Start with the jailer

Chapter 582: Stay safe!

The people of heaven and earth appeared in various costumes...

Of course!

Of course!

There was an uproar among the gods and men.

Everyone was inexplicably horrified and surprised as they watched the colors appearing on their own bodies.

"Are we...normal?"

"We're finally normal!"

"Thank you, His Majesty the Queen!"

"Thank you, His Majesty the Queen!"

The same is true for Jielong and Muduan.

As the color returned, Ji Long's peerless beauty was truly revealed, leaving many people stunned for just a moment.

Even Ji Yanwei and Xiao Jiandun couldn't help but glance sideways.

Xin Yuan, Ren Dong and others even showed a hint of envy.

The real peerless elegance!
It's not just her appearance that is absolutely beautiful, but also her solitary and focused temperament that astounds all living beings.

Her absolutely beautiful face easily draws people's attention to her, and her lonely and focused temperament is just like the bright moon in the night sky, making people stare at her unconsciously without blinking.

Mu Duan was even more stunned where he was, even though he was also extremely handsome and even though he had seen Ji Long's true appearance 140,000 years ago.

But when he saw Ji Long's peerless beauty that was no less beautiful than Ji Yanwei's and his lonely and focused temperament, he suddenly felt a little ashamed.

Li Qingfeng looked towards Zhou Huanran and said, "Mr. Zhou, I'll trouble you to arrange the arrangements for the celestial being."

Zhou Huanran: "It's my duty! The emperor is too kind!"

At the same time, Li Qingfeng turned to look at the Pavilion Master of Taiyin Pavilion: "Yayin is not in Jin'an City. I'll trouble you to take care of the matters concerning the Heavenly Supervision Institute's supervision of the gods and humans!"

The dean of Jiantian Academy is actually Ming Yayin, but Ming Yayin is still stationed at the border of Nanzhou, pretending to be in a stalemate between the human race and the Eagle tribe.

In addition, although the common people of heaven and earth are not dissatisfied with Datong, they are destined to become the group that the hidden bugs most want to contact and even assimilate.

Monitoring the heavens is actually monitoring the movements of the stink bugs in the sewers.

Hearing this, the head of Taiyin Pavilion felt flattered. She had thought that she would be sitting on the bench for the rest of her life.

The head of Taiyin Pavilion immediately bowed his head and said: "Yes!"

By the time the head of Taiyin Pavilion raised his head, Li Qingfeng had disappeared.


In the heavenly prison,

The bead condensed from the Qingyang energy in Li Qingfeng's hand trembled slowly.

At the same time, the power of the ten witches in his body, that is, the power of the ten heavenly stems, also boiled up and surged from his internal organs.

With the surge of the yang energy bead and the power of the ten heavenly stems, the yin energy that had been blocked by his immortal energy finally showed a slight change.

Wisps of pure black yin energy began to gather little by little under the influence of some strange gravitational force.

Strands of energy...although slow, they gathered in Li Qingfeng's palm in an orderly manner.

After a moment, all the Yin energy gathered together, and a pure black bead emerged in Li Qingfeng's palm.

The Yin Qi bead is exactly the same size as the Yang Qi bead, but the Yin Qi bead has a dense black aura like smoke evaporating from it.

The phantoms of countless substances dispersed and annihilated in the evaporating steam.


Li Qingfeng's mind moved, and the phantoms of the myriad of substances in the smoke above the Yin Qi bead actually showed a tendency to turn from virtual to real.

"Yin creates things, Yang gives spirits... Is that so?"

"But even just seems like something is still missing..."

According to Li Qingfeng's perception at the moment, even if he really used this Yin Qi bead to create an object out of thin air, and then used the Yang Qi bead to give it a spirit... the thing he created would still lack a certain spirituality and life...

Or maybe it's the lack of some kind of momentum!
"Could it be that... we need to form the Yin-Yang Tai Chi... to truly have the possibility of creation?"

"Lead the movement..."

"The end of the Five Elements is Taiji, and Taiji then gives birth to the two yin and yang... and then gives birth to the heaven and earth and all things, thus forming the heaven and earth universe... And then the heaven gives birth to water, and the earth makes up the six..."

"The most important thing is... the 48,000 rates and the 9,763 concepts are the foundation of all things in the universe, and Tai Chi gave birth to all things... but now it lacks rhythm..."

To work backwards, it actually means to control the Yin and Yang Tai Chi, which means that one can control 48,000 rates and 9,763 concepts!
Immediately, a flash of inspiration emerged in Li Qingfeng's mind.

"If we use the power of the ten heavenly stems and the power of the twelve earthly branches to divide yin and yang into the body of the Yin-Yang fish, and use these yang energy beads and yin energy beads as the eyes of the Yin-Yang fish... and then inject the energy of the Heavenly Dao..."

"Perhaps, it can really be done..."

Thinking about this, the more Li Qingfeng thought about it, the more he felt that the possibility of doing so was very high, and the probability of success was beyond imagination.

But soon,
"Where is the power of the twelve earthly branches?"

He has already obtained the power of the ten heavenly stems, and the yin beads and yang beads have been condensed. Even if he wants, he can continue to extract the yang and yin energy from the human world just like Zhuanxu extracted the yang energy from the human world in the past.

Heavenly Dao energy... He has a lot of it in his body. Even the twelve Life-Creation Coffins made entirely of blue crystal, as well as his Zanpakuto and the remains of Chi You... are enough to provide Li Qingfeng with a large amount of Heavenly Dao energy.

But... I have no idea about the power of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

"This kind of natural power of heaven and earth... shouldn't be unknown..."

The names of the powers of the ten heavenly stems are not very famous, but the power of Nuwa's ten intestines... is very famous from the time of the witch clan to the present day!

Especially the story of how Nuwa's ten intestines transformed into ten witches.

Correspondingly, the power of the twelve Earthly Branches should also have some famous saying corresponding to it.

If we follow that statement to search...

"Related to Twelve..."

"Could it be that the twelve witch ancestors of the witch clan first tried the Heavenly Witch Strategy?"

"Or... December will build a moon to break the formation?"

"Or is it……"

Thinking in his mind, Li Qingfeng gave up trying to find out the information about the power of the twelve Earthly Branches when he couldn't think of the correct answer.

He turned to look at the eleven clones in the coffins of life and creation in the Yin-Yang Ruins.

When the senses penetrated into the body, one could clearly feel the blue energy of the Heavenly Dao sinking into the particles of the clone's body bit by bit as the Life-Creation Coffin nourished the clone's body...

"There is definitely something wrong with Wu Jin..."

"Even if there is no problem, he has been using the Life Creation Coffin for many years, so something must have gone wrong..."

"Unfortunately, we can't find any trace of this guy for the time being...but we should at least prepare a backup plan."


At the same time,
The location of Jishan Island.

At this moment, Wu Jin has already possessed the bodies of eleven demons with ancient bloodlines, plus his own body, the perfect body fused with Tian Wu Ce has been completed.

He quietly looked at the eleven bodies lying in the coffin of life and creation.

"I finally found an excuse... so that these eleven bodies don't have to show up in public for the time being."

"But, the speed at which the Life Creation Coffin nourishes these bodies... is too slow!"

The Heavenly Witch Strategy requires twelve bodies to achieve a balance in strength, otherwise it will basically fail. In the last attempt at Liuyin Mountain, the twelve bodies that Wu Jin used actually achieved a nearly perfect balance in physical strength.

But now, the eleven bodies of the ancient bloodline demon race are of varying quality...

"It seems that the Black Fox Demon King... needs to keep working hard!"

His original body slowly closed his eyes, and the Black Fox Demon King, who had been excluded from the fusion of the Heavenly Witch Strategy, slowly stood up and walked out of the cave.


Time slowly passed by,
The next day,

Today, the heavenly bell and earthly drum were struck simultaneously again in the Ancheng Hall of All Peoples.

The Left Prime Minister Makuto An, the Right Prime Minister Gataki and the other celestial beings who were settled in the present-day Ancheng participated in this so-called Conference of All Peoples for the first time.

The meeting went on as usual, with civilians walking up to the platform in the middle one by one and using the formation to ensure that the millions of people participating in the meeting could hear his voice.

The most ordinary person can also fully make his voice heard and let the world hear his voice!

The four words "a person of low status has little influence" seem to have been exterminated in the Hall of All Peoples.

Everyone truly feels a sense of belonging to the human race!
Because... from the time when Datong was established, from the time when the Hall of All Peoples began to truly demonstrate its powers, everyone is the creator of the human race, and everyone has participated in the construction of Datong!
At this moment, the same was true for the celestial beings, each one of them was shocked to the extreme.

When the proposals put forward by the members of the Heavenly Unity Association were adopted by majority vote... the Heavenly Beings also instantly cleared the barriers between heaven and earth in their hearts.


Chen Jingnu, Chen Jiuan, Tie Sanwen and other people from the previous dynasty's aristocratic families were all looking towards the later emperor Li Qingfeng at this moment, each of their expressions filled with shock and admiration.


"Your Majesty the Emperor...really has a far-sighted plan!"

Tie Sanwen said so.

Chen Jiuan was slightly stunned: "Brother mean, when the emperor first created the Ten Thousand People's Palace, he thought of using it to win over the hearts of the gods and people?"

"In this way, heaven and earth can be truly united again?"

"That is to say... from the very beginning... His Majesty the Emperor wanted to bring heaven and earth back into unity?!"

Tie Sanwen nodded slightly. He looked at the celestial beings in the hall with a slightly unconscious sense of superiority, and then talked about Li Qingfeng's previous strategies as if they were his own treasures.

Finally, he said, "Our farsighted beyond ordinary people!"

Chen Jiuan nodded heavily.

Chen Jingnu became more and more silent.

My uncle promised to meet Yinsha...but nothing came of it.

And Li Qingfeng, the man who almost became her husband, flew higher and higher, becoming more and more eye-catching, and more and more sacred...

It was Li Qingfeng's extreme change, that extremely sacred figure... that made her ask herself again and again in her heart whether she... was not the loyal person she imagined.

Is it possible that she has always been just a woman who admires the strong, but... she has been deceiving herself that she is devoted to Yin Sha.

But as time passed, Yin Sha attacked less and less frequently, appeared less and less frequently, and Li Qingfeng became stronger and stronger...

In her heart, Li Qingfeng's importance seemed to quickly surpass Yin Sha's...

As a result, an extreme pain lingered in her heart.

Chen Jiuan glanced at Chen Jingnu and sighed slightly, but he was powerless to do anything.


The meeting in the Hall of All Peoples ended with the announcement of His Majesty the Later Emperor Li Qingfeng.

As usual, he let the common people go first, and then Di Li Qingfeng continued to chat with the owner of Xiaojiangshan Tower, Zhou Huanran, the hall commander, Ji Yanwei, the dean, Wang Sasashan Master, Taiyin Pavilion Master, Zheng Huaizhou and other leading figures of Datong.

After the common people walked out, they arrived at the place where the three officials and other warriors were.

Chen Jiuan and Tie Sanwen stood up and took two steps before they realized that Chen Jingnu had not moved.

Chen Jiuan turned around and asked: "Jingnu?"

Chen Jingnu's face was full of determination, her eyes were slightly gloomy but extremely firm: " guys go first, I..."

Chen Jiuan remained silent.

Tie Sanwen was a little confused.

Only Chen Jiuan and Chen Changan in the Chen family knew what was on Chen Jingnu's mind.

Now, Chen Changan, as one of the candidates for the crown prince, has rushed to Haizhou, Dongzhou to take up his post. In Jin'an City, only Chen Jiuan knows what Chen Jingnu is thinking.

Chen Jiuan also knew what his daughter was planning to do. She was planning to meet Yin Sha directly through the Emperor.

Instead of waiting any longer.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Chen Jiuan said, " careful about your behavior."

Chen Jingnu: "My daughter knows."

Only then did Chen Jiuan pull Tie Sanwen away from the Hall of All Peoples.

Then, time slowly passed,

A quarter of an hour later, the Hall of All Peoples suddenly became empty. The only people left in the entire hall were the leaders of the six tribes of Datong, the immortals who were sealed in the Immortal Mountain, the left and right prime ministers, and a few members of the Stargazing Pavilion who were checking whether the internal formations of the Hall of All Peoples were damaged and whether there was any need for repair... and Chen Jingnu, who was sitting alone in her original seat.

Chen Jingnu originally planned to continue waiting until the immortals of the fairy mountain and the people from the six departments left, and only Emperor Li Qingfeng was left before going to ask.

But, at this moment, everyone was looking at each other and talking, and everyone had a thoughtful look on their faces.

It looks like this will take a long time to discuss.

It doesn’t matter, Chen Jingnu can wait.

But also at this time,
Wang Sasa suddenly said, "Why don't we go and take a look?"

Li Qingfeng nodded.

Then, everyone's inner energy boiled over, and they were about to transform into rainbow light and fly away.

Chen Jingnu knew...she couldn't wait any longer.

Now, not only can she not see Yin Sha, but she can't even see Li Qingfeng whenever she wants.

Since becoming the Later Emperor, Li Qingfeng has become even busier. The guards at the Heavenly Prison will not let anyone in without Li Qingfeng's password or warrant, even the leaders of the six tribes such as Xiao Jiangshan and Ji Yanwei.

And when a meeting is held in the Hall of All Peoples... Li Qingfeng will only appear in the Hall of All Peoples when the celestial bell and the earthly drum are struck at the same time.

So...if I miss today, I really don’t know when I’ll be able to see Li Qingfeng again.


Chen Jingnu stood up quickly, looked at Li Qingfeng, and said loudly: "Commander Li!"

When the title of Commander Li was called out, everyone was slightly stunned.

Zhou Huanran, Zhao Muchen, Xiao Jiangshan, Xiao Jiandun, Ji Long, Mu Duan and others were all a little confused.

Zhang Ting, Xin Yuan, Zheng Huaizhou, Ji Yanwei and others all looked at the woman who called out this name in a daze.

When they saw it was Chen Jingnu, some people frowned slightly, some looked unfriendly, and some had doubts in their eyes.

But no one spoke.

If Li Qingfeng was not here, perhaps someone would reprimand Chen Jingnu for this, or even give her a serious warning.

But Li Qingfeng is here... Everyone knows that His Majesty the Emperor doesn't care about the title, so no one speaks.

Li Qingfeng nodded gently towards Chen Jingnu: "Commander Chen! How are you?" (End of this chapter)

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