Three Kingdoms: Sir, you love learning too much!

Chapter 84 You idiot, how can you defile someone's innocence out of thin air?

Chapter 84 You idiot, how can you defile someone's innocence out of thin air?
Inside the house, Zhuge Liang knelt obediently in front of Guo Yi, waiting for him to return to the main seat. The two stared at each other for a while.

The scene was a little awkward because neither of them knew what to say.

After Guo Yi sent Zhuge Xuan back, he realized that what he was about to teach was that the future Han Prime Minister Lu Shangshu's personal leave festival leader Sili Xiaowei Yizhou Mu bestowed a golden yue ax Qu Gai Yubao Wuxiang Zhongwuhou, Zhuge Liang.

This is a person in Wu Temple, so here comes the problem.

What can I teach him? !

Guo Yi couldn't help asking himself, what would happen if he failed to teach the right talents and taught him wrongly?

Thinking of this, Guo Yi's heart became a little heavy, and he finally said, "This is also my first time as a teacher, so try your best to keep up with my schedule, and we will read and study together."

"If you take a break, it's good to rest. I read a lot of books a day, but you don't need to study hard, choose your own useful books to study, and then ask me if you don't understand."

Zhuge Liang was taken aback for a moment.

He could feel that Guo Yi was more serious in his words, but he didn't understand why he was so serious. In the past, the elders in the family taught other young students, and they also entrusted them casually.

The rest is left to him to learn by himself. Usually, he will give lectures together once a month or several months, and he will talk for almost one day at a time, and it will not exceed too much.

Everything else is at the convenience of the teacher, and will not ask the disciples.

Now that Guo Yi has such a status, he has planned so much for Zhuge Liang. He was not used to it for a while, so he could only bow down in fear and respectfully wait for Guo Yi to finish speaking.

"Teacher, preaching and teaching karma to solve doubts, I can't teach the way without authorization, and karma can't be forced to teach, so the only way to do it is to solve doubts every day. You have to save several times a day and discuss with me more."

"Furthermore, if classes are over at night, you will go to practice martial arts with Dian Wei. This is your Uncle Dian, so you can just call him that."


Dian Wei was called, and immediately stood up and clasped fists at Zhuge Liang.

At this moment, Zhuge Liang saw this warrior with a wide door panel and a mountain-like momentum. For a while, the Adam's apple that had just developed couldn't help rolling up and down, and he felt a chill in his heart.

He suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

Not right.

This teacher is indeed different from the elders in the family in the past, and also completely different from the teaching of those celebrities, because he seems to be...

There is no day of rest.

"I still want to practice martial arts?"

A sneer appeared on Zhuge Liang's round and fair face, and he raised his head to look at Guo Yi.

Guo Yi smiled and didn't back down at all.

"That's right, among the six arts, isn't archery a martial art? Since you have to learn archery, it's better to practice it together with martial arts. Otherwise, how can you have a strong body to handle a lot of official duties in the future?"

"You need to know that the talent of Jingguo is not enough knowledge, it is counted only if it can be displayed, and the body will be weak in the future, don't you want to light a lamp to continue your life?"

Zhuge Liang shrank his neck slightly.

I dare not answer.

He found that his teacher seemed to be very eloquent, and there was always a reason for everything, and Balabala talked endlessly, as if a Taoist monk was chanting scriptures in his ear.

"I...then I will practice martial arts..."

Zhuge Liang was slightly frightened, peeping at Dian Wei from time to time.

"Except for these, is there any manners?"

He clasped his hands and asked, almost accepting his fate.

Guo Yi shook his head and said, "That's not true. The main thing is that you are my only disciple. You are the one who opens the door and the one who closes the door. You are responsible for opening and closing the door every day."

"Come to see me at Chenshi in the morning, and be responsible for closing the door when you leave in the evening. The rest of the time, you will follow my instructions. If I think it is useful, I will teach you a lot of detailed learning. You should learn it with an open mind."

"Hmm..." Guo Yi thought for a while, and then said, "When I go to Miaoguan, you can't follow me."

"What is Miaoguan?"

"I'll take you there when you grow up. That's where I'll take you to be an adult." Guo Yi's face was very serious, but Dian Wei still gave him a strange look.

Do you want to take him to school too?

What do you study in it?Learn how to evaluate the dancer?
"it is good……"

Zhuge Liang agreed one by one.

On the following day, Guo Yi gave him various words of encouragement to study, and analyzed the current situation, the situation of the princes from all over the country.

Even, popularized to Zhuge Liang what is called disciple rules.

And Zhuge Liang really felt deeply at this moment that Guo Yi had never been a teacher before, and the preparation for the first time was very complicated and rich, and too many courses made him complain.

He even wondered if it was too late to chase his uncle back now.

But you will definitely be ridiculed. Why can't you finish the path you chose?Even if it's crying and bearing for a moment.

So at night, Zhuge Liang always had tears in his eyes.


In this way, a few days later, Guo Yi did not see any guests anymore, and after processing the credit book with the officials in the house, he handed it over to Bao Xin.

And Zhuge Liang also studied official affairs, and he learned the general process by Guo Yi's side, and at the same time learned a lot of terms, comments, and writing methods of merit books.

His talent is also very high, Guo Yi is very envious.

Because Zhuge Liang almost has a photographic memory, as long as he reads it, he can immediately remember how to write and how to use words. In just three days, he can already transcribe the credit book roughly sent by himself, and he knows the standards of military exploits and military exploits at all levels.

Know how many achievements, you need to raise the rank of the army, and how much you have achieved can distinguish the level of merit.

But Zhuge Liang was still in a daze. With so many official duties during the day, it was enough for Guo Yi to be passionate about them. When he went back to rest at night, he would not only practice martial arts, but also read books.

Knowing that it will be late at night before going to sleep.

The next day, Chenshi would wake up on time and wait for him to open the door.

So today.

Zhuge Liang's eye circles were dark, he wished that the teacher could go out to socialize, drink and have fun with friends, so that he could rest at home.

But Guo Yi is extremely diligent, so diligent that he has read a lot of books. He has even memorized the classics of family studies of the Xun family and the Chen family. Zhuge Liang can answer anytime he asks.

Even so, he will continue to study and practice martial arts.

It was only then that Zhuge Liang realized that it might not be just luck that he was able to achieve countless well-known achievements. It is said that God rewards hard work. If he had been so diligent when he was young, he might have read all the homework books at home and mastered them all.

In such days, it was not until Cao Cao came back that Zhuge Liang improved, as if a savior had arrived.

After Cao Cao arrived in Tancheng, Guo Yi would naturally report his achievements and explain the battle report in detail. Zhuge Liang could not go on such an occasion, so he took the time to sleep at home.

First, I will be in a coma for a day and night, and I will wait for the teacher to come back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the teacher and Uncle Dian are not here, who else can control me!
"This is the end of the matter, let's get enough sleep before talking!"

Zhuge Liang's heart broke, rebellion and grievances surged up in an instant, and he fell down and smashed himself on the bed.

The young man's sleep was really good. He fell asleep immediately without turning over on the bed.


Inside the Tancheng Government Office.

Cao Cao checked the local conditions and the information of officials from various places from the main position, and learned about the placement of soldiers and horses in various ministries. Bao Xin, Guo Yi, Yu Jin, and Gao Shun were all here.

After this battle, Xuzhou will be in the hands of Bao Xin, who can be represented by Bao Xin. When he first arrived, Cao Cao had designated him as the governor, and then transferred Guo Yi back.

He is still Yanzhou Biejia, but he will record his achievements and reward him when he has the opportunity in the future.

It is estimated that the official registration of Chinese nationality was added, and the title of knighthood was awarded at the same time.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

When Cao Cao heard how Guo Yi had captured Lu Bu, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

After laughing for a long time before slowly calming down, he pointed to Guo Yi and said, "I knew about you a long time ago, and sooner or later you will make a difference. When I first went to the battlefield, I chased and killed Yuan Shu for hundreds of miles. It really opened my eyes."

"My lord, it's overrated." Guo Yi cupped his hands, his face was a little red, but he was still very humble, "I've been practicing martial arts recently, so I've improved a bit."

"Before I came, Zhicai was very moved when he heard about your achievements. He told me that all the followers are about the same age. Only Meng Yu is the least, and he can entrust his affairs in the future."

"This is already a great compliment to you."

The general next to him immediately laughed, "How can my lord say such things, I will ride my horse for another hundred years."

"Haha!" Cao Cao also smiled lively and turned his head to look, not caring about the dejected meaning of these words, "When I march to fight and help the Han Dynasty, half of my feet are on the battlefield and half of my feet are on the loess. It doesn't matter if I talk about it."

"Don't be afraid of the so-called unpredictable flying general Lu Bu, why should you be afraid to hinder him with a single word?"

Cao Cao was obviously very happy today, and he would not be angry if he said anything in class. He just smiled and raised his hand to Guo Yi, and asked, "Meng Yu, what reward do you want, you can let me know in advance."

"Even if it is too much, I will not refuse."


Guo Yi really has some other ideas recently, if it can be achieved, it will be of great benefit to the only reward.

After being attacked by Lu Bu this time, he was already on guard in his heart. If there is another general sneak attack or an ambush towards him next time, he may not have such luck again.

Because everyone around him knew about his accidental capture of Lu Bu, if he wanted to plan an ambush again, he would definitely be prepared.

Then start with yourself.

There are tens of thousands of roads in troubled times, and life-saving is the first. Only by walking on the road of life-saving with enough cards can we walk more steadily.

By the way, hiding a little in the field can also suspend the hidden danger of me making too many meritorious deeds and give others some opportunities.

Otherwise, you will be envied by everyone in the future, and giving others some space to display their talents and learning is the way to protect yourself wisely.

I'm really smart and tolerant.

"Of course it's true," Cao Cao waved his hand, his beard fluttering, and his face was full of favor.

Guo Yi clasped his hands and said, "Then from the coming year, my lord will be in training for a year to accumulate military resources."

"Yan and Xu are mainly engaged in farmland, preparing to expand the military rations for a year to support the people. The sergeants are mostly for drills, and at most they are just fixing chaos in various parts of Yuzhou."

"So, I want to go to the countryside and truly manage people's livelihood together with the people. I have read some books recently, and I have a lot of experience in water conservancy, farming and other tools. There will be a chance to increase domestic breeding, and I will definitely get more minced meat in the coming year."

"Please allow me, my lord, to set up a house in the mountains of Juancheng, farm with the people, live with the craftsmen, and let the village be the main one by the way, to display the talents of breeding."

Cao Cao: "..."

Still talented.

Have you been learning how to raise pigs lately?
The smile on his face froze a little, and he was suddenly unhappy.

You are really a dead-headed person, asking you for rewards, you just want these, and you are so focused on doing things, it seems that we are like old farmers who are waiting to die and have nothing to do.

No, Meng Yu is a smart person, how could he be so nonsense in public?In the past, he was resolute and eloquent in giving advice, and he was quite eloquent, but when he talked about this today, he felt that he had thought a lot and was eagerly looking forward to it.

He can make horseshoes and stirrups by blacksmithing.

How can such a hero rush to plow the fields, control the water in the river, and raise pigs in the village?

There must be something strange.

"Hehe..." Cao Cao got up and smiled lightly at Guo Yi, walked up to him, looked at him carefully, and asked in a deep voice, "Meng Yu, are you serious?"

"Ask you to reward, do you really only want these? Would you like to put what you have learned immediately into the field? Did you really learn this so eagerly?"

"I also ask my lord for your permission. I don't want to make many achievements. I just want to be worthy of my heart and be kind to the people." Guo Yi's face was slightly bitter, and he added, "Hey, this move is also to raise funds for the army. It is for the livelihood of the people. Of course, there is a lot to do!"

Do you want me to say it clearly, I've been too much in the limelight recently, give others a chance, don't let outsiders think that I'm the only adviser under your account?

This is said to be struck by lightning!

Originally, after more than a year, Cao Cao's acquisition of Guo Yi seemed like a fish in water. The relationship between the two has become too familiar, and they have made many achievements. Guo Yi has long spoken casually and naturally.

Hearing this all of a sudden, I feel like I was as stubborn as when I first came here, so I have to go!
Cao Cao was still puzzled, but among the generals, Cao Hong curled his lips, feeling uncomfortable.

Didn't Guo Yi just offend me and want to hide for a while?

Why are you doing this? You are so weird, I'm afraid I'm the only one in this meeting who can understand what he means.

Isn't it just... Isn't it just the matter of the hostages, who don't want to mention it, and who are deliberately transferred far away just to protect themselves?
But what people's livelihood is used as an excuse! !
But in that matter, it wasn't that I was greedy for life and afraid of death, but who would have to scold you? !You let someone kill the thief, and you killed Cao's general!
I must have the best temper. If Yuan Rang is taken as a hostage, you dare to act regardless of his safety, he will be furious!I can't wait to tear you to pieces!
He muttered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything, he could only grit his teeth secretly.

Cao Cao listened to Guo Yi's resolute attitude, so he stopped trying to persuade him, saying: "You just need to be a captain of the Diannong, and you have the right to be in charge of the people's livelihood in Dongjun County. Water conservancy and farming are all in your hands."

"After a year, we will consider merits, how good is that?"

"Thank you, my lord!" Guo Yi immediately cupped his hands in thanks, and then retreated to the left without saying a word, as if he was preoccupied with other things.

After the meeting is over.

Cao Cao left Bao Xin alone and asked about it.

Bao Xin didn't want to say it at first, but he waved his hands several times and said with a smile, "it's just such a book", and when Cao Cao took the credit book to look it up, he insisted on asking.

Bao Xin also had to froze, staring at Cao Cao with a smile without saying a word.

"Oh, Yuncheng, just say what you want. Today, Meng Yu is like this. I can see that he has something on his mind."

"What are you talking about people's livelihood and water conservancy... I don't believe he still has time to take care of people's livelihood. Could it be that he has been wronged here?"

Bao Xin clasped his fists and lamented: "Meng De, you don't know something, this achievement has actually been slightly changed."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Bao Xin explained in detail how Cao Hong was coerced as a hostage, but Guo Yi justly stated the national law.

Hearing that Cao Cao had roughly understood what had happened in the end, he squinted his eyes and kept thinking.

"Moreover, according to the military order..." Bao Xin looked at Cao Cao in embarrassment, "Zi Lian lost thousands of soldiers and several generals. How could I bear him to fight Lu Bu again, so I ordered him to guard Tancheng so that he could collect Chen's wealth."

"Unexpectedly, he misunderstood me, Meng Yu, and Wen Ze's vain attempt to monopolize the achievement of capturing Lu Bu."

" that's how it is..." Cao Cao felt even worse when he heard the whole story.

He paced back and forth in the hall for a while, then turned around suddenly, and said to Bao Xin with firm eyes: "Yuncheng, go and give me an order now. This law is strict, and it will strengthen the prestige of our army. Cutting off secrets can be a universal law! Spread this law to the entire army."

"In the future, hostages in the army, no matter how big or small the official position, should be attacked together!!"


Outside the school grounds, Dian Wei and Guo Yi walked a long way, and both of them had already reached the gate.

Dian Wei, who didn't talk much along the way, called out in a low voice, "Sir."

"Call me Captain." Guo Yi turned his head calmly and slightly dignifiedly.

"Sir, it's because you have received too much money recently that you want to go to the village to buy land?"

Guo Yi stopped walking, and stared at Dian Wei in astonishment.

The two stared at each other for a while, Guo Yi's mouth trembled a few times, and he said, "I don't know what you're talking about, you idiot, how can you be so innocent?"

After speaking, he quickened his pace and left.

(End of this chapter)

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