Chapter 178 Procrastination
Jin Lingsu also wiped his saliva, and subconsciously touched Chen Yu's shoulder.

"Did you do it?"

Chen Yu nodded: "They are all ordinary medicinal foods. If you don't like the taste of those medicinal foods, I can make them for you again."

"It's okay, I'll take two bites first to replenish my strength."

Jin Lingsu didn't care so much, and ran over with Ka Jinwen.

Chen Yu retreated to the corner and dealt with the hole a little bit.

When the chef brought the five cauldrons over, he directly set up the pots around the hole.

"Where's the cook?"

Kanai yelled suddenly, and then followed Bell to Chen Yu's side.

Seeing this, Jin Lingsu who was not far away subconsciously pressed her finger on the weapon. As long as the situation changed, she would strike immediately.

"This is our chef and doctor!" Bell introduced enthusiastically, and directly stepped forward to pull Chen Yu over.

"Mr. Chen, this is our biggest buyer. He is here this time to buy 800% of our goods at once, a total of [-] billion!"

Chen Yu forced a smile, and subconsciously cursed, it's none of my business.

Kanai suddenly grabbed Chen Yu's hand excitedly.

"What did you put in the food? I only ate half a bowl, and my rheumatism has improved."

Chen Yu didn't answer, but just grasped Kanai's pulse.

"Your health is not optimistic. In addition to rheumatism, you also have severe spondylitis. There are as many as seventeen gunshot wounds all over your body. There are still eight pieces of shrapnel that have not been removed, and one piece is only half an inch away from the heart."

Hearing these words, Kanai became a little sluggish.

"It's amazing! You grabbed my wrist and you were able to tell me all the illnesses on my body. How did you do it?"

Chen Yu turned around and poured water into the pot on his own.

"Mr. Bell said that I am a doctor here, so I can naturally see your symptoms."

"Can it be cured?" Kanai stared at Chen Yu.

A person like him who licks blood with a knife and is chased by the whole world is in danger every day.

Almost a period of time will be fatally wounded.

Although he was able to survive every time, and he was still alive until now, the injuries that fell on his body have been tormenting him all the time.

Especially in some specific environments, life is worse than death.

If it weren't for the deal with Bell this time, he would have to personally inspect the batch of ore, and I'm afraid he wouldn't easily come to such a place of ice and snow.

Chen Yu lit a fire under the cauldron: "Of course it can be cured, but you have too many injuries, I'm afraid it will take a while..."

"That's right!" Bell next to him hurriedly took over the conversation: "Brother, Mr. Chen is one of the few miraculous doctors I have ever seen. As long as you follow his method, you will be able to cure your illness. Why don't you just stay here for a few days."

The previous earthquake caused the two small mines to collapse to varying degrees, and now only [-]% of the finished ore can be taken out.

Bell didn't want to lose [-]% of the business negotiated in advance. The only way was to let Kanai stay here for a few more days.

But Kanai's body doesn't allow him to live in such an environment at all.

Now it's hard to find a reason, Bell is not willing to give up the opportunity.

"Then can you help me take medicine first to relieve my symptoms?" Kanai had a little more hope in his eyes.

Bell was also a little anxious: "Mr. Chen, look..."

Chen Yu added a handful of firewood under the cauldron, looked Kanai up and down, and found that his tall and fat body was shaking constantly.

"You have too many injuries, and you may not be able to treat them quickly in other places, but here is a specific medicine for you."

As he said that, Chen Yu took off a handheld computer from Bell, tapped it a few times, and a deep-sea fish appeared on it.

"Immediately ask your men to catch them, the more fish of this kind, the better!"

Kanai took the handheld computer and handed it to the subordinate next to him: "Immediately ask someone to catch the fish."

Bell didn't dare to neglect, and immediately dispatched more than a dozen people to go with him.

Then Chen Yu wrote two more prescriptions, one for Chinese medicine and one for Western medicine.

"Choose a prescription to find the medicine at random. It would be even better if the medicines on both prescriptions can be found!"

Kanai glanced at the prescription and immediately became excited.

"I have all these medicines!"

He has been ill for so many years, and this time he came to the North Pole to work again, so he naturally had to bring a lot of medicinal materials with him.

Not long after, all the medicines on the two prescriptions were placed in front of Chen Yu, and a large number of deep-sea fish were brought over at the same time.

The place itself is close to the coast. In order to solve the food problem in the city, Bell asked people to make a lot of ice holes nearby and set down fishing nets at the same time.

Therefore, the deep-sea fish that Chen Yu mentioned before was quickly found.

Chen Yu first put the fish through the boiling water, cut it into pieces, coated it with batter, and threw it into the oil pan to fry until it was half-cooked.

Then put the found Chinese medicinal materials into the pot according to the proportion, and stew with the fried fish pieces.

He also selected some medicines from western medicines, ground them into powder, and threw them in together.

It didn't take long for the strong fragrance to spread, but the smell of medicine mixed in it made the fragrance a bit discounted.

Even so, it still attracted the person in charge of patrolling not far away.

Chen Yu unhurriedly took out the fish pieces and brought them to Kanai.

"Although the taste is a bit strong, you have to eat it with fish and soup, and you will feel a slight fainting feeling afterward."

Kanai hesitated: "Sense of fainting?"

Chen Yu nodded: "Don't worry, it won't have much impact on your body. You just need to sleep and your symptoms will be relieved. After that, I will help you remove the shrapnel in your body."

Kanai's throat moved slightly. At this time, he couldn't care less, and devoured the fish block.

Bell immediately asked someone to prepare a room for Kanai.

However, before going to bed, Kanai arranged all the men he brought with him around the periphery of the room, and even arranged six people beside the bed.

For a person like him, no matter how much he trusts Bell, he has to be careful.

Bell didn't care about this, he grabbed Chen Yu's shoulder excitedly and kept shaking it.

"Mr. Chen, you have helped me a lot. As long as you can keep him here, one tenth of the proceeds from this transaction can be used as your commission."

Chen Yu just smiled symbolically, then sorted the remaining medicinal materials and mixed them into other meals.

Many people here have similar symptoms to Kanai, but not as serious as him.

Dilute these medicines and give them to the people here, and he can earn a wave of points.

(End of this chapter)

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