soul masters.The reason why it is called a death mission is because in this mission, Shrek and his party are destined to suffer heavy casualties, and the selected team members are almost completely abolished, so that Huo Yuhao and his young children have to be bloody to make up the number.

(End of this chapter)

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