I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 627 The Sacred Sacred Religion 1

Chapter 627 The Sacred Sacred Religion 1
Wang Guihua betrayed Zhang Dequan before his death, and I am not surprised that he would be taken away by Black and White Wuchang after his death, but Wang Guihua's emotions would be so agitated, which I did not expect.

Black and White Wuchang didn't seem to see me and Ming Si, and forcibly dragged Wang Guihua away.

After the white mist gradually dissipated, I quickly opened Wang Guihua's bag and rummaged through it.

Almost all her things are in the bag, except for the mobile phone.

Without a mobile phone, I have no way to contact her family members. I remember, she has an older sister...

Mingsi sat on the chair without saying a word, just when I was a little anxious, Chen Luoyang hurried over with two people.

He showed his police officer ID to the doctor, and explained that he would contact the family of the deceased and that the body would be brought back to the criminal police team. The doctor understood, and after explaining the matter to a nurse, he went to work.

As the person who discovered Wang Guihua, I was naturally questioned by Chen Luoyang, and I told him that Wang Guihua personally admitted that the murderer was Zhang Dequan.

As for the girl who discovered that Wang Guihua was attacked, she is nowhere to be found.

The girl was the first witness. She saw the whole process of Zhang Dequan's murder of Wang Guihua. I was very surprised. I was a little surprised why Zhang Dequan didn't dispose of this girl. Wasn't he afraid that his murder would be revealed?

However, after thinking about it, I feel that my idea is a bit ridiculous.

Zhang Dequan is already a wanted murderer, he has a life on his back, he originally wanted to kill Wang Guihua, but he is a murderer anyway, so what if he is seen?
Didn't he plan to kill Wang Guihua just because of the bad breath in his heart?So, he wants us to know that he is the murderer.

"Let's do this first. Let's take the corpse back first, and we'll contact you if there is anything else." Chen Luoyang finished the transcript, closed the notebook in his hand, and glanced at Ming Si and me.

"Wang Guihua also has a sister."

Chen Luoyang nodded, "I know, I will be responsible for contacting her family."


The police took over the case, and it seems that Mingsi and I have nothing to do.

Ming Si put his arms around my shoulders and said in a low voice, "It's time for us to go back."


After saying goodbye to Chen Luoyang, Ming Si and I left first.

When I got home, I couldn't help but sighed.

I really didn't expect that something would happen to Wang Guihua at this juncture. Zhang Dequan must hate her so much that he would take the risk of coming back and killing her while fleeing!
It is said that as deep as love is, so is hatred. Presumably Zhang Dequan has paid too much for Wang Guihua, he is too unwilling, he is too angry, and has reached a state of madness that has completely lost his mind.

His knife stabbed firmly into Wang Guihua's heart, obviously intending to kill Wang Guihua.

It's too ruthless, does it have to end like this when a husband and wife fight?
I looked faintly at Ming Si, he just took off his coat and hung it on the wall wardrobe in the entrance.

Finding me staring at him, he walked up to me and smiled warmly: "Am I so handsome? So handsome that you can't even look away."

"Be serious."

"I'm very serious. It's you who stared at me, okay?" He smiled easily, and his mood was not affected by Wang Guihua's death at all.

But I can't let him go with the flow.

Although Wang Guihua was wrong, it was a human life after all.

"If one day I betray you, will you kill me like Zhang Dequan?" I asked him formally.

He said without thinking, "You will not betray me."

The answer surprised me.

Even I dare not say how much I know myself, but he seemed to know me very well, and the answer he gave was very firm. When he spoke, his expression was also very sure and serious.

"Are you so sure?"

"of course."

"But in case..."

"Not in case."


"Don't think about it." He stretched out his hand to touch my head, stretched his arms and picked up the previous "Pieta Church".

"Here, read it quickly while you have time." He handed the book to me.

I looked impatient, "I don't want to watch it, it's already agreed that you should watch it first, and just tell me the general content after you finish it."

"Turn over a few pages at random and read it first. If you really don't want to read it, I will tell you."

"Haven't you never seen it?"

"Uh..." He was speechless for a while, and his expression became a little embarrassed.

It seems that he lied to me before, he has read this book a long time ago, at least he knows what it is about, otherwise he would not force me to read it.

I gave him a blank look, took the book over, sat on the sofa and started to read it.

I glanced at the table of contents first, but there were only a few chapters, and the whole book had tens of thousands of words, and it was a thin book, and it was very old.

The content of its directory is as follows:

Chapter 1: Understanding Pietroism

Chapter 2: About the author

Chapter 3: Re-acquainted with the 'San Zhi Li'

Chapter 4: Holy Work
Chapter 5: Postscript
Chapter 6: Instructions for admission
I raised my head and glanced at Ming Si, he sat down beside me, with his arm on my shoulder naturally, "I'll watch with you, how about that?"

"I can see it."

Turning my eyes back to the book, I turned over the table of contents, without any preface, and went directly to Chapter 1: Understanding the Church of Pieta.

At first, I didn't concentrate, but as I watched, my attention was involuntarily attracted by the content of the book.

What is said in this book seems very reasonable, but if you look at it carefully, it is all nonsense.

For example, in Chapter 1, there is a section about Pietroism: Why do people get sick?Because of karma.What is karma?In layman's terms, it means that the sins committed in the previous life will be repaid in this life.

The deeper a person's karma, the more bumpy and unruly his fate will be, and serious and minor illnesses will always disturb him.

In addition, in Chapter 2, there is a detailed explanation of "Li Hongshen" in the content about the author.

Li Hongshen is the founder of the Pieta Church. He is not from this city. He was born on January 1970, 1. He is now 1 years old. He has traveled all over the world and has been to many places. He uses his "power" to help people "cure diseases", promote the Pieta Cult, and at the same time strengthen his own Pieta Cult team.

There is also a photo of Li Hongshen attached to the content, but in the photo he is wearing a black plain cloth robe and a black cape with a hood. The brim of the hat is pulled down very low, and only his nose, mouth and chin can be seen, and his whole face cannot be seen at all.

Moreover, the photos are black and white, and the printing is not clear enough.

Li Hongshen has practiced kung fu since childhood, and realized a set of self-aware "true meaning of life" when she was a teenager. After graduating from university at the age of 22, she started to establish the Holy Death Church. At present, the Holy Death Church has more than [-] members.

I kept looking down, almost to the point where I couldn't take my eyes off it.

Ming Si sat quietly by the side and didn't bother me.

(End of this chapter)

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