I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 542 The Vengeance Is Not Over 2

Chapter 542 The Vengeance Is Not Over 2
I was almost dumbfounded.

When I came back to my senses, I looked up at the classroom of Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School. Behind many heads of people looking out of the window, Lin Xier smiled coldly at me with a grin.

The classroom of Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School is on the seventh floor. It is reasonable to say that at such a height, the faces of the people in front of the window cannot be seen clearly. The faces of other people are indeed indistinct, but Lin Xier's face is extremely clear in front of my eyes as if infinitely magnified.

She was smiling, smiling smugly, as if she had won.

"damn it!"

I couldn't help but curse.

Lin Xier's revenge is not over yet, Han Meizhi's death is the real beginning.

"Damn it, I'll take Lin Xi'er in now." Shang Liqi was furious, and ran into the teaching building instead.

I didn't catch up, but looked at Wang Xiaoya who was already bleeding all over the ground.

Her soul slowly separated from her body, she looked at me in surprise, froze for a moment, then lowered her eyes to herself on the ground, her eyes widened and widened.

Suddenly, she screamed and squatted on the ground as if she had gone crazy.

"Wang Xiaoya!" I called out.

She looked at me in shock, froze for a long time, and said in disbelief: "Can you see me?"


"Am I really dead?"

"It seems to be like this." I couldn't tell what it was like in my heart.

Wang Xiaoya's eyes were red, and tears welled up in an instant.

She covered her face and cried bitterly, "Why is this happening, I don't want to die yet!"

I don't know how to react.

She didn't seem to know why such a terrible thing happened to her.

However, no matter what, I still groped into the bag, drew the Zhangzhen Ghost Talisman from it, and approached Wang Xiaoya step by step.

Wang Xiaoya didn't notice me, and while she was crying, I patted the ghost-suppressing talisman in my hand towards her. However, just as the talisman was about to stick to her body, a black shadow flashed quickly and took away Wang Xiaoya who was squatting on the ground.

I stared blankly at the place where Wang Xiaoya was squatting just now, it was already empty, and the black shadow disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It should be Lin Xier!

Who would do that but her?
I was in a daze, and not long after, the dean of teaching and several teachers ran out of the teaching building in a hurry.

They went straight in front of Wang Xiaoya, arguing so much that my brain hurts.

Seeing Shang Liqi walking behind them, I walked towards him quickly.

"Let Lin Xi'er run away." He had a stern expression, and he was still holding the ghost cloth pouch in his hand.

"Did you see Han Meizhi?"

He shook his head.

"Just now Lin Xi'er seems to have taken Wang Xiaoya away."

"I saw it." He frowned, and took out a compass from his bag.

At this moment, the needle of the compass is spinning wildly.

It was only past four o'clock in the afternoon, but the sky was very cloudy, as if the night was about to fall.

Above the head, the dark clouds condensed, and there was a dark one.

Shang Liqi held the compass, sometimes turning left, sometimes turning right. For a moment, he didn't know which direction to go.

"Damn it, it's so cloudy." He irritably swears, his sharp eyes scan around, and finally walks quickly towards the west.

I followed him, and gradually, we moved away from the noise of the scene of the fall.

The direction Shang Liqi is heading is very close to the teaching staff building, and the closer to the teaching staff building, the smaller the rotation frequency of the needle on the compass, almost pointing directly to the direction of the teaching staff building.

"It's right there." Shang Liqi's tone was firm.

He quickened his pace and walked in a hurry.

I could almost trot to keep up with him.

When he reached the downstairs of the faculty and staff, he put away the compass, rushed up the stairs without saying a word, and headed straight for the principal's office.

Suddenly, I seemed to understand something.

When he arrived at the door of the principal's office, Shang Liqi kicked the door open with one kick, and suddenly a cloud of yin came over his face.

Shang Liqi rushed in first.

The scene inside is simply staggering.

Lin Xier was undoubtedly here, and Han Meizhi and Wang Xiaoya were also here. The two were completely controlled by Lin Xier, and their bodies were pressed against the wall, as if they were nailed, unable to move at all.

Li Xianfa was sitting behind the desk, and he stared in horror. Obviously he couldn't see Lin Xier, let alone Han Meizhi and Wang Xiaoya, but he seemed to feel something, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

Seeing me and Shang Liqi, he seemed to have grasped at straws.

"You guys came just in time, something is wrong here." He had a bitter face, his voice was almost trembling.

Shang Liqi strode forward, I walked behind, closed the door, and directly pasted the Daozhen Ghost Talisman on the door.

Lin Xi'er sneered, "You guys actually managed to find this place, you seem to be a bit smart!" Her tone was very disdainful.

Shang Liqi glanced at her, threw the ghost collection bag to me, and pointed to the direction of Han Meizhi and Wang Xiaoya, I understood what he meant, he wanted me to take Han Meizhi and Wang Xiaoya away, and his opponent was Lin Xier.

Lin Xi'er seemed to have sensed something, she frowned, and Han Meizhi and Wang Xiaoya who were standing by the wall immediately screamed.

The two seemed to be lifted up by someone choking their necks. Their backs were pressed against the wall, their feet were lifted off the ground little by little, and they were suspended in mid-air.

I stepped forward quickly, quickly opened the cloth bag for collecting ghosts, pointed at Han Meizhi and Wang Xiaoya and shouted: "Take it!"

The bodies of the two separated from the wall, as if they were being pulled towards the ghost cloth pouch by some kind of force, but at the same time, Lin Xier's willpower in controlling them was also amazingly strong, and she dragged the two of them so that they were not immediately received into the ghost cloth pouch.

This kind of situation has never happened before. Under normal circumstances, as long as you shout to stop, any ghost will be unconditionally collected in the cloth bag.

I took out the Ghost Suppressing Talisman from my pocket, and stuck one on each of Han Meizhi and Wang Xiaoya. For a while, the two screamed again, but in the next second, they turned into a puff of smoke and were completely included in the ghost cloth bag.

Seeing this, Lin Xi'er frowned and roared, "It's ruining my business again."

She bared her teeth, looking hideous and terrifying.

Shang Liqi hurried forward and started fighting with her with the mahogany sword in his hand.

Lin Xier dodged left and right, and unexpectedly easily escaped Shang Liqi's several rounds of attacks.

Li Xianfa was so frightened that he shrank under the table.

From where I stood, I could only see half of his body curled up under the table.

I stepped forward and pulled him out from under the table.

"Who killed Han Meizhi?"

He bulged his eyes in shock, and said tremblingly, "She committed suicide."

"Enough, you were there when she was killed, tell me who killed her."

He gritted his teeth and insisted that Han Meizhi committed suicide.

"Han Meizhi tore a button off your body, and that button is now in the hands of the police. If you refuse to tell the truth, then you will be investigated by the police as a suspect who killed Han Meizhi." I deliberately threatened him.

He was startled: "What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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