I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 496 When Death In Progress 1

Chapter 496 When Death In Progress 1
"What do you mean by sorry?" Ming Si asked seriously.

I opened my mouth and was about to answer when a thunder crackled above my head, followed by a storm.

Large black clouds quickly accumulated in the sky, and the sky became overcast.

Lightning and thunder were almost imminent.

Ming Si looked dignified, staring straight at the villa. Suddenly, he quickly got out of the car and ran towards the villa.

I chased after him, and as soon as I ran into the yard, the big raindrops began to fall.

In just a few seconds, my whole body was drenched with a chill.

Ming Si has already stepped into the room.

When I followed up, he was nowhere to be seen on the first floor, and I ran up to the second floor, only to see him exiting Qinxue's room.

"Qinxue is gone."

I was shocked.


"She's gone."

With an eager expression on his face, Ming Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the black dot appeared in the next moment.

It landed on Hades' shoulder, "What orders does Lord Hades have?"

"Find Qinxue, as soon as possible!"


After receiving the order, the black spot flapped its wings and flew up, directly passing through the wall, and it walked in a hurry.

As soon as Hei Dian left, Ming Si ran downstairs, his steps were so fast that I couldn't catch up with him while trotting all the way.

Seeing him open the door and rush out, I shouted, "Umbrella..."

After getting no response, he rushed out like this and disappeared without a trace.

My heart was anxious, I felt that Qinxue must have heard the content of my conversation with Ming Si, that's why she left in such a hurry.

She was afraid that we would hurt her, so she could only choose to leave.

The torrential rain poured down with no sign of stopping.

As night fell, I turned on all the lights in the room to brighten the room.

Near eight o'clock in the evening, the doorbell rang suddenly.

I rushed forward to open the door eagerly, but it was Chen Luoyang who came.

Holding a black umbrella, he walked sideways past me and entered the house without waiting for my reaction.

Putting the umbrella away in the entrance, he took off his wet shoes, and seeing a pair of men's slippers in front of him, he asked me, "Can I wear these shoes?"

"Wait a moment."

Those were Ming Si's slippers, if he wore them, Ming Si would definitely be unhappy.

I found a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them in front of him, "You can wear these!"

"Thank you."

Taking off the slightly wet police uniform jacket and hanging it on the hanger in the entrance, he strode into the room.

Sitting down on the sofa, he asked me, "Is there any hot water?"

"Oh, yes."

I turned around and went into the kitchen again, made a cup of hot tea and brought it out to him.

I don't know why he came here at this time, but obviously he came in a hurry.

I was so anxious that I couldn't sit still, and I kept spinning back and forth in the living room.

He stared at me for a long time, and said quietly: "Tonight, I got the surveillance video of the haunted house in the amusement park. Guess what the surveillance captured?"


There is no doubt that Qinxue must have been caught by surveillance cameras.

"You should have read the report on the haunted house incident, right?" He asked, staring at me for a moment, which made me feel a little nervous.

"I've seen it." I pretended to be calm.

"When the haunted house incident happened, the surveillance video captured the child pretending to be a ghost." He paused, narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued: "I also found out that the child was in a car accident and died."

I swallowed my throat and remained silent.

He added: "Why don't you see your husband and children?"


I wanted to tell a lie, but my mind went blank, and I didn't say anything for a long time.

Chen Luoyang put the water glass on the coffee table, got up and walked in front of me, and said seriously: "The child captured by the surveillance is you and Ming Si's daughter Ming Qinxue! She died in a car accident a few days ago, but if I remember correctly, I saw her yesterday, right?"


"Aren't you going to explain to me what's going on?"

He was so pressing that it almost drove me crazy.

I forced myself to calm down and said, "Officer Chen, this matter is very complicated, and I can't explain it clearly in one or two sentences."

"Then keep the story short."

"Did anyone watch the surveillance video besides you?"


"Then please don't show the surveillance video to other police colleagues."



I don't know how to answer. If the police find out about Qinxue's resurrection, the situation will only become more chaotic.

"Listen to me, we have already tried our best to resolve Qinxue's matter."

He frowned, showing suspicion, and asked: "Could it be that your husband and children are all ghosts?"


"Then how can a dead person come back to life? They are still causing disturbances in the haunted house. As far as I know, there was a Jiedi between Ming Qinxue and Zhang Xiaojie, and the case of Zhang's family extermination..."

"That's enough!" I cut him off sharply.

There are already enough troublesome things right now, and he still wants to get in the way.

"I said, we are trying our best to solve Qinxue's matter, so don't meddle in this matter."

"I'm a policeman, and my job is to solve crimes."

"This is a supernatural case, how do you want to solve it?" I widened my eyes and yelled angrily.

He fell silent in an instant, froze for a few seconds, and slumped down on the sofa.

The room was finally quiet, save for the sound of rain beating on the windows.

I glanced at the wall clock on the wall, it was eight o'clock.

Where did Qinxue go?Did Ming Si find her...

Time passed by every minute and every second, and my heart was almost in my throat.

Standing still in front of the window, staring at the rain curtain falling straight out of the window, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

I turned around and found that it was Chen Luoyang who had turned on the TV, and the voice was coming from the TV, and the temporary news was being broadcast at this time.

On the screen is a female announcer in a raincoat, holding a microphone and facing the camera.

Behind the announcer was a residential building, and the sirens of police cars and ambulances could be faintly heard. There were many light beams shooting at the building. Judging from the newness of the building, it seemed to be in the old city area.

"What we are seeing now is the live footage of the XX community. According to the witnesses of nearby residents, a little girl is standing on the roof of the community's top floor. She was struck by lightning several times and still stands tall..."

The screen turns to the top floor of the community from time to time.

The community is not high, about six or seven floors.

Due to the distance, I could only vaguely see a small figure standing on the roof of the top floor.

"The rescue team has rushed to the rooftop..."

Live coverage continues.

On the roof of the top floor of the community, apart from that small figure, many people appeared after a while, but those people seemed to be possessed, and they all jumped down from the top floor holding hands.

Suddenly, there were bursts of screams on the TV, and there seemed to be a riot at the scene, and even the camera was shaking left and right, making people dizzy in front of their eyes.

"What is this, committing suicide together?" Chen Luoyang was shocked.

 Today's update is complete!Thank you each for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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