Start with the jailer

Chapter 600: The golden needle determines the star veins! Worry leads to confusion?

Then, Mo Shuyang and Tang Boyong looked at each other, and without saying anything, they went all out again!
Light stars and planets farther away from Tianfu Star and Ziwei Star exploded one after another, and the essence of the stars was madly absorbed by the root of heaven and earth.

The gray stars in the gray world are becoming more and more vibrant, and the rhythm of the primordial energy in the gray star gate is becoming stronger and stronger!
a moment,
As a click sounded, three strands of green Hongmeng blue energy and one strand of purple Hongmeng purple energy emerged from the Gray Realm Star Gate.

Mo Shuyang and Tang Boyong both paused in their movements at this moment, and both of them breathed much faster.

But soon, the two looked at each other, and did not rush to snatch the Hongmeng Qi, but once again tried their best to activate the Gray Realm and the Root of Heaven and Earth.

Even if they want to fight, they have to wait until all fifty-five primordial energies are born!
But also at this time,
The sky curtain of earth, fire, water, wind and sky above the gray world suddenly began to tremble abnormally.

Mo Shuyang only felt an indescribable throbbing emerging in his heart, and Tang Boyong also felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

Almost at the same time, a golden-red color broke through from the four colors of earth, fire, water and wind like a sharp sword. In an instant, the golden-red light spread out like sunlight.

Golden red!
The leader of the fairy organization!
Almost a conditioned reflex!

Mo Shuyang and Tang Boyong felt as if their hearts were attacked by an ice cellar.

Almost at the same time, Mo Shuyang and Tang Boyong turned around and dived into the gray world without thinking.

Since the leader of the Immortal Organization really arrived so quickly...

Then, the Hometown Plan would naturally not be able to continue.

In this way...the four strands of Hongmeng Qi are their only gain, and also their hope to face the leader of the immortal organization in the future!
In other words, it is the fundamental factor that determines whether they can survive the hunt of the leader of the immortal organization in the future!
In an instant, the two of them stepped into the gray world at the same time. If they were not blocked, they would definitely reach the star gate at the same time and reach the location of the four primordial auras.

If that were to happen...

Tang Boyong's expression turned cold, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

His back-up plan was prepared for this moment!
But at the same time, Mo Shuyang said: "Holy Lord! The primordial energy is extremely difficult to obtain. Even if it is this primordial green energy, if you want to pull it out... With your and my strength, I'm afraid it will take several breaths..."

"How about we work together to delay the leader of the Immortal Organization?!"

Tang Boyong, who was ready to kill, suddenly changed his expression.

There are three kinds of Hongmeng Qi: blue, purple and mysterious. There are forty-nine Hongmeng blue Qi, five Hongmeng purple Qi, and only one Hongmeng mysterious Qi.

Theoretically, there is no difference between the three types of Hongmeng Qi, but in fact, the differences between the three types of Hongmeng Qi are extremely huge.

Not only are the effects different, but the difficulty of obtaining them also varies greatly.

For example, at this moment, with the strength of Heavenly Saint Tang Boyong, it would take him about two breaths to forcibly extract one of the blue primordial energy. But if it was the purple primordial energy, even if Tang Boyong was given five breaths, he might not be able to take it away.

Moreover...delaying the pace of the leader of the immortal organization and taking away the Hongmeng Qi are not contradictory, they even complement each other.

After all, the immortal organization's excessive care for weak lives has long become almost universally known as the only means that can be used to restrain the immortal organization.

The rebellion of the Qingjuetian organization on Houtuzhou, which may not have ended yet, was achieved by using a large number of weak human beings to suppress the immortal organization.

This moment... can also be the case.

As long as more stars and planets are further detonated, or even if it seems that all the light stars and dark stars and planets in the universe will be detonated in an instant... the leader of the immortal organization will definitely stop the stars from exploding first, thus buying them more time.

At the same time, more light stars, dark stars and planets were detonated... this gray world gate will also give birth to more primordial energy!
If that primordial profound energy could be born...

Tang Boyong's heart beat violently.

That is the Hongmeng mysterious energy!
That is what the diviner calls the Missing One, the entity of the Missing One with infinite possibilities!

If he could obtain that [Hongmeng Xuanqi], Tang Boyong even felt that as long as he refined that Hongmeng Xuanqi, he wouldn't have to fear the leader of the immortal organization at all!


After thinking at lightning speed, Tang Boyong nodded directly.

By the time Tang Boyong opened his mouth to express his agreement, Mo Shuyang had already mobilized all the true energy in his body and was pouring it into the gray world's yin-yang vortex with all his strength.

The same is true for Tang Boyong.

As more and richer true qi was poured into the Yin-Yang vortex, the two huge space vortices, one white and one black, which existed at the eastern and western centers of the Gray Realm, suddenly began to spin at a speed that neither Tang Boyong nor Mo Shuyang could see clearly.

It was clearly only the two whirlpools that were rotating, but they gave Tang Boyong and Mo Shuyang the illusion that the two whirlpools were not rotating, but the entire gray world was rotating.

Also at the same time,

A strange, empty, lonely and ancient sound resounded.

Just like the ups and downs of the atmosphere when Fuxi created the world with one stroke of the brush in the legend, just like the moment when the Yuanxiang Continent was first born in the legend...

A breath that was a mixture of birth, death, formation, emptiness, past, decay, residence and concentration, and was beyond the cognition of all living beings, burst up.

This breath was like light, instantly spreading throughout the gray world, and then instantly poured into the huge water tank in the center of the gray world.

The huge water tank was boiling, and bubbles like boiling water continuously rushed from the bottom of the tank to the surface.

Then, these densely packed bubbles, at least hundreds of thousands or millions in number, rushed out of the water... and then exploded!
As these blisters burst.

Outside the gray world, in the universe... hundreds of thousands of light stars, dark stars, and planets in the solar domain shattered, and even hundreds of thousands of stars outside the domain that had long lost their vitality exploded.

Endless explosion of light!
Endless heat waves!
Even those at the innate realm would be annihilated into ashes or even turned into nothingness in less than a breath under such an environment by the extreme heat wave and the terrifying energy shock wave!
And at the same time,
In the gray world, in the huge star gate formed by countless gray stars, the breath of primordial energy became stronger and stronger.

Almost at the same time, another ten Hongmeng Qi surged out, but all ten Hongmeng Qi were only Hongmeng Green Qi. There was no birth of Hongmeng Purple Qi, let alone the possibility of the birth of Hongmeng Mysterious Qi.

But even so, Demo Shuyang and Tang Boyong were extremely excited.


And almost at the same time,
Li Qingfeng, who had just walked out of the earth, fire, water and wind, had thousands of golden and red particle streams rearranged in an instant, combining into his original shape and appearance.

"Is this... the Gray Realm?"

“Is this the essence of the Yuanxiang Project?”

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Li Qingfeng planned to rush directly into the gray world, and then use the dimension-breaking move and Daohua's move to simultaneously annihilate this gray world.

But at the same time,
A strange sound appeared, as if it came from an extremely ancient, desolate and lonely era.

Almost at the same time, hundreds of thousands of stars around this sea of ​​stars expanded to their limits and suddenly exploded.

Endless light, endless heat waves!

Li Qingfeng even felt the heat waves and light explosions appearing in the outer space beyond the boundary barrier...

At the same time, he also realized that... whether inside or outside the domain, an extremely terrifying aura was rising.

Whether inside or outside the domain...more stars that have not yet exploded suddenly and rapidly began to expand.

It seems that it only takes a breath... or even a drop of time, and all the stars inside and outside the domain will explode?
"Are you still late?"

"Really..." "It feels like there's only one chance to make a move again..."

At this moment, Li Qingfeng suddenly realized again the heavy feeling he had in his previous life as a Chinese medicine practitioner. Many patients who were easy to treat when they first fell ill... only had one chance to save them when they found him.

Why do you have to wait until the hospital asks you to prepare for your funeral before you think of seeing a Chinese doctor?
Why can't you seek other help when the hospital says there is no guarantee of treatment? Why do you have to gamble on some people's so-called cure rate?

The only remaining chance to save the patient not only tests the medical skills of the traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, but also tests the patient's luck in meeting a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who can save the patient. It also tests whether the traditional Chinese medicine practitioner has the courage to fight to the death...

After all, this is your only chance to act. If you make even the slightest mistake, the patient will die in your hands before he or she finishes drinking the medicine you prescribed. Then you will have to pay money and lose your reputation. Not only will you never be able to treat patients again, but you may also end up in jail. You may even become an extremely bad example, causing the law to impose greater restrictions on traditional Chinese medicine...

But the situation is extremely critical at this moment.

Li Qingfeng didn't even dare to think too much about other irrelevant things. He just concentrated on mobilizing his immortal energy and medical elixir.

Golden needles were condensed out one by one as if they were free of charge.

One thousand and eighty-one golden needles condensed into shape in an instant and floated around Li Qingfeng.

He saw through the meridians and acupuncture points of the heaven, earth and stars, and carefully watched the turmoil of qi inside the heaven, earth and stars...

"This... let's open the four gates and then protect the heart pulse!"

Opening the Four Gates and Protecting the Heart Meridian are terms in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which refer to the use of double Hegu and double Taichong acupuncture points to open the four major gates of the body's meridian system in the treatment of certain patients' emergency conditions. After these four major gates are opened at the same time, both the positive energy and the pathogenic factors will be discharged from the body without reservation.

At the same time, cooperate with the four needles of Shaofu, Yinbai, Juque and Guanyuan to protect the heart meridian.

This was a last resort.

This is the prescription given by Li Qingfeng after considering the stars in the universe as human beings.

This is mainly because Li Qingfeng was unable to clearly see and identify the mistakes in the meridian system of heaven and earth in such a short period of time and chose the most effective forbidden method.

In particular, forcing himself to [watch] the meridians and acupoints of the universe at this moment has actually caused a huge burden on Li Qingfeng.

In a flash of thought,
Six golden needles whizzed out and grew longer in the wind at the same time. In just an instant, the six golden needles grew to a giant size of seven hundred feet long and three feet thick.

And Li Qingfeng's breathing finally became a little rapid.

In all directions of heaven and earth, inside and outside the domain, countless stars have expanded to their limits at this moment.

Except for Hou Tuzhou, whose meridians had already been fixed by Li Qingfeng with golden needles, all the stars in the sky and the earth were shaking.

At this moment, the demon clan has completed the construction of the space channel leading to the entrance of the demon world, and one demon after another is rapidly approaching the entrance of the space channel.

The people of Houtuzhou all looked up at the sky.

Xiao Jiangshan and the others looked at the suddenly expanding stars in the sky with a sense of absurdity, as if they were dreaming. They looked at the series of light explosions that were exploding from the sky that was supposed to be extremely far away, where even with their level of cultivation, they could not see any light at all...

The outside world's Yu tribe also suddenly retreated like a tide, moving away from the starry sky around the Sun Region at the fastest speed.


This is a true doomsday scene!
But at the same time,
The golden-red light roared in the far reaches of the sky.

Four golden red points suddenly settled!
After a sound like piercing flesh and blood was heard, golden-red color spread simultaneously on the east and west sides of the uppermost starry sky and on the north and south sides of the lowermost starry sky!


A strange and vast wave of air mixed with blue and gray gushed out from these four points.

Time passed in a breath!
In the gray world, Tang Boyong and Mo Shuyang, who each drew a strand of primordial green energy, looked extremely stiff.

They totally couldn't understand what the leader of the immortal organization was doing at this moment.

It looks like... it's like giving acupuncture treatment to the heaven, earth and stars.

But this thing called acupuncture... even Tang Boyong had only seen it 140,000 years ago, when a group of people who called themselves Bixi used it to treat diseases and it was so effective that the disease was cured with just a single needle.

From then on, acupuncture... would no longer have any effect on anyone, whether they were celestial beings, terrestrial beings, or demons.

What's more... this is acupuncture for the heaven, earth and stars? !
Tang Boyong felt as if his worldview had exploded.

But he did not pause at all, and quickly grabbed the second primordial green energy.

The leader of the Immortal Organization didn’t know... but he and Mo Shuyang knew very well that the stars that were about to break apart at this moment were just an illusion!
After all, the Hometown Project has been terminated!

The moment the golden-red light emerged from the earth, fire, water and wind, the Hometown Plan was terminated.

The exploding stars in the sky and earth at this moment were nothing more than mobilizing all the energy of the gray world to generate more primordial energy.

The explosion of millions of stars just now was real, but that was where it ended.

Without sufficient preparation, the Homeland Plan cannot destroy all the stars.

Therefore, all they can do is to extract as much Hongmeng Qi as possible!

at the same time,

Li Qingfeng frowned slightly.

When he saw the green and gray gases that came out after the four gates of [Heaven and Earth Universe] were opened, especially the gray gas that accounted for less than one thirtieth of the total, he realized that he seemed to have made a big deal out of nothing.

This method of opening the four gates is used to treat patients when the struggle between good and evil has ended and the good energy has retreated and the evil energy has prevailed, that is, when the proportion of evil energy exceeds 50%...

But now...

"Just... stalling for time?"

"As expected... worrying leads to confusion..."

I was worried that the universe would completely shatter, and that the vast majority of humanity would be annihilated in this drastic change. In addition, the situation was extremely urgent, and I had no time to think, and I didn't dare to waste even a tenth of a second thinking...

"In that case..."

The remaining two golden needles, which had become extremely large, fell into the positions of Guanyuan and Juque, which were analogous to the heaven, earth and universe.

At the same time, the four golden needles at the four gates were withdrawn and returned.

Li Qingfeng stepped out at the same time, and one thousand and seventy-nine golden needles carrying the divine sword intent and the divine sword intent whistled down towards the gray world.

The sound of the golden needle piercing the acupuncture points in the gray world sounded extremely slight, almost non-existent, to Li Qingfeng.

But in the gray world, in the ears of Tang Boyong and Mo Shuyang, it was a continuous rumbling sound like thunder.

"Damn...he finally reacted..."

"Why so fast?" (End of this chapter)

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