I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 894 We Loved Before

Chapter 894 We Loved Before

"Now, should you take my word for it?"

He nodded with a calm expression, "Yeah."

"So, are you willing to help me make up lessons?"

"I don't want to."


"You didn't adopt Black Spot, did you?"


He is so serious!
Couldn't a big, talking bird this special be enough to catch his eye and make him keep the black spot by his side?Besides, the black spot does not belong to the yang world, and it will return to the underworld sooner or later.

"Master Ming Si." Hei Dot suddenly spoke.

It looked at Ming Si, flapped its wings twice, and became serious.

"Actually, I'm here because I have something important to tell you."

"you know me?"

"Once upon a time, you were my master."


"I won't stay here for too long, I will leave when the news is revealed to you."

"What are you going to tell me?" Ming Si asked indifferently.

He walked to the bed, sat down on the edge of the bed, and conveniently put the can of Coke in his hand on the bedside table, crossed his long legs comfortably, looked at the black spots, and said coldly: "Tell me."

"As long as the little master puts on the ring again, you will be able to remember her."

Hearing this, I felt a burst of excitement.

Without waiting for Ming Si to respond, I couldn't help asking the black spot: "Is it true?"

Hei Dian nodded heavily, "Really, I overheard it from the conversation between Yama and Shang Shuai, but I'm not sure who owns the ring."

"Isn't it at Shang Liqi's place?"

"I don't know, all I know is that only if you put on the ring again, can Master Ming Si remember you."

That being said, Shang Liqi has not handed over the ring to me so far. I once suspected that he lost the ring.

"What else do you know?" I asked Black Spot.

It shook its head, "That's all I've heard."

"Do you know why Mingji lost his memory?"

"Little master, I'm sorry, I really don't know about this."

Ming Si, who had been listening to the words in silence, opened his mouth at this moment, "The Ming Si you are talking about is talking about me?"

"Yes, you are the underworld."

"You mean, I knew you before? But I don't remember you?" He looked at me with a cold tone.

"Yes, that's it."

He frowned, his eyes sank slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, he said lightly: "I'm sure I don't know you. We first met a few days ago."

"No, we really knew each other before, and...very familiar."

"Very familiar?" He was stunned for a few seconds and asked, "How familiar?"

"Too familiar..." I couldn't hold back, organized the language in my head, and told him solemnly: "We used to love each other very much."

He laughed helplessly, "You have a rich imagination."

"What I said is true, we did love each other."


"Previous life."

"It's all related to the previous life, isn't your imagination rich enough?"

He choked on me, and immediately, I didn't know what else to say.

It seems that he won't believe what I said, but when I put on the ring again, he will know whether my words are true or not.

"One day, I'll prove it to you."

"Really?" He got up with a half-smile, pointed to the direction of the door, and said indifferently: "There is nothing else for you, please go back!"

"But you said you would help me make up lessons..."

I was not in a hurry to leave, and wanted to finalize the make-up lessons as much as possible.

However, he said indifferently: "I have no reason to help you, I don't know you well."

"It was you who said you would help me make up lessons. Besides, the black spot will leave here soon. It won't stay by your side. If I hadn't given it teeth and made it talk, it wouldn't have left so soon. Don't you just want it to go, so you hoped that I would adopt it for the reason of giving me make-up lessons. After all, I still helped you, didn't I?"

"What you said..." He paused, then raised his lips and smiled: "It seems to make sense."

"So you can't break your word."

He let out a deep laugh, narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in them, without further hesitation, he smiled and said, "Okay, I will do what I say, and help you make up lessons."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the black spot, and issued the eviction order in a non-negotiable tone, "You can go."

"……All right!"

The black spot hung its head down, with a look of frustration.

We can't blame Ming Si for his fickleness, because he doesn't remember us at all.

Watching the black speck fly out of the window through the glass window, I let out a long breath, wrapped the remaining deciduous tooth in paper, and stuffed it into my pocket.

Ming Si stared at me, the corner of his mouth curled downward, "You collect teeth?"

"It's my own baby teeth."

"Hobbies are weird."


"What, you still have something to do?" Ming Si frowned, and walked up to me in a few steps.

I shook my head, and he said, "Then what are you still doing here?"


His words undoubtedly reminded me that it was time for me to go.

Just as he was about to leave, he stretched out his arm and pushed me against the wall, with one hand propped on the wall, he leaned over and approached me.

His handsome face was almost close to mine, so close that I could clearly smell the faint scent of shower gel on his body.

"If you stay here and don't leave, don't you expect something else?"

"No, I'll..."

Before he could utter the word 'go', his body leaned forward a little, his warm chest was almost touching my chest.

I just felt the blood all over my body rushing to my face, my face was on fire, and my heart started beating wildly.

"You said we were in love?" He squinted his eyes, half smiling.

I nodded, and he gave a 'chi' laugh, and then looked me up and down from head to toe.

"Then my vision in the past is really not very good."


I was so choked by him that I couldn't speak.

What he said was clearly saying that I was not very good.

"However, the development of the chest and chest is not bad." While speaking, his eyes glanced at my chest, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

I swallowed my throat, nervous and overwhelmed.

He was too close, staring at his monstrous face, for some reason, my mind got hot, and I stood on tiptoe and kissed him heavily on the lips.

His eyes widened instantly.

After the kiss, I pushed him away, I didn't have the courage to look at his face and reaction, the soles of my feet seemed to be oiled, and ran out of his house like crazy.

After rushing out of the hot spring garden community in one breath, I stopped, panting heavily.

Thinking of the scene where I took the initiative to kiss her, my heart became inexplicably flustered.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't help himself, and forced Ming Xiaosi to kiss him.

Will he resent that kiss, or think that I bullied him?
Suddenly I was a little curious about his reaction, but I was also afraid that he would lose his temper because of that sudden kiss. In panic, I seemed to have no choice but to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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