Chapter 480
Before I could get up, he jumped up, and his huge body pressed me under him.

His hands rested on both sides of my shoulders, his eyes narrowed, his eyes were sly.

"Aren't you going to bite me to death?"


I swallowed hard, but was stunned by his question.

"Need I remind you that when a car breaks down, the owner will contact the insurance company for after-sales service, and then a rescue team will rush there?" He opened and closed his thin lips, speaking seriously.

The cold breath breathed on my face, and I couldn't help shivering.

"Let me remind you again, I didn't ask Shang Liqi for help with Qinxue's matter. You need him, no, he thinks you need him."


Looking at Ming Si's eyes, I feel a little oppressed inexplicably.

He took it for granted, as if he never put Shang Liqi in his eyes, but in fact, I know him well, for him, Shang Liqi is a friend, a very good friend worthy of his trust.

But he is always suspicious of my relationship with Shang Liqi. I really think his suspicion is not normal, it is completely pathological.

"Can you be normal?" I pushed his shoulder hard, but he didn't move.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Shang Liqi and I are just friends..."

"I know." He rushed to say, frowned fiercely, remained silent for a few seconds, and added: "But he doesn't think so, I'm sure, more than once, he hopes that the person by your side is not me, but him."

My heart skipped a beat, and suddenly I didn't know how to respond.

Ming Si's tone was very certain, as if he had already understood Shang Liqi's thinking and knew what was going on in Shang Liqi's mind.

"If you don't believe me, how about we do an experiment?"

He stared at me intently, with dark currents in his eyes.

"What test?"

"let's breakup."


I was so shocked that I panicked immediately.

"What's the deal? Who wants to break up with you? It doesn't matter!"

I yelled, because I was too anxious, I completely forgot that I was still angry, so I brazenly held his face and kissed him forcefully.

He didn't seem to expect me to behave like this, and neither did I.

To kiss him actively is completely a spontaneous behavior of the body that is not controlled by the brain.

Moved away from his lips, and met his eyes again, only to find that there was a wicked smile on the corner of his lips.

"So you like me so much?" The corner of his mouth twitched, he leaned beside me, propped his head on one hand, and looked at me with interest.

He has already thrown the big threat of Shang Liqi out of the blue.

I was a little embarrassed to be seen by him, and I muttered: "Actually, I don't like it very much."

"Really? Let's break up then."

"It doesn't matter! If you dare to break up with me again, I'll take you with a ghost bag and see where you go." I gritted my teeth, sat up somersault, and punched him with rounded fists.

The fist landed on his shoulder. I used a lot of strength, but to him it was just a tickle.

He smiled deeply, and the smile between his eyebrows became brighter, "If you don't break up, it doesn't happen to mean that you like me very much."

"If you leave me, won't I be haunted by those ghosts again?"

I deliberately teased him, but when he heard this, his smile froze immediately.

I noticed that his expression was getting colder and colder. Just as I was about to explain, he suddenly stood up and said, 'I'll go back to the underworld', and then disappeared.

I couldn't help but wonder if he would be unhappy because of my joke. Of course, I didn't stay with him because I made a yin relationship with him and could save the fate of being entangled by ghosts. God knows how much I love him.

Yes, it is love!It's not just about liking it.

As long as he knows me a little bit, he should know that what he just said was just a joke of mine.

However, thinking of Ming Si's cold face when he left, I still felt uneasy.

As soon as he left, I was so sleepy that I suddenly couldn't sleep.

My heart always feels as if there is a ball of cotton clogged up, very aggrieved!
After charging the phone and turning it on, after hesitating for a while, he finally called Shang Liqi. As soon as the connection was made, Shang Liqi said, "The after-sales service of this insurance company is rubbish. There is an after-sales point nearby. After calling, it's only now..."

Hearing his complaints, I told him the good news: "Qinxue's resurrection was successful, she is fine now, sleeping."

"That's good, you should also take a rest quickly, don't worry about us, we are already on our way back to the city."

"Then text me when you get home."


The call ends here.

It was Shang Liqi who hung up the phone first, and just focused on this point. He couldn't tell that he liked me at all. If he liked me, could he hang up on me casually?
It was Ming Si who made a big deal out of a molehill, he was seriously suspicious!
Yes, he is sick!

Thinking of this, I was inexplicably angry.

Tossing and turning in bed, I don't know when I fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was already daylight.

The Hungry Ghost Festival passed like this, Wufu's soul flew away, and Qinxue came back to life, so there was no chaos in the Yin and Yang realms.

The power supply in the urban area has been restored. Looking through the window, the streets are full of traffic, and people's lives have returned to normal.

What happened in the past two days is like a dream. When I wake up from the dream, everything is as usual.

I got up and saw Ming Si, so I walked out of the bedroom and ran to the opposite room first.

The white cloth around the bed was still there, I tore off the white cloth, only to find that Qinxue had woken up, she was sitting on the bed blankly, looking at me faintly.

I smiled at her, but she remained expressionless, staring at me for a while, then shifted her gaze to the wall, staring at those scalp-numbing paintings in a daze.

Those paintings are too late to cover with fresh paint, however, I won't save them for tomorrow.

Knowing that Qinxue may have misunderstood me now, so I didn't take her attitude to heart.

Putting away the white cloth, I sat down beside the bed.

"Qinxue, what do you want for breakfast?"

She didn't say a word, didn't look at me, and kept staring at the painting on the wall.


"Uncle is out of his wits." She said lightly, her mouth trembling a few times, and continued: "Uncle said that I can summon evil spirits, and he also said that even if I don't summon evil spirits, evil spirits will come to me on their own initiative. Can you and Dad accept me like this?"

Her expression and her tone of voice are not quite like a child, but calmly like an adult.

I froze for a moment, and quickly said, "Of course Mom and Dad will accept you, but can you promise me that you will never summon evil spirits?"

She turned to look at me and didn't give me any response, which made me a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it, I said, "If the evil spirits come to you, Mom and Dad will take care of it, I promise you! In exchange, you promise me that you will never summon the evil spirits, is that okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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