Start with the jailer

Chapter 547 The Story of the Sheep

Crown Prince?

How many days has it been?
Are you already in a hurry to train a crown prince?

Isn't this really a disguised form of forcing the emperor to abdicate?
But Li Qingfeng smiled slightly: "Miss Yan Wei and I agree!"

Ji Yan smiled gently, with a hint of sweetness in her eyes.

Being able to share the same thoughts with the person you love... For someone like Ji Yanwei who is experiencing love for the first time, this is the happiest thing in the world.

Ming Yayin curled her lips slightly.

Xiao Jiandun suddenly understood: "This... is great kindness!"

Following Xiao Jiandun's exclamation, the people around him all understood this point instantly.

The crown prince system... must be decided by the people's vote. If the people cannot make a choice after voting, the fairy mountain needs to vote for it.

Both of these voting criteria are based on Datong and are based on how they treat the people.

If candidates for the crown prince were spread all over Houtuzhou, wouldn't these candidates consider and serve the common people wholeheartedly?
Even though this is a way of taking advantage of the situation, or even a form of persuasion based on interests, this approach is undoubtedly the most correct choice at this time, and it is the most effective way to quickly spread the concept of universal harmony to the entire human race!

Zhou Huanran: "Why didn't I think of that?"

Wang Sasa: ​​"Indeed... you are worthy of being Dean Ji!"

Exclamations of praise rang out.

At this time, the crowd had already entered the Hall of Nations.

Li Qingfeng said, "Let's go in too. We can't keep the people waiting for too long."

Letting the people enter first is indeed fair to the people, but if the people are asked to enter several hours in advance and wait... that would be completely contrary to the original intention.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qingfeng flashed out, and the others followed closely and flashed into the Hall of All Peoples.

At this moment, the air in the Hall of All Nations was a little stuffy, apparently because nearly three million people had crowded in.

But it did not last long. In just a moment, dozens of people from the Observatory flashed out and walked to the corners of the walls around the Hall of All Peoples. Under the activation of the formation, the surrounding walls seemed to suddenly have countless invisible holes, and the air suddenly began to flow.

In just a moment, this vast Hall of All Peoples seemed to have arrived directly on the boundless wilderness. The air became fresher than ever before, and even the total amount of spiritual energy contained in it far exceeded that outside the Hall of All Peoples.

Sensing the changes at this moment, Li Qingfeng nodded slightly towards the fate-avoiding girl and the Stargazing Pavilion Master Ji Wuchang to express his approval.

The woman who was praying for good fortune suddenly felt her heart waver, and her cheeks turned uncontrollably red.

This is the excitement of receiving the approval from His Majesty the Emperor!
She thought she had lost her composure, and quickly mobilized her true energy to suppress her inner excitement, but she saw out of the corner of her eye that her master Ji Wuchang's expression suddenly became turbulent.

The other disciples of the Stargazing Pavilion, at this moment, all raised their heads and chests with pride on their faces.

And at the same time,
Li Qingfeng flashed and appeared on the advice platform in the center. Under the activation of the formation, he said softly: "Today... let me tell you a story first!"

"Or rather... let me first tell you about a scene I once saw."

Everyone sitting around has begun to prick up their ears.

This was not only because it was His Majesty the First Emperor who was speaking at the moment, but also because... the word "story" aroused the interest of almost everyone! tired of preaching, but everyone is interested in stories.

Therefore, Zhuangzi of ancient times used stories to illustrate the principles of Taoism, Confucius of ancient times pursued the method of teaching through entertainment, and the emperors of ancient times always explained their policies in words that the people could understand and like to hear.


Li Qingfeng did not delay at all, but spoke directly: "I have seen a dry ditch. There are vertical barriers more than ten feet high on both sides of the ditch. In the ditch, there is a rope tied two feet away from the bottom of the ditch to block it..."

"At this time, a group of sheep came from the end of the ditch. They jumped towards the place blocked by the rope, wanting to go further away."

As Li Qingfeng spoke, and as the formation set up by the Observatory carried his voice to the hearts of everyone participating in the meeting, the entire Hall of All Peoples fell silent, and everyone listened attentively.

But not everyone has the same expression.

Some people just quietly show their anticipation for the sequel to the story, while others have a gleam of wisdom in their eyes and a sense of superiority that they are smarter than others.

Some people speculate that the next step in this story will be a group of sheep turning around and looking for a new path.

Some people also thought that the sheep would surely break through the ropes...

at the same time,

Zhou Huanran, Xiao Jiangshan, Ji Yanwei, Ming Yayin, Wang Sasa, Zheng Huaizhou and others began to communicate through telepathy.

Zhou Huanran: "Brother Xiao, what do you think the emperor's intention was in telling this story?"

Xiao Jiangshan said softly: "Using stories to attract the interest of the common people, so as to facilitate the subsequent announcement of matters related to the crown prince, the common people are indeed listening carefully..."

Zhou Huanran shook his head slightly: "I thought otherwise!"

Wang Sasa said, "What Zhou Tangling meant is that... the crown prince and other related matters... will actually be revealed by His Majesty the Later Emperor in this story?"

Zhou Huanran nodded: "Yes!"

Ji Yanwei shook her head: "Yanwei thinks... the emperor would not include the decree in the story... the purpose of this story... must be related to the choice of the sheep. The choice of the sheep facing the rope... I'm afraid it has a deeper meaning!"

Hearing Ji Yanwei's words, Zheng Huaizhou and others were slightly speechless.

Zhou Huanran was surprised and asked, "Could it be possible that Dean Ji could predict the fate of the emperor?!"

Zhou Huanran was also an expert in divination. Even though he was not as good as the Ji family, which had inherited the divination and the innate eight trigrams, he was not an unknown person in divination. Seeing Ji Yanwei speak so specifically, he was somewhat suspicious whether Ji Yanwei had made another breakthrough in divination and had reached the level of being able to divination the fate of Li Qingfeng.

Ji Yanwei shook her head: "The fate of the Later Emperor is still impossible to predict, and now the secret of the Later Emperor's fate... can't even be deduced by relying on the fate of people related to him like before!"

Zhou Huanran nodded. He was actually very clear about all this. He knew very well that after the inheritance ceremony of the Witch Clan in the Fuxi Divine Heaven Realm, the secret of Li Qingfeng's fate would become even more unpredictable, just like the secret of the fate of the leader and members of the immortal organization.

Before the inheritance ceremony of the witch clan in the Fuxi Divine Heaven Realm, people could barely rely on the destiny of people, events and things related to Li Qingfeng to infer the approximate direction of Li Qingfeng's own destiny.

But after the inheritance ceremony of the witch clan in the Fuxi Divine Heaven Realm... Zhou Huanran discovered that the destiny of those who were close to Li Qingfeng began to become blurred.

It was for this reason that Zhou Huanran chose to come out of the mountains and go directly to Jin'an City to look for Li Qingfeng.

Thinking about this, Zhou Huanran asked, "How could Dean Ji be so sure about this?"

Ji Yan smiled softly: "Probably... based on my understanding of the Emperor!"

When Ji Yanwei said this, Zhou Huanran and Xiao Jiangshan were slightly stunned.

Wang Sasa was even more surprised and a little disappointed. She was disappointed that she had clearly known the Later Emperor earlier, and even claimed to be the most steadfast follower of the Later Emperor's will and ideas, but she did not seem to understand the Later Emperor as well as Ji Yanwei, the remnant of the aristocratic family!

On the other side, Zheng Huaizhou sighed in his heart: "Really..."

The figures of Zhang Ting, Xin Yuan, Xiao Jiandun and Ming Yayin appeared in his mind.

With his experience, he had already seen that these women all had special feelings for Li, the boy who was now the emperor.

But at this moment it seems... it seems that Ji Yanwei is the only one who truly understands Li Qingfeng?

"Not necessarily... maybe Zhang Ting just doesn't want to show this, or maybe Ming Yayin is stationed at the Bloody Great Wall and not here..."

"But Master Xin Yuanxin, maybe she really doesn't know Li kid well enough... Xiao Jiandun said... this girl seems to be a bit sentimental, at least there is more than just Li Qingfeng in her heart..."

While the old man was gossiping in his heart, Li Qingfeng on the advice platform had already spoken again.

"After the flock of sheep reached the rope barrier, two strong sheep jumped onto the more than ten feet high wall next to them and walked away without looking back. They were even very proud and proud..."

"Three sheep stood in front of the rope and thought for a moment, then they jumped with all their strength and jumped over the rope. They also did not look back..."

"The other five sheep were weak. They tried but found they couldn't jump over the high wall or the height of the rope. So they knelt down and crawled under the rope!"

The story up to this point is quite ordinary, and it only maintains a not-too-high level of interest in the nearly three million people in the Hall of Nations.

But also at this time,
Li Qingfeng said, "At this time, there are still four sheep left behind the rope. One is extremely tall, but it doesn't seem very smart. It stands there waiting. The other two seem to have been frightened by the obstacles ahead and chose to give up. They stopped nearly ten feet away from the rope and watched quietly."

"And the remaining looked at the rope and saw that one end of the rope was hanging on a protruding stone at one end of the wall. Then it opened its mouth and bit the rope, pulling it off the protruding stone. Then, without any rope blocking it, it passed through smoothly."

As Li Qingfeng spoke to this point, many people in the Hall of Ten Thousand Peoples were suddenly startled.

Some people think that sheep, as ordinary wild animals, cannot be so smart, while others are amazed that there are such intelligent creatures among sheep.

In the main seats at the back, Xiao Jiangshan, Zhou Huanran, Wang Sasa, Zheng Huaizhou and others all looked at Ji Yanwei with a hint of surprise.

Others might just regard the story Li Qingfeng has told up to this point as an ordinary story and have not had time to think about the deeper meaning behind it, but how could these people not be able to instantly understand the deeper meaning behind the story Li Qingfeng told?
Isn't this just... using a group of sheep to show the various choices that humanity makes when it faces difficulties and challenges in achieving universal harmony?
There are powerful ones... such as those powerful ones who live in seclusion, such as the former Yao Fangxun, the master of the Tianshu Pavilion and others, who simply jumped onto the high wall next to the ditch and walked away proudly!
They are proud of themselves for overcoming difficulties, and only care about their own excellence and so-called superiority, without any concern for those who come after them.

And people like Wu Changsheng three hundred years ago... weren't they just those sheep who chose to jump over the rope to overcome the difficulties?

They are not as strong as the sheep that jump directly over the high wall, but they can still barely overcome obstacles and difficulties. However, they are also only concerned about getting over it and getting through it.

And the others, such as the guards of the aristocratic families and the independent people, aren't they just those sheep that bowed their heads, knelt down, and crawled under the ropes?

In order to pass that barrier... they gave up all their dignity and knelt down to pass it. Even after passing it on their knees, they still had enough sense of superiority and still looked down on those who came later and could not pass the rope barrier...

And those two desperate sheep at the back, the two sheep that had already stopped in the distance... Aren't they the countless common people who have accepted their fate and chosen to live numbly and wait for death?
Isn't this a reflection of those who are cynical towards those who actually want to change something?!

"It is really as Dean Ji said... The emperor wants to use this story to reveal something..."

But while Xiao Jiangshan, Zhou Huanran and others were shocked, Li Qingfeng spoke again: "This sheep untied the rope and passed through, completely removing the obstacle for those who came later... But, just after it passed through, the third-to-last sheep that followed closely in its footsteps bit the rope with its mouth after passing through, and hung the rope again on the protruding stone..."

"The two sheep at the back just watched in despair... until dark, when they became food for the wild wolves!"

After Li Qingfeng said this, he completely shut his mouth and said nothing more. Instead, he looked quietly at everyone in the hall, and used his perception to feel the ups and downs of everyone's emotions at the moment.

He many people could understand what he wanted to say with this story in such a short time.

It's not that he was unwilling to explain.

But if he explained it, it would actually become a sermon. Perhaps at this moment these three million people would all remember his sermon, but after a day or two... perhaps ninety-nine percent of them would completely forget about this story and everything in the sermon.

Only if these three million people think out something for themselves, will they remember it for a long time, will it really be engraved in their bones, and will they never forget it for the rest of their lives!
Sudden silence.

The entire Hall of All Nations is filled with silence!
For a long time,

In the crowd, people everywhere clenched their fists, and their emotions changed significantly.

This emotional change is spreading rapidly.

Only three breaths passed, and this emotion had infected almost everyone in the Hall of All Nations!

Li Qingfeng felt slightly relieved.

The behavior of three million people in the imperial capital made him realize that the difficulty of changing mindsets... was actually not as great as he had imagined!
In other words, the Great Harmony concept has indeed been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the imperial capital, but... people are still afraid and still worried that the Great Harmony promoted by the court is just a slogan, a slogan that cannot be taken seriously. If you really take it seriously... then those who take it seriously will definitely be crushed to pieces... (End of this chapter)

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