Start with the jailer

Chapter 562: See the Saint in the Flowers! Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine?

There are still not many people setting foot in Beizhou. Only a few people from Datong Society occasionally fly on patrol. Even the members of Datong Society who are in Baodan realm... still need to activate their fire-type skills all the time when patrolling in order to resist the extreme cold of Beizhou.

When Li Qingfeng's perception swept across the North Pole, he paused for a moment and asked, "Why is this leader still in Houtuzhou?"

He was slightly confused, but Li Qingfeng didn't care much.

If Pan Liruo cannot resurrect the ancient gods or even gods and demons who want to be resurrected with the help of the [Taishang Jianshen Chapter]... Li Qingfeng would not even bother to look at him any more.

Follow the scan,

Jiangzhou Qianfang City, also known as Fengge City, gradually came to life. In addition to the three thousand Datong Society soldiers and the three divisions and the Xinglou branch, there were also thirty to forty thousand civilians. At this time, under the leadership of Lin Wuhui (Lin Gouwa), they began to build a branch of the Qianfang City Commoners' Academy.

This is normal.

But the entire Qianfang City is not so normal.

After a slight perception, he said, "Memory tampering..."

"Is this where Jielong left the earth and headed for the land of nothingness?"

"There seems to be a gloomy aura..."

"Is it the underworld... or the bardo?"

Li Qingfeng took note of this point and then turned his attention to the rest of Houtuzhou.

The same is true for Yunzhou, Fuzhou, Xizhou, and Qingzhou...

The world is full of life!

But the farther away from present-day Ancheng, the more classes are still maintained in different places.

Even in the northwest and southwest of Huaizhou, there are still officials and warriors who pretend to obey but secretly disobey... The Zhenshou Division, Datong Association, and Fuchunju are busy fighting against these people in secret...

"The Crown Prince really effective!"

Except for a few places in the northwest and southwest of Huaizhou where the crown prince has not yet arrived, the rest of the small nine states where the crown prince has already arrived are obviously getting closer and closer to the real Datong.

Slowly withdraw your perception.

Li Qingfeng was not in a hurry to go to Qianfang City, even though this time he sensed the world just to find the last trace of Ji Long in Houtuzhou.

"…Let's wait for six days!"

"Wait until Qian Huang comes out to confirm whether Mu Huaishuang has any problems..."

"But perhaps, we don't have to wait until Qian Huang comes out..."

All we need to do is verify what Mu Huaishuang said about the thirty-two petals. If there is a problem when studying the thirty-two petals of the Way to Sainthood, then there is definitely something wrong with Mu Huaishuang.

At that moment, Li Qingfeng moved his mind, and thirty-three golden-red lotus petals slowly emerged, growing in the wind, and enveloping his entire body in the lotus.

Only then did he calmly look at one of the lotus petals.

In an instant, the entire golden lotus began to vibrate violently.

Li Qingfeng's expression was silent and cautious.

After all, this was a reminder that Mu Huaishuang made to the leader of the immortal organization through divination, and the whole incident revealed an extreme weirdness from beginning to end.

Li Qingfeng had no choice but to be cautious.

At this moment, the three talismans of wind, fire and thunder were lingering in the body, waiting to be unleashed. However, as long as there was the slightest mistake, the black thunder, black wind and black fire would burst out in an instant.

In addition, Li Qingfeng's body and soul are on the verge of [dispersion into Qi] at the same time. It only takes a thought, and his body and soul will be shattered into billions of Qi particles in an instant.

If you are unfortunately plotted against and are contaminated with something that cannot be removed, you can then transform into Qi particles and directly annihilate the Qi particles that are contaminated with the evil things, thereby minimizing the losses and completely cutting off the evil things that are contaminated.

At the same time, the red chains were ready to go, and the pink red lotus fire also showed a scene of impending battle.

After being fully prepared, Li Qingfeng actually looked at one of the petals in front of him.

Despite this extreme caution and high concentration, Li Qingfeng's eyes suddenly showed surprise and shock.

Among the petals...first a yellow color slightly different from the khaki color appeared, and then a deeper khaki color emerged.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of words flashed by, and countless words whizzed away.

Li Qingfeng was horrified to find that these texts... were actually the contents of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, Lingshu, Su Wen and Sunv Jing, and there were even contents from the Yellow Emperor's External Classic.

But in just a moment, these thousands of ancient and mysterious words flashed and disappeared directly in the yellow sky that suddenly turned into mainly light yellow with a secondary khaki.

At the same time, two figures suddenly emerged.

One of them, Li Qingfeng was very familiar with.

Not only was he familiar with it, he had even exchanged several moves with this figure under the Arctic ice sea. If it weren't for the fact that this figure lacked energy... his fight with this figure might have actually accumulated to the point of shattering everything!

This figure is none other than Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi, who wears a crown with eighteen leaves on his head and has eyes as clear as a god. When one sees him, the only thing left in his mind is the word "truth"!
The other figure appeared much older, like a man in his fifties or sixties, but he was still full of energy and spirit, as if covered with a ray of light, and he looked as radiant as a god!
It was also at this time,

The Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor who was sitting at the top suddenly spoke up: "I heard that people in ancient times lived to be a hundred years old and their movements were not weakened. Nowadays, people are half a hundred years old and their movements are weakened. Is it because of the different times? Are people losing it?"

The old man below bowed slightly and then said, "In ancient times, those who knew the truth followed the laws of yin and yang, and were in harmony with the art of numbers. They ate and drank in moderation, had regular daily routines, and did not overwork. Therefore, their bodies and spirits were in harmony, and they lived out their natural lives, passing away at the age of a hundred."

"People nowadays are not like that. They take wine as their drink and take nonsense as their normal state. They go to bed drunk and use desire to exhaust their essence and waste their true energy. They do not know how to keep themselves full and do not control their spirits at the right time. They only care about pleasing their hearts and go against the joy of life. They have no discipline in their daily life and that is why they become weak after they are fifty years old."

"The ancient sages taught their followers that there are false evils and thieves, and that they should be avoided at the right time. If you are calm and empty, your true energy will follow, and your spirit will be kept within, then you will never get sick."


Li Qingfeng stood there in a daze, watching the conversation between the two figures in front of him indifferently, his heart was inexplicably shocked.

Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine!

Theory of ancient innocence!
At this moment, the content of the conversation between the shadow of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi and the old man was the first chapter of Huangdi Neijing Su Wen, "On the Innocence of Ancient Times", which Li Qingfeng had recited and understood countless times!

"So... this person who is full of energy and spirit, as radiant as a god... must be the Heavenly Master Qi Bo?" "It starts with the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine... with light yellow as the main color and khaki as the auxiliary color..."

"In other words, if the first thirty-two petals of this blue lotus correspond to the thirty-two saints, then the petal I am looking at right now... corresponds to Qi Bo among the thirty-two saints?"

In the historical records of Li Qingfeng's previous life, Qi Bo was far from being a saint. This was mainly because Qi Bo's name only appeared in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, and according to the description in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine... the medical principles that Qi Bo talked about were actually what Emperor Huangdi deliberately asked Qi Bo to ask Guangchengzi, and then to have a conversation with Emperor Huangdi... In this way, it was recorded in the form of the emperor's daily notes... To facilitate the safer inheritance of these medical principles to future generations, and to pass them on to all living beings in the world in the form of dialogue... rather than boring descriptions of principles!
Therefore, in Li Qingfeng's previous life, although Qi Bo was mysterious and knowledgeable, he was not worthy of being canonized as a saint.

But in this world...Qi Bo is the disciple of Shennong Jiang Shinian from a different generation. He is the strongest person who has the greatest hope of recasting the [Classic of Materia Medica], and he is also an extremely strong person who has fought countless bloody battles for the human race.

Therefore, Qi Bo is one of the thirty-two saints in this world!

Thinking about this, Li Qingfeng couldn't help but become a little distracted.

And just as he lost consciousness, above the hall with ochre-colored light, the figure of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi suddenly froze for a moment, and Qi Bo's figure suddenly turned into a light yellow spot of light and disappeared.

At the same time, Li Qingfeng was strangely pulled to the position where Qi Bo had just stood.

The murderous intent from all around continued to press down, and an extreme pressure was pressing down on Li Qingfeng.

In the sky, the countless words that had just disappeared suddenly poured into Li Qingfeng's body like a violent storm and jumping beads, and then all of them were violently stuffed into Li Qingfeng's cognition.

At this moment, even with Li Qingfeng's current state, he felt that his soul and even his mind had suddenly expanded countless times, and was still continuing to expand madly.

This is the complete opposite of the previous feeling of being bathed in spring breeze and accepting everything so smoothly when listening to the conversation between the phantoms of Qi Bo and Xuanyuan Huangdi!
It was also at this time,

Emperor Xuanyuan looked at him, just as he looked at Qi Bo's phantom before, and even his expression did not change at all. He asked calmly: "Please tell me about the four qi regulating the spirit."

But the conversation about the ancient innocence theory has ended.

And at this time... we have entered the second chapter of Huangdi Neijing Suwen, which is the Treatise on the Four Qi and Regulating the Spirit.

In the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, there are actually no questions or answers in the entire book. However, the third chapter, Theory of Vital Energy Connecting Heaven, was said by Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi... In addition, the last paragraph of the first chapter, Theory of Ancient Innocence, was also said by Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi...

It is not difficult to infer that the second chapter, "The Treatise on the Four Qi and the Regulation of the Spirit", was said by Qi Bo. Only in this way could it be a dialogue between Qi Bo and the emperor.

It's just that during the inheritance, someone deleted and modified those meaningless dates...

Li Qingfeng also understood at this time that he was pulled into this space by this lotus petal, and he temporarily became Qi Bo who discussed the ultimate principles of medicine and even the ultimate principles of heaven and earth with Huangdi.

This might be due to his distraction when he heard the truth just now, or maybe... this is just the procedure.

At the same time, Li Qingfeng also knew that if he could not answer... then the countless ancient characters that had already penetrated into his cognition and mind would continue to expand infinitely until his mind and cognition were burst...

But if he could answer it... perhaps, he would be able to truly understand all the contents of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, and directly from the state of mind of the conversation between Qi Bo and Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi... get the true meaning of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic!

"Fortunately... it's the Yellow Emperor's Internal and External Classics..."

"Fortunately, it was Qi Bo and Huang Di... If it were any other ancient saint... I'm afraid..."

Thinking that if he couldn't answer, his own cognition and mind might be blown up by the endless [Carrier of Tao]... Li Qingfeng couldn't help but feel a little scared.


Li Qingfeng didn't care about anything else, and didn't have the energy to speculate whether Mu Huaishuang had any problems based on the changes at this moment. Instead, he started answering directly.

"The third month of spring is called the beginning of the new year. Heaven and earth are both alive, and all things flourish. Sleep late and get up early, walk around the yard, let your hair down and relax your body, so that your spirit can flourish. Give life and do not kill it, give and do not take away, reward and do not punish. This is the response to the spring energy and the way to keep healthy. If you go against it, you will hurt your liver, turn to cold in summer, and respect the elders less."

"Xia Sanyue..."

"March in autumn..."

"Winter March..."

To put it simply, you should go to bed late and get up early in spring and summer, go to bed early and get up early in autumn to wake up with the rooster, and go to bed early and get up late in winter... In this way, the energy of wood, fire, metal and water will be naturally balanced, which will allow you to live a long life without illness, and your mind will be clear and calm, thus attaining the Tao.

This was Li Qingfeng’s understanding of the theory of the four qi to regulate the spirit in his previous life.

But as he was speaking the theory of the Four Qi to regulate the spirit bit by bit to the shadow of Emperor Huangdi in front of him in this almost preaching environment, he felt another voice from the deepest part of his soul resounding in his mind.

That voice seemed to be Li Qingfeng himself, but it also seemed to be Qi Bo, and also Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi...

That voice explained bit by bit what was hidden beneath the surface meaning of the text of the Theory of the Four Qi to Regulate the Spirit.

It seemed to be a narration like a voice, or it seemed to be just a transmission of will...

Li Qingfeng suddenly felt enlightened.

And suddenly I understood... why the Maoyou Zhoutian existed...

The spleen and stomach are the middle earth energy, which swirls up and down, absorbing the essence of water and grain or spiritual energy from the outside world, and then the spleen's Ji earth swirls up to the right, and when it rises halfway, it turns into the warmth of wood, and when it rises to the top, it turns into the heat of fire. Then it is led by the Wu earth of the stomach to descend, and when it descends halfway, it turns into the coolness of metal, and when it descends to the bottom, it turns into the coldness of water...

The four properties of warmth, heat, cold and cool then emerge... The heaven and earth have warmth, heat, cold and cool, the human body has warmth, heat, cold and cool, the plants, trees, soil, rocks and all living things all have warmth, heat, cold and cool... Therefore, the changes of warmth, heat, cold and cool in the human body are derived from the changes of warmth, heat, cold and cool in the heaven and earth to move the needles, and remove the warmth, heat, cold and cool of the plants, trees, soil, rocks and all living things into the body...

This is the principle of medicine, but it is also the principle of spiritual practice!

The so-called practice... is to become stronger and stronger, and the foundation of strength lies in understanding one's own structure and understanding what kind of structure can enhance strength...

Only when all structures are strong can they drive the strength of the whole.

Therefore, precious medicine can greatly advance one’s spiritual practice, but because doctors do not understand its true nature, the elixir is warm, hot, cold, and cannot completely replenish the blood stasis, causing elixir poison...

What's more, there are the illusory things of mind, spirit and will, and the correspondence between warmth, heat and cold...Among them, heat of will, warmth of intention, cool heart and cold spirit are the basis. In the past lives, there were people who sat in meditation and forgot, "to restrain the movement of thoughts, to extinguish the rise of will, and then to be quiet with a cool heart, only then can the spirit be cool to enter into concentration." This way of practicing began.

Li Qingfeng just felt that everything suddenly became clear.

Then, when the Four Qis to Regulate the Spirit were finished, Li Qingfeng felt that among the thousands of words that had been infused into his mind, nearly a thousand words suddenly moistened his mind like sweet dew falling on the soil...

The feeling of expansion disappeared countless times, and in Li Qingfeng's body...the lower dantian that had been empty for a long time, a yellow bud slowly sprouted a small pointed horn.

In front of him, Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi nodded with admiration in his eyes, and he began to narrate the contents of his [Theory of Vital Energy Connecting Heaven].

Li Qingfeng listened carefully and gained a great understanding from this.

After that, Li Qingfeng and Emperor Xuanyuan had a conversation, and the subsequent [The True Words of the Golden Chamber], [The Great Theory of the Correspondence of Yin and Yang], [The Theory of the Separation and Combination of Yin and Yang], etc. were discussed one by one. (End of this chapter)

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