I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 528 Things You Don't Want to Interfere

Chapter 528 Things You Don't Want to Interfere
The nanny turned around to leave, but she froze for a moment, then turned her head and said to me: "My classmate, my lady is not feeling well today, please don't disturb her for too long, so as not to affect her rest."

I nodded again and again, "Don't worry, I'm just here to visit on behalf of the teacher and classmates, and I'll leave in a while, it won't affect her rest."

"That's good."

The nanny was relieved and finally went into the kitchen.

I took a long breath, followed her instructions, went up the stairs to the second floor, walked straight, and stopped at the door of the second room on the right.

The door is closed.

I knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"Go straight in." Shang Liqi said.

I nodded, then turned the doorknob, and just as I pushed the door open, I heard a stern shout from inside: "Who?"

It was Liu Shiyin's voice.

She huddled on the bed, covered tightly by the quilt, only her head was exposed.

At this point, she was looking at us.

"You didn't that day..." She seemed to recognize us.

I walked in, followed by Shang Liqi, and he closed the door after entering the room.

Liu Shiyin sat up, she was wearing Shenghui's student uniform, I guess, she should have planned to go to school, but thinking of Michelle's death, she was terribly frightened, so she pretended to be sick.

The nanny said that she was not feeling well, obviously pretending.

"Why are you here? Who told you to come in." Liu Shiyin was so annoyed, she threw off the quilt and jumped out of bed, went straight to the door, opened the door, and she yelled into the corridor.

"Wang Ma!"

Her voice was like the roar of a lion in the east of the river, and it made my ears hurt a little. How can such a loud voice sound like a person who is not feeling well?
Her voice fell, and soon, a voice responded: "Miss, do you have any orders?"

It was the nanny's voice, coming from downstairs.

"How do you let..."

I hurried forward, pressed Liu Shiyin against the wall and covered her mouth forcefully, so as not to let her say the rest.

Shang Liqi came over, squinted at Liu Shiyin and said, "If you don't want to end up like Michelle, you'd better be polite to us, we just want to solve the problem, understand?"

Liu Shiyin nodded with big eyes.

Before letting go of her, I worriedly warned: "Don't play tricks!"

She nodded again, and I let go of her.

She looked at us in disbelief, closed the door, and asked, "Who the hell are you? You managed to find this place."

"Never mind who we are, we are here to give you something." As I said, I touched the Zhang Zhen Ghost Talisman to her.

"Take it with you."

She took the talisman and asked with a half-smile: "Does this thing work?"

"If you don't think it will work, you can throw it away."


She looked disdainful, but still stuffed the ghost-suppressing charm into the pocket of her uniform.

It stands to reason that they would suffer Lin Xi'er's crazy revenge, it was entirely their own doing, and they deserved it even if they died.

However, when will the grievances be repaid?There is always an end to this matter.

Right now, as long as favorable evidence can be found, Li Xianfa will be completely finished. Once the matter is exposed, Li Ye will also be finished. Even if Liu Shiyin and Lu Wenjing do not need to bear any legal responsibility, they will still be condemned by public opinion.

After giving the talisman to Liu Shiyin, we are ready to leave.

Before I went out, Liu Shiyin grabbed me.

"Would you like to be my bodyguard?"

I shook off her hand, and when I was about to refuse, she rushed to say, "You can set the price whatever you want, and I will give you as much as you want, but you must ensure my safety."

"Sorry, I don't want to protect people like you." I gave her a blank look, and was about to leave when she stopped me again.

"What do you call a person like me? What's wrong with me."

I sneered, stared straight at her, and said word by word: "It would be nice to give you a talisman to save your life, don't go too far."

"Who are you talking about? Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to me like that..."

She bluffed, I didn't bother to pay attention to her, I pushed her away, strode out of the room following Shang Liqi's pace.

After leaving Liu Shiyin's house, we rushed to Lu Wenjing's residence.

On the way, Shang Liqi asked me solemnly: "How do you know that I plan to save the lives of Liu Shiyin and Lu Wenjing's Ghost Talisman?"

"We can't know that Lin Xi'er is going to take revenge on them but ignore them. To put it bluntly, it's fine if we don't know about it. The key is to know, then we can't just watch them die."

"It seems that you know me quite well." He chuckled.

I didn't answer, and the car fell silent.


Arriving downstairs at Lu Wenjing's house, the car had just stopped when she came out of the community.

She was wearing a sweatshirt, with her hands in her pockets, and she walked very quickly.

I quickly got out of the car and called her to stop.

Seeing us, she showed a slightly surprised expression, but soon, that surprise was completely covered by the frost on her face.

"Looking for me?" She spoke first.


Since we met her downstairs, it saved us from going upstairs again.

I touched the Zhang Zhen Ghost Talisman and handed it to her directly, "Take this with you, it will save your life."

She squinted at the thing in her hand, and said coldly, "I don't need this kind of thing."

"Don't just throw it away."

I didn't want to waste any time talking to her, so I turned around and opened the passenger door. As soon as I got in the car, Lu Wenjing spoke again, and she said, "Everything happened because of Michelle, and it has nothing to do with me and Liu Shiyin, so I don't need this kind of thing."

"Throw it away if you don't need it, and if you don't think it has anything to do with you, why didn't you go to school today?"

She frowned, with a cold attitude: "I don't want to go."

"Whether you don't want to go or you dare not go, in short, take the talisman well, it's for your life, don't make fun of your own life." After finishing speaking, I closed the car door.

Shang Liqi turned the steering wheel skillfully, the car turned around on the spot and drove out of the community smoothly.

Afterwards, we went directly to the criminal police brigade and met Chen Luoyang.

It was lunch break time, and she was eating a boxed lunch in the office while looking through the files.

The door was open, but Shang Liqi strode in without knocking, and threw the three transparent plastic bags containing the evidence in front of him.

Chen Luoyang raised his head, stared blankly at Shang Liqi and asked, "What is this?"

"I have something to trouble you for." Shang Liqi pulled out a chair and sat down, and then told Chen Luoyang about the two incidents that happened in Shenghui High School.

Chen Luoyang ate while listening, and when the lunch box was finished, it happened that Shang Liqi had just finished speaking.

"That's it, that's it."

"and then?"

"I'll give you a chance to make meritorious service!" Shang Liqi smiled at him.

Chen Luoyang packed up the lunch box, threw it into the trash can by the table, and murmured, "I don't want to interfere with this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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