Start with the jailer

Chapter 329: No entry allowed!Give away the title deed!Dragon vein aura!Change of chains!

Li Qingfeng frowned slightly.

The expressions of the people guarding the surrounding areas were changing.

This is the attitude of the aristocratic family towards the lower class. Even if you become the dog of the aristocratic family, you are still just a dog!

This dog usually looks domineering because it belongs to a noble family, and it seems that it is no longer a commoner.

But at this moment...

In the past, more than a hundred guards of the Sima family died at the hands of Li Qingfeng, but the Sima family never mentioned a word about avenging the sacrifices of those guards.

It’s even more unacceptable now!

Those guards and casualties who were not among the 15 people were all extremely pale.

Some people's eyes flickered, as if they had other thoughts.

But some people surrendered more and more.

Ba Fangcan respectfully saluted Li Qingfeng with cupped fists: "Sir Li, it was these 15 people who falsely reported chaos, which led to the huge misunderstanding between us!"

"At this moment, we have severely punished these 15 people in front of Chief Li! We have also summoned the unfilial descendants on the side of Zhufeng Mountain to immediately release the detained people, and will personally deliver all the land deeds in Zhufeng Mountain to Chief Li later! "

"In addition, regarding this matter... we are willing to compensate the headmaster 50 taels for various expenses as a family, and we are also willing to privately donate 50 taels to the construction of the Common People's Academy... each family!"

In other words, one family pays 100 million taels!
The total is fifteen million taels!
It was 500 million taels more than the money allocated by Ziwei Palace to build the Common People's Academy!
These are only fifteen aristocratic families, of which only two are barely considered to be upper-class aristocratic families. If the 210 seven aristocratic families were taken out... I can't imagine what kind of huge wealth that would be!
Xiao Bao, Jiang Chuan, Tan Youmi and other security guards were stunned.

Li Qingfeng just looked at Ba Fangcan and others with a smile: "It seems like this is really a misunderstanding?"

Ba Fangcan insisted: "It's really a misunderstanding!"

Li Qingfeng's face turned cold: "Since it is a misunderstanding, all family heads will go to Zhufeng Mountain with Li to explain this misunderstanding clearly to the millions of people in the imperial capital!"

"In addition... you have compensated my garrison department, but the frightened millions of people may have suffered some illness... Don't they need to compensate?"

The expressions of Ba Fangcan and the other 15 people changed slightly.

Compensate the common people?

This is not something that aristocratic families should have in mind!

In the minds of the aristocratic family, the common people can only live thanks to the aristocratic family for giving them the chance to live!
But this isn't the first time this has happened.

Previously, the Immortal Organization had also explicitly demanded compensation for the common people!
Therefore, when Li Qingfeng mentioned it at this moment, Ba Fangcan and others did not find it difficult to accept it.

"What Mr. Li said makes sense...but we were negligent!"

Li Qingfeng turned around calmly: "Then let's go!"

"Whether this is a misunderstanding or not, it depends on whether you can unite your knowledge and actions! By the way, the compensation for each of the millions of people must not be less than two taels of silver!"

Hearing this, the smile on Ba Fangcan's face almost broke, and the anger in his heart suddenly surged.

The surname Li is too pushy!

But when things have come to this point... Either let Li Qingfeng smoothly arrest the members of the family on the basis of the charges in the file, and prove that the family is causing trouble in Zhufeng Mountain to threaten Li Qingfeng, and to let the children of the family go free.

This even increased Li Qingfeng's prestige among the people...

Or, when the war begins, use the lives of the gods or even the ancestors of Dharma to test whether the two pavilion masters will take action for Li Qingfeng?

In fact, there is no need to try!

The perceptive aura of the Taiyin Pavilion Master shining brightly in the sky... is the clear proof that the Taiyin Pavilion Master Baoli Qingfeng!

So the family has only one choice - break the teeth and swallow blood!
After trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart, when Ba Fangcan raised his head again, he had already returned to his smiling appearance: "I'll do whatever you want!"

Li Qingfeng nodded slightly, then turned to look at Xiao Bao and others: "The Guards Department is on standby! But before I come back, people from these fifteen families are only allowed to enter but not to leave!"



Suddenly, an extremely neat sound of a promise resounded, causing many people in Tianjie to tremble.

Li Qingfeng looked back at the fourteen transformed gods floating in the sky again, and said calmly: "If Li comes back, he finds that one of my guarding brothers is missing a hair... Dear gentlemen, of the Sima family Things may not happen again."

The voice fell,

The black rainbow light faded away.

Ba Fangcan and the other 15 people looked at each other with anger in their eyes, and then followed up.

However, they do not have the cultivation to transform into gods and cannot transform into rainbow light. Instead, they drag out a blurred afterimage and quickly move away.

And in place, the more than [-] people in the garrison department truly felt an unprecedented sense of security!

One by one, there was no longer any fear or humility in the eyes looking at the fourteen transformed gods.

Gu Sanwan suddenly roared: "What? Didn't the fourteen masters of transformation hear what my headmaster just said?"

The fourteen transformed gods were furious.

How dare such little ants boss them around like this? !

But Li Qingfeng's threatening words were still echoing in their minds, and the scene of the Luo family's fourth-level god transformation being chopped into pieces with a single knife played back and forth in their minds like a slideshow.

Xiao Bao: "Didn't you hear?"

"The head of my family has an order - you and the fifteen families are allowed in but not allowed out!"

Jiang Chuan also spoke softly: "Fourteen masters of transformation, please go back to your own homes! Don't make me wait in trouble!"

Hearing this, the faces of the fourteen gods twitched non-stop, and murderous intent overflowed in their chests. From birth to now, have they ever been intimidated by such an ant-like untouchable?

Weird shame and great humiliation rose in my heart!

The overwhelming anger is about to melt the heart and lungs... but it happens unexpectedly and doesn't stop at all!

But he didn't dare to have an attack at all!
After all, it was Li Qingfeng who threatened them!
After all, the backer of these ants is Li Qingfeng!
And Li Qingfeng was a lunatic who dared to defeat the Sima family single-handedly when he was in the Qi Gathering Realm.

Now he has the strength to kill the transformed gods... Not to mention the aristocratic family, the 14 of them even believe that even if the demon god hurts Li Qingfeng's people, Li Qingfeng, a madman, has the courage to defeat the Sima family single-handedly. Normally, one would just attack the Ten Thousand Demons Palace single-handedly!

Faced with such fierce lunatics...

The fourteen transformed gods said nothing, but endured the painful convulsions in their livers from anger, and ducked into each house.

Seeing this scene,
Tie family,

Tie Sanwen laughed at himself: "I'm really not as good as Li Qingfeng!"

When the Guarding Division was in his hands, even among the three divisions, he was ranked at the bottom. Among the three divisions, two offices and three pavilions, anyone could beat the Guarding Division.

But now that the Guard Division is in the hands of Li Qingfeng, anyone can suppress the other. Even if the fourteen gods are in front of him, Xiao Bao, who is at the tenth level of Tongmai Realm, dares to give orders!
"Is this...the same kind of clerks as there are bosses?"

And the Chen family,
Chen Jiu'an smiled lonely, his eyes were extremely complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.


Zhufeng Mountain,
The faces of Daofajian, Luo Xincheng and others were extremely stiff.

Dao Fajian: "How did things... become like this?"

Luo Xincheng: "Hahaha! Your Dao family is okay! Our Luo family has lost an ancestor! If you ask me, who should I ask?!"

Angrily, he released dozens of detained people.

The expressions of the common people who saw the noble family in front changed one by one.

Immediately afterwards, a black rainbow light came suddenly.

The black light gradually subsided, and Li Qingfeng's figure emerged.

far away,

Lonicera: "It's Master Li! Master Li is finally here!"

Xin Yuan's face was full of anxiety: "What is he doing here!"

"He shouldn't have come!"

Lonicera is a little confused. You were the one who complained about Mr. Li not coming, but now you are the one who feels that Mr. Li shouldn't have come.

As ordinary people, it is naturally impossible for them to know what happened just now in Tianjie, which is nearly fifteen miles away.

That battle ended too quickly.

There was no terrifying aura at all, nor was there any strong pressure. Before the fifteen gods could really take action, they were completely defeated and already frightened.

It can be said that not a single one of the millions of people gathered here knew that a strong man of the fourth level of divine transformation had fallen silently just now in Tianjie.

I didn’t know that Li Qingfeng had already made plans from the Tianjie side to completely eliminate the conspiracy on the Zhufeng Mountain side!

This is poor information!

This is one of the fundamental reasons why people's cognition can be easily controlled by aristocratic families and royal families!

This is the reason why Xiao Jiangshan has been stigmatized for nearly 800 years even though he has traveled far and wide for the human race!
There are many earth-shattering events that the common people know, in addition to the four consecutive blood mirror records of the four-boundary Blood Great Wall and the previous immortal organization Cang Xiu, the leader of the immortal organization retained the jade pendant to destroy the imperial capital city and then ordered the emperor to rebuild the private residence... This way, the family Except for the events that the royal family is really powerless to suppress, most major events are actually carefully selected by the aristocratic family and the royal family and want the people to know so that the people can know.Due to the extreme information gap, the people's knowledge was actually limited to the "bottom of the well". Coupled with the blockade of martial arts, and the completely unbreakable road to class transition... The people of the Tang Dynasty were essentially undeveloped.

If the people's wisdom is not yet developed, the road to great harmony will be even more difficult.

Therefore, the significance of the Common People's Academy is beyond imagination!
Only if there is a common people's academy everywhere in the world, and the common people's academy has no organization at all, and if the common people's academy can really open the path for the common people to ascend and open up their true wisdom... it will be difficult to truly reach Datong after all!
Even if Li Qingfeng succeeds in integrating Tianwu Ce and truly achieves invincibility, he will not be able to implement the Great Harmony in a true sense.


On the west side of Zhufeng Mountain,
In the midst of the crowd, fifteen afterimages came quickly.

When the afterimage was fixed, the heads of the fifteen aristocratic families naturally had a high-spirited expression.

It was as if the moment they saw these millions of common people, these aristocratic families automatically ascended and were no longer a lowly human race.

Extremely proud!

But when they turned to look at Li Qingfeng, their apologetic yet extremely humble expressions appeared.

"Master Li!"

Li Qingfeng said indifferently: "Let's explain the misunderstanding!"

"Explain it to the millions of people in Zhufeng Mountain!"

Ba Fangcan gritted his teeth bitterly and turned to face the densely packed heads.

His expression suddenly became arrogant, and he was as tall as a man in the sky: "This time it is not Li Zhangsi who seizes the land, but fifteen aristocratic families like us who are willing to give the land deed to Zhufeng Mountain to Li Li. grown ups!"

"It was only by sending a message to the bodyguards of the fifteen members of our family that they pretended to be in trouble, so that the people in charge of the fifteen family mistakenly thought that they were using the land deeds to question Chief Li about the occupation of the land..."


The people were confused and then in an uproar!

Lonicera was inexplicably excited: "Everyone, it seems it's not as dangerous as you said! It turns out it was just a misunderstanding!"

Xin Yuan was stunned on the spot.


How could it be a misunderstanding!
Even if he really misunderstood the family, it would be impossible for him to humble himself and admit it!
What did Mr. Li do to make the family admit that this was a misunderstanding, and even make these nobles of the family willing to condescend to explain the misunderstanding to these millions of common people?

Xin Yuan felt incredible in her heart.

at the same time,

Ba Fangcan turned to look at the fifteen families gathered here, a total of 48 people, including the two masters Daofa Chen and Luo Xinyong: "Now that you know that the land deed is going to be given to Lord Li, why are you still standing there?!"

Luo Xincheng's face was dark.

The expression on the sword's hair didn't look good either.

They are the tenth level of Yang Soul!

Although I don't know what happened specifically, I also know clearly that Li Qingfeng must have done something to make the fifteen family heads surrender, and even made up the so-called 'misunderstanding'.

But asking the two of them to present the land deed... This is absolutely impossible!

The two immediately looked at the family members next to them: "Go!"

There were people from each of the fifteen families who came out, and without exception, they were just family members who were in the Mortal Realm.

These people walked three feet in front of Li Qingfeng, then bowed and saluted: "I will come and present the title deed of Zhufeng Mountain to Chief Li!"

"Please, Chief Li, please don't refuse!"

Li Qingfeng said symbolically: "Such a generous gift, I will not refuse it!"

With a gesture of his hand, fifteen land deeds flew into Li Qingfeng's hands.

There are four or five land deeds for each one, for a total of 71 land deeds, covering almost the entire Zhufeng Mountain.

When he took the land deed, Li Qingfeng clearly felt that the core of the Dragon-Slaying Sword in his body trembled, and the core of the Tiangang Sword Sutra that was fused with the other half of the core of the Dragon-Slaying Sword also trembled suddenly. .

A faint whine from the dragon clan resounded from the land deed in his hand.

It was the wail of the dragons that only he could hear.

While he was making some guesses, Li Qingfeng put the land deed into Yin Yang Ruins without choosing to study it at this moment.

He just slowly turned his head to look at Ba Fangcan and the other 15 people: "What about compensation for these common people?"

Ba Fangcan's face was dark, and he turned to look at the dense crowd of heads again, looking at those people's shabby clothes, looking at those people's blank and ignorant eyes, looking at whether those people were scratching their heads or clasping their legs. action……

It actually doesn't matter if a single person is like this, but when a group of people are like this, when you look at it in a 'viewing' way, you will only see the appearance of a group of demons dancing around.

There is simply no manners or etiquette at all!

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, such common people with no manners are simply not even human beings.

An extreme disgust emerged from the bottom of Ba Fangcan's heart.

However, due to the situation, he still put a smile on his face and said: "This time the guards of the aristocratic family conveyed chaotic orders, which caused trouble to all the people. The experience chief strongly recommends... I, the fifteen aristocratic families, should deal with the situation within one month." The people here now will be compensated at the rate of two taels of silver per person!"

"The 77 people detained by our family members will each receive ten taels of silver as compensation!"

"Please arrive at the East City Gate later and register your name and address at the registration office set up by my fifteenth family to facilitate subsequent compensation!"

"If you don't register... you will be deemed to have given up the compensation on your own initiative!"

These words were also delivered in a package of true energy, and were also amplified by true energy. Otherwise... let alone the tenth level of Yang Soul like Ba Fangcan, even the tenth level of the God Transformation would not be able to speak plainly. The words were directly heard by nearly a million people.

And after hearing the words of this noble nobleman from a noble family, the crowd became even more noisy.


"And there's compensation?"

"Two taels of silver?"

"Those who were detained just now actually have ten taels of silver? If I had known, I should have run over and been detained!"

"Oh my god! My monthly income is only one tael of silver!"

"Hey! Then I'm more comfortable than you. I have three taels of silver a month!"

"Why don't you thank Mr. Li?"

"Didn't you hear what this noble man said? We only got this compensation after the strong suggestion from the headmaster!"

"Before this, except for the time when the Immortal Organization was organized before, when have you ever heard of aristocratic families paying compensation to the people?"

"Don't say this is compensation. Even if I kill your whole family, I won't have to pay half a copper coin!"

Originally, everyone was just chatting with a few people around them, but when millions of people were chatting at the same time, the sound started booming.

"Thank you, Chief Calendar!"

I don't know where the sound came from among the noise.

Soon, the number of "Thank you, Mr. Li" gradually increased, and they gradually resonated with each other, and finally converged into a uniform sound - "Thank you, Mr. Li!"

Booming sound waves resist Zhufeng Mountain.

Thousands of leaning bamboo forests rustled, as if they were also calling towards Li Qingfeng Mountain.

Ba Fangcan endured the extreme unhappiness in his heart and still looked at Li Qingfeng with a smile on his face: "Master Li... this must be a complete misunderstanding, right?"

Li Qingfeng didn't speak, but turned into a rainbow and walked away.

The fifteen aristocratic family heads looked at each other with doubts and a hint of hidden hatred in their eyes.

Daofajian and Luo Xincheng came over in a flash: "Brother Ba! What's going on? How did it become a misunderstanding? Why do you want us to give away the land deed?!"

Ba Fangcan smiled bitterly and spoke softly.

The expressions between Luo Xincheng and Daofa were inexplicably shocked, and there was even a hint of hindsight in their hearts!
Kill the fourth level of divine transformation with one sword?
Luo Xincheng's face was even more pale. The fourth-level God Transformation who was killed... was his grandfather!

The corners of his mouth became moist, and his eyes were filled with inexplicable sadness and anger, but he finally fell silent and lowered his head.

Li Qingfeng is a madman!
He reminded himself of this over and over again, lest he really couldn't help but be shot back by Li Qingfeng because of his quick words.


After a while, the guard Si Mingjin withdrew his troops.

The [-] garrison officers retreated, and the silent Tianjie became even more silent.

The people of Zhufeng Mountain flocked to the East Gate to register their names, addresses and other information, looking forward to the compensation that Li Zhangsi would win for them.

But in the rest of the imperial capital, nothing seemed to happen!

It seems that a storm has just swept through! (End of chapter)

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