Three Kingdoms: Sir, you love learning too much!

Chapter 100 Meng Yu's thoughts are really ingenious!

Chapter 100 Meng Yu's thoughts are really ingenious!

"Yang Feng's sudden attack may hurt both sides, or he may have the opportunity to mediate from it. Seeing that Yingchuan is difficult to live in, there is room for change."

Dong Cheng sighed slightly, and looked up at Yang Biao after speaking, his expression seemed to be seeking some sympathy, but it was a pity that he couldn't get a response.

Yang Biao didn't speak, and as the urging people left at a faster pace, the guard of honor of the emperor was also heavily guarded, so as not to surprise Liu Xie among the chariots and horses.

Yang Feng's soldiers and horses had just chased after them, crossed the mountain road, and were ambushed by Xia Houyuan's random arrows on both sides, so they could only run wildly and speed up.

So they fell into a tight siege, and when they were about to retreat, suddenly a large number of armored cavalry appeared from the front, and they were all elites.

These cavalry were heavily armored, and even the horses were well-equipped. The momentum of the charge alone was enough to scare off Yang Fengzhi's soldiers.

Such back and forth attacks defeated Yang Feng again. He only escaped under the desperate protection of his cronies, but Cao Cao didn't have time to chase and gather his followers.

Because after arriving in Xu County, soldiers and horses are still needed to stabilize the emperor.

Therefore, it was a pity to set off, and after the battlefield was hastily cleaned up, the troops gathered to chase after Wang Jia.

Here, Dong Cheng and his party hadn't been gone for more than an hour, and the military report of Cao Cao's victory had already come, and they naturally preached it, and then their hearts became more complicated.

"Yang Feng and Han Xian are also the leaders of the bandits who have experienced many battles, and they lost to Cao Mengde."

Not as good as him.

Not to mention that both sides were hurt, when Cao Cao came back, he was calm and steady, with deep eyes, standing on the horse constantly looking around, quite majestic.

Now it has returned to the car and immediately guarded.

At this time, some people came to speak and asked Cao Cao with a smile why he didn't go after Han Xian and Yang Feng, lest they cause chaos in the territory.

Cao Cao said with a smile: "I take the emperor as the most important thing. I can't go after the enemy deeply. After the holy car is settled, the princes can still manage affairs safely. I will issue an edict to seal Yang Feng to calm his mind."

Then send troops to attack suddenly, and it will definitely be broken.

Yang Feng must be very terrified now, for fear that without the emperor in his hands, he will have to dismiss his followers and run away, so once he arrives in Xu County, he must immediately issue an edict to stabilize him.

When he feels at ease and feels that the emperor will ignore the previous suspicions, he will launch an attack to destroy his camp, and he will be able to subdue a large number of luggage and soldiers.

Cao Cao learned a word from Guo Yi's many strategies on breeding - pigs should be fattened before killing.


After several days, the emperor's guard of honor arrived in Xu County.

At this time, Xu County was sparsely populated, with intertwined mountains and rivers, and most of the fields were mulberry fields, but the city was not considered tall, and the territory within the city had not expanded.

Although the terrain is flat and extending in all directions, it is... not prosperous enough.

Xu County is an important town in Yingchuan, with several rivers running through it, which is convenient for water intake for irrigation, water travel, etc., and it is actually very convenient for development.

The most important thing is that Yingshui scholars gathered in the hinterland of Cao Cao's army.

At this time, many prominent celebrities and elders came here to welcome them. Among them, Xun Yu presided over, and Guo Jia and Xi Zhong were among them, but Guo Yi was not here.

After the door of the cart was opened, some eunuchs lifted the curtain.

Liu Xie was welcomed out according to the etiquette.

Liu Xie had his hands behind his back, a cold face, a crown on his head, a black robe with gold patterns, and pearls and jade under his hat, and his demeanor was extremely noble.

After getting off the carriage, he glanced at it and was already disappointed, murmured: "There is no high pavilion, no palace, and no appearance of prosperity here. I...will I stay here temporarily from now on?"

When he said this, Dong Cheng, Yang Biao and others were also dissatisfied, and even Dong Zhao, who had always supported Cao Cao, felt a little uncomfortable to answer.

Zhong Yao and other Yingchuan courtiers were thinking about how to persuade them. Although this place is not a place of wealth and honor, it is not as elegant and majestic as Luoyang, but it is really the hinterland that is most conducive to development at present.

The promise is gentle, but you can farm the land wantonly, and you don't have to worry about food and grass in the future, and this is the place where Yingchuan culture gathers, talents come forth in large numbers, and if the emperor comes, he will definitely be dignified.

It's just how to persuade Liu Xie now, so that Liu Xie will be willing.

Dong Cheng sneered and said, "Mr. Cao, is this the place to house the Son of Heaven!? Do you still want the dignified sage to condescend to live in a small county town?"

"Are you insulting the emperor?"

"Dong Gong's words should come from the eunuch, you don't have to do it for me," Cao Cao responded coldly, without taking it to heart at all.

On the contrary, Dong Cheng, who was acting as Yue Zu, choked with anger, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently a few times.

Your family is the eunuch!

But now although Cao Cao can suppress these princes and ministers, it is difficult to say that he can move the emperor.

Liu Xie's complexion is quite fair, his eyes are dark and full of energy, reminiscent of his ancestors, now his brows are slightly wrinkled, and he can't stop shaking his head.

I think that when Dong Zhuo moved the imperial capital to Chang'an, he stepped up to build a palace with materials, and built a small palace within three months.

At that time, although the officials were dissatisfied with the hasty relocation of the capital, they still had a place to live, but now here... I am afraid that they will temporarily live in a low-rise mansion.

"Your Majesty, this place is only a temporary residence. Construction will start immediately in the near future to build a mansion, garden and palace walls. It is expected to be expanded into a temporary residence for the palace within this year."

Cao Cao bowed aside and said, but Liu Xie still didn't speak, still staring at the city.

Here, there is not even a road, and the roads inside and outside the city still need to be paved with stones, so it will be slow to obtain materials.

"Hmph, hum... oh..." Dong Cheng smiled wryly and shook his head immediately. He didn't say anything, but these laughs seemed to say a lot.

Yang Biao and Zhong Yao were also on the sidelines, and they didn't want to speak harsh words to each other. They just pointedly said: "According to the etiquette law, how can the emperor live in the county government office? If Cao Gong hasn't prepared the palace yet, he shouldn't be so perfunctory... "

"In my opinion, how about returning to Luoyang? Although Luoyang is only [-]% repaired, its site is still the foundation of the palace, which is suitable for the emperor to live for a long time."

Cao Cao sighed, and forced a smile on the two of them again, "Luoyang? I also sent people to repair Luoyang. Although the place is small and barren for the time being, the population is booming. It will definitely be built in a hurry in the future. You don't have to worry about it."

"Building a palace wastes people's money..."

Liu Xielue said in a difficult way.

Unconsciously, he turned his eyes to the bowed Cao Cao, thinking again in his heart.

He was originally a wise man, but along the way he heard that Cao Cao was benevolent, and he had been in charge of government in Yanzhou these years, and he had experienced many riots by yellow scarves.

Maybe it's poverty...

That Yuan Shao, who received the favor of the emperor, did not think about the affairs of the king, and did not welcome him in the future. On the contrary, it was Cao Mengde who came to welcome him.

Forget it, I shouldn't be too demanding, it's just that I can't live in this place for a long time, so I should give Cao Qing's family a step down today.

"Oh, the journey is indeed tiring, but there is a place to rest, let's rest for a few days, Cao Qing's family... it's been hard work."

"It's just that the concubines and ministers also need to have a place to settle, and Xu County can just settle down."

Cao Cao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, bowed and said: "Thank you for your understanding, I will escort your majesty back to the government office to rest, and then rebuild it later. As for what your majesty said just now, it is not necessary to waste money and people..."

"There are too many idle manpower in the territory, so using it for construction and labor will give the people something to do, and they will definitely be enthusiastic."


Liu Xie glanced at Cao Cao unexpectedly, and seeing his sincerity, he thought it was true.

But these words made Liu Xie puzzled, "Aiqing's words are true? After Dong Zhuo's tyranny, the people are already in dire straits, why are there people so enthusiastic now?"

"Well, that's right," Cao Cao nodded approvingly, "However, the more difficult the world is, the more urgent the people's desire for a favorable government will be. If there is no tyranny of the Dong bandits, they will not miss the peaceful and prosperous times. Drought thinks of rain."

"After I was elected in Yanzhou, I didn't dare to sleep much day and night, and I didn't think about meals. Only by doing my best, can I get the help of talented people and benefit the people. After the improved farm tools under my command are implemented, there is no need for much manpower. Spring plowing can be done. It has been completed, and improving the water conservancy equipment can save more than [-] manpower, and if these people can't use other fortifications to support them, it will be a waste of manpower."

Although Cao Cao was familiar with these numbers, Liu Xie didn't feel much. He just understood that Cao Cao meant that he had used various methods of improving farm tools and promoting favorable policies to settle down the common people, and even turned them into lazy people.

In this case, if they can't find work outside, they have to provide enough fortifications. Now that Xu County is expanding, it seems to be a way out. These strong men can trim the palace for the royal family.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed as if he had already made arrangements, and Xu County might not have thought of it on a whim.

Or, if I say to go back to Luoyang, tens of thousands of people will not be able to eat?On the contrary, it is my fault.

For the sake of the people, should they stay in Xu County?
What exactly Cao Aiqing means, I can't figure it out.

Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao, who was smiling and respectful, and didn't ask any more questions, and then got into the car and drove all the way to the inner city.

At this time, there were few ordinary people in the city, and most of them were scholars and poor families, all of whom came to welcome the emperor.

Soon, they walked to the compound rebuilt by the government office. Although the mansion of the government office had been expanded, it was far less prosperous than the palace.

At this time, Xun Yu and Guo Yi were waiting in the mansion rebuilt by the government office. Xu County had been rebuilt three months ago, and the city wall was expanded.

Now the gate of this mansion is no different from the palace.

Cao Cao was stunned in front of him, and the accompanying civil and military personnel were also a little confused, why are you here?

Are you not coming?

It is common sense for Han officials to come to welcome the emperor.

But if I remember correctly, your Guo Mengyu's official status is in the Cao family, so there is no need to come to welcome you, right?
Xun Yu prostrated himself with a big salute and revealed his identity, while Guo Yi stood back a little and did not salute.

These days, if a rude person is not afraid of being criticized or gossip in the world, then bowing is also acceptable.

"Your Majesty can enter and live in peace. Although this place is simple, it is the residence of a great man. The furnishings in the courtyard are the same as those in the palace. The soldiers, civilians and scholars in Yanzhou, knowing that your majesty misses Luoyang, put some old things in it to relieve your majesty. Feelings of nostalgia."

"Old things?" Liu Xie was slightly surprised on his childish face, but also curious in his heart.

If the new palace is to please, why not put the treasures but put the old things, can there be any old things that need to be bothered by Yanzhou scholars, soldiers and civilians?

"Go in and have a look."

Liu Xiehe and the left and right eunuchs said.


Two eunuchs supported Liu Xie and walked all the way into the mansion, surrounded by soldiers guarding outside, and a few officials bowed and waited, while Xun Yu waited for the group to enter, and then exchanged a glance with Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's eyes froze slightly, and he asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"It was Meng Yu's idea. After the lord went to meet the holy car, Meng Yu asked the old lord for a lot of treasures and old things in the palace, and together with the eldest son, he collected these items from all the gentry in the territory and spent money to buy them. .”

"Finally, many of the decorations in Luoyang Palace back then are now arranged in this mansion."

Cao Cao was stunned immediately when he heard the words, and frowned, "What's the point of such an arrangement?"

"Bitterness is sweet, but being alone is thinking of everyone. How can you not think of warmth when you are away from home?" Xun Yu said in a low voice, and at the same time he was close to Cao Cao's ear, his tone was quite urgent, "If you have any questions, my lord just say it's me. Xinyi, this plan is Meng Yu's idea, to keep the emperor, and at the same time make the lord in his heart to be a loyal minister who devotes all his energy to it."

"As for how to talk in depth, my lord has to think about it for a while."


Cao Cao just wanted to curse in front of Xun Yu while Guo Yi couldn't hear him, but at this moment Xun Yu had no time to wait and walked in with the guard of honor.

Dong Cheng, Yang Biao and other important ministers waiting outside the door were also baffled and didn't know what the situation was, but they still knew in their hearts that this place should not be favored by the emperor, and they would definitely order to leave, constantly forcing Cao Cao to change the land.

Even Fu Wan just secretly talked to Dong Cheng.

It would be even better if Cao Cao could be persuaded to welcome the emperor to Dongjun.

Dong County is the place where Cao Cao made his fortune. In terms of food and money, it must be much better than Xu County, and it is the place where Cao Cao's family lives, so he doesn't have too many doubts.

But that place is a bit better, it is very close to Yuan Shao.

All it takes is for Yuan Shao to lead the army southward and threaten Cao Cao at the Yellow River Ferry. He must not dare to resist, so that he will have the opportunity to welcome the emperor to Jizhou.

Once they arrive in Jizhou, with Yuan's reputation, they will definitely treat the emperor with courtesy and be loyal to the emperor and the country.

After all, Yuan's glamorous reputation is also a family tradition passed down from his ancestors for many years. How can a family that has been favored by the emperor have such rebellious behavior? !

"When His Majesty comes out of this government office, we will make a proposal to let Cao Cao move again."

"it is good."

"It's true."

"This place is so barren, it's not as good as Chang'an..."

"This Cao Cao has benevolence and righteousness but doesn't know how to make money. After all, his family background is not strong. Their family has been running for several years to be like the eyes of a rich family. After all, they are just powerful ears."

"His father used to build Taisi for one year, but it also cost [-] million yuan. The family's decline began here, but now he is also a poor generation. How can he have the wealth of a rich country? The emperor must not be happy..."

Outside the mansion courtyard, there were a lot of people whispering and discussing, but soon some crying voices came from inside, and then an eunuch ran out, asking Empress Fu to move to the mansion.

He ran to see where Cao Cao was at the door, trotted all the way to him, bowed to the end, and said softly: "Duke Cao, Your Majesty invites you in, and I have something to talk to you personally."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty praises you for your kindness. Please invite the officials of all ministries to stay here. You don't have to work so hard on the people. There is no psychological politics today. Please start preparing for the court meeting tomorrow."

Cao Cao nodded slightly and asked, "Your Majesty, would you like to live here?"

The eunuch nodded one after another, and hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty is in Xu County, I am grateful for Cao Gong's heart, and I don't want to disappoint this good intention. Cao Gong really, really has a heart..."

After saying this, Cao Cao laughed, straightened his waist and walked inward. At the same time, he looked at the ministers on both sides out of the corner of his eyes. The eunuch's voice was not low.

Therefore, people who are not far away can hear it, and Dong Cheng and others are already dumbfounded.

"How could this be, how could this be..."

 Hundred chapters!Throwing hard work, I beg you guys to feed data support

(End of this chapter)

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