I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 476 The ghost chapter is flustered 1

Chapter 476
I felt unexplainably relieved.

Originally, I thought he would be brooding over Wu Fu's death, but after so much time has passed, his life with Fat Aunt has returned to the right track, maybe deep in his heart, he still cannot avoid feeling sad and thinking of Wu Fu, but time is a good medicine, no matter how big the pain is, it can be healed slowly.

I tried to talk to Ji Wentai about something else, although he was not enthusiastic enough, it was a good start for me.

He seemed ready to accept me.

Near seven o'clock, night fell completely.

I got up and said goodbye to Ji Wentai and Aunt Fat. They didn't force us to stay and watched us go out.

It took about a few minutes to walk to the entrance of the village. However, this section of the road, whether long or short, was shrouded in gloom.

Today is the Ghost Festival, and there are almost no pedestrians on the road. Although the lights are on in every house, the village is very quiet, which is unusually quiet.

Meng Tian walked between Shang Liqi and me, and kept pushing towards Shang Liqi. Shang Liqi glanced at her humbly, and squeezed her with his shoulder.

"Get too close, it's hot!"

Meng Tian shuddered, but still cheekily leaned towards him.

"Don't you feel a little cold?" She lowered her voice and said mysteriously.

Shang Liqi snorted coldly: "Nonsense, today is the Ghost Festival, and Ah Piao is everywhere."

"Ah? It's everywhere?" Meng Tian's eyes widened in fright, and there were bursts of sweat on her forehead.

She threw herself on Shang Liqi, and tried her best to get into his arms.

Seeing Meng Tian like this, Shang Liqi laughed bitterly: "I really lost to you, and you can't see it, so why are you so scared?"

"I can feel it!"

"I think you are taking advantage of me."

"I do not have……"

Mengtian trembled shiveringly, hiding in Shang Liqi's arms, looking very carefree.

I didn't look around, but out of the corner of my eye I could see a lot of lonely ghosts. On such a day, it's best not to look into the eyes of any ghosts, so as not to get into trouble.

Although Meng Tian couldn't see those ghosts, but the surrounding area was very dark, she must have sensed something, and when Shang Liqi frightened her, she became even more afraid.

"I'll hold you, so it's okay?" Shang Liqi didn't know what to do with Meng Tian, ​​and he was still a little weak, but he hugged Meng Tian in one go, it didn't seem to take much effort.

The moment Meng Tian's body flew into the air, her cheeks were flushed, her head drooped, her whole face was buried in Shang Liqi's neck, and she was instantly as quiet as a baby girl.

Shang Liqi looked down at Mengtian in his arms, and shook his head helplessly: "You are so cowardly, I suggest you be my little secretary in the office in the future, and give Sixi the full authority to work as an assistant."

Hearing this, Meng Tiangu's eyes rounded, and said dissatisfied: "Why do I have to do the job of serving tea and water?"

"Because you're cowardly, you won't be able to help you when you're carrying out the mission."

"I'll get used to it slowly."

"How long has it been since you got used to it, which time did you not cause trouble for me..."

While complaining, Shang Liqi walked towards the entrance of the village.

I followed behind him, and suddenly there was a roar in my ears, and then a burst of chaotic words poured into my eardrums.

I covered my ears hard, and there was a tingling in my ears. Those voices kept ringing in my ears, as if many people were whispering to me in my ears at the same time.

"A new demon is about to be born, guess who will become the new demon..."

"Your death is near."

"Don't try to resist, it's useless..."


More and more voices are delivering this information to me.

My head was about to explode, and the tingling in my ears was getting worse and worse. I tried to cover my ears with my hands, but the voices were still there.

"A new demon is about to be born, guess who will become the new demon..."

"Your death is near."

"Don't try to resist, it's useless..."

The voice was still repeating, I looked around, and there were rows of ghosts standing on both sides of the road at some point, including men, women, old and young, all of them were pale and gray, staring at eyes like dead fish, and their mouths were opening and closing.

They're all staring at me, they're talking to me.

The sound that pierced the eardrum was made by them, it was them.

"Enough! Enough! Stop talking." I yelled hysterically, almost exhausting all my strength.

The roar crossed the sky, the sound fell, the voice in the ear disappeared, and the ghosts standing by the roadside disappeared.

Shang Liqi looked at me in surprise, and said, "Why are you so crazy? In the middle of the night, a sudden howl of a wolf can scare people into heart attacks, you know that?"

I took a few breaths, my heart was pounding violently in my chest.

Meng Tian, ​​who was nestled in Shang Liqi's arms, also looked at me in panic, as if I had done something abnormal just now.

"Didn't you hear the sound?" I asked nervously, touching my forehead only to realize that I was sweating profusely.

Shang Liqi narrowed his eyes slightly, under the street lamp, his face was extremely pale.

"what sound?"

"A lot of ghostly voices, they are talking..."

"No, what did you hear?"

Just as I was about to speak, a white figure suddenly flashed beside Shang Liqi, it was a woman, wearing a white skirt, her black hair was messily draped over her shoulders, half of the woman's face was covered by her hair, and only a faint green eye could be seen on the exposed half of her face.

I swallowed hard, trying to remind Shang Liqi, but Shang Liqi had already noticed something strange.

He quickly put Meng Tian down, bit his finger, and shook his hand at the woman, only to see a drop of blood flying from his finger, hitting the woman's green eyes.

The woman let out a cry of pain, covered her eyes with her hands and stepped back a few steps.

Shang Liqi touched the Taoist talisman, strode forward, and slapped the talisman directly on the woman's forehead.

The woman froze immediately, a tear of blood flowed out of the green eye, Shang Liqi couldn't help but take out the ghost cloth pouch, and shouted at the woman: "Take it!"

The woman couldn't resist, so she could only obediently be taken into the bag.

Just when we all breathed a sigh of relief, a black shadow flashed from the side of the road and entered Meng Tian's body in the blink of an eye.

Meng Tian's body trembled, her eyes instantly turned cold, and a cold smile gradually appeared on her tightly pursed lips.

Shang Liqi put away the cloth bag, but he didn't notice that Meng Tian was possessed by a ghost.

I stepped forward eagerly, rushed over a few steps, tried to touch the talisman from my pocket, but found nothing.

I actually forgot that the last talisman on my body had already been pasted on the willow tree, except for a mahogany dagger stained with the blood of the most yin, there was only a red thread left on my body.

Without thinking about it, I pulled out the red thread, and before Meng Tian had any reaction, I quickly wrapped the red thread around her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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