Chapter 320 Mutual Union
Ankena Manor.

Brown Edward swayed a glass of red wine and sat comfortably on the sofa.

"This manor was built during the time of Louis III. My Edward family also participated in the construction. It stands to reason that this manor should also have a share of my Edward family. Unfortunately, it has always been occupied by the Charles family. Today, it finally returned to its original owner."

Fang Yuan stood aside, stroking everything with pretending elegance.

Her choice to marry Brown was actually a huge gamble. If the Edward family did not win this business war, then she would follow the entire Edward family forever.

But now the Edward family not only won, but also won very well. It won't be long before they can enter the East with the financial capital they control.

At that time, she can settle the accounts with the Zhao family!

"But in the end, this manor is still the private property of the Louis royal family. Many families will choose to return the manor to the descendants of the Louis family when they get the manor. Do we have to do favors?"

After all, Fang Yuan still has some brains, otherwise, how could she easily affect the 30 billion capital of gambling?

Brown rested his chin in thought.

"Although the Louis family has declined, they still have a certain status in Europe. If we use this manor to win them over, it will be easier to annex other families!"

After finishing the words, Brown stood up suddenly and touched Fang Yuan's wine glass.

"During this time, you have a brain that surpasses ordinary people. If you and my second uncle helped me run the intelligence group, I am afraid I would not be able to achieve today's achievements! Why don't you and I really get married if the previous agreed marriage is voided!"

Fang Yuan trembled, but she didn't know how to answer.

If she gets married, Brown is indeed a good choice, which not only allows her to enter the upper class in one step, but also saves a lot of trouble.

However, she still has a child in this world, which is always a hidden danger.

"What's the matter, don't you want to?" Brown said with some urging tone.

"That's not true, I'm just a little surprised!"

As soon as Fang Yuan made a perfunctory sentence, the butler hurried in and handed a tablet to Brown.

"Master Brown, something serious happened!"

What is displayed on the screen is a lot of company information.

Some small companies that had been defeated by them before were unable to fight back, and were merged overnight to form a large company.

"Yuya Co., Ltd.?" Brown was furious and threw the tablet on the ground: "Where did this company come from?"

The butler was taken aback, he didn't dare to say a word, but just handed over a phone.

Brown quickly stabilized his mind and connected the phone.

"Brown, a new company has arrived in Frankfurt. It seems that it is against us. You should prepare immediately and hold an emergency board meeting!"

Carter's voice was extremely dignified, which was enough to prove that the matter was very critical.

Brown didn't dare to sell anything, and immediately sent a group message to all the directors, and took Fang Yuan with him before leaving.

Now Fang Yuan has obtained Shiquan in the Edward family, and she exists as Brown's personal assistant.

Even many elders of the Edward family admired Fang Yuan's wisdom and completely regarded her as their own family.

On the top floor of a commercial building, almost all the elders of the Edward family gathered here.

After all, this is just their distribution, so the meeting is not so particular. A group of people sat together shaking their glasses, but their faces were extremely serious.

"After finding the information about that company, who is their legal person? Is there any capital support behind it?"

"It seems to be from the east. I don't know why they suddenly turned against us."

"They moved too fast. Not only did they bring together those small businesses, but they also contacted the William family and the Charlie family. It is said that the capital of the three parties has already begun to connect."

"We must not allow them to unite. These two families are already giants in Europe. Coupled with the capital of the East, it is difficult for our family alone to parry."


A group of people, although you and I seem a bit noisy, but the content of their speech is extremely organized.

And when one person is talking, others never interrupt.

It didn't take long for them to go through all the information. At the same time, people from the information and public relations department had already started to investigate Yuya Co., Ltd. with all their strength.

But because of the place of registration, it is difficult for them to find specific information.

After Chen Yu quickly gathered the disabled companies together, he met with Victor directly.

During the day, Victor hurried to Sioux City to congratulate Chen Yu.

When he returned to Frankfurt, he was surprised to find that the sky had changed.

Not only did Chen Yu arrive in Sioux City one step ahead of him, but he also completed the preliminary layout early.

The meeting between the two seemed extremely hasty, and they just found a coffee shop on the street.

Fortunately, this coffee shop can also provide a decent private room.

"Mr. Chen, I really didn't expect Dongfang Capital to choose you as a representative to help. I'm really surprised."

Victor was very excited. Originally, he intended to rescue soldiers when he went to Sioux City, but he never had the nerve to say so.

Firstly, the cooperation between him and Dongfang's capital is not deep, and secondly, Chen Yu is his savior, and he doesn't want to drag Chen Yu into this chaos.

Chen Yu seemed extremely free and easy: "Doing business is a win-win cooperation, and what the Dehua family has done is really domineering, so we really need to suppress it!"

"In addition, I contacted the Charlie family today, and they don't seem to be interested in cooperation!"

Victor sighed helplessly: "Before the two major families confronted each other head-on, the Edward family sent killers, and more than a dozen senior members of the Charlie family were killed overnight! Now they are headed by a 13-year-old girl, how can they make a decent judgment?"

Chen Yu's pupils suddenly dilated. He didn't expect such an accident to happen to the Charlie family.

"That's not surprising! However, the size of the Charlie family is still there. I hope that Mr. Victor can help connect us and try our best to integrate the few of us."

Victor nodded, and at the same time took out a USB flash drive from his body and handed it over.

"I will handle the Charlie family's affairs, and I will leave the rest to you. Here are all the small businesses suppressed by the Edward family."

"Although they are not very big, they are better than having a large number of people. If they unite all of them, they will definitely be a force that cannot be ignored."

Chen Yu didn't hesitate, took the USB flash drive and handed it to Han Xiaohui beside him.

"Sort out the information inside and give it to me immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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