Start with the jailer

Chapter 260 The Immortal Organization Has Such Strong Strength?

Chapter 260 The Immortal Organization Has Such Strong Strength?

"Thank you senior for your pointer!"

"However, the juniors still find it difficult to understand the deep meaning. It is better for the seniors to instruct the juniors after practicing personally, so that the juniors can have a clear understanding and better guard the Scarlet Great Wall..."

Li Qingfeng glanced at Zhao Muchen indifferently.

Based on Zhao Muchen's previous performance of guarding the Tianguan, Li Qingfeng was moved to include him in the immortal organization.

But at this moment, Zhao Muchen's little thoughts made him hesitate a bit.

After pondering for a moment, Li Qingfeng said: "Then I will accept your love. The two marksmanship proves each other. Maybe it is really possible to reach the realm of divine will."

"If one day, if this deity can really cultivate this [Han Ye Xueying Spear] to a more mysterious place, I will tell you how to cultivate it."

Hearing this, Zhao Muchen bowed his head deeply and did not dare to say anything.

What Senior Tianbroom said at this moment was to tell him how to cultivate, not to teach him... There is a big difference between telling and teaching.

He could even feel a trace of senior Tianbroom's dislike towards him from what Senior Tianbroom said.

"Thank you senior!"

When Zhao Muchen looked up again, the broom was gone.

Zhao Muchen couldn't help sighing a little: "Hey... after all, it's a utilitarian..."

"The fairy organization doesn't care about these interests..."

"Master Tianbroom didn't come to resist the monster clan for any benefit, but I think about Lord Tianbroom with such a villainous heart..."

"Did I stay here for a long time... I didn't realize the change in my behavior until now..."

He laughed at himself, very lonely.

There was even a trace of regret in his heart, and he couldn't help thinking, if he asked Senior Tianbroom to take care of the Scarlet Great Wall in the Western Territory, would he get a dignified result?

But at this time, a sentence floated in the cold wind with no one around: "If there is any change in the western border, just call the deity's name three times."

Hearing this, Zhao Muchen was overjoyed!

What he was afraid of was that after Senior Tianbroom opened up the territory, the dragon would see the head and see the tail.

After all, although it is difficult to expand the territory, it is the first time in 3 years!
But the subsequent defense of the territory is not easy at all.

If there is no fairy organization Master Tianbroom to take care of it, the Scarlet Great Wall of Xijiang can expand its territory for a hundred miles today, but it will have to spit out a thousand miles under the threat of the monster army tomorrow!

Zhao Muchen bowed deeply immediately: "My human race has a fairy organization, it is a great fortune for my human race!"

"Zhao Muchen bows and bows to thank you, senior!"

"Zhao Muchen also apologizes to Senior for his previous rudeness!"

After speaking, Zhao Muchen knelt down and solemnly kowtowed nine times on the spot.


the top of Tianshan Mountain,

Under the broom mask, Li Qingfeng tied Liang Yunzhi and other nine people with star ropes.

In fact, he had already returned to the Scarlet Great Wall in the western region to take Liang Yunzhi and other nine people away, and when he passed by Zhao Muchen, he heard Zhao Muchen's words of repentance for being careful, so he left behind a sentence that can be called by his name lightly The three-tone promise.

Immediately, taking a deep look at Zhao Muchen, who was kneeling and kowtowing three hundred miles away, and pulling the star rope that bound Liang Yunzhi and the other three, Li Qingfeng appeared at the foot of the west side of Tianshan Mountain.

A huge and unparalleled corpse of a wolf demon lies here.

Although this wolf demon is dead, its body still retains residual warmth.

Just the residual warmth caused the snowflakes that fell on it to melt instantly.

"Meet Senior Tianbroom!"

"Meet Mr. Tianbroom!"

"Meet Mr. Tianbroom!"

Ming Yayin and the other 23 half-demons greeted with excitement.

Li Qingfeng turned his head, a mischievous thought rose in his heart.

Immediately, the eyes under Lone Pine's mask could not be calmed down, but there was an indescribable depression.

He looked at Ming Yayin: "Datonghui? Did that kid order you to do it?"

Ming Yayin's expression changed: "Senior, please forgive me! Everything is Yayin's own idea and has nothing to do with Master Li!"

Hearing this, Li Qingfeng couldn't help but smile slightly in his heart.

"That's good!"

"The establishment of the Datong Association is a great achievement. If it is counted on that kid's head, he will really stick his tail to the sky. When he sees this deity, he will have to shout like a broomstick or a broomstick?"

Ming Yayin paused slightly, never thought that Li Qingfeng would be so unscrupulous in the immortal organization.

Such a powerful senior broom, how dare he call the other party a little broom?

"Um...Senior, this is actually due to Mr. Li. If Mr. Li hadn't been so influenced by Yayin..."

Hearing this, Li Qingfeng's heart felt slightly warm.

After confirming that it was credit, Ming Yayin actually wanted to get some credit for him.

But his expression changed, and his tone was a bit yin and yang: "Okay! Is there really that kid involved?!"

Ming Yayin was completely stunned.

It seems... cheated?

Tian broom laughed lightly: "In short, according to what the leader and that kid want, the second girl should be credited with this credit."

"Second girl, your test is now over. Full marks."

"When Datong is on the right track, the leader may summon you. You can prepare one or two in advance."

Hearing this, Ming Yayin's face was full of excitement, and she was at a loss for what to do and thought of kneeling down to salute.

It seemed that only by kneeling could she clearly express the excitement in her heart.

A gust of wind blew up, making him unable to kneel no matter what.

Tian Broom ignored her, but turned to look at the other 23 half-demons.

As Mr. Tian broom looked over, even though Mr. Tian broom didn't have any genuine energy boiling at the moment, he didn't use any moves, and he even performed the Hua Fan Jue to hide his aura like a mortal.

But these 23 half-demons all suddenly became restrained, and each of them felt as if they were being watched by a holy king in ancient legends.

The 23 half-demons couldn't help but straighten their backs one by one, as if they wanted to show their best mental outlook in front of Mr. Tianbroom.

Li Qingfeng glanced at everyone, and the rewards of pills and so on seemed to be somewhat inconsistent with the purpose of the Datong Association.

After pondering for a moment, Li Qingfeng said softly: "Who will memorize the ultimate dream of Datong theory, and those four words?"


The eyes of the 23 half-demons were all excited, as if they discovered that the teacher's question happened to be what they were best at during class, and they all wished they could answer it by themselves.

However, the 23 half-demons did not dare to show the posture of vying for the qualification to answer, and there was no behavior of raising their hands.

Li Qingfeng glanced over everyone.

He is satisfied.

I didn't see that kind of flinching look.

Each one is full of longing.

This means that these 23 people have mastered this basic theory very well!

Pick one at random.

"You carry it on your back."

The man was so excited that he trembled all over, and quickly clasped his empty hands in salute: "Yes!"

"Master Broomstick! The ultimate ideal of Datong is that no matter the human race, the demon race, or we half-demon, we can all live in this world equally, and no longer have to kill each other. Believe in Xiumu."

"Supernatural powers and martial arts are used for production, and swords are forged into plows. All living beings in the universe are striving upwards, but they open up further stars and oceans, promote the all-round development of all living beings, and promote all living beings to pursue the truth of the universe..."

"The sentence of four acts is to establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the living and the people, inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations!"

Li Qingfeng nodded.

He is more satisfied.

Not satisfied with the fact that the half-demon recited the original sentence completely.

It's that this half-demon didn't carry his back. His demeanor let people know that he really understood these sentences, and he really engraved the things expressed by these sentences into the depths of his soul.

"Not bad!"

"What's your name?"

This half-demon became more and more excited, and the tail of the bull behind him flashed out because of this excitement.

This was because under extreme excitement, his demon blood boiled, and part of the infuriating energy that had been transformed into infuriating energy was returned to demonic power, and he had a tendency to become a demon.

Immediately, he became even more nervous, fearing that his demonization at this moment would make Master Broom misunderstand him and make Master Broom think that he was a demon.

But when he touched Master Tianbroom's knowing eyes looking at the younger generation, he felt a sudden warmth in his heart.

The tension in my heart and the fear in my eyes disappeared.

The fairy organization is completely different from the instructors of the Yaozu!
He straightened his expression: "Reporting to Mr. Tianbroom, the name of the human race below is Niu Jingshan!"

The rest of the half-demons quickly helped him and added: "It's quiet..."

Then a burst of good-natured laughter resounded.


at the same time,

The urgent secret letter of one hundred thousand miles was sent back to the imperial capital Jin'an City.

Ziwei Palace fell into silence,
If any one person had made such a feat of opening up the territory, Ziwei Palace would definitely be rejoiced, and the big celebration would most likely bring a lot of benefits to the entire imperial capital, from the aristocratic family to the common people.

There may even be more or less beneficial rewards for the hundreds of millions of people in Huaizhou, so that the whole world can celebrate this great contribution to the expansion of territory that has not been seen in 3 years.

The owner of Ziwei Palace might even personally hold a ceremony of conferring a king on the person who opened up the territory!
But...the feat of opening up the territory was done by the people of the immortal organization.

It was the first time that the immortal organization showed up. It is said that in the scene of remembering meritorious deeds in the blood mirror, the broom who claimed to be transferred back from Jianshuizhou by the leader of the immortal organization did it.

This... how to celebrate?
The royal family congratulates the immortal organization?
But if you don't celebrate, wouldn't it appear that the royal family is too petty?

After all, this is a great achievement that has never been seen in 3 years!

It is the great achievement of the human race to open up the territory!

This is the only time in 5000 years that the human race has won a battle against the demon race to expand its territory!
Even if this expansion of territory is defined as the recovery of rivers and mountains, it is also a huge contribution beyond imagination.

But why is it the immortal organization that made such a feat?

Yao Qingyue was extremely silent, her face was as frosty.

After being silent for a long time, she slowly opened her mouth and said, "Department of Edicts and Rites and Department of Accounts are fully responsible for the celebration."

Feng Guan silently agreed.

The fire officer was slightly absent-minded.

The Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Households are responsible for the celebration?
As ordinary court organizations, the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Households are also qualified to intervene in the affairs of warriors?
This is no celebration at all!
This is even an insult to the immortal organization to some extent!
Lin Guan quickly said: "Master! This may not be a good thing!"

"After this incident, the Yaozu will definitely regard the immortal organization as a thorn in their side!"

"In this way, the plan of uniting demons and immortals will be implemented more smoothly, and the demon clan will definitely regard the destruction of immortal organizations as the most important thing. Many things that could not reach a common understanding before can be negotiated because of this. !"

Yao Qingyue's eyes finally lit up slightly.

Indeed it is!
Previously, the immortal organization was not a big deal on the side of the Yaozu, so if they wanted to unite with the demons to destroy the immortals, Ziwei Palace must make great concessions to the Yaozu.

The Yaozu will also have the confidence to request that more powerful Yaozu be sent into the land of Huaizhou, with the intention of destroying the human race in World War I.

But now the fairy organization has opened up a hundred miles of territory for the Tang Dynasty, and switched to the position of the Yaozu, the fairy organization is actually causing the Yaozu to lose their city and lose a hundred miles!

In the situation of the entire human race and the demon race, it suddenly became that the harm of the immortal organization to the demon race is greater than the harm of the immortal organization to the Tang royal family, aristocratic families, and nobles...

If there were negotiations at this time, the royal family and nobles of the Tang Dynasty would be able to ask for huge amounts of money.

Of course, if there is a talented and generous emperor at this time, he will naturally abandon the previous grievances with the immortal organization, with the goal of restoring the rivers and mountains.

But Yao Qingyue... can't be considered a great talent.

Her eyes flickered: "This is indeed the truth..."

The Fire Officer could no longer remain silent, he quickly stepped forward two steps, and bowed with his empty hands: "Palace Master! I have some advice!"

Yao Qingyue felt a little better: "Let's talk."

Complexity flashed in Huo Guan's eyes, and then his heart suddenly crossed, and he said directly: "Palace Master Qi! Since the Immortal Organization can open up territory for the Tang Dynasty, why not... wait until the Immortal Organization regains the entire Houtu Continent for the Tang Dynasty? To unite demons and exterminate immortals?"

The fire officer has already said it very euphemistically.

In this extremely tactful way, remind Yao Qingyue once again that the monster race is the enemy of the human race!
After the enemy is wiped out, how to divide the country behind closed doors is the responsibility of the human race.

In that case, even if the fight is overwhelmed, the worst will be the second era of five emperors!
Moreover, Hou Tuzhou is an independent planet, if the royal family can completely control Hou Tuzhou, it will be much easier to defend against the monster race.

At that time, the immortal organization will be wiped out, and it will be difficult for the demon clan to invade Hou Tuzhou.

At that time, if the Yaozu wanted to break through Hou Tuzhou, they would have to start another [Battle of the Heavens], which would be a great loss to the Yaozu.

Those seated in the Yaozu Wanyao Temple will inevitably fall into arguing because of this, and Datang will have more opportunities!

"Ha ha!"

Yao Qingyue sneered.

Immediately, his tone was extremely cold and he said: "Then, according to Mr. Huo Guan, should we wait for the immortal organization to recover the nine big Kyushu, completely restore the rivers and mountains, and wait until the leader of the immortal organization becomes another generation of holy kings of our human race... ...and then contact the Yaozu Destroyer Immortal Organization?!"

Huo Guan suddenly turned pale, and a look of helplessness flickered in his eyes.

"At that time... was there still Datang?!"

Yao Qingyue slapped the table fiercely: "Could it be that without the immortal organization, our human race can't recover the rivers and mountains?"

His gaze became colder and colder.

"During the time of the First Emperor, our Tang Dynasty was only a little bit close to regaining Fuzhou. As long as we destroyed the Immortal Organization and waited for the Emperor's brother to leave the country to rectify the families and nobles, we did not need the Immortal Organization. We, the Tang Dynasty, could follow the example of the First Emperor and send troops. Conquer the demon tribe, completely recover the Houtu Continent, and completely restore the rivers and mountains!"

Huo Guan's face was stiff, and he wanted to say something, but suddenly the light in his eyes was completely extinguished.

Yao Qingyue: "You... go back and face the wall for a year."

She glanced at Feng Guan and Lin Guan again: "As soon as possible, re-negotiate the candidate for the new Huo Guan!"

Feng Guan promised, and then lowered his head even lower.

Lin Guan looked extremely complicated.

Huo Guan slowly took out Huo Guan's official seal and token and placed them on the table respectfully, and then bowed deeply.

"His Majesty the Palace Master cherishes it! I will resign now!"

Immediately, Huo Guan turned around and exited the hall.

He wasn't unhappy at all.

Instead, he thought it was a good opportunity to get rid of right and wrong.

In his opinion, regardless of whether the plan to unite demons and immortals is successful, or even if the plan is successful, how will the royal family accuse the immortal organization after the plan is successful...

But those who participated in this matter, as long as the human race still exists in the future, they will be nailed to the pillar of shame of the human race forever and ever.

At that time, when the history books are catching wind and shadows, they will ruin the fairy organization that can threaten the monster race, they will block the chance of the rise of the human race, and they will kill the real hope of the human race...

But at this moment Yao Qingyue has completely gone crazy.

Her desire to destroy the immortal organization has surpassed everything else, and it is so strong that she can't wait for one more breath.

Feng Guan, who is also a heavenly official, chose to remain silent to protect himself, while Lin Guan went crazy with Yao Qingyue.

The mountain official can't retreat again.

And even if the mountain official is released, the riddle man can't have any conscience, and he can't persuade Yao Qingyue to put the human race first.

It can also influence and even stop the royal guard of the master of Ziwei Palace...but also fell into the hatred of the three guardians of the Dharma realm who were suppressed by the ancestors. Now the royal guard also supports the plan of uniting demons and immortals.

The moment he walked out of the main hall, Huo Guan looked around the entire royal family, only to feel that the once dazzling Ziwei Palace had been covered with a layer of gray mist for some time.


at the same time,

Taiyin Pavilion,
"Expand the territory for a hundred miles?!"

When receiving this information, the Pavilion Master of the Taiyin Pavilion was really stunned for a long time, the shocking light in his eyes lasted for ten breaths without calming down at all.

3 years old!

For 3 years, the human race has never expanded its territory.

It seems that the lesson of the Yan Emperor Dynasty who lost its country and country because it sent a large army to fight against the Xinghai influenced the successive kings of the Yellow Emperor Dynasty, so the Yellow Emperor Dynasty never sent any force to Xinghai.

Then entered the era of the five emperors, the five emperors competed with each other for hegemony, which side would dare to send a large army to expand the territory?

When the era of the five emperors collapsed and the monster race rose, the human race would say goodbye to opening up territories.

Since then, 5000 years to the present, all cities have been lost!
To this day, the immortals organize brooms to help the Scarlet Great Wall of the Western Territory go westward for a hundred miles, expand the territory again, and once again record achievements with blood mirrors!
"Sky broom..."

"A member of the immortal organization retrieved from Jianshuizhou by the leader of the immortal organization?"

"If that's the case... can it be inferred that Jishan Continent, Shufeng Continent, Dark Thunder Continent, Yaoze Continent, Yujin Continent, Jiyan Continent, Cangsen Continent and the other seven Great Kyushu have members of immortal organizations... ..."

"Have the members of the Immortal Organization in these places... been recalled by the leader of the Immortal Organization?"

"Where's the leader of the fairy organization?"

"Has he returned to Huaizhou?"

It's just that a jade pendant left behind is such a terrifying leader of the immortal organization...

"The fairy organization... has such a strong strength, but why can't the fairy organization not change the dynasty, is it like laughing at the country?"

"Is it taking into account the overall situation of the human race?"

"That's not true... The Immortal Organization is so powerful, I am afraid that it has existed for a longer time than Xiaojiangshan. Why is there no trace of the Immortal Organization for such a long time?!"

 Yesterday's second update was locked in a small dark room... I couldn't figure it out, so I just rewrote it and sent it out now... I can only say sorry to the friends who subscribed to yesterday's Chapter 2!
(End of this chapter)

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