Chapter 88 Xu Jiawei's Tragedy
Star Luo City, as the capital and largest city of the Star Luo Empire, has been crowded for several days.

This kind of congestion is not limited to certain areas, but every street in the whole city is a busy scene full of people and voices.

The two semi-finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition have successfully concluded. Since the semi-finals, people began to swarm outside Xingluo Square.Some people even waited in line for two full days and two nights, just to witness the grand finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition.Perhaps, this will be an important moment they will never forget.

In fact, up to now, there have been countless gossips circulating in the market; but the public, as the audience, not only don't care, but have a sense of taboo excitement.

In particular, today's games add those gruesome punishments to the traditional schedule.These days, the Jiaofang Division of the Xingluo Imperial Family is already overcrowded; many people even spent all their wealth just to enjoy a fairy tale in the Jiaofang Division.
What's also exciting is that although this final involves team battles, individual knockouts, and two-two-three tactics, all games will be completed in one day!Such a grand event, no matter how hard it is, it will not hesitate.It was a rare and wonderful moment that will be remembered for a lifetime.

In order to maintain the order of the imperial capital, the Star Luo Empire urgently mobilized [-] elite soldiers into the city to maintain order.All shops in the city have extended their business hours to meet the sudden increase in the number of foreign tourists.In order to satisfy these participating audiences from all over the world, various resources were urgently allocated from surrounding cities.For a time, the prosperity of Star Luo City was unprecedented.

Undoubtedly, the economic benefits brought to the Star Luo Empire by this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition are immeasurable.It is no wonder that various empires competed for the right to host, and finally had to compromise with each other, and each competition was hosted by a country.

It's a pity that no matter how much money or income they earn now, it has nothing to do with the Xingluo royal family.

The two sides in the finals, one is Shrek Academy, while the other is the sudden rise of the men in black forces. There are also many speculations about this new team, which are almost inseparable from the sudden turmoil in Star Luo City. It is related to the violent turmoil in the palace at that time.It is also impossible to say that people are not curious and excited.

Maybe, maybe, these guys are the new owners of Star Luo City!

In the underground black market, there is also a handicap for the finals. One side is a new mysterious force that is suspected to be related to the sudden change in Star Luo City; exist.In the end, even though Team Shrek's lineup was incomplete, the three main players could all play, and Na Na, who was the "Soul Sect" but easily killed Ma Rulong, the captain of the sixth-level soul engineer of Team Sun Moon Nelly.The odds on Shrek Academy are slightly higher than the mysterious Holy Spirit team.Five point five to six point five.

Today's weather is not too pleasant, Star Luo City is shrouded in a cloudy sky, and there is even some light fog floating in it.The occasional drizzle brings a bit of coolness to this magnificent city.

However, even if the weather is a bit cold, it can't cool down the enthusiasm of the people from all directions in Xingluo City.Because, the finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition are about to begin, and a peak duel will be staged today.

At this moment, two teams that are about to face off against each other are on their way to Star Luo Plaza.Along the roadside, soldiers lined up to block the people who shouted their names loudly.Many people who failed to enter Star Luo Plaza gathered on both sides of the passage, watching the two teams from a close distance.

Ling Luochen walked among the Shrek Academy team, looking up at the sky from time to time, with a gleam of joy on her pretty face.As the controller of the ice element, it is undoubtedly very beneficial to her in this wet and possibly rainy weather!What's more, in theory, Huo Yuhao was there to help.

Yesterday, Wang Yan arranged strategies and tactics for the whole day, and this morning he made some changes according to the weather.Facing the upcoming finals, everyone is a little too nervous, but it is inevitable.

In an enthusiastic atmosphere, the final is about to kick off, and the city's anticipation and tension are intertwined, as if spreading a turbulent ocean, which cannot be suppressed.

It's just that they still don't know what kind of frightening game they are about to usher in.
The red carpet goes all the way to the rest area and then around the competition stage.On the top of the city in the distance, His Majesty the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire had already arrived at the city with all the civil and military officials of the Star Luo Empire.To show respect for the two upcoming final teams.

Dai Yaoheng's eyes, whether intentional or not, turned to the top of the city, but there was no longer the figure he had admired for a long time.Yesterday, he sneaked back to the Xinghuang Hotel where he obviously had no place at night, but in front of the door, he heard a familiar panting sound, and
At that moment, his heart was twisted like a knife, and he stayed up all night. He also uncontrollably developed strong resentment towards Huo Yuhao who was in the same team.

The emperor of the Star Luo Empire, Xu Jiawei, stood dumbfounded on the top of the city, with an extremely haggard face; at this moment, as long as the subjects of the Star Luo Empire were not fools, they could tell that something was wrong with their majesty.

"Quiet, the competition is about to begin! Our Majesty still has a few words to say. One sentence is missing, hehe."

Xu Zihuang, who was dressed in eunuch clothes, raised an orchid finger, snorted strangely, and said.However, although his voice was high-pitched, it spread throughout the entire Xingluo Plaza, and everyone felt awe-inspiring.

Xu Jiawei glanced at his subjects, suppressed tears from shedding, and said expressionlessly: "The last time I witnessed the final of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition in Xingluo City was 20 years ago. At that time , I am still a young man. Time has passed, and today, 20 years later, I am already the king of a country. Alas, the forest flowers withered in the spring, too hastily, and the cold rain came and the wind came later.”

"Cough cough!"

Zhang Peng coughed, and Xu Jiawei came back to his senses at this moment, wiped away his tears, and continued:

"We will witness another duel between the strongest young people on the mainland. I am very, very excited. I hope that the players from both sides can dedicate a wonderful game to every spectator. According to the usual practice, the final The winner will be rewarded with three soul bones and a million gold soul coins. I have selected ten soul bones from our country's treasury to be selected by the final champion. For today's competition, I wanted to invite Brother Dai Hao to personally Hosted, but he has urgent military affairs recently, so he can't come to Star Luo City for a while. Therefore, the referee for this match is still Scorpion Tiger Douluo."

"No more talk, let's invite everyone to join me in watching this duel that will definitely be recorded in the annals of history."

As soon as Emperor Xingluo's words fell, a black air flashed across the city in an instant, and appeared in the center of the competition platform the next moment.It was Scorpion Tiger Douluo Zhang Peng.

"Okay, there's no need to say more about the rules. Hurry up and lead the death. Ah no, come up to the game. Don't worry, this referee will absolutely take care of his own people!"

Scorpion Tiger Douluo Zhang Peng hooked his fingers towards Shrek Academy, and said provocatively.As he said that, he deliberately glanced at Shrek's rest shed, and looked at the sloppy old man holding the chicken leg.

In an instant, Elder Xuan's face turned green.I am super, are you talking about it?

(End of this chapter)

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