I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 923: Shang Liqi Is Unbalanced

Chapter 923: Shang Liqi Is Unbalanced

This reminded me of what happened in the cafeteria, and the expressions of Yu Piao Piao and those students made me feel chills.

Why do you want to do that?

The real murderer was Lin Mengjie's brother, not Lin Mengjie!

She didn't hurt anyone, she didn't do anything wrong, and she didn't deserve to be treated that way.

Before, I never thought that Piao Piao is such an extreme person, but today, she let me down.

I think if she continues like this, she will lose me as a friend.


The class in the afternoon was quite peaceful. During the break, I went to the bathroom, but I heard some crazy words.

It was two girls who were talking. They were both in the toilet, separated by a partition. I couldn't see who they were, and I couldn't tell each other's identities by hearing their voices. But the content of their conversation really surprised me.

They said that Lin Mengjie was a witch with supernatural powers, and she had a big scene in the cafeteria at noon today.

This is almost making me laugh out loud.

The rumor spread a little too fast. Even if there was a weird table turning incident in the cafeteria, it didn't prove that Lin Mengjie did it. Also, what the hell is the witch?

I admire the imagination of these girls more and more.

After washing my hands, I waited outside the partition of the toilet. One of the girls came out first and left in no hurry, as if waiting for another girl.

After the other girl came out, the two of them washed their hands, looked at me suspiciously, and then left together.

They are very face-to-face, not students in our class.

When I got back to the classroom, I couldn't help but tell Ming Si about this. After hearing this, his expression remained unchanged and he looked at me coldly.

"You didn't respond?"

"How should I react?"

"You did what happened in the cafeteria, but there are already rumors that Lin Mengjie is a witch."

"What's with me?"


His words left me speechless.

However, he was right, what happened to Lin Mengjie had nothing to do with him.

However, the rumors were not forgotten by the people because of the passage of time, instead they were spread one after another, and Lin Mengjie soon became an outlier in the eyes of everyone.

She began to be isolated, endured more and more cynicism, and was often even blocked in the toilet and beaten severely.

Several times, I saw her drenched when she came back from the toilet. Sometimes, her cheeks would be inexplicably red and swollen, with a striking palm print.

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I reported her isolation to the head teacher. After the head teacher Li severely criticized and warned once in the class meeting, the behavior of the students did not change.

Later, I heard that Teacher Li was threatened by a wealthy and powerful parent, so I dared not mention it again. In contrast, Lin Mengjie was just a child from an ordinary family.

If I meet her, I will help her regardless, but when I am not by her side, she will just accept it.

Moreover, after helping Lin Mengjie a few times, I was warned by the senior seniors with harsh words. If I help Lin Mengjie again, even I will become their isolated target.

I'm not worried about this, I'm not Lin Mengjie, and I won't swallow my anger.

Lin Mengjie was getting thinner day by day, and her complexion was getting worse and worse. She seemed to have lost her soul every day. Just looking at her made her feel distressed.

After school that day, I did not leave school with Ming Si, but waited outside the teacher's office for a long time before Shang Liqi came out.

He was quite surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here?"

"Wait for you."

"I thought you could only see classmate Ming Xiaosi!" He teased, and reached out to pat my head.

I smiled wryly, and took the initiative to bring up the matter of Lin Mengjie.

Recently, because of Lin Mengjie's matter, Shang Liqi has proposed to rectify the school's ethos and severely punish students who participated in school violence more than once at the teacher's meeting. As a result, several times the proposal was made, but no surprise came to nothing.

He was annoyed that even the school board didn't care about it.

"Just now, I made a decision."

I was kind of curious, "What decision?"

"I intend to become the largest shareholder of this school."


His decision surprised me quite a bit, but after thinking about it carefully, I probably understand how he feels. He has this kind of thought because the school board turned a blind eye to the incident of Lin Mengjie being isolated and bullied.

"I have too much money to spend, and even if I live for a few hundred years, I'm afraid I won't be able to spend it all. It's better to use the money to do something useful." When he said this, his chin slightly tilted up, a bit like an old man selling melons and boasting.

"Are you really going to do this?" I was somewhat skeptical.

Shang Liqi is different from Mingsi, Mingsi can persist in doing charity for more than 2000 years, but Shang Liqi has never had much interest in charity, even though he is now worth a lot of money.

"Of course, I always mean what I say." Shang Liqi said, clenching his fists for a while. He looked at me and said bitterly: "The little Xiami on the board of directors, including the principal, simply don't take my words to heart. I have to show my identity and let them know who I am!"

Hearing his impassioned words, I couldn't help applauding him.

"This dude, you're pretending well!"

"It must be good." Shang Liqi became more and more frightened, his eyebrows and eyes raised.

"Just wait, within three days, I will become the biggest stakeholder in this school. I will bring Lin Mengjie's matter to a successful conclusion, and I promise that there will be no more bullying incidents in this school in the future."

I couldn't help applauding him again, "Good idea!"

However, even if there will be no campus violence in this school, what about other schools?
I believe that there are more or less such problems in any school. As long as I think of these, I have a faint headache.

However, I am just a common man, and apart from being able to deal with ghosts, I can't change the world.

"Let's go! Go home!"

Shang Liqi patted my shoulder and strode ahead.

I followed him, and he took out the car keys from his pocket, and kept shaking them in front of my eyes, "Ben Shuai came to the school to work as a teacher. In order to keep a low profile, he bought an ordinary car. It seems that the limited edition Ferrari in the garage is time to drive out to enjoy the sun."

I smiled helplessly.

In fact, Shang Liqi is not a person who likes to show off his wealth, he is fairly low-key, but Lin Mengjie's incident made him realize that even in school, a place of learning based on education, the children of ordinary people and the children of rich people have been treated too differently, and his heart must have been stimulated, resulting in the current extremely unbalanced psychology.

(End of this chapter)

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