Start with the jailer

Chapter 401 Planting magical seeds! Go further to Luyin Mountain!

Six hours passed slowly.

During these six hours, because he had to watch Xue Yinyin and to prevent him from being able to rescue her if something went wrong during her training, Li Qingfeng did not take time out to deal with other matters as usual, but just watched. Xue Yinyin watched Wu Jin's crime video quickly and intently.


After watching Wu Jin’s last crime video,
  Li Qingfeng's eyes were full of shock!
  "Fuxi God's Heavenly Realm and Fuxi God's Heavenly Thunder?"

"Black Fuxi Divine Thunder?!"

The release of the ghost car caused the overwhelming Yin Qi, and hundreds of common people died tragically within a three hundred mile radius of Fengdu. This scene was also recorded in the prison book's crime video.

Likewise, Wu Jin's mutterings were also learned by Li Qingfeng after watching the crime video.

"I didn't expect... that there would be a space passage under the dead land, and I didn't even expect that Wu Jin's fusion with the Heavenly Witch would be completed with twelve body-snatching bodies..."


"Is this why the centipede is dead but not stiff?"

"Although I expected that this time Wu Jin would not actually fuse with Tian Wu Ce, but just a preview... But I didn't expect that this time Wu Jin would merge with Tian Wu Ce, and Wu Jin would completely stay out of it..."

"That is to say..."

Li Qingfeng's perception spread to the fourth floor of the Heavenly Prison. The starlight barrier that Li Qingfeng could only break through with difficulty using his echo-searching magical power was like nothing under his perception. generally.

The perception easily penetrated the starlight barrier prison, and the body of Wujin, the sky witch who was still lying on the ground like a vegetative state, emerged.

"Since last slipped away from me again?"

"But one can do two, but not three... Next time, even if you are really the only bloodline left by the Witch Clan in the world, there will be no chance for you to escape!"

As the words continued, Li Qingfeng began to think thoughtfully: "Is the space passage under the dead soil the passage leading to the [Fuxi God's Heavenly Realm]?"

Fuxi God’s Heavenly Realm!
  This is an extremely new word for Li Qingfeng.

At first glance, one would just think that this [Fuxi God's Heavenly Realm] seems to be a world inhabited by gods created by Fuxi, similar to the heaven or fairyland in the myths and legends of Li Qingfeng's previous life.

But according to what Wu Jin said in the crime video, the essence of Fuxi God's Heavenly Realm is just to seal off the witch clan!

Moreover, the Fuxi Divine Realm was divided into nine parts by the human emperor who suppressed the ghosts in later generations!

"There are also the existences of Fuxi Divine Heavenly Thunder, Gui Chao and the so-called witchcraft...the three of them restrain each other and form the most perfect seal to seal the ghost side inside?"

At this time, Li Qingfeng still didn't know the seriousness of Guifang.

The description of Guifang in the library of Tianshu Pavilion is only a description of the second-hand information, and the description of Guifang can be understood as being under the Fang Kingdom. In the ancient times when there were tens of thousands of Fang Kingdoms, this second-hand information was Li Qingfeng subconsciously ignored the importance of Guifang.

We have not even speculated on whether the ghost side has escaped from the trap and other possible follow-up possibilities based on the fact that the ghost car was released by Wu Jin and consumed Xiao Jiangshan...

"Especially Fuxi Shen Tianlei..."

"Maybe I should go and see for myself!"

"In addition... Wujin's true body seems to have left Hou Tuzhou. In other words, after entering Fuxi God's Heaven Realm, is there a way to avoid the third level formation and get out of Hou Tuzhou?"

The third level of boundary formation is also a double-edged sword. It has the advantage of preventing the direct arrival of powerful monsters as much as possible, but it also has the disadvantage of making it difficult for humans to cross the third level of boundary formation and leave Houtuzhou.

At this moment, Li Qingfeng's thoughts were extremely complicated, and they were truly one thought after another.

Also at this time,

The aura on Xue Yinyin's body suddenly changed, and a trickling soul bead slowly condensed out of the dantian of her soul body.

First-grade soul bead!
  The grade of the soul bead is exactly opposite to the grade of martial arts. Martial arts is the lowest grade of ninth grade, but the soul bead is the highest grade of ninth grade.

Xue Yinyin slowly finished her work and opened her eyes: "Uncle! I have successfully practiced the [Soul-nurturing Heart Technique]!"

Li Qingfeng: "Don't worry about the soul refining method..."

Li Qingfeng changed the subject: "Yinyin, you have the blood of the witch clan, did you know?"

Xue Yinyin shook her head.

Li Qingfeng said calmly: "You do have the blood of the Witch Clan!"

"I have a secret method here that can make you have magical powers like the demon clan..."

Li Qingfeng immediately explained the principles and operation methods of the magical seeds, and then looked at Xue Yinyin and asked: "I want to plant the magical seeds for you, so that the plum blossoms will really become plum blossoms! Are you willing?"

Xue Yinyin nodded directly without any hesitation: "Yinyin is willing!"

After a while,
  In the dormitory on the fifth floor of Tianlao, Cang Xiu's Hongjian sword broke through the reverse scale of a big demon dragon at an unimaginable speed, and cut open a black-yellow inner elixir before its meridians and dantian were shattered and the demonic energy was completely lost. Take it out.

With a backhand slash, the dragon's head fell.

On the Sinhong Sword, there were once again a few black-yellow spots.

The half core of the [Dragon-Slaying Sword] in Zhangmen's acupoint seemed to have grown visibly to the naked eye.

At the same time, the sword intent of the Tiangang Sword Sutra poured into the dragon inner elixir like a thunderbolt. In just an instant, the black-yellow color on the inner elixir suddenly disappeared and turned into a milky white crystal clear of orbs.

Cang Xiu lowered his head slightly, and his eyes seemed to collide with those of the members of the eighth floor of the Tianlao who were peeping below.

As the sense of peeping coming from the eighth floor of Tianlao completely disappeared, Cang Xiucai reached the second floor of Tianlao dormitory and handed over the milky white dragon inner elixir.

Li Qingfeng took the inner elixir, and with a thought, Cang Xiu headed towards Jianyuan.

When Cang Xiu sneaked into the sword abyss again, Li Qingfeng looked at Xue Yinyin: "Let's start!"

Xue Yinyin nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Yin energy suddenly raged in the dormitory sealed by the soul fog, and the surrounding walls were filled with cold drops of water due to the emergence of this thick yin energy.

But it was Li Qingfeng who used the soul-nurturing and soul-refining techniques to activate the martial core in the [Pohu Point].

The strange tricks that the soul-locking clone had performed on the Bloody Great Wall of Eastern Xinjiang emerged.

On Li Qingfeng's back, seventy-two soul arms grew out.

Seventy-two arms were floating with teeth and claws.

But Li Qingfeng did not let the soul arm continue to proliferate. Instead, with a thought, one of the soul arms suddenly reached out and tore off a piece of Xue Yinyin's soul body.

The part of the soul that was torn off began to evaporate and dissipate very quickly the moment it was separated from its body.

"It's quite difficult..."

In imagination, the difficulty of planting magical seeds is based on the conditions of people with the blood of the witch clan and the special birth date of the yin year, yin month, yin day, and yin time.

But at this moment, it seems that even obtaining the demon clan's inner elixir, refining the demon aura in the demon clan's inner elixir, cutting the soul from the receptor and integrating it into the demon clan's elixir... each step is beyond imagination.

For example, if it weren't for Li Qingfeng to take out the demon clan's inner elixir... even ordinary gods would be hard-pressed to take out the demon clan's inner elixir completely before it dissipates.

It's more like the piece of soul belonging to Xue Yinyin in the hand at this moment. Under the rapid evaporation and annihilation... let alone the transformation of the spirit, even the Dharma and even the Heavenly Realm may not have time to perfectly integrate the soul into the inner elixir before it evaporates and is completely annihilated. of.


Li Qingfeng's soul arm tightly protected this piece of soul, but it only slightly delayed its evaporation and annihilation.


There is no special method to integrate part of the soul into the demon clan's inner elixir.

There is only one simple and crude way - force it in! And at the same time, he uses his own perception to lead the fit and integration of the two.

It is necessary to grasp an extremely precise degree, otherwise either the soul will be completely annihilated, or the inner elixir will be shattered!
  Fortunately, this step is not difficult for Li Qingfeng's extremely special perception.

His perception seemed to have some kind of special adhesive effect. As Li Qingfeng's perception passed by, Xue Yinyin's soul was completely integrated with this demon pill from the dragon clan.

The inner elixir, which was refined into a milky white color by the demonic energy of the dragon clan, also took on an eerie dark red color at this moment.

It has worked!
  Li Qingfeng slowly raised his head and looked at Xue Yinyin, who still had a look of pain on her face.

This little girl is really strong!
  She had just had a piece of her soul torn out, but she didn't even let out a groan.

Especially this feeling of tearing off a piece of soul... I'm afraid it's the same feeling as being eaten alive by Xue Minggao bite by bite...

There was a hint of intolerance and pity in his heart, and Li Qingfeng's voice was a little gentler: "It's time to start the last step! It may hurt, but it will only hurt at first, and then it will feel very comfortable..."

It was originally meant to appease.

But as he spoke, Li Qingfeng suddenly felt that his statement seemed to be very ambiguous, and it was easy for people to have wild imaginations.

But fortunately, Xue Yinyin was imprisoned by Xue Minggao when she was five years old, and she died when she was ten years old. She was not yet able to 'understand' such words instantly.

She just nodded seriously: "I'm not afraid of pain...!"

Li Qingfeng: "Yeah!"

It's a bit heavy.

The last step of the entire growing process is the easiest, but that’s for the grower.

For the grower, this last step is the most painful!

This step requires tearing apart the body of the grower, completely exposing its internal organs to the air, and then forcibly integrating the [seeds] into its internal organs, and directly establishing a system that completely intercepts the essence and vitality of the internal organs... …

If Xue Zongchen is planted with magical seeds, there are ways to temporarily eliminate his pain.

But the soul body...

Li Qingfeng didn't know how the soul could eliminate pain.

And the soul body can only be torn apart with the soul body... Li Qingfeng could not even use the tearing technique to reduce the pain that Xue Yinyin would suffer as much as possible. Li Qingfeng gave a heavy thank you and did not hesitate anymore.

With a thought, two of the seventy-two soul arms growing out of the back suddenly reached out and grabbed both sides of Xue Yinyin's soul body waist, one on the left and the other on the right.

Then... the two soul arms suddenly exerted force on both sides, directly tearing Xue Yinyin's soul body apart from the midline.

No blood was seen oozing out, but the naked eye could see that the torn parts of his soul body suddenly began to evaporate and dissipate!
  Obviously the soul body is not breathing, but for some reason Xue Yinyin felt that her breathing suddenly became extremely rapid. Even Li Qingfeng seemed to hear the heavy and rapid breathing of enduring the pain to the extreme...

The entire dormitory seemed to be depressed because of the extreme pain, which caused the entire dormitory space to become strangely dull.

Even the flow of time seemed to be extremely slow at this moment because of Xue Yinyin's pain!
  Looking at Xue Yinyin who was clenching her teeth and clenching her fists with both hands, Li Qingfeng had no extra thoughts. He just wanted to end the process as soon as possible and try to make the pain as short as possible.

The third soul arm immediately grabbed the dark red dragon inner elixir, pressed it extremely quickly to the position of the aperture of Xue Yinyin's kidney essence and vitality, and then forcibly pulled the kidney essence and vitality to pour into the inner elixir. .

A drip!
  Xue Yinyin's soul quickly became transparent.

Two drips!

Half of Xue Yinyin's body seemed to have completely disappeared.

On her third breath, two-thirds of Xue Yinyin's torn torso had been annihilated and dissipated, and the thick soul smoke condensed into a large cloud-like mass...

At this time, Li Qingfeng almost wanted to give up on this method of planting magical seeds.

But at this time, the black water essence in Xue Yinyin's body poured into the dark red inner elixir independently, forming a complete energy supply system.

The dark red inner elixir also slowly flashed with a breath-like brilliance.

A trace of magical power corresponding to the unique rhythm of the internal organs beat slowly and extremely on the dark red inner elixir. It was when Li Qingfeng put his magical power to sleep, it corresponded to the endless weak rhythm in the internal organs!

Although infinitely slow, this rhythm actually exists!

It worked!
  Li Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Stop quickly.

Seventy-two soul arms disappeared into the back.

At the same time, Li Qingfeng grabbed two ghosts directly from the Yin and Yang Ruins: "Eat them!"

Xue Yinyin shook her head desperately: "No! I won't eat...!"

There was longing in his eyes, but he still refused desperately.

The recovery of the soul, for the living beings with a physical body, can rely on elixirs to regulate the body to promote the recovery of the soul, or it can be restored directly with a special elixir such as [Resurrection Pill]...

But for Xue Yinyin, who has a soul body, the best way to restore her soul is to directly devour other soul bodies.



Li Qingfeng was a little surprised, but not surprised at all.

After seeing Xue Yinyin's soul body restored and the nearly disappeared half of her body gradually solidifying in color, Li Qingfeng slowly sent the two dazed and frightened demons back into the Yin Yang Ruins.

He finally said: "Then go back to life and recuperate in the coffin of creation! If you have time, you can practice more soul-nurturing techniques, which can speed up the recovery of the soul!"

"As for the awakening of this magical seed... wait until you recover!"

Xue Yinyin nodded.

She ducked into the coffin of life and creation. Instead of being as energetic as before, she curled up and fell asleep in it like a child.

It can be seen that... her silence does not really mean that she is not in pain.

The next moment, the blue Shengsheng creation coffin disappeared into the Tianlao dormitory.

Li Qingfeng's expression was somewhat silent, and he stared at Xue Yinyin who was sleeping in the Yin Yang Ruins for a long time.

He slowly withdrew his senses and stretched out his hand, a mask fell into his hands.

Slowly putting on the spare Cangxiu mask, he disappeared in a flash, the cool breeze howling.

at the same time,

Liuyin Mountain,
  In other words, in the Liuyin Mountain in the past, an extremely weak aura of the king blew between the heaven and the earth. At this moment, all things such as rocks, earth, trees, grass, birds and animals suddenly had a strange aura of surrender and worship.

At this time, the peaks of Liuyin Mountain had long since disappeared.

Li Qingfeng slowly appeared wearing a spare Cangxiu mask.

There is no aura of life around.

But Li Qingfeng did not take off his mask.

His perception can be so special that even the Laughing Sword Blunt, Taiyin Pavilion Master and others are completely unaware of it... From this, it can also be deduced that there may be some strong people in this world who have the same abilities as Li Qingfeng Such an equally special, even more special perception.

In fact, maybe there might be one or even several rays staring at this place at this time without Li Qingfeng being aware of it!

Under the shroud of perception, after determining his position, Li Qingfeng stepped out and landed directly in the center of six huge mountains that were flattened and cut off the upper half of the mountain peaks.

The soil here is still extremely dead!
  It seems like this is the real place of death!
  But the body of the giant black tank had long since disappeared.

"I remember... although the chariot lost its spirituality at that time, it was still extremely strong and was not destroyed..."

Not to mention Cang Xiu's sword, or even the sword with forty-nine times the power... It was the golden red light that erupted from the body refining realm of Li Qingfeng's golden elixir body carrying heaven-shaking divine power when he appeared on the stage. The black chariot that has never been damaged!

"Did Xiao Jiangshan take it away?"

"Or... was it taken away by other people who arrived here afterwards?"

"Just go back and ask Xiao Jiangshan or Xiao Jian Blu!"

"But if someone else really takes it away... then you will be in the sight of the Immortal Organization!"

Previously, Li Qingfeng did not take that giant tank into his heart, and naturally he would not take the seemingly abandoned tank as a good thing to study after the war.

But at this time, I learned that the thing was called [Ghost Car], it was an ancient magic weapon, a truly spiritual weapon that could fight independently!

And it was very likely to be related to the legendary monster [Ghost Chariot] that defied the heavens and could cultivate nine heads or even ten heads. At this moment, he really wanted to find the chariot and take it with him. Go back and study it carefully.

If it is really related to the nine-headed ghost chariot, maybe this chariot can also be used as nourishment for the Wu Cauldron to make alchemy, accelerating the progress of the Wu Cauldron's alchemy!

But now that the chariot has disappeared, Li Qingfeng is no longer obsessed with it, but turns to look at the dead soil under his feet.

"Under this there a space passage?"

"It's really hidden... If I hadn't known this from Wu Jin's crime video, even if I was standing here in my true body at this moment, I wouldn't be able to feel the slightest spatial fluctuation..."

After feeling it carefully, Li Qingfeng suddenly opened his eyes: "Is this... the Fuxi Divine Thunder that Wu Jin mentioned?"

"Sure enough, there is a trace... of the black tribulation thunder, but it is not a black tribulation thunder, at least there is no tribulation aura in it."

"In other words, Fuxi Divine Heavenly Thunder is not practiced with the help of thunder tribulation... is it a thunder method similar to Yang Jiuyan?"

"Looks like I have to go meet Yang Jiuqian for a while!"

Fuxi Shen Tianlei can be said to be the top priority of Li Qingfeng's trip.

Gui Che just wanted to study it, and Wu Yu just wanted to see it. Even Fuxi God's Heaven... Li Qingfeng just came to recognize the way and see if he could use Fuxi God's Heaven as a target for other people in the future. It is used by the Great Jiuzhou Demon Clan’s [Ziwu Valley Strange Scheme] or [Secretly Destroying Chencang].

But this Fuxi Divine Heavenly Thunder is different!
  In Wujin's crime video, Fuxi God Tianlei is the black thunder!

Even though this is different from Li Qingfeng's Black Tribulation Thunder, it is basically the same thing!
  Even based on the final fusion of the first-level martial arts [Thousand Miles of Cool Wind] and the second-level magical power [Thousand Miles of King Feng], the wind talisman was born.

The Lei Ji Zhenjue should actually be a fusion of magical power and martial arts by the ancient strongman who combined the magical power of thunder and the martial arts of thunder to create the thunder talisman.

Fuxi...the first human emperor in the human race, this one who always ranks first among countless holy kings, crushed countless Xuanyuan, and even crushed countless first-generation human emperors like Shennong...His [Fuxi Divine Heavenly Thunder] , it is very likely that it is the original and original appearance of Lei Ji Zhenjue!
  In other words, [Fuxi Divine Heavenly Thunder] is very likely to involve the contents of the [Strategy] and [Practice] chapters of Lei Ji Zhenjue.

Even if it's not... you can still attack jade with stones from other mountains!

And Fuxi's thunder method is not just a stone from other mountains?
  This is clearly a gem from another mountain!

Stones from other mountains can attack jade, but what about jade from other mountains?

Carefully feeling the little black thunder aura left here, Li Qingfeng did not hesitate at all. Following Wu Jin's actions in the crime video, he used Ziwu Jue to seal with his hands to activate his true energy.

An extremely weird syllable came out of his mouth - Chi!

Silent but seemingly roaring sounds resounded everywhere.

The dead soil beneath his feet suddenly became illusory.

The dead soil that should have been under his feet turned into illusory soil in front of Li Qingfeng at this moment.

Between the earth and illusion, a strange and tortuous space passage emerged.

Li Qingfeng stood up slowly, activated the Gangfeng shield on his body with all his strength, and walked into this strange and twists and turns of space step by step as cautiously as possible.

After about thirty-six steps, where there was always nothing in front of them, there suddenly appeared two stone pillars stacked with rocks.

It was also when Li Qingfeng arrived here that the thunder started.

Inside the body, the thunder talisman hidden in the right lung seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, and the black thunder arcs beat inexplicably continuously on the thunder talisman.

"Is it here?"

"It's really the same thing as my Thunder Talisman!" (End of Chapter)

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