I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 305 Allen and Jenny

Chapter 305 Allen and Jenny

After drinking, he looked at me, then at Ming Si, seeing that neither of us raised our glasses, he smiled helplessly.

"Boss?" he reminded.

Ming Si raised his lips and reached out to grab the glass on the table. Seeing the situation, I lifted the glass one step ahead of him, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said to Ling Feng: "Okay, I've finished the wine, thank you."

"The chairman doesn't want to drink?"

"He doesn't drink."

"But he drank at the last party."

"That was the last time." I choked on Ling Feng, he froze for a moment, nodded thoughtfully, and turned back to his seat.

Everyone at the table looked at me with astonishing eyes, Shang Liqi gave me a thumbs up: "You are a good guy."

In this case, how can I not drink this glass of wine for Ming Si, today is the day of the big wedding, I don't want to watch him soak in ice water.

Ming Si smiled warmly, and murmured: "We will check into the hotel directly later, how about going to Bali for our honeymoon?"

I opened my mouth, but before I said anything, Ming Si said again: "The flight ticket has been booked."


He didn't discuss the honeymoon with me... He actually made up his mind to go to Bali.

I hadn't mentioned the honeymoon until the wedding, though, thinking he'd prefer me to stay home and go nowhere until Ellen and Jenny got caught.

Just take it as a surprise for me!

Bali is Bali.

"Okay." I answered.

Afterwards, some toasts came one after another, and Shang Liqi and I held a few glasses for Ming Si respectively. Shang Liqi has a very good capacity for alcohol, and his face remained unchanged after several glasses of wine.

"Congratulations on finally getting this damn marriage done." He smiled and drank a glass of wine by himself.

A table of people looked at him blankly, and he laughed loudly: "What are you all looking at me for? You should eat and drink."

However, there are only a few of us who can eat and drink at the table. Ming Si is the one who always sits upright and does not eat or drink. The three of Chu Meng only drink the 'red wine' they brought. If they have a good appetite, I am afraid that only Aunt and Shang Yi are there.

The two of them seem to get along well, and they don't know when they can drink their wedding wine.

After asking casually, my aunt's face showed a slight shame. Today, she is wearing a decent dress and a coat. She has carefully done her hair and put on light makeup. She looks ten years younger and looks good.

She changed the topic: "Since you and Ming Si have a wedding, let's be together well."

"I know, then you and Uncle Shang..."

The topic came back again, my aunt looked away, picked up the chopsticks and started eating, deliberately pretending to be stupid with me.

Shang Yi smiled at me: "I'm not in a hurry, the key is to wait for your aunt to speak."

"So, Auntie, when did you agree to Uncle Shang? He has been chasing you for many years, and you almost agreed to him."

My aunt coughed twice, her cheeks were stained with red, she got up, "I'm going to the bathroom."

She left her seat, and I hurried to follow.

Realizing that I followed her into the bathroom, she smiled wryly: "You child, why do you embarrass me in front of so many people?"

"How can I embarrass you? You know that Uncle Shang likes you, and I can see that you don't hate Uncle Shang. You have lived together for such a long time. Why don't you just choose an auspicious day and arrange the happy event."

"That's what I said, but I'm getting old..."

"Who said you are old? I think my aunt is still very young." I took her arm and leaned my head on her shoulder coquettishly, and she laughed helplessly.

"You child, you wish I could get married soon, don't you?"

"I hope my aunt can have a family. When I'm not with you, it's great to have a companion by your side!" I said from the bottom of my heart.

My aunt has always been my biggest worry. I don’t know why she has been single and never married. Maybe she is thinking of me, or maybe she hasn’t met the person she likes, but now that I’m married, I really don’t want to see her alone again.

My job risk factor is a bit high. After graduation, I follow Shang Liqi to face supernatural events all day long. Maybe I will lose my life at some point. Taking a step back, if I really encounter any danger in my future work and cannot provide for my aunt, at least she has Uncle Shang by her side.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little sad.

My aunt patted me on the shoulder, and straightened the skirt on me. This skirt was changed after coming to the hotel, and it was still chosen by Ming Si.

He has a unique vision and is more sensitive to colors. The skirt is beige and knee-length, making my skin very fair.

My aunt looked at me, her eyes sparkled, and she said earnestly: "Don't worry about me, Shang Yi treats me very well, if he proposes to me, I think I will agree to him."


She smiled and nodded.

Such shocking news, I have to tell Shang Yi quickly.

"Then aunt, go to the bathroom, I'll go back first."

I was ecstatic and rushed out of the bathroom, wanting to tell Shang Yi what my aunt had said, but before I reached the hall, two men in black stopped me.

It is a man and a woman.

The man is tall and the woman is tall, both wearing peaked caps, and their skin exposed to the air is as white as porcelain.

They appeared suddenly, like a gust of wind, blocking my way forward and my way back in the long corridor.


Seeing them, the first reaction in my mind was - Alan and Jenny.

The tall man in front of him had a straight figure, and his upright appearance was somewhat similar to that of Ming Si.

"Miss Ji, I didn't mean to bother you, but you have to come with us." The man opened his mouth, his voice was as thin as ice.

My heart suddenly panicked.

"Ellen? Jenny?" I asked tentatively.

The woman raised her lips and smiled, the murderous look in her eyes was self-evident.

"It's us."

"It's really you, Chumeng is looking for you, she..."

Before I could finish my words, Jenny approached and covered my mouth. At this moment, Allen stepped forward and clasped my hands behind his back. He was tying my hands and feet with ropes.

"Hmm..." I struggled.

My hands and feet were quickly bound, and seeing Alan pull out a beige handkerchief from his coat pocket to gag me, my aunt came out of the bathroom.

"Hmm..." I shouted at my aunt desperately, the voice came from my throat.

"Who are you?" My aunt saw us at a glance, her eyes widened immediately, and she opened her mouth to shout, but Jenny teleported over and slapped her on the back of the neck.

With her back against the wall, she fell slowly, unconscious.


The mouth was completely blocked by Allen with a handkerchief.

"Be honest, or I'll be rude to you." After he warned in a low voice, he carried me on his shoulders, and I struggled vigorously but it was of no avail.

(End of this chapter)

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