Devouring Starry Sky Opening Explodes the Sky Bridge

Chapter 321 I heard that you are good at melee combat?


"He accepted the challenge!"

"Damn it, this guy with gray eyes is so lucky! He actually succeeded right away."

Chen Buhui agreed to Gray Eyes' challenge, which made many Master of Laws geniuses disappointed and envious.

Gray eyes were also happy. "good!"

The two looked at each other, one full of fighting spirit, the other as deep and calm as the sea.

Whoosh, whoosh, the two figures flew towards the central ancient battle platform at the same time. When they flew onto the battle platform at the same time, the battle platform was shrouded in a layer of misty light.

Chen Buwang and Hui Mu also fell into a vast space at the same time, with only a void.

This is the battlefield space, which is far wider than what the outside world sees. It has its own time and space, and no one can affect the people inside.

And a piece of information also poured into Chen Buwang's mind, telling him the rules on the battlefield.

There are only four basic rules:
9. The divine body of the Lord of Laws will be limited to ten thousand times the genetic level, and his height will be more than [-] kilometers.At the same time, consciousness coercion is the same. The "basis" is absolutely fair. It is impossible for the protagonist of the original plot to fight with others in the virtual universe and have the same physical fitness. As a result, the world lord level consciousness coercion suddenly breaks out and defeats the other party's consciousness. It is so outrageous. .

Don't mention here that in reality you are a big level higher than the other person. Even if you are a god king, it doesn't matter. All the pressure of consciousness will be suppressed to the same standard.

Second, weapons and armor are all provided by the Dou Zhan Palace, and only weapons without amplitude can be used. For example, true god-level weapons and armors are not possible, nor are special weapons like the "Jiuqi Totem Pole".

Third, all secret techniques are prohibited, such as the secret technique of burning divine power, the secret technique of will, etc. In addition to the secret techniques and basic law insights, only experience skills and will are left (but the will cannot attack out of the body and can only resist passively).

Otherwise, if a disciple of the God King learns a super secret technique, even if his level is not as good as it is, he is very likely to defeat other geniuses with his secret technique.In this way, the original intention of fairness is lost.

Fourth, there are only two ways to determine the outcome, one party dies or surrenders.

"What a strict rule, what a fair rule." Chen Buwang thought to himself. "The foundation is exactly the same, the level of the treasures is the same, all secret techniques cannot be used, and we are completely at the same starting point. All the fighting parties can rely on here is the understanding of the law and the secret techniques."

As for skills and experience, there is room for them to be used only when the understanding of the rules is similar.

At this moment, countless powerful people have already gathered in the outer area of ​​​​the Battle Palace. They are looking at the two geniuses on the "battle stage".

"That's Gray Eyes, a peerless genius who is extremely powerful and second only to the top seventh level!"

"I have seen Gray Eye's battles. His sword skills are really powerful. Every time I see his sword skills, I feel like I am falling into a dream. Moreover, his close combat skills are also very powerful, unique among the seventh level. "

"Can the disciples of the God King of Donglong Kingdom win?"

"Since he dares to fight, he should be confident."

Eyes focused on the battle platform.

The mysterious and dirty gray-winged old man, a group of super beings observing in secret, Donglong Kingdom Zhizi and the Seven Saints, the strong men of the Demon Heart Clan, Chen Buhu’s Zhiluo Clan, the sects, countries, and tribes from the Origin Continent, and the Lone Walkers ...Indigenous life forms, chaotic void creatures... countless all kinds of eyes focused on the battlefield.

In the battle platform space, two figures were suspended in the void.One is an elegant young man with white clothes and purple hair holding a black spear, and the other is a tall man wearing a gray alloy battle suit, carrying an alloy sword on his back, and wearing a horn-covered helmet with only a pair of gray eyes exposed.

The two people have completely different auras, one is elegant and deep, and the other is tough and fierce.

"Disciple of the God King?" His gray eyes were like a ferocious beast, his aura became more and more intense, and then his eyes lit up, like two sword lights, tearing open the void, looking at the young man in white in the distance. "You are the first disciple of the God King that I defeated!" Chen Buwang's expression was very indifferent, while he looked at this strange space curiously.

"Start!" A majestic voice came from high in the void, announcing the start of the battle.

Keng!The gray-eyed man put his hand on the handle of the sword behind his back, with sharp eyes, pulled out the sword, roared, and rushed over with long strides.

The figure forms a phantom in the void.

"What a fast movement!" Chen Buwang narrowed his eyes.

The geniuses outside were also amazed when they saw this scene.

"This guy with gray eyes is as abnormal as ever."

"In terms of secret technique level, he is only close to the top ten, but in terms of body technique speed, I am afraid he is already in the top three, right?"

The True God of the Void and the True God of Eternity who serve as the audience are also unknown. Although most of them are difficult to compare with these top peerless geniuses at the same time, they are at an unknown level and can tell the details of their gray eyes at a glance.

"Those gray eyes are really extraordinary!"

"A person is like a knife, a knife joins a person, and a person is a part of the knife. The melee strength of this gray-eyed man must be terrifying!"

The gray eyes that rushed towards Chen Buwang were as terrifying as blades. "After it was difficult for me to improve my sword skills, I began to study melee dodge techniques, and I have been looking for masters who are better than me to fight. I have practiced again and again, learned experience over the long years, and used many exquisite secret techniques to create this set. Shenfa "Fast Light"!"

Geniuses of the same level who are stronger than him are rare, but there are true gods and even true gods of the void as opponents to sharpen him.The inheritance of a large number of super secret techniques, the guidance of teachers, and one's own understanding are all combined to create such a set of super movements that are unique among geniuses. All of them are indispensable.

The gray-eyed figure was vaguely like a huge sword, quickly cutting through the air!

He came to Chen Buwang with overwhelming momentum!

"Kill me!" Gray Eyes roared.

But Chen Buhui suddenly smiled. The spear in his hand did not move, but a large number of telepathic weapons such as darts, flying knives, pointed shuttles, arc knives, disks, ropes, nets, etc. suddenly appeared around him.

The Dou Zhan Palace said that only weapons without amplitude could be used, but it did not prohibit the use of any weapons or how many weapons.

Gray eyes were stunned.

Aren't you a warrior? You've already taken out your weapons and spears. What's going on now?

Chen Buhuo said leisurely: "Is your melee agility strong? Is your melee dodge powerful? Then let me see how strong you are."

No matter how fast or weird the personal body movement speed is, there is a limit.

How is it possible to compare with a large number of telepathy weapons?
Under the same explosion, weapons must be faster than people!
After all...the basics are the same!
Under the siege of countless mental weapons, you will definitely not be able to dodge. You have to block. No matter how powerful your body skills are, it will be affected.

The gray eyes even saw a trace of amusement in the other party's eyes.

"It's useless!" Gray Eyes let out an angry roar and continued to rush towards Chen Buwang.

The spectators outside were also puzzled when they saw this scene. "Is this God King's disciple taking a long-distance attack on telepathy weapons? Or is he deliberately opportunistic and using this method to limit his opponents?" (End of Chapter)

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