Start with the jailer

Chapter 559: Hunyuan? Disaster?

As if he had thought of this, Zhou Huanran said, "How about... asking the Immortal Organization to move somewhere else?"

Ji Haofu: "Zhou Tangling...are you serious?!"

The people around him also looked at Zhou Huanran.

Zhou Huanran said firmly: "Seriously!"

"Under the Great Harmony, there are absolutely no privileges! The Immortal Organization... should not have any privileges either! A meeting of all people will be held tomorrow, and all members will vote! If 90% of people agree with this proposal... then the Immortal Organization must move elsewhere!"

Xiao Jiangshan just said slowly: "I object!"

Zhou Huanran turned and looked at Xiao Jiangshan.

Xiao Jiangshan said directly: "Whether it is the Immortal Organization or the Later Emperor, the reason why they stay in the Heavenly Prison...Brother Zhou, do you think it is just because the Feng Shui of the Heavenly Prison is good?"

"No! It's because... the Heavenly Prison is the lifeline of the human race!"

"We may not know exactly why the Heavenly Prison is the lifeline of the human race... but the Immortal Organization and the Emperor must know!"

As soon as these words came out, a hint of dejection flashed across Zhou Huanran's eyes.

Xiao Jiangshan continued, "Brother Zhou is so worried about the safety of the Later Emperor that he even wants the Immortal Organization to move elsewhere to ensure the safety of the Later Emperor... What is the root cause?"

What is the root cause?
Of course... When the later emperor is alive, Datong will exist; when the later emperor dies, Datong will die!

This is something that everyone knows and no further explanation is needed.

Xiao Jiangshan did not insist on waiting for a reply, but continued, "It's because... only the emperor can support this Datong, and none of us... even if we are tied together, can support this Datong!"

"So... the most important thing we should do now is not to worry about the safety of the Later Emperor, but how to... make Datong truly stable, how to make Datong... still be the perfect Datong even without the Later Emperor!"

"It's not that I want to reduce the importance of the Houdi... This is actually the Houdi's expectation for the entire human race!"

"It is precisely because of this expectation that the Emperor set the term of office for the Emperor to be only thirty years! And the heads of the five departments, including the Xinglou, the Human Race Ancestral Hall, the Jiantian Academy, the Jiutian Academy, and the Common People's Academy, also have a term of office of only thirty years!"

"Otherwise... with the cultivation level of the Emperor, you and I, even if it takes ten thousand years... we are still far from the point where we have to find a successor!"

Xiao Jiangshan's voice was very flat, without even much emotion.

But this light and shallow voice sounded like thunder in the ears of Zhou Huanran, Wang Sasa, Zheng Huaizhou, Ji Yanwei... and others, shaking their souls and hearts like thunder.

Thirty-year this what it means?

So... did the emperor have such expectations for the people of the world? !

And at the same time,
On the eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison, Li Qingfeng felt the vast star energy surging in his body. Looking at the changes that occurred in his body, he suddenly understood everything.

At this moment, in Li Qingfeng's body, in the Zigong acupoint, in addition to the Tianquan Star and Tanlang Chen that rushed in and collided with each other at the beginning, Ziwei, Tianfu, Huagai, Tanlang, Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, and Kaiyang also poured into it. And with the infusion of the vast energy of the dark star, there were almost identical but seemingly completely opposite outlines of Ziwei, Tianfu, Huagai, Tanlang, Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, and Kaiyang. Phantoms poured into it...

In an instant, the vast power of the stars also poured into the Zigong acupoint and was absorbed completely.

At the same time, each of the ten star cores, carrying an invisible but perceptible outline, retreated to the acupuncture points where the star cores were condensed.

When everything was settled, Li Qingfeng saw that for every star core he condensed, another different star core appeared in the void of the acupuncture space behind it. It was almost completely invisible but its outline could be felt.

Li Qingfeng knew...that was Chen!
Light star, dark star!
Moreover, the nine star cores and the Chen core have completely condensed after absorbing the star energy that came from almost all the universe, and have been completely transformed into real existences.

"This is... the true Star Heart Method!"

Although the previous Star Heart Method was named Star Heart Method in the Prison Book, it actually has stars but no stars!

At this moment, feeling the star core and the Chen core stirring, feeling the two opposite and complementary energies similar to the original energy of the martial core flowing out, the whole body trembled like never before.

It seemed to be an opportunity for creation that every cell particle and even every soul particle were cheering for!

"So... the reason why I am able to attract stars is not just because I used my original body to condense the galaxy clone to cultivate the star core... In fact, the fundamental reason is that I have also achieved the state of [dispersed to become qi, gathered to become form] in my soul body?"

The star may correspond to the physical body, and Chen... this invisible existence corresponds to the soul body which is also invisible to the naked eye.

As for what other details there are...that is something Li Qingfeng doesn't have time to consider at the moment.


He only felt that his body and soul were undergoing an unprecedented change under the infusion of the original energy of the light star core and the dark star core.

When this change was unfolding, Li Qingfeng couldn't even understand it, until a certain moment, when a loud noise of chaos collided, Li Qingfeng saw the light and darkness, body and soul in his body begin to merge...

The moment he saw that his own realm world and his state of mind world, these two empty yet existing spaces, began to intertwine and merge with each other... he suddenly understood.

"This is... Hun Yuan!"

"The real Hun Yuan!"

Mixed means one!
Tens of thousands of years ago, there was no word called "unification" in the world. At that time, the word used to describe the conquest and control of the nine great states of the Eight Wildernesses and Four Dimensions was "unification"!

The world is united... these four words have long represented unity! Even their degree is far higher than the word unity!
And Hunyuan... is to completely integrate all the most original and essential energy substances such as Yuanqi, Zhenyuan and Xianyuan into one!

At this moment... it is the beginning of everything for Li Qingfeng to be mixed up!
It is also the true beginning of Hunyuan!
At the beginning of this Hunyuan, Li Qingfeng felt that the strength of his body began to rise again.

But at a certain limit, when Li Qingfeng felt that he was about to break through the limit of the body refining realm of the Collapse Star Body, the ball of blue light of the Heavenly Dao that had been suppressed into a dormant state in his body suddenly burst out.

A cold, unfeeling, contemptuous aura emerged.

Hunyuan's journey was almost ruined by the aura of Heaven.

But at the same time,
Li Qingfeng activated the thunder pool in his Danzhong acupoint without hesitation.

With a loud bang, a pool of thunder suddenly rose!
Ink-black thunder roared within Li Qingfeng's body and rushed out like a dragon or snake.

He did not activate the chain to suppress the blue light in his body, but wanted to take this opportunity to pretend to start the Heavenly Killing Tribulation, pretending to take this opportunity to directly step into the body refining realm of the calamity-destroying body!

In this way... perhaps he could trick Tiandao into taking action, and with the help of the connection between the Starry Sky Mentality and the surrounding stars, plus the Heaven-Sealing Secret Technique and the chains, he could get some extra benefits from Tiandao.

After all, according to Sword God Ji Jiang, the more Heavenly Dao energy one has in one's body, the stronger the body will be, and the more likely one will have a chance to achieve a truly indestructible body! Although this choice is crazy and dangerous, the controllable danger and the fact that the Starry Heart Method still has a weak connection with the Zhoutian stars at this moment have made Li Qingfeng believe that this is the rare time for the calamity!

As I said...To be a coward does not mean to do nothing, nor does it mean to always be a coward.

If you act like a coward for too long, not only will your own martial arts will become weak, but your courage and will to fight will also be instantly destroyed when you encounter a strong enemy.

It was just like... a game that Li Qingfeng played in his previous life. Once he got used to the twenty throws, as long as his team conceded a blood to the enemy at the beginning of the game, or there was a small problem on a certain road... he would have to start waiting for the twenty throws.

That means they have completely lost the will to fight.

The true way to survive is to avoid risks as much as possible... and taking risks is often a necessary means to avoid risks!
A thought emerged in his mind, and the thunder pool roared up.

At the same time, the wind talisman and the fire talisman also suddenly appeared with brilliance. Then, black wind, black fire, and black thunder, three kinds of black as ink or even darker than ink, suddenly gathered above Li Qingfeng's lungs.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs are the ancestor of the five internal organs, and the lungs are the inner sky... Li Qingfeng originally thought that it was an elegant description used by the ancients to describe that the lungs are the topmost internal organs of the body, and that they cover the heart and liver...

But at this moment,
He knew that the lungs were the sky!

It’s the sky!
It is the sky curtain of the world within the body’s internal organs!
And at this moment,
Wind, fire, and thunder condensed on the lungs that served as the sky, and roared up.

If Li Qingfeng concentrated his consciousness and stood on the ground of his own dantian at this moment, he would be able to feel the wind, fire, and thunder condensed on his lungs... Its power is truly no less than the triple demon god calamity that Sang Ruo of Fengge City had brought upon himself!

And this... is the catastrophe!
The so-called catastrophe, to a certain extent, means that the body cultivator has to go through an unimaginable catastrophe again, and only after successfully overcoming the catastrophe can he achieve a body of catastrophe.

But the purpose of destroying the disaster... more importantly, it is to destroy the disaster potential in the body!
Hijack... It means that when one is forced to achieve the body of a shattered star, one is forced to absorb the energy of the Heavenly Dao from the shattered stars.

That is to say... catastrophe destruction is actually using the practitioner's own power to trigger a heavenly catastrophe within his own body in order to destroy the heavenly energy within it.

However, the outbreak of this heavenly tribulation in the body is also an extreme disaster to the practitioner's body and internal the catastrophe is a double disaster!

It is the destruction of the Heavenly Dao energy in the body, and also an ultimate life and death calamity that erupts from the inside out to one's own body!

The same is true. Since the birth of the human race, since the creation of body-refining techniques... in the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, the number of people who have truly achieved a body of annihilation... can only be counted on one’s fingers.

There are only seven or eight people!

The same is true. The body refining realm of the calamity-destroying body has remained the last state of mind in the body refining realm for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years since the way of body refining was developed.

Perhaps the body of annihilation is the true limit of perfection in the way of body refining, or perhaps... the extreme difficulty of achieving a body of annihilation makes it impossible to open up the sixth realm in the way of body refining!


Wind, fire, and thunder roared up, flames rose above the heart and small intestine below, green wood energy flowed between the liver and gallbladder, the earth surged between the spleen and stomach, the kidneys and bladder seemed to have opened a prehistoric flood, and the large intestine corresponded to the sky and lungs. The two echoed each other from a distance, and the extremely rich Gengjin killing energy ran rampant between the upper and lower parts!
As the Qi in his internal organs surged, the Heavenly Dao energy that had just shown a slight reaction and wanted to prevent Li Qingfeng from successfully achieving Hun Yuan was suddenly expelled and pushed above his Dantian.


The sounds of wind, fire, and thunder rose continuously!

With a rumbling sound and a mixture of explosions, black wind, fire, and lightning disasters fell from the lungs of the sky like sharp swords in an instant, piercing straight into the ball of blue light.

And at the same time,

A strange sound rang out.

The whole world seemed to be frozen.

Inside and outside the Sky Prison, no matter whether they were as strong as Xiao Jiangshan and Zhou Huanran, or as weak as the jailers on the first floor of the Sky Prison and ordinary people on the roadside, each of them was frozen at this moment.

The black silhouette appeared out of thin air on the eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison, and two blue lights from his eyes pressed towards Li Qingfeng's body.

But the moment it approached Li Qingfeng, it suddenly flashed, just like the Chen family's Jinghong Sword, and it jumped through space and sank into Li Qingfeng's dantian.


Inside Li Qingfeng's body, a ball of blue light that was already nearly the size of a grapefruit suddenly expanded again.

In an instant, the size of its urine increased more than tenfold!
Li Qingfeng seemed to be unaware and was still in a daze, but he activated the thunder talisman thoroughly and even incorporated the thirty-seven kinds of thunder tactics into it.

Blackness spread everywhere!

The power of thunder ravaged the entire world within the body!

The real thunder burst out!

The moment the real thunderbolt erupted, the ball of Heavenly Energy that had grown tenfold trembled violently.

The wind and fire that came with the thunder pool suddenly became dwarfed in comparison.

However, Li Qingfeng did not rush to take action, but waited quietly.

The total amount of Heavenly Dao energy before him...has not yet reached his expectations.

After all, after Tiandao was plotted against this time...the remaining eleven clones would be unable to plot against Tiandao when they were about to enter a state of calamity and destruction.

If the other eleven clones want to step into the body of destruction that is almost the same height as the original body... they lack sufficient Heavenly Energy!
Therefore... we must get as much wool as possible now!

as predicted,

Under the fierce pressure, the thunder did not fall for a long time. There was a whimper in the air again, and a black outline appeared again, and two blue lights shot out, and then jumped directly into Li Qingfeng's dantian.

This time... the outline of the Heavenly Dao seemed to be even stronger. The two blue rays of light that shot out from it instantly caused the ball of blue light that was suffering from the wind, fire and thunder in Li Qingfeng's body to expand more than fifteen times in volume!


Thinking this in his mind, Li Qingfeng had an idea.

The secret technique of sealing the sky was activated in an instant.

The thirty-three heavens of clouds were drawn almost instantly, forming the barrier between the thirty-three worlds in an instant.

Moreover, this world separated by thirty-three layers of clouds and mist also showed a reality that was almost indistinguishable from the real thing, and it was no longer like the one Li Qingfeng had displayed before, which required a bit of imagination to associate it with the thirty-three layers of world! (End of this chapter)

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