Start with the jailer

Chapter 625 The leader of the Immortal Organization takes action!

Above Houtuzhou, sea water was pouring back, rivers suddenly stopped and then burst into a huge flood, volcanoes erupted... The strange volcanic smoke triggered earth-shaking volcanic thunder!

On Houtuzhou, the eighty-one crown princes each opened up their Qi shields to protect the people under their jurisdiction as much as possible.

And at the same time,
In the other eight places of the Nine Provinces, meteorites also appeared like snow!
Layer upon layer of sky fragments fell down as if they were virtual or real...


It seems like the universe has reached the end of its life!

Xiao Jiangshan chuckled, took out the blood-colored one, and threw it in the direction of Ming Yayin: "To the Emperor!"

The moment the words fell, the determination to die was evident in his eyes.

"Xiao Mou... has another trick!"

In the large formation that made up the Holy Revelation Capital Heaven Formation, everyone who invited the Eight Meridians of the Sword Society had a look of astonishment on their faces.

A look of reluctance flashed across Xiao Jiandun's eyes.

Jianyuan Lord Meng Wuhao had a complicated look on his face.

Ghost King Sect leader Cui Wangchuan also had a look of disbelief on his face...

Zhou Huanran, the head of Taiyin Pavilion and others who had known Xiao Jiangshan for eight hundred years also had a look of loneliness on their faces.

The hero's end... For the past eight hundred years, before the Immortal Organization came into being, Xiao Jiangshan, who had always been recognized as the strongest man of the human race... is he really going to embark on a path of inevitable death?
Everyone sees complexity.

Everyone roared and tried their best, squeezing out everything in themselves to activate the Holy Revelation Dutian Formation.

However... under the falling snow from the sky, the Holy Qi Dutian Formation seemed to have lost its former power.

Wang Sasa whispered to all parties: "It's useless... The rules of heaven and earth have changed... Withdraw!"

"... All we can do is... charge forward!"

The pigs rushed forward with all their might, which was the most disorganized way of fighting. A group of people rushed forward like wild boars, exploding everything in a reckless rush.

But this is also the most essential fighting is a fighting method that makes everyone forget about death.

If one person forgets death, a hundred people can be defeated; if a hundred people forget death, ten thousand troops will be defeated; if ten thousand troops forget death...the heaven and earth will shake!
Therefore, when many wars in history were lost in a strange way, there would always be people who said that if they had used 100,000 pigs, the situation would not have been so bad...

As Wang Sasa transmitted the message, the broken Holy Revelation Capital Heaven Formation dissipated like smoke.

The 330,000 demon-suppressing soldiers looked at the petite woman in front of them, and looked at the first master of Datong Fairy Mountain.

Wang Sasa seemed to be dreaming back to the time when the Common People's Academy was first opened. She led Long Siyu and hundreds of others to fight one battle after another on the way to Jin'an City.

She held her breath and concentrated, her hair disheveled by the shock wave that fell like snow that day, but her eyes became more focused.


He slowly pulled out the long sword in his hand, held it upright in front of his eyes, and saw his own face and eyes reflected on the shining blade.

The moment the eyes in the knife shadow collided with his own eyes, an unprecedented firmness emerged.

Behind him, the 330,000 demon-suppressing soldiers also slowly drew their swords, held them in front of them, and looked at their own reflections on the blades.


Wang Sasa shouted out this syllable firmly.



The 330,000 demon-suppressing soldiers behind him shouted out this syllable with the same firmness!


The torrent went towards the sea of ​​stars, and murderous intent boiled towards the starry sky.

There are differences in strength, but there is no difference in heart!
At this moment, the heaven and earth seemed to be moved.

At this moment, the murderous energy of Gengjin on the battlefield was raging in all directions!

There is boiling blood, spilled across the battlefield; there is a sonorous soul, immortal even after death!

And at the same time,
In the ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison, Qian Hao and others suddenly opened their eyes.

"Why didn't you say anything, Pavilion Master?!"

Qian Hao and the others looked at Mu Huaishuang, questioning why he didn't tell them about the catastrophe outside, but insisted that they experience the drastic changes in the world with their own eyes before they could know about it.

Mu Huaishuang: "Seniors, don't worry..."

"How can I not be anxious?!"

The moment the words came out, Qian Hao and others knew why there was no need to rush.


The vast feeling of freedom and independence suddenly filled the space between heaven and earth, and even filled every particle of all things in the entire world!
Your Excellency, the leader of the Immortal Organization, has taken action!
Mu Huaishuang's calm eyes also reflected a touch of extreme shock, but he just said lightly: "Four seniors... get ready, next... we may..."

She didn't say the rest, while Qian Hao and others had already started to regulate their breathing.


outside world,

Above the starry sky of Houtuzhou,
The boundary formation has been completely shattered, and the virtual shadow of the Dharma image behind Xiao Jiangshan has condensed to the limit. Thousands of bloody souls roared and crashed out of the virtual shadow of the Dharma image, as if they wanted to break through the boundary between reality and illusion from the virtual shadow of the Dharma image and truly descend into reality.

Xiao Jiangshan chuckled and pressed his heart with his hand.

The surrounding sea of ​​stars instantly transformed into the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in Xiao Jiangshan's Dharma image. At first, these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers seemed like projected images, but with Xiao Jiangshan's movements... they gradually became real.

Gradually it became three-dimensional, gradually it became full of life...

There is only one opportunity left!
With just this last opportunity, the falsehood will become reality, and the false power will instantly become completely real power.

Through the strange transformation between reality and illusion, it can cause huge damage beyond imagination!

And this opportunity is Xiao Jiangshan’s own death, his own obsession and blood!

"Three thousand years..."

"So long!"

“It’s so short…”

There was a blue and white light flashing on his right hand, and there was a golden light flashing in the area of ​​his heart.

With the power of Zhixuan, Tongtian and Xiantian, as well as the power of the world of dust in the second realm of the Heavenly Man Realm, all are activated and transformed into the foundation for the ultimate Dharma to transform from virtual to real...

But also at this time,
There seemed to be some kind of sound breaking through the air.


Vast, vast, omnipresent, all-reaching, free and unrestrained, perfect, supreme goodness...all kinds of similar auras spread out, along with the golden-red light that made people feel their hearts brighter when they saw it...

The world turned golden red at this moment!
There was also nearly endless golden mist spreading out, like wolf smoke erupting from many points in space, like wolf smoke columns, like mist after rain, erupting and evaporating from a certain area with a diameter of less than three feet, and then spreading to the sky.

This is... fairy air!
The moment the immortal energy spread, the injured people felt their injuries recovering quickly, and the uninjured people also felt as if they had gained some kind of divine power boost in an instant.

Xiao Jiangshan was slightly stunned, then his eyes completely relaxed, and the tense string in his heart also completely relaxed.

"As expected... you are the only one who can shoulder the responsibility of the entire human race..."

He lost all his strength and almost fell down.

Xiao Jiandun, Gu Yao, Shi Qianyun, Zhou Que and other elders of the Tiandao lineage came over quickly. Gu Yubing and other people from the other seven lines of Yaodao Club also came over.

Everyone looked at Xiao Jiangshan in shock and admiration.


And at the same time,
In the golden heaven,

Ba Xia, Tang Boyong, Mo Shuyang and the others, all looked solemn suddenly, and each of them showed a look as if facing a formidable enemy.


"Kill him... there are still demons and celestials in the domain!"

"Kill him... All the martial arts techniques left by the Immortal Organization will be given to Saint Venerable and Mo Venerable!"

"Hou Tuzhou will also be a celestial being!"

Wuzhu reiterated the cooperation agreement and the distribution of spoils.

Ba Xia nodded.

Mo Shuyang and Tang Boyong nodded.


The Golden Heaven trembled violently. The world barrier of the Golden Heaven, the nearly endless space barrier, the countless layers of space barriers, all burst out with the strange energy belonging to Qingtianyuan at the same time.

But this is not the killer move!
It's a kind of protection!
The means to prevent the leader of the Immortal Organization from breaking through the wall of heaven, the real killer move...


Ba Xia called out softly.

Tens of millions of demons were using their magical powers and demonic strength at the same time. Tang Boyong and Mo Shuyang were also using their true qi at the same time. At the same time, strange black energy was boiling above the thirty-three witch corpses.

The moment the powerful beings above the tens of millions of demon race activated their magical powers, the light belonging to the magical powers spread out.


The eight great states outside Houtuzhou shook violently at the same time.

Except for Jishanzhou, the land of the other seven continents was shattered, and the sea water flowed back and evaporated.

In a certain dimension, roots as thick and twisted as dragons that were as big as planets were pulled out from the seven great states.

The extracted roots retreated into Jishan Continent, poured into Kunlun Mountain in Jishan Continent, and then poured into the companion space at the top of Kunlun Mountain - the real Demon God Temple.

The ghostly, huge peach tree began to tremble.

Under Kunlun Mountain,

Wu Jin, or Wu Jin, who had completely engraved his body of heavenly witch with the totems of the laws, rules, and principles of heaven and earth, was now watching the condensation of the origin of the ancient demon flower with a myriad of calculations and a hint of interest in his eyes.

"If I intercept this ancient demon flower... it won't improve me much, but it will break the most critical part of the demon race's final killing move..."

"not worth!"

For Wu Jin, for him who at this moment has an increasingly strong feeling that time is running out... letting the demon clan consume as much strength of the leader of the fairy organization as possible in a battle to the sky is the option that maximizes benefits.

"Let's fight..."

"Demon Clan... I don't ask you to win, but I ask you to at least consume 30% of that guy's strength!"

"If we can win... that would be the best..."

Wu Jin closed his eyes again. The moment he closed his eyes, all things in the universe turned into his eyes, nose, ears... except for some extremely special places, such as Qingtianyuan, the Emperor's Capital and the Emperor's Lower Capital, and the Heavenly Prison... Apart from these, there were no more secrets for him in this world!
This is the most basic ability that can control all magical powers after successfully integrating with the Heavenly Witch - all-seeing, all-knowing, all-feeling and all-powerful!
Or in other words, just one word - all!

It can also be described as - goodness, sincerity, emptiness, nothingness, one, zero, truth... The expressions are different, but the essence is the same.


And at the same time,
In the golden heaven, Ying Zhao went all out.

The God of Flowers, the controller of the gate to Hell... Ying Zhao.

The moment he exerted his full strength, a flower appeared out of thin air in his palm. Using this flower as a medium, the mother body of the ancient demon flower that had reclaimed all its sub-trees at this moment sank into the ghostly flower in Ying Zhao's palm.

Then, the ghostly flower grew wildly.

In just a moment, less than one hundredth of a drip, a huge and boundless ancient demon flower rose into the sky.

Countless human-faced fruits grew one by one from this huge and boundless ancient demon flower that seemed to penetrate the upper and lower poles of the universe.

It was also at this time,

Ba Xia then unleashed a pure golden force of extreme origin, which carried with it the core of the demon realm that was condensed from the magical powers of tens of millions of demons and carried the aura of the Heavenly Source - the two slowly moving composite strange crystals that were wrapped around the hexagram and the eight trigrams.

It also carried a strange witch symbol condensed from the aura of thirty-three witch corpses, and the dark shadow of Tang Boyong... and poured into the ancient demon flower together.

Kongchi, whose right arm was broken, Qiulong, who was scared back by the golden-red light, and the other thirteen demon gods including Fengqie, Baishou, Xudu, Feiyi, Zhuhuai, Huodou, etc., were all fighting with all their strength at the same time.

It may stir up the void, or affect the 48,000 rates, or extract the rules and laws of heaven and earth, or involve the earth, fire, water and wind, or stimulate the sword of the emperor, the rules, and the years...

Everything in the world seemed to be completely poured into the ancient demon flower at this moment.

It is rumored that when the world was first created... or perhaps it was a long time after the world was first created, anyway it was in the early days of the original continent... at that time, there were eight mountains reaching the sky at the eight poles of the earth, and there were four pillars of sacred trees in the four dimensions of the earth.

The first is Jianmu, the second is Ruomu, the third is Xunmu and the fourth is Fusangmu.

Four trees support the sky, and eight mountains support the earth.

The four trees possess all the rules, laws, principles, all the energy, information, matter... all come together to become the real tree that supports the sky!

And Qingtian...the falling sky like snow at the beginning was just a method of falling from the sky.

The real way to topple the sky... is to first erect a tree that supports the sky, and then chop down the tree to topple the sky!

With the infusion of extreme power, as the Human Emperor Sword, rules, and age were infused into the body of this ancient demon flower.

A mysterious aura emerged, and the countless branches of the ancient demon flower seemed like millions of arms reaching out to the sky, each of which was imprinted on the real sky.

It was also at this time,

The golden-red light seemed to have spread to every corner of the entire domain.

The snowflakes falling from the sky melted away in the golden-red light like the best of springtime snow... Even though the sky was still dropping layers of sky fragments, these fragments melted and dissipated before they reached a depth of ten thousand feet.

And at the same time,
A vague golden-red voice, the source of the golden-red light that spread throughout the sun domain, whistled as if traveling through time and space.

This was the only thought in the minds of all living beings in the Golden Kingdom when they saw the figure of the leader of the immortal organization.

The pride in Tang Boyong's eyes completely disappeared.

A hint of deep fear rose in Mo Shuyang's eyes.

Even though one of them had an Unending Cliff of 2.53 million steps, and the other had an Unending Cliff of more than 3 million steps... they knew at this moment that they were no match for the leader of the Immortal Organization.

What about the real Qingtian?
Mo Shuyang and Tang Boyong looked at Ba Xia almost at the same time. They were silent, but the eagerness in their eyes was extremely strong.

Ba Xia no longer hesitated and displayed his magical powers. The Heavenly Stele on his back suddenly rose into the sky. On top of the Heavenly Stele, golden and red colors condensed and turned into a sharp sword.

It was exactly the same move he used to kill the leader of the Immortal Organization that day, but even more powerful!
At the same time, thousands of monsters sprayed out a drop of soul blood at the same time, and tens of millions of drops of soul blood gathered together. Tang Boyong and Mo Shuyang also forced out a drop of soul blood.

The blood of tens of thousands of souls merged into the golden sword blade condensed by the ultimate power on the Baxia Heavenly Monument.

The golden blade shone even brighter, as if it was about to overwhelm the golden-red light that spread across the entire domain. (End of this chapter)

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