Start with the jailer

Chapter 564: Heaven and Earth Also Have Meridians

It can be said that under Li Qingfeng’s conscious control, his title of Later Emperor is far inferior to that of the Immortal Organization.

The strength he gained from the first level of blood energy to the point where he could kill Yao Qingyang with two sword strikes within that year... under the glory of the Immortal Organization and its leader, it was not that eye-catching.

Even many people, under the invincibility of the Immortal Organization, have basically forgotten... Li Qingfeng's abnormal training speed and growth speed!

And at this moment, knowing that this strange fragrance was caused by the First Emperor, everyone suddenly remembered Li Qingfeng's terrifying cultivation speed again!

That's an extreme cultivation speed that allowed him to become one of the strongest people in the world in just over a year!

And now...what realm has the Emperor reached?

This is the shock and amazement in almost everyone's heart at this moment!


And at the same time,
On the eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison, Li Qingfeng smiled softly: "The fragrance of the elixir spreads to a radius of 30,000 miles. In this way... it can be considered as a fair fight within the human race..."

"Otherwise... in the future, this Jin'an City will become a place where every inch of land is worth a lot of money, and it will also involuntarily attract talents from all over the world..."

It will also be unbalanced and insufficient.

At this moment, although the radius of 30,000 miles still cannot include the entire Houtu Continent, it can be said that 99% of the human race is included.

It was at this moment that Li Qingfeng saw the flower bud blooming from the nine-leaf yellow bud in the lower dantian of his body slowly withering.

One of the fruits slowly condensed out!

The withered petals fell on the ground of Dantian, and then... they suddenly shattered, carrying golden red color, and turned into Qi particles, spreading from Dantian to the whole body.

In just a moment, the meridians that were infused into the yellow bud by Li Qingfeng were reshaped by the withered petals of the yellow bud!

The reshaped meridians are even three times stronger than the surrounding flesh and blood!

"This is... Isn't Luo Hong a heartless creature?"

At the same time as Li Qingfeng's own meridians were reshaped after the fallen petal sank into his dantian, the entire Nine-Leaf Yellow Bud was slowly absorbed by the fruit hanging on its top.

In an instant, all the branches and leaves of the Nine-Leaf Yellow Bud turned into streams of light and poured into the fruit.

In the Dantian, there was only a thing that looked like an inner elixir with the main body of Qihuang's color and golden-red light flashing inside.

But there was a mysterious aura permeating this inner elixir, and strange things like silk threads and tubes were flickering faintly around it.

Li Qingfeng's expression was somewhat shocked, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"Does the heaven and earth... really have meridians?"

Humans have twelve main meridians plus the Ren and Du meridians, which are called the fourteen meridians. The remaining six of the eight extraordinary meridians are simply connected to the existing acupoints in different ways, and then the acupoints have their own dominant functions.

For example, Hegu is the main blood of qi, Sanyinjiao is the main blood of blood, marrow meets Juegu, qi meets Tanzhong, tendons meet Yanglingquan, pulses meet Taiyuan, bones meet Dazhui, blood meets Geshu, organs meet Zhangmen, and viscera meet Zhongwan. These eight meeting points respectively govern qi, blood, tendons, pulses, organs, viscera, bones, and marrow.

In addition, Gongsun governs the Chong meridian, Lieque governs the Ren meridian, Houxi governs the Du meridian, Zulinqi governs the Dai meridian, Neiguan governs the Yinwei meridian, Waiguan governs the Yangwei meridian, Zhaohai governs the Yinqiao meridian, Shenmai governs the Yangqiao meridian... These eight acupoints govern diseases of the eight meridians.

Each of the twelve meridians has its own Jing, Ying, Shu, and He meridians. The yin and yang, qi and blood flow through these meridians. Jing meridians control heart fullness, Ying meridians control body heat, Shu meridians control body heaviness and joint pain, Jing meridians control cold and heat, and He meridians control qi reversal.


In a word, there are hundreds of acupoints in the human body, each with its own control. If you know their true meaning, the acupoints are like soldiers and generals, and the diseases are like enemies. To cure diseases and save lives, you can use the acupoints as soldiers and generals, allowing the doctor to dispatch troops and generals to attack and destroy the enemy, and you can reach the level of a superior doctor who can cure all diseases.

The human body is a small universe, and the universe is the big human body… Although there is a difference in size, it is no different from Zhuangzi's debate on small and big - even if there was a 3 million-year-old Dachun tree in ancient times, 8,000 years was spring and 8,000 years was autumn, and 24,000 years was just one year of the Dachun tree.

There are cicadas that do not know spring and autumn. However, for cicadas, although their lifespan is only one season, three hours make up spring and three hours make up autumn. So, one season for them is still a hundred years!
Therefore, although the universe is vast and the human body is tiny, in terms of structure... there is no difference between big and small!
Therefore...the heaven, earth and universe also have meridians and acupoints!
If one can clearly comprehend the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians of the universe, know their eight meeting points and eight masters, and understand the five transport systems and the circulation of yin and yang... heaven and earth can also acupuncture their acupoints to correct their shapes and support their spirits!

When this series of knowledge and cognition suddenly emerged in his mind, Li Qingfeng was not at all surprised.

These understandings came from the Dao Pill, but also from his own understanding and thinking, from the understandings that naturally dawned on him after he discussed medicine or the principles of heaven and earth with Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi through the blue lotus petals.

Thinking about these,

Li Qingfeng slowly raised his head and opened his eyes. He no longer paid attention to the Taoist pill in his body that was emitting a golden-red glow with the color of Qihuang, but looked towards the heavenly prison and towards the world.

The Dao Dan started to operate naturally.

A wonderful aura that was similar to the rhyme of Tao, but very different from the rhyme of Tao, emerged.

At the same time, in front of Li Qingfeng, countless meridian routes of varying sizes, thicknesses, overlapping, ethereal, and real suddenly appeared in the empty air.

But these are not the meridians of heaven, earth and the universe; these are the meridians of the Youtai, the meridians of the floor, the meridians of the sky prison, the meridians of the air... These meridians of all things are overlapping images in Li Qingfeng's eyes.

He could even see the path of the true qi or demonic power in the meridians of the criminals bound on the platform. He could see at a glance the minute changes in a certain position of their meridians, and could see the extremely slow rotating vortex in a certain acupuncture point that was very different from the other acupuncture points...

You can also see the abnormally fast rotation of certain acupoints, and even the blockages in certain acupoints.

Most of the blockages in the criminals' meridians and acupoints were caused by the suppression and blockage of Li Qingfeng's sword and knife energies, but there were also a very small number of them that were caused by old illnesses in the criminals' own bodies!
"Is that so?"

"Is this the reason why the meridians can decide life and death, treat all kinds of diseases, and adjust deficiency and excess?"

Seeing with his own eyes the strange blockages, slowness and speed of the flow in the meridians...Li Qingfeng now truly understood the most basic roots of acupuncture techniques such as tonification, drainage, welcoming and taking.

This is definitely not the experience that can be summarized from countless attempts. Only when someone reaches his level and condenses this medical elixir can one truly understand and comprehend it.

"Myths from the past life are not false!"

"Huaxia... more than five thousand years?"


"Or... did it fail?"

At this moment, a throbbing feeling emerged in Li Qingfeng's heart.

A long time ago, he had wondered whether he had traveled to a different world, or to an ancient world tens or even hundreds of thousands of years ago in his previous life.

In addition, the clearer he understood the true face of Heaven, the more suspicious he became... and the more uneasy he felt!
You know, the books like Huangdi Neijing, Waijing, Dacheng of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Jiayijing, Difficult Classic, etc. that were left over to the era of Li Qingfeng's previous life... are still part of the tradition that can cure many diseases just by reading from the books.

This means... before it was lost, acupuncture could really cure all diseases!
It can also be deduced that... in the ancient times of the previous life, there was also a sage who condensed the medical elixir, understood the truth of meridians, and recorded everything in it...

But in the end, it was lost! Only a little bit of the essence was left, and even the theory of the circulation of yin and yang qi and blood in the five acupoints was almost lost in the previous generation, and almost no one understood the theory of the reversed flow of the five acupoints in the Lingshu.

For example, the hand yangming large intestine meridian starts from the index finger well point Shangyang point, passes through the Ying point Erjian, Shu point Sanjian, Yuan point Hegu, then passes through the Yangxi point, and then goes to the He point Quchi, and then goes up to the nose and mouth between the upper teeth...

The order is as follows, but the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine says that the Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian flows through Quchi and is injected into Shangyang... It clearly starts from Shangyang, so why does it finally inject into Shangyang?

Even Li Qingfeng only truly understood it at this moment.

Thinking about this, Li Qingfeng sighed slightly: "No matter what... no matter if it's in another world or hundreds of thousands of years ago..."

"This time... we can't fail!"

"I just need to continue to improve this medical elixir, and when I can truly penetrate the meridians and acupuncture points of the universe, heaven and earth... even if the universe is about to collapse, I can still needle its acupuncture points and bring it back to life!!"

Thinking so in his mind, Li Qingfeng's mind moved, and the medical pill in his dantian slowly stopped rotating and returned to silence, slowly rising bit by bit under the nourishment of his own immortal energy.

At the same time, in the Niwan Palace in the Dantian of his mind, Qinglian once again condensed raindrops with golden-red chaotic matter and immortal energy, but this time the speed of condensing the raindrops was more than a hundred times slower than before.

"The thirty-two petals... correspond to the teachings of the thirty-two saints. I have already understood Qi Bo's medical teachings..."

"I also gained a lot of benefits and improved my strength..."

However, Li Qingfeng still could not use this to determine whether Mu Huaishuang was controlled or invaded by the Heavenly Dao, and could not determine whether Mu Huaishuang had any problems or not.

After all, if he was not really proficient in medicine and had not memorized the Yellow Emperor's Internal and External Classics, the Su Nu Classic, etc. in his bones... I am afraid that his study of the thirty-two petals would not bring any benefits, but his mind would be blown up by the vast amount of scriptures and Taoist texts, and he would be turned into a wisp of dust.

"Has it only been a day?"

"Then there are still five days before Qian Hao walks out of the prison..."

"Well, let's continue studying the way to the saints!"

Although there are risks, the rewards are indeed not small.

Especially after the first contact, Li Qingfeng already knew where the risks lay.

You must not lose your concentration or be distracted, but listen to the sermon in that strange vision in a state of calmness and freedom from thought.

If one is absent-minded or distracted, listening to the sermon will turn into asking questions.

There is no danger in listening to a sermon, but asking questions... may be life-threatening!

Li Qingfeng was lucky as he encountered this medical question for the first time. If he had encountered a question that he was completely unfamiliar with... he would have been reduced to ashes by now.

Immediately, the clone that looked exactly like Li Qingfeng walked out of the prison.

And in front of Li Qingfeng himself, the golden-red thirty-three-petal blue lotus appeared again, enveloping him completely.

The thirty-three petals of the green lotus also underwent changes.

Originally, among the thirty-three green lotus petals, only the thirty-third petal representing Li Qingfeng's own path had golden-red light. But at this moment, the petal representing Qi Bo's medical path also began to flash with golden-red light.

Li Qingfeng felt it subconsciously, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Not to mention the improvement that this Medical Dao Pill has brought to me... just the fact that this Qi Bo Medical Dao Flower has truly begun to imprint my aura... can increase the power of my Dao Hua Move by more than 10%!"

Not only did the golden-red light spot wipe out all existing moves, but the petals and the strange aura also blocked all directions, making Mo Shuyang die if he touched it. The power of that move was also increased by about 10%!
If the remaining thirty-one petals could be completely controlled… I’m afraid that by then, when Daohua appears, there will be no existence in the world that can hurt even a hair on Li Qingfeng.

Of course, the Way of Heaven is an exception...and the existence of the motives behind the Way of Heaven is also not included.


Li Qingfeng collected his mind, as if he was wandering in the universe. His entire mind became free of thoughts and his entire soul entered a state of eternal tranquility.

A petal in front of his eyes trembled slightly, and a vision emerged.

This time... it is Shennong Jiang Shinian, one of the three emperors among the ancient saints!

It was a thousand-foot-high platform built with countless huge stones weighing thirty thousand pounds. The platform was made of bluestone, so the entire platform appeared blue in color!

The blue platform is located on the top of Kunlun Mountain, reaching straight into the sky and level with the sky and earth...

Shennong Jiang Shinian focused on the way of vitality and medicine. With the integration of the two, Li Qingfeng passed the test easily again.

Especially in the medical part, there is not much difference between acupuncture and classical prescriptions, and classical prescriptions are mostly based on six-channel syndrome differentiation.

In addition, this time Li Qingfeng remained calm and silent. He did not ask any questions, but just listened to the sermon.

In just less than three hours, the petals corresponding to the way of the ancient sage Shennong Jiang Shinian were also painted with a touch of golden red light.

A scarlet Dao Dan emerged from his Dantian.

The fragrance of elixir still lingers for thirty thousand miles.

In a flash, five days passed. Li Qingfeng comprehended the teachings of the ancient saints Fuxi, Shaohao, Zhuanxu, Yifangzhen, Xuanyuan Huangdi... and so on. Thirty-two Taoist pills floated in his dantian.

Thirty-two colors flickered slowly.

When the second time the fragrance of the elixir spread over 30,000 miles, all human beings outside the 30,000 miles radius, with the present-day Ancheng as the center, were recalled to within the 30,000 miles radius.

After that, the fragrance of elixir filled the air thirty times, and among the human race... there was no longer a single ordinary person.

Even a child born after the thirty-second burst of elixir fragrance ends will be born with the first level of Tongmai Realm in martial arts!

Although it is still not as good as the level of the celestial beings who are born into gods, but... this is also a miraculous change that countless humans dare not even dream of.

For a while, people all over the world were calling for the immortality of the Supreme Being of the Immortal Organization and the immortality of the First Emperor.

The imperial capital is located
Zhou Huanran had already become completely numb.

But when he arrived at the Immortal Mountain and heard Xiao Jiangshan, Zheng Huaizhou, Ji Yanwei, Wang Sasa, Zhang Ting and others saying that the thirty-two times of elixir fragrance were caused by the Emperor of the Beginning, not the leader of the Immortal Organization...

Zhou Huanran, who had long been numb to this, suddenly felt a raging storm in his heart. The raging storm seemed like a prehistoric flood, ready to submerge his entire spiritual world. (End of this chapter)

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