I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 560 Wise Choice

Chapter 560 Wise Choice
"Is she really here?" Jennifer still looked terrified.

I nodded and said with a smile, "Aren't you already married? You should know her better than me."

"No, we're not married, we're just living together," Jennifer said.

I froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered that when I first met Anna, she claimed that she was not married, but tonight she told me that she and Jennifer had been married for more than three years.

I looked at Anna suspiciously. She rubbed the back of her head and said embarrassingly: "Actually, I didn't get a certificate. You know that we are all women, so..."

She paused, then continued: "But we had our wedding in the church."

"So, this is considered a marriage."

"I thought so."

I nodded, probably understanding what she meant.

However, as far as I know, same-sex marriages are allowed in many countries in Canada. I don’t know why Anna and Jennifer couldn’t get the certificate.

"Who are you talking to, Ana?" Jennifer looked at me nervously.

"Yes, Anna is on my right, and she is watching you."

As soon as the words fell, Jennifer shuddered violently.

I raised my wrist to look at the time, nearly 10 minutes had passed, and there were still 10 minutes left, time was running out, we had to hurry up.

Jack was still sitting on the couch, his eyes fixed on me now.

Remembering Anna's previous suggestion, I waved at Jack.

He got up suspiciously, walked in front of me steadily, and before I could speak, he asked first, "The bird is gone."

"is it?"

It seems that the black spots have returned to their normal state.

It probably didn't like Jack calling it a crow, wait, did it understand what Jack said?
I looked at the black spot on my shoulder in disbelief and asked, "Do you speak English?"

"Just know a little bit."

"Then why are you pretending to be stupid at first?"

"I'm not pretending to be stupid, I really don't understand."

"Then how do you know that Jack said you were a crow?"

It flapped its wings and said solemnly: "I only know the word crow."


Jennifer stared at me as if she had seen a ghost, and asked cautiously, "Miss Ji, who are you talking to?"

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it."

Anna on the side began to urge: "There is not much time, we have to hurry up."

I nodded and said to Jack and Jennifer: "Anna has an unfulfilled wish, so she has been wandering in the underworld. Only when her wish is fulfilled can she leave with peace of mind. I think you want her to leave with peace of mind, don't you?"

Jennifer nodded thoughtfully, but Jack didn't respond.

"Actually, Anna and I discussed that in order to fulfill her wish, she can only choose to possess someone else's body. Right now, she can only use Jack's body."

I didn't beat around the bush.

After hearing this, Jennifer turned her gaze to Jack, but Jack's eyes widened and he said emotionally, "No, this won't work."

"Jack, we have limited time."

"No, I don't agree."

Jack was tough.

Jennifer sighed helplessly, reached out and patted Jack on the shoulder, as if trying to persuade Jack, but before she could speak, Jack turned and ran upstairs.

"Jack!" Jennifer yelled, but Jack didn't look back.

She shrugged, with an apologetic look on her face: "I'm sorry, he may not be able to accept it for a while."

"I understand, but we don't have much time."

Jennifer was silent, and for now, she still seemed half-convinced in what she was saying to me.

And Anna suddenly begged me: "Can you lend me your body?"


I am surprised.

She took a deep breath and said, "I promise I won't hurt you. I just want to say goodbye to Jennifer. That's all I want."

"Perhaps we can persuade Jack again."

"Jack probably wouldn't agree."

"How do you know that I haven't persuaded you?" I turned and walked towards the stairs, but Anna called me to stop eagerly.

"Time is running out, don't waste time on Jack, you help me."

I stopped, hesitated for a moment.

The Master of the Underworld urged me not to take off the underworld ring, but if Jack still objected, the matter could not continue.

Is it really necessary to lend my body out?
No, I can't do such a dangerous thing without telling Ming Si.

After much deliberation, I decided to persuade Jack first.

I ignored Anna and walked upstairs quickly.

To the right of the corridor, the door of the first room was open. When I passed by, I glanced in and found Jack sitting at the computer desk. He was wearing headphones and seemed to be listening to music.

Benny was lying at his feet, and when he heard something, he looked at me, jumped up, and barked at me.

Of course, it wasn't barking at me, but at the black spot on my shoulder.

The black spot sighed and flew away from my shoulder. It flew directly downstairs, and Benny rushed towards me. I thought it was going to jump on me, so I shrank away in fright, but it ran past me and went downstairs after the black spot.

I secretly squeezed a cold sweat for myself.

Jack glanced at me, leaned back, took off the earphones and threw them on the table.

I politely knocked on the door and asked him, "Can I go in?"


I went in and stood beside him.

On the computer screen is a picture of the game being paused. It seems that he was playing a game just now, not listening to music.

"Do you like playing games?"


"I would also like."

He raised his eyes, his expression slightly shocked.

I continued: "However, playing games now is a bit of a waste of time. You said that Anna doesn't have much time. If we can't help her within the limited time, she will be taken away by death."

"grim Reaper?"

"Yes, Death is hunting her everywhere."

"Where is Death taking her?" Jack asked.

"I don't know, maybe go to reincarnation, maybe go to hell, or heaven."

"Anna is a good person, she won't go to hell, I can guarantee it." Jack said with certainty.

I nodded, "I know, but do you want Anna to have any regrets before she leaves?"

Jack looked at me and suddenly stopped talking.

I understand him, and I can imagine that for a teenage child, letting a ghost possess him would be a real objection from the bottom of his heart. In fact, Anna could be forceful and possess him without his knowledge.

However, I think it is better to get Jack's consent than to be strong.

"Do you want to reconsider? After all, Anna and Jennifer are your family."

I softened my tone, hoping that Jack would make a wise choice.

Of course, he doesn't know what Anna will do after she attaches to him, and I don't intend to tell him. If I tell the truth, he may be more resistant.

Anyway, I can't replace him, because I can't kiss a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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