I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 455: The Soul Conjuring Ceremony 2

Chapter 455: The Soul Conjuring Ceremony 2
He dug out Mingsi's number from the address book and was about to pull it out when Shang Liqi said, "I suggest you don't call Mingsi."

I was surprised, "Why?"

He glanced at me and said calmly: "If he wants to know about tonight's mission, he must be extremely worried. If he suddenly appears in Li Weiya's hometown, our soul-calling ceremony will all be in vain."


Shang Liqi's meaning is obvious, he is afraid that the underworld will show up, and other ghosts will run away because of this.

Although Li Weier is an evil ghost, like other ghosts, she will be terrified when she sees the underworld, so it is reasonable for her to escape.

However, if you don't go home all night, if you don't notify Ming Si, what if he suddenly finds you?
It is not suitable to do this to Ming Si, he will be even more anxious if he can't find me, maybe he will send a black spot to track my whereabouts, and the chances of finding Li Weiya's hometown are very high.

"Then you have to tell him?"

Shang Liqi thought for a while, then sighed helplessly, "Then you send him a text message, saying that you are staying at Li Weiya's house tonight, and your mission is to protect Li Weiya's safety."


According to his intention, I sent a text message to Ming Si, and within a short while after the message was successfully sent, Ming Si called me.

Shang Liqi glanced at the caller ID, and yelled: "This guy, Ming Si, really..."

"I took it?"

"It's so annoying, just pick it up!"

Shang Liqi waved his hand, looked ahead and continued to focus on driving.

Pressing the answer button, I attached the phone to my ear, and the voice of Ming Si came over, "Are you working alone in Shangshang Company? What is Shang Liqi doing?"

"He has other things."

"What can he do?" Ming Si's tone was a little impatient.

"He...he's going to deal with Li Weier tonight, and I'm in charge of protecting Li Weiya." I told a white lie.

The receiver went blank for a while, I couldn't imagine Ming Si's expression at this moment, but I could feel that he was not very happy.

After a while, he finally spoke again, "Come back early when you're done."

"I see."

Before I could say anything else, Ming Si hung up the phone.

Putting the phone back in my pocket, I breathed a sigh of relief.

But Shang Liqi said displeased: "Sixi, I didn't mean you, you are too 'strict'. I only heard of strict wife control, but I have never seen you and Ming Si like this. Do you have to report everything to Ming Si?"

I don't know what he is angry about.

"I won't be able to go home all night, shouldn't I tell him? If he can't wait for me to come to me suddenly, can't we still hold the soul-calling ceremony?"

He glanced at me, and said indifferently: "Forget it, I can't speak to you."

"You are alone, can you also consider me, a family man?"

"Grandma, can I be wrong? Can you stop being serious with me, I'm driving, don't affect me, if the car falls into a ditch, the responsibility is yours or mine." He complained, but his tone was softer than before.

However, his words still made me inexplicably angry.

What do you mean I should be serious with him?Obviously he was looking for trouble.

I want to go to the surrounding counties to perform missions, the key is to spend the night outside, if the matter is resolved that night, I might be able to go home in the middle of the night, but if the matter cannot be resolved, I will not be able to return until the next day.

I just can't understand him, what is his brain circuit?Can't even understand this kind of thing?
Along the way, I kept silent and kept my eyes on the window.

Shang Liqi also became more silent, even Li Weiya in the back seat was surprisingly quiet, and the atmosphere in the car became more rigid.

Due to the delay in finding a gas station on the road, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the destination.

The old house of Li Weiya's family is located in the outskirts of the town. It is very remote. The house is a single building. After the fire, it has been turned into ruins.

The car parked outside the abandoned house, and when I got out of the car, I saw several children about ten years old running out of the house.

They all had panicked expressions on their faces, shouting as they ran, "Haunted house! Haunted house..."

Several people ran away in a panic.

After recovering, I wanted to go to the trunk to get something, but when I turned around, I bumped into Shang Liqi.

He had already taken out the things he needed from the trunk, and when he bumped into me, he staggered two steps, and roared violently, "Can you just watch someone?"

I didn't say a word, I stepped aside, he walked past me, and said coldly: "Don't be dumbfounded, come with me."

The house was severely burned, and as soon as he stepped inside, the wooden boards under his feet creaked and creaked.

Li Weiya walked last, and she looked around nervously.

Shang Liqi walked to the center of the living room, glanced around the room, put the things in his hands on the ground, and moved a burnt black broken table over.

After setting up the table, he took out a black cloth from his backpack and spread it on the table, and placed the things on the ground on the table one by one.

The censer was placed in the center of the table, and next to it were incense, lighters, candles, mahogany swords, and yellow watch paper. As for the spirit-calling banner, he hung it up to the door in no hurry, and patted the dust on his hands. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

"Is there anywhere to eat nearby?" he asked.

Li Weiya shook her head, "For dinner, we have to go to the county town. There are no restaurants here in the suburbs."

Shang Liqi nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Then let's go to the city for dinner and come back after dark."

He walked out of the house quickly, and I couldn't help muttering: "I just know how to eat."

As soon as the voice fell, he was startled, turned around suddenly, stared at me and asked, "What did you say?"

"It's not yet five o'clock, and it's still early for dinner."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, are you not hungry? Then don't go, just stay here."

"I did not say……"

"Okay, stop talking, you stay here, Miss Li and I will go into the city." He looked gloomy, and after finishing speaking, he forcibly dragged Li Weiya out the door.

I wanted to catch up with him, but if I just followed him like this, I would lose face to some extent, so I simply stayed here as he said.

I watched helplessly as the two got into the car, and the car drove away quickly, while I could only wait patiently in the dilapidated house.

The house was pitch black, with dust and carbon ash everywhere, and there was not even a place to sit.

I went outside, sat down in a clean place in the yard, and couldn't help looking at my watch from time to time.

Time passed more slowly than I imagined, and I felt like I had been sitting there for a long time, but when I looked at the time, I realized that only ten minutes had passed.

(End of this chapter)

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