Start with the jailer

Chapter 335 I am the Galaxy!The power of the soul-refining heart method and the soul-nurturing heart

On the city wall, Han Yang raised his sword and slashed down.

There was a realization shining in his eyes.

The attack of the demon clan on the human race in front of us is not really about to start a war!
At least it's not a decisive battle to destroy the human race!
If it were really a decisive battle, the half-demon would definitely get the order from the top of the demon clan to destroy the Bloody Great Wall in advance!
The half-demon has been lurking for hundreds of years in order to destroy the Bloody Great Wall from the inside out for the demon clan before the crucial battle begins, so that the demon clan can exterminate the human race in one go!
Otherwise, not to mention some of the special formations of the Scarlet Great Wall, just the formation of opening and guarding the Heavenly Gate would be enough to delay the demon clan's attack indefinitely.

Especially as the Bloody Great Wall continues to shrink, the strength of the Bloody Great Wall will increase significantly. This is what really gives the demon clan a headache.

Therefore, if the battle to exterminate the human race is to be smooth and fast, destroying the Bloody Great Wall in advance is an extremely critical link.

But now, the half-demon has not received any orders from the demon clan!

This also means that the battle in front of us... is actually just a trial, far from the level of a decisive battle.

Naturally, there is no need to retreat, let alone the need to open the Heavenly Pass!

But also at this time,
Han Yang was suddenly stunned.

Suddenly, he could no longer believe what he had just speculated.

just because...

What seemed to be the most melodious sound of nature in the world resounded from the end of the sky.

A huge white divine bird that seemed to cover half of the sky roared over.

As its wings flapped, violent winds roared from heaven and earth, flying sand and rocks, broken trees, and even towering giant trees were uprooted by the violent wind...

And the divine bird in the sky has four lines on its body, which are similar to the lines of the four characters of virtue, righteousness, propriety, and benevolence in the ancient inscriptions of the four human races!

Phoenix has no pattern!

Also known as the Five Virtues of the Phoenix!

But not all Phoenix people are qualified to be called Phoenix!

In Li Qingfeng's previous life, there was a saying that phoenix is ​​male and phoenix is ​​female, and phoenix and phoenix were treated separately. However, this was obviously made up by Sima Xiangru, a man who was always in trouble and eventually abandoned, when he was trying to pick up girls. Su Dongpo made up ancient classics in his The Theory of Honesty in Punishments and Rewards.

In this world, it seems that because there is no song of Sima Xiangru's "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix", the word "Phoenix" has not yet been defined as a different title for the male and female of the Phoenix clan.

In this world, tens of thousands of demons and humans are actually the same. Humans are divided into men and women, while demons are divided into male and female.

Men in the human race are called men, and women are called women.

The same is true for the Phoenix Clan.

The males in the Phoenix clan are called male phoenixes, and the females are called female phoenixes.

The word "phoenix" in the word "phoenix"...actually corresponds to the word "phoenix" for the human emperor.

The meaning of the word "phoenix" is that it is the only emperor of the Phoenix clan, which is roughly equivalent to the human emperor!
The Five Phoenix Virtues or the Five Phoenix Patterns never mean that any Phoenix tribe has five patterns similar to human characters.

But only the emperor among the Phoenix Clan, the being who is respectfully called [Phoenix], truly possesses the Five Virtues Pattern!
The patterns on the rest of the Phoenix Clan are different depending on the purity of their bloodline and their strength.

But for those who are not Phoenix, their limit is only four lines. The lines they lack may be different. Some are lacking in virtue, some are lacking in justice, and some are lacking in etiquette... But it is the limit of four lines!

In other words, the huge phoenix clan in front of us, which seems to cover half of the sky, is the strongest person under the phoenix!
Perhaps he is the one with the highest bloodline under the Phoenix, or perhaps he is the strongest person under the Phoenix.

The purer the bloodline of the Phoenix clan, the higher the level of magical powers they possess.

The higher the level of the magical power, the more difficult it is to deal with!

First-grade magical powers are almost completely restricted by rules, and being unable to find the rules and rules gaps means that the ability is almost unsolvable.

The ninth-grade magical power is just an ability similar to martial arts moves, but it can be cast instantly without using true energy or demonic power.

When he saw this four-striped phoenix approaching, blocking out the sky and the sun, Han Yang was completely stunned.

Sent out such a powerful Phoenix clan... maybe this time the war will be the real decisive battle!
As for why the half-demon did not receive the message, perhaps those strong men who have great prejudice against half-demon and call half-demon half-human are presiding over this battle.

Perhaps the demon clan is now so powerful that they can ignore the Bloody Great Wall!



"Ming Jin!"

Han Yang roared and flew back.

On the chaotic battlefield, he quickly found a half-demon from the Datong Association: "Contact the vice-president immediately! Let the vice-president find a way to notify the president and the immortal organization!"

"This is a decisive battle!"

"This is the battle where the monster race destroys the human race!"

Watching the Datonghui member leave, Han Yang rushed back to Chang Taohe: "Grand Governor! The situation is critical!"

"The general proposes... to open the Heaven Pass!"

Chang Taohe's expression became serious. He nodded slightly, but glanced towards the northwest: "Zhao Muchen... Today, Chang will also guard Tianguan once!"

"Ming Jin!"

The golden drum was beaten.

The low and clear sound of the golden drum came out, and on the bloody Great Wall in the south, millions of soldiers were all stunned.

Immediately, most of the soldiers' eyes flashed with joy.

No more meaningless battles!

As long as you retreat, you can save your life!
Obviously, the military morale of the Southern Scarlet Great Wall is still not comparable to that of the Western Scarlet Great Wall.

After all, the Bloody Great Wall in the Western Territory took advantage of the Wolf Clan's attack to eliminate the Dove Faction among the top officials, and then appointed Zhao Muchen and others as the Grand Governor. In addition, the Datong Hui has taken root in Western Territory, and the soldiers of Western Territory Gradually I know why I should fight...

In southern Xinjiang, the development of the Great Harmony is extremely slow. The soldiers in southern Xinjiang still have the mentality of just hanging around and waiting to die. They have never fought a bloody battle with the demon clan in a real sense, and they do not have the bloody courage.

The doves among its top leaders still have a great say.

As the golden sound resounded, millions of border troops in southern Xinjiang receded like the tide.

At the same time, as the giant phoenix roared in the sky, a sea of ​​gray-white fire spread out from its body.

A sea of ​​flames filled the sky and covered the earth.

It is not hot between heaven and earth, but extremely cold.

It was as if the flames surged out from the extremely cold hell, carrying the extreme coldness from the depths of hell.

Chang Taohe grabbed the big knife in his hand and took out the blood jade that controlled the Bloody Great Wall.

As long as this blood jade is activated, the Bloody Great Wall in Southern Xinjiang can instantly turn from a solid entity into a swirl of blood-colored smoke.

Part of the bloody smoke will circulate according to the weird formation, forming an endless bloody mountain that stretches into endless space.

It formed an endless bloody giant mountain that left a gap in Tianguan, and the rest of the place had twelve hours of absolute defense!
But also at this time,
The soft starlight suddenly spread like a tide from behind the Bloody Great Wall in Southern Xinjiang.

Chang Taohe suddenly looked back: "Is it... an immortal organization?"

Under the starlight, he couldn't see clearly.

But besides the Immortal Organization, who else could come at such a moment?

In the space, there are shining stars everywhere.

Wherever the starlight went, the icy coldness transmitted from the endless sea of ​​gray-white fire pressing down from the sky suddenly dissipated out of thin air.

at the same time,

Chang Taohe and others could see a little more clearly.

But I only saw a figure wearing a silver Milky Way pattern mask that suddenly seemed to flash across time and space.

He seemed to be walking outside of time and space.

He is like the Lord of the Stars, walking outside time and space on a smooth road paved with shining stars.

As he passed by, there were more stars, like the sparkling water on the water slowly falling between the sky and the earth.

"It's really an immortal organization!"

"Is this senior... afraid that he is also a strong man who was recalled by the Immortal Organization from the other eight great nine states like Senior Broomstick?"

"In other words... the four bloody Great Walls are actually guarded secretly by powerful men recalled by the Immortal Organization?"

With such thoughts in his heart, Chang Taohe's heart suddenly became extremely complicated.

What are the imperial court and aristocratic families doing that are supposed to protect the four realms?
In contrast... the last trace of prejudice against the Immortal Organization in Chang Taohe's heart suddenly shattered, and instead he looked forward to when the Tang Dynasty would change!
Also at this time,

Little bits of starlight suddenly spread and filled the surrounding area thousands of miles away.

A gust of wind blew gently.

Above the figure in the starlight, an endless foggy nebula suddenly emerged.

When the nebula appeared, it was rotating like a three-dimensional yin-yang fish. With the human figure as the center, the rest of the nebula with a 360-degree circumference slowly swirled up.

The nebula was like mist and yarn, making it impossible for Chang Taohe, Han Yang and others to see clearly the masked person among them.

You can't even see the specific pattern on the mask. You can only know with a weird intuition that the mask seems to be a river!
A Milky Way formed by the gathering of stars!
They only saw two stars in the nebula that suddenly became extremely bright.

At the same time,
Li Qingfeng controlled the clone he named [Galaxy] and was carefully studying the changes in the Xingchen Mind Technique at this moment when it was fully deployed.The morale of the demon clan suddenly dropped rapidly, and countless demon clan could not help but turn around and run away!
The four-striped phoenix tribe that flew over and covered half of the sky suddenly froze, forgetting to wave its wings, and the gray-white flame magical power it displayed suddenly seemed to be frozen...

at the same time,

Feeling the resonance of the nebula around him and the entire universe and the Milky Way under the Xingchen Mind Technique at this moment, a vague understanding emerged in Li Qingfeng's heart.

"Is that so?"

"Sure enough, any martial arts is extremely lethal... just like a plastic bag can kill people..."

"And this star mind method... even if it is just a cultivation method to attract star power and condense star core, it can actually be turned into a killing move!"

At the moment of enlightenment, Li Qingfeng tried his best to activate the Tianfu star core condensed in Laogong point, and at the same time, he also tried his best to activate the Ziwei star core condensed in Shaofu point.

As the two star cores trembled, Tianfu Star and Ziwei Star suddenly appeared brightly in the mini-type Milky Way nebula surrounding Li Qingfeng with a radius of three feet.

at the same time,

The sky [-] miles south of the southern border suddenly fell into darkness, and the stars on the sky flickered continuously, and the stars moved extremely quickly.

Until the moment Tianfu Star and Ziwei Star appeared in the sky,
A sound that seemed to exist, but also seemed to be just an illusion of sentient beings, did not exist at all.

This sound blasted into the hearts of all living beings, causing their souls to tremble uncontrollably.

As the sound resounded, the Tianfu Star and Ziwei Star in the starry sky suddenly shone brightly, so brightly that just by looking at them, it was terrifying as if they had plunged into an infinite abyss.


The stars are like pillars, crashing down!

When I first saw it, it was indeed just starlight condensed into a beam of light falling down.

But as time passed by a tenth of a second, the monsters and humans within the radius of the Bloody Great Wall in southern Xinjiang could no longer see any pillars of light.

Instead, he could only see the vast starlight that filled the sky above his head and poured down like a torrential flood.

It seemed as if a basin as big as the sky was pouring down, pouring out the basin full of starlight...

The world is changing!

All the way down from the top of the ultimate sky, any color suddenly disappeared, and everything in the world was completely enveloped by starlight!

The big monster of the Four-marked Phoenix Clan screamed, and the starlight had already shrouded it in it.

The moment the gray-white flames covering the sky touched the starlight, they seemed to have suffered a dimensionality reduction blow, and were silently annihilated out of thin air.

It's like the chalk writing on the blackboard touches the eraser... and with a light touch, nothing remains.

In this strange and silent obliteration,
After thousands of starlights shattered the gray-white sea of ​​fire, they suddenly poured into the nebula around Li Qingfeng's clone like a river flowing into the sea.

After entering Li Qingfeng's body, the starlight was divided into two parts, one part was submerged in the nebula as Ziwei Star, and the other part was submerged in the nebula as Tianfu Star.

Then, this starlight was transformed into a kind of extremely soft starlight, which penetrated into the acupuncture points where Tianfu Star and Ziwei Star Cores were located in Li Qingfeng's body, and finally submerged into those two star cores.

At the same time.

Li Qingfeng clearly noticed that the star core of Tianshu Star, the third key star in the Star Mind Technique, was slowly condensing out of the sun and moon points on his chest.

And because this is the vast star power directly attracted in the most violent way, the Tianshu star core in the sun and moon acupoint suddenly condensed.

Tianshu Star Core is in place in one step!
It did not take hundreds of times to condense the purple micro star core before it was successfully condensed.

The Star Mind Technique, which has already reached the eighth level from no level, can now be promoted to the eighth level again.

Only then did Li Qingfeng turn his attention to the outside world.

South of the Thirty Thousand Miles Bloody Great Wall, the blood in the Wuding River is still flowing slowly, and south of the Wuding River... countless demon clans have been annihilated.

Only the monsters above the level of the Great Demon King were left lying on the ground, shivering.

Seeing this scene, Li Qingfeng's main consciousness faded away and returned to the body of the golden elixir, preparing to upgrade to the Star Mind Technique.

But also at the same time,
The entire Bloody Great Wall in southern Xinjiang was shrouded in absolute silence.

Between the silent heaven and earth, there is only an emotion called incredible, an emotion called shocking to the extreme!

Immediately, the sound of the Immortal Organization's long live voice, like a mountain roar and a tsunami, resounded throughout the world.

"Long live the fairy organization!"

"Long live the fairy organization!"

The Galaxy clone directly ducked and suppressed all the demons above the level of the Great Demon King (god transformation).

There are 36 monsters in total.

There is one big demon, three demons, and 32 big demon kings.

until this time,

Chang Taohe quickly flew over: "I'm here to pay my respects to the seniors of the Immortal Organization! Dare I ask my seniors' names?"

Yinhe Youyou said: "I am Yinhe!"

Chang Taohe bowed and bowed: "Senior Yinhe is mighty! The Immortal Organization is mighty!"

The Milky Way turns around,

Chang Taohe quickly changed his flattering attitude and hurriedly asked: "May I ask Lord Yinhe... Can we take the opportunity to expand our territory this time?"

However, Yinhe shook his head slightly: "There is no need to expand the territory."

There is no point in occupying the land that cannot be defended by forcibly expanding the territory.

Before the decisive battle between the demon clan started, this illusory territory could bring a lot of false fame and so-called glory to the human race.

But when the demon race is ready to start a decisive battle, the territory that cannot be defended will become the last straw that crushes the human race.

Even if you want to quit by then... you may not have the chance to quit!
Hearing this, Chang Taohe was slightly disappointed, but still asked: "Then can we hunt down those monsters?"

After the words fell, Chang Taohe looked expectantly at Lord Yinhe of the Immortal Organization in front of him.

It wasn't until he saw Lord Yinhe gently nodding that he bowed deeply, then turned around and flew back to the Bloody Great Wall.

War drums sounded loudly.

Han Yang suppressed his shock and immediately led his subordinates to rush out. Immediately, countless border troops swarmed out of the [-]-mile Blood Great Wall.

The bloody bravery of the southern border army finally has a little possibility to sprout because of this!

at the same time,

The Bloody Great Wall of Eastern Xinjiang,
The soul-locking clone slowly appeared.

This clone can be said to have the weakest martial arts among all the clones of Li Qingfeng.

The other clones, whether they are the earliest Yin Sha or Cang Xiu, who the outside world mistakenly believes is only under the leader of the immortal organization, can all use first-level martial arts as their foundation.

The strength shown can easily be achieved in Zhixuan Realm.

If they go all out, a top Tongtian Realm expert such as Xiao Jiangshan may not be able to defeat a single clone.

But the martial arts corresponding to this soul-locking clone are only two second-level martial arts: the soul-nurturing method and the soul-refining method.

These two mental techniques are originally only on the cultivation side. They do not have very powerful killing moves. At most, they have a way to condense the soul with a sharp sword to wipe out the enemy's candlelight.

But this method of wiping out the candlelight of other people's spiritual beings... is actually the Seven Injury Fist, which can injure the enemy ten thousand and damage oneself eight thousand.

Of course, the soul core martial arts obtained from heavenly beings can actually be bound to the identity of the soul-locked clone, but the level of those soul core martial arts is too low...the effect and power are probably extremely limited. .

is also like this,

Li Qingfeng hung his ice mirror clone at the back, ready to support at any time.
Moreover, the Eagle Clan is only headed by the eighth level of the Great Demon, and the Dragon Clan only has three great demon kings.

Not to mention that when Yin Zetian followed, the Jidao clone also followed to ensure that nothing happened to Yin Zetian.

That is to say, it seems that the Bloody Great Wall of Eastern Xinjiang only has soul locks, but in fact Ji Dao and Bing Jing can also take action at any time.

However, after Li Qingfeng realized that the Star Heart Technique could create absolute killing moves through cultivation methods, he wanted to come to this battlefield in person to try whether the soul-locking clone could also create such killing moves.

Right now,

Outside the Bloody Great Wall of Eastern Xinjiang,
Suohun stood in the void, and at the moment when the martial core of the soul-raising heart method and the martial core of the soul-refining heart method were fully activated, the martial core energy flowing out of the body collided strangely in the middle dantian.

In an instant, a surge of soul energy burst out that even Li Qingfeng himself was a little frightened.

The fourth-grade soul bead in his mind suddenly fell into the middle Dantian and merged with the energy of the two martial cores.


It seems that there is sorrow and joy moving between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, Yin Qi swirled in the thousands of miles of sea, and a vague soul shadow expanded from the body of the soul-locking clone.

The 72 erratic soul arms on it danced ghostly.

72 extremely erratic and ghastly soul arms stretched out, and 72 more soul arms grew on each soul arm...

So repeated three times!
There are 37 eight soul arms swirling out between the heaven and the earth! (End of chapter)

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