I can see hell in my left eye

569 The Haunted Hospital 3

569 The Haunted Hospital 3
I'm almost speechless.

But the thin man became interested, pointed at my eyes and chattered endlessly: "I'm curious why you wear red colored contact lenses? It looks so scary and weird. Most people just choose black, blue, or brown. They look beautiful. You wear red ones, it looks like a ghost..."

I laughed twice and got up to say goodbye.

The thin man yelled at me twice, "Little sister, don't go! Which ward does your brother live in? Hey..."

I didn't respond, and left the ward quickly.

As soon as he turned his gaze, he saw Shang Liqi standing in front of the nurse's desk from a distance, still chatting with a nurse with a smile on his face.

I walked over and patted him on the shoulder hard. He waved his hand, ignored me, and said to the tender-looking little nurse, "Are you really 29 years old? No matter how I look at it, you think you are in your early 20s."

"Really?" The little nurse's face was full of happiness. She held her reddish cheeks and said shyly, "My friends say I have a childlike face. There is no way, I was born with a baby face."

"How old do you think I am?" Shang Liqi chatted endlessly.

The little nurse stared at his face and asked, "25?"

"Almost, yo, good eyesight."

"It's okay!" When the little nurse stared at Shang Liqi, her eyes were about to shine.

Unexpectedly, Shang Liqi still had the time to make love here. It seems that he has almost inquired about the haunting incident, otherwise he would not be so idle.

Seeing that he was still chatting with the little nurse and had no intention of stopping, I grabbed him by the back of his neck and forcibly dragged him into the duty room.

As if he felt that being dragged away like this was a little shameless, Shang Liqi yelled at me with big eyes: "What are you doing? Didn't you see that I was busy?"

I closed the door of the duty room and reminded him: "If I remember correctly, we seem to be here to do business."

"It's doing the right thing."

"What do you call doing business?" I was stunned.

He cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "I'm still single, what's wrong with picking up a girl without delaying work? Isn't it a serious matter to solve life's major issues?"

"That girl is already in her third year. Do you like that?"

"Height is not distance, age is not a problem. Why, are you jealous?" He frowned, and a wicked smile curled up on the corner of his lips.

That unscrupulous look just made me dumbfounded.

I helplessly raised my forehead, and retorted: "I'm jealous? You save yourself! Don't be so stinky."

"Cut! I'm obviously jealous."

"I said no, are you itchy?" I almost got anxious with him.

He hurriedly stopped the topic, restrained the smirk on his face, and asked me seriously: "How is your inquiry?"

"It is said that there are often strange movements in the morgue. There are men crying and howling, and patients see black shadows dangling in the toilet of the inpatient department. I think the problem may still lie in the morgue."

"Well, yes, children can be taught." Shang Liqi squeezed his chin thoughtfully, thought for a while, and then asked: "Where is the mortuary?"

"Negative layer."

"Take the guy, let's go to the morgue."


There is too much traffic in and out of the elevator, so Shang Liqi suggested taking the stairs.

However, the stairway is dimly lit and almost deserted, giving it an eerie feel.

I followed him with my bag on my back, and he walked ahead with a flashlight in his hand, walking neither fast nor slow.

The closer you get to the negative floor, the more you can feel a chill, that kind of cold that goes straight to the bone, and makes people shiver.

I took a deep breath, reached into my backpack, and took two ghost-suppressing charms in my hand.

Passed one to Shang Liqi, he chuckled lightly: "No need."

"Hold it, just to be safe."

"It's okay, you'd better take a few more yourself, just to be on the safe side."


After successfully arriving at the basement floor, there was finally a light in the corridor, but the light was still dim, and the underground air was very dull and quiet, so quiet that even the sound of my own heartbeat could be heard clearly.

At the end of the corridor is the mortuary, and there is a duty room on the right, which is the rest room of the duty personnel, and there are lights shining through there.

Shang Liqi turned off the flashlight, put it away, and strode towards the duty room.

The door was open, and inside sat an old man wearing a white trigram. The old man was fat, with a round head, a round face, and a round body. He was not tall, and his eyes were big, protruding, like the eyes of a goldfish.

Shang Liqi knocked on the door politely, and the old man came over looking for his reputation.

He stretched his arms, took a pair of glasses from the table and put them on, saw us clearly, and asked coldly, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"We are the people hired by the dean, and we are here to solve the haunted rumors."

Hearing this, the old man laughed, "What the hell is going on, the dean is so foolish!"

"We just use money to do things, please cooperate with me." Shang Liqi's attitude was quite correct.

The old man nodded and slowly got up.

Taking the bunch of keys from the wall behind the door, he led us straight to the mortuary door.

I was surprised, Shang Liqi only said that he was here to solve the haunting incident, and didn't say that we would go into the morgue, but he opened the door of the morgue without a word.

Shang Liqi seemed to be aware of this too, and he exchanged a glance with me, with a tricky smile on his lips.

However, as soon as the door in front of him opened, a gust of cold air rushed in.

The air-conditioning in the mortuary was fully turned on, and the old man was the first to step in.

He looked about 60 years old, his back was very straight, and although he was fat, he seemed to be in good shape.

After entering, he turned on the light first.

It was an old-fashioned light tube that flickered several times before the room was completely brightened.

Except for a few stainless steel trundle beds where the corpses were placed, there are rows of freezers inside, and only a few freezers have information about the corpses posted on them.

"There are only three corpses in total, and the other cabinets are empty." The old man said.

Shang Liqi nodded, and asked the old man to open the three freezers, asking to see the corpse.

"Are you sure?" The old man was a little surprised.


"All right!"

The old man stepped forward, first opened a freezer in front of Shang Liqi, and pulled the body out.

I didn't dare to look at it, and subconsciously wanted to turn my face away, but Shang Liqi called me: "Sixi, prepare to record."

"Huh?" I was taken aback.

He turned his face and glanced at me, urging: "What are you doing in a daze, take a pen and paper, and record the information of the deceased."

"I come?"



Sighing, I bravely took out a notebook and a pen from my bag, opened the notebook, and began to record the deceased's information, including the deceased's name, gender, age, cause of death, and so on.

After finally recording all the information of the three corpses, the old man suddenly said: "I have a record book with these detailed information in it."

I don't know if he did it on purpose. Since there are records, he should have said earlier. I have already recorded the information in front of the three corpses. He said, it's just...

 I forgot to wish my sisters a happy National Day! ~I hope the girls have a good time during the holidays.

(End of this chapter)

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