Start with the jailer

Chapter 572 Breaking the Earth, Fire, Water and Wind?

At this time, Li Qingfeng was practicing the Starry Sky Heart Method, combining the power of the stars with his immortal energy and medical elixirs to condense another sixty-five golden needles.

Three hundred and sixty-five golden needles floated in front of him. Li Qingfeng slowly closed his eyes and then opened them again.

Before my eyes, images of several overlapping meridian acupoints emerged.

This time, it was not just the meridians and acupoints of all things, but even... Li Qingfeng vaguely saw the meridians and acupoints of space.

But I still can’t directly see the meridians and acupoints of the heaven, earth and universe.

As soon as he thought about it, wind and thunder started to roar!

The violent storm started almost at the same time, and Fengge City seemed to have encountered a world-destroying disaster. The entire sky and earth turned dark in an instant.

And in that extreme darkness, three hundred and sixty-five golden needles were flashing a pure golden light that was almost the origin of heaven and earth!

The moment the golden light rose up, a strange feeling of warmth spread in all directions.

The land around Fengge City, which had experienced the battle of Fengge City and the baptism of the three demon god disasters of Demon King Sang Ruo, was riddled with holes, and the grass and woodlands that had withered and never revived again...

At this moment, the place suddenly became full of life, as if the legendary Saint Qing Emperor who brought life to everything wherever he went tens of thousands of years ago had passed by this place...

In an instant, the grass looked green, then thick... then prosperous... in a moment, it was already lush and green.

Even the land on the mountain with ravines and gullies everywhere... was slowly recovering.

The underground water level, which had been cut off due to the fierce fighting, rose even higher, and then... springs gushed out from various places in the mountains.

In an instant, the sound of gurgling spring water spread in all directions.

This lifeless Fengge City seemed to have regained its prosperity when it was still called Qianfang City in just this instant!

This scene shocked everyone in the mountains and forests northwest of Fengge City.

Including Ji Yanwei, Ji Wuchang and Jing Mingnu.

Ji Wuchang: "Really... it's the merit of taking away the good fortune!"

The woman who prays for the dead: "If there really are gods in this world... I'm afraid they can't reach this level, right?"

Ji Yanwei said, "It is the Green Emperor Yi Fangzhen mentioned in the history books... He wants to restore the vitality of this land of 3,000 miles... I am afraid it is not so easy to do!"

Especially...the leader of the Immortal Organization, His Majesty, is not aiming to restore vitality in this area of ​​3,000 miles.

The purpose of the immortal organization leader's trip is to use the [Turning Heaven and Earth Sumeru Formation] to open up the road to the bardo world.

As for restoring the vitality of the earth within a radius of three thousand miles, it was just a matter of convenience. It could not even be considered a matter of convenience. It could only be regarded as the impact of the aftermath of opening the passage to the bardo world.

In such a comparison...even the Holy Green Emperor is far inferior to the current leader of the Immortal Organization.

The defenders and common people of Fengge Town who were not far from Ji Yanwei and the other three were shocked to the extreme by the words of Ji Yanwei and the other three. The worship of the leader of the immortal organization in their eyes... even reached a level of fanaticism.

And at the same time,
As Li Qingfeng's mind moved, 365 golden needles suddenly flew towards the meridian acupoints that appeared on the [Turning Heaven and Earth Sumeru Formation] in front of him.

Heaven and earth are like a finger, and all things are like a horse!

This truth is also vividly demonstrated at this moment.

Before this, Li Qingfeng only knew that the meridian points of humans, demons, and even ordinary wild animals were roughly the same, and their cores were the same.

But it was not until this moment that he realized that the meridian points of all things such as formations, space, wind, rain, thunder and lightning... were roughly the same as those of humans.

They are all like the five acupoints of yin and yang, and the eight meeting points dominate the eight parts. There are also eight meridian points that dominate the eight meridians. There are also acupoints and mu points that are the meeting points of their essence and energy...

The acupoints and meridians are the same, so the methods of acupuncture are also the same.

Immediately, 365 golden needles were placed on the meridian points of the [Turning Heaven and Earth Sumeru Array] according to the guidance method of mountains, hills and valleys, the acupoint and mu treatment method, and the origin and network regulation method.

As 365 golden needles fell into the meridian points of the [Turning Heaven and Earth Sumeru Formation] in front of him, the entire formation trembled violently.

Some incomprehensible changes occurred within the formation.

There were even sounds of landslides and tsunamis roaring out from the formation itself.

At this moment, the changes that occurred in this [Turning Heaven and Earth Sumeru Formation] were so severe that even Mu Huaishuang himself would not be able to understand.

Amid the roaring sounds of the landslide and tsunami, golden aura suddenly appeared and began to flow through the meridian points of the entire formation.

It seemed that the energy of the formation itself was really mobilized by these 365 golden needles.

A rumbling sound suddenly rang out, and the entire formation became bright.

In an instant, the formation suddenly condensed into nineteen flat circular star-like entities, each more than a hundred feet apart.

The nineteen discs each flashed out, and gradually condensed into the changes of the nineteen-fold world of heaven and earth.

In the distance, Ji Yanwei murmured to herself: "This... Could it be that Senior Mu Huaishuang has also learned the secret art of sealing the sky?"

She always felt that the image of the nine heavens and ten earths displayed by the [Turning Heaven and Earth Sumeru Formation] at this moment was extremely similar to the secret art of sealing the sky.

However, the limit of the Secret Art of Sealing the Heavens is thirty-three heavens, while in this [Turning Heaven and Earth Sumeru Formation], there are only nine heavens and ten earths.

Or maybe... Mu Huaishuang's secret art of sealing the sky was actually only able to create a nineteen-layer sealed sky world, and then did not continue to the thirty-three heavens, but instead transformed the nineteenth heaven into nine heavens and ten earths?
When Ji Yanwei's thoughts were overflowing,

Li Qingfeng suddenly activated the 365 golden needles.

The three hundred and sixty-five golden needles all trembled suddenly, and then the golden needles began to melt little by little from the top of the needle handles, melting into energies carrying star power and Chen power, and infused into the meridian acupuncture points of the [Turning Heaven and Earth Sumeru Array] along the needle bodies below.

These 365 golden needles were originally condensed by Li Qingfeng, Ji Yanwei, Ji Wuchang and Jing Mingnu using their immortal energy or true energy combined with star power or simply star power.

The ultimate purpose of making such golden needles is to allow these golden needles to become the real energy source for [transforming heaven and earth] of the formation in front of us at this moment.

In particular, according to what Mu Huaishuang said in the true explanation of the formation, Li Qingfeng did not need to rely on this [Transforming Heaven and Earth Sumeru Formation] to create replicas of the corresponding three realms, nine heavens and ten earths. Instead, he only needed to achieve the level of transforming heaven and earth and reflect the three realms to truly touch the existence of the bardo world.

Of course, in Mu Huaishuang's idea, perhaps the leader of the immortal organization should anchor the position of the bardo world and then break through the world directly.

But after thinking for a long time, Li Qingfeng still chose to use the transformation of heaven and earth to imprint a copy of himself, and then use a copy born in the bardo to find a way to enter the world of heaven from the bardo.

The wind and thunder howled louder and louder.

The world is close to riot!

The rain was stirred up and gathered by the clouds, and it poured down within a three thousand li radius of Fengge City.

But the fierce wind blew away the pouring rain, and between the messy branches and leaves, a broken and enchanting mist trend was raised...

It was also at this time,

The entire nine heavens and ten earths suddenly shrank into a disc, a white disc.

Ji Yanwei: "Here it comes... the most crucial step!"

She stared closely at the golden-red figure, eager to try, thinking that if there was still a slight difference, she would rush forward and use all her strength to make up for the missing tiny difference for the leader of the Immortal Organization.

She didn't know why she had such an idea... After all, she had never been a philanthropic person, nor a compassionate person.

In her life... there is actually only one person who can make her want to help him with all her might.

She was a little confused, but it finally came down to... the success or failure of this trip was also something Li Qingfeng cared about extremely.

But in just a moment, she saw that under the cover of the fog formed by the strong wind stirring up the rainstorm, a corner of two discs of different colors flashed on the right side of the white disc.

The rightmost one was black, and between white and black was gray. As the 365 golden needles almost completely melted away, the black and gray discs suddenly separated.

This world of heaven and earth was instantly transformed into three worlds.

The first level is the Yang world where everyone is now, which is full of vitality.

The first level is extremely dark and filled with death, as if it is the legendary world of the dead.

The other level is gray, with a kind of deathly aura, but also a strange vitality in the gray world of life.

The three realms appear!

The next step...if one were to activate the Heaven and Earth Sumeru Formation normally, one would have to use the formation to materialize the nine heavens and ten earths of the three realms.

But this was not a normal execution of the formation.

Li Qingfeng had an idea.

The three disc worlds roared up, and a rhythm of existence belonging to the world rate among the forty-eight thousand rates arose.

Then a strange wave came roaring.

Li Qingfeng's heart tensed slightly, and he quickly followed Mu Huaishuang's instructions in the true explanation of the formation and kept his mind focused.

But he didn't feel anything special, not even the feeling of being touched, let alone the ultimate pain in the world that Mu Huaishuang described.

Li Qingfeng felt the emergence of two other perspectives.

For Li Qingfeng, who had already controlled eleven clones at the same time, the sudden addition of two perspectives did not bring him any discomfort or novelty.

He just slowly opened his eyes.

Then he saw a gray disk and a black disk, which were his own copies in the underworld and the bardo, slowly opening their eyes and looking towards him.

Immediately, Li Qingfeng's mind was divided.

In the bardo, the gray formation replica opened its eyes.

"A replica of the formation?"

“It can be said that it has 90% of the power of the original body… But the specific means it can use depends on whether the energy of the Heaven and Earth Transformation Sumeru Formation is sufficient…”

If Li Qingfeng directly used Daohua's move, it is very likely that the energy of the entire formation would be drained in one move, and then the formation would be shattered, causing the replica formed by the formation to directly dissipate.

"In this case, if we want to use this replica... we must continue to maintain the operation of the formation and try to ensure that the formation itself has sufficient energy. This is very inconvenient."

"But if you want to enter in your true form..."

There are too many uncertainties.

The bardo world is not the yang world after all. This is Li Qingfeng's first real contact with it, so he naturally won't take any risks.

"Investigate first... and then make a decision."

Thinking of this, the replica of Li Qingfeng in the bardo began to spread his perception.

In just a moment, Li Qingfeng had already sensed the aura of the so-called holy knotted rope and the aura of Jie Long.

Even though Jie Long used various means to hide his body, he was still unable to escape from Li Qingfeng's perception.

Immediately, Li Qingfeng's copy of the bardo formation floated up and headed towards the place where Ji Long was hiding.

On the other side, in the underworld filled with black deathly aura, Li Qingfeng's clone did not dissipate directly.

But it was after the perception spread in all directions and after a long period of exploration.

"...Yellow Spring?"

"It seems to be the prelude to the move [Imperial Capital] that I saw Ying Zhao perform in Cangsenzhou..."

"Could it be that this place... is really the dead zone? Is it the underworld?"

Thinking of the familiar feeling that the Imperial Capital brought him, Li Qingfeng's formation replica no longer hesitated and floated directly to explore deeper into the underworld.

And in Fengge City in the Yang World.

Li Qingfeng slowly stood up, and with a thought, the golden-red mist blasted into the space like a sharp sword.

The surrounding space of over a thousand feet collapsed in an instant, and a passage leading to the void with a radius of over a thousand feet emerged.

Li Qingfeng floated up and only sent a message to Ji Yanwei, Ji Wuchang and the woman who prayed for good fortune.

"Please tell the three of you to return to Jin'an City with the message."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Heaven and Earth Turning Sumeru Formation disappeared into the void along with the golden-red figure.

The space crack vortex with a radius of more than a thousand feet quickly recovered and disappeared.

But before it completely disappeared, Ji Yanwei, Ji Wuchang and Jinmingnu saw that the golden-red figure in the void punched out again.

A fragment of over a thousand feet in radius appeared in the void, and on the other side of the fragment... was earth, fire, water and wind!

The woman who prays for good fortune: "Earth, fire, water, wind..."

"Your Excellency, are you trying to break through the earth, fire, water and wind... and get outside of it?"

Breaking through the earth, fire, water and wind and going beyond the earth, fire, water and wind is something that the human race, and even the witch race, have never done.

This kind of thing, just thinking about it is extremely exciting.

While the woman who warded off fate was amazed, a trace of regret flashed in her eyes. She regretted that she could not see the first scene of a living being breaking through the earth, fire, water and wind for the first time and witnessing the scene beyond the earth, fire, water and wind.

Ji Wuchang also felt his heart beating extremely fast.

Ji Yanwei said: "Let's go back to Jin'an City!"

"Let's take the large teleportation array!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them flew out and returned to the large teleportation array set up in the central square of Fengge City that connected to Jin'an City.

A hundred breaths later, a ray of light flashed at the location of the Ancheng teleportation array.

Ji Yanwei and the other two walked out of the teleportation array with tired looks, and then flew to the sky prison.

The clone who was exactly the same as Li Qingfeng immediately gave orders as the Emperor.

"The Third Army of the Demon Suppression Army, immediately blockade the entire thousand-mile area of ​​Fengge City!"


At the same time,
In the land of nothingness, in the world of heaven and man, a riot broke out.

"Datong members!"

"There is only one way ahead of us! That is victory!"

"There is another way - to be reduced to ashes!"

"But, the people of Datong do not belong to the people who are reduced to ashes! We... must win!" (End of this chapter)

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