Survival male god

Chapter 320 is about to arrive

Chapter 320 is about to arrive

Chen Jing didn't have time to look at the system information.

He hurried back to the wooden house, smeared himself with the juice of basalt grass, treated the wound, lit the fire, cooked a pot of medicinal soup for himself, drank it, and then fell asleep.

The Tazo Worm's poisonous mist attack still had some impact on him. Even with the dilution of the rain, his head was dizzy and his whole body was in sharp pain like needle pricks.

Fighting is always risky.

As long as he can have the last laugh, Chen Jing will never be stingy about paying a low price.

The same is true.

The next day, when Chen Jing woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Except for the slight dizziness in my head, everything else was fine.

The fire has been extinguished, and there is a faint scent of grass and wood in the air.

The sun shrouded the peaks. After the rain and the sky cleared, the mountains were peaceful and peaceful. Even the long-lost chirping of insects and birds reappeared in the forest.

Chen Jing's stomach growled with hunger. He opened the door and saw that the corpses of two Tazo worms had been washed away by rain all night and exposed to the sun for several hours. They would soon become rancid and must be disposed of quickly.

Of course, this does not mean eating their corpses. The flesh and blood of this thing is also toxic in itself.

Chen Jing didn't rush to do it. He chopped some firewood first and prepared to get something to eat.

There is still half of the smoked dried fish left, take it out and throw it into the earthen pot, ready to be stewed with wild vegetables.

As for the staple food, they are small wild potatoes dug from the mountains. After being cleaned, they are thrown directly into the earthen pot and cooked. When the soup is full, the taste is delicious.

Wild potatoes that take root and sprout in autumn and winter can be harvested in March or April of the following year. Wild potatoes are not fertilized, so they grow more slowly and are smaller in size.

Chen Jing has transplanted a lot before, digging soil and compost, taking good care of it, and eating as much as he wants.

Now that the injuries to his hands and feet have healed, although he is not yet able to move freely, his range of activities is finally no longer limited to 500 meters.

While eating, Chen Jing took out the gimbal and started today's live broadcast.

"Hello everyone, the anchor is not dead, he just overslept."

"Now let's have something to eat and casually chat with everyone!"

"Do you guys have anything to ask?"

The place where Chen Jing eats is a platform built with stones, which is also his workbench for making tools.

Xili ate a loud meal to fill his stomach, and then chatted with the audience for more than half an hour. It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that Chen Jingfang picked up the two Tazo worm corpses with a rope and a wooden stick. Buried in the hole.

When I came back, I caught a lot of river shrimps from the mountain stream. They were all alive and kicking. The largest one was only three centimeters long.

Chen Jingshui boiled some and left a lot to dry and make dried shrimps, which would be used to make soup later.

"After killing them, the animals in the mountains should come back one after another and thrive here."

"Although I also forage and kill, I do so in moderation and will not destroy the ecological balance."

"The biggest crisis at the moment has been solved. I need to take good care of myself and have enough supplies. I will be ready to start a new journey."

“To Lake Geneva!”

Chen Jing sat in the room, feeling calmer than ever before.

He didn't know how to describe his current state.

Because it was learned from the achievement rewards given by the system that the two dead Tazo worms were the only two individuals of this species left in the world.

He caused them to become extinct in the true sense.

Chen Jing began to think about whether it would have been better for him to leave this area in the first place.

But soon, he was freed from this complicated mood and continued to devote himself to the work of building the camp.

At the turn of spring and summer, the special climate caused more frequent rainfall. He had to strengthen the wooden house and the roof needed to be rebuilt.

As for food, there is no shortage of it in the Alps.

Especially when an experienced wilderness survivor regains his powerful mobility.

Hunting, farming, fishing.

With tools, everything becomes easier.

Chen Jing doesn't even need to catch prey himself. He only needs to check the traps and cages he has arranged from time to time, and he can easily obtain a large amount of resources.

All kinds of wild products in the mountains and fat fish in the rivers have become Chen Jing's meal.

In this way, as the days passed, Chen Jing's injuries were completely recovered, and his health even returned to more than 90.00%.

In early June, two days after arriving in the Alps, he felt that it was almost time to leave.

As early as a week ago, Chen Jing had completely stopped hunting and all traps had been dismantled.

The food piled in the wooden house is enough for him to eat for at least half a month. The dried fish alone weighs ten or twenty kilograms, not to mention all kinds of wild fruits and vegetables...

"In three more days, I will leave here and go to Lake Geneva."

"Then enjoy yourself and eat all the food that you can't take away. Only bring some as a reserve food."


On the morning of June [-]th, after Chen Jing woke up, he began to pack his things and prepare to leave for Lake Geneva.

Geneva is at the westernmost end of the Alps, while the Matterhorn is at the southernmost end of the Alps. Both are within the borders of Switzerland.

The distance between Lake Geneva and the Matterhorn is nearly 250 kilometers.

If we really go over the mountains and ridges, the distance will at least double. Even with Chen Jing's foot strength, it will take at least seven or eight days.

The supplies he has on hand now are not enough to support his expenses during these days.

So that's why Chen Jing had to first arrive at Lake Geneva, dozens of kilometers away. Once there, he still had a lot to do.

"It's about fifty kilometers to Lake Geneva. It's not very far, but it definitely takes two days."

"The distances in the mountains are not like the hinterland of mankind. Not only is the transportation convenient, but there are also many very easy routes."

"Calculated, I may have to walk a hundred kilometers."

"It will take at least three days before we can reach the shores of Lake Geneva."

"Frankly speaking, I feel very reluctant to part with it."

"I lived here for more than 20 days, building this wooden house from scratch, little by little, and I put all my efforts into it."

"This is like my home. I am familiar with every piece of turf in front of the camp. It is no exaggeration to say that I know how many leaves this tree loses every day."

"But now, I'm leaving..."

Chen Jing faced the wooden house and paused for a long time. Except for the stone axe, he left all the tools in the wooden house.

"I don't know how long it can last. If no one repairs it for a long time, it may only take a few months or a year for it to cross." "Because the bark ropes, rattans and the like used to bind and fix it will not be blown by the wind." It will rot due to sun and rain, and wild animals will get in here.”

"When one or two years pass, everything here will be almost the same as before."

"My footprints will also be completely erased."

"Just like the house on Seju Island, not long after I left, the bamboo house built on the edge of the bay caught fire and was reduced to ashes."

"But even so, there is nothing to regret, because the memory will not be erased."

"Everything here has impressed me deeply. These experiences are of course an extremely exciting part of my life."

"It's not too much to say thank you. After all, this wooden house sheltered me from wind and rain for a month."

Chen Jing finally left. He was afraid that if he delayed it any longer, he would waste another week, or even half a month.

Long pain is worse than short pain!

Chen Jingyi left without hesitation, without even looking back.

After that, he relied on the supplies in his backpack to cross the mountains and finally arrived on June [-]th.

On the rolling hills, Lake Geneva, with an altitude of about 400 meters, is exuding vitality.

Countless birds and various animals live along the coast of the inland lake.

This is the largest and most famous alpine barrier lake among the Alpine lakes. There are countless tourists visiting here.

Of course, Chen Jing would not appear in tourist places. He would take uninhabited routes.

The first thing many people do when arriving at Lake Geneva is to experience fishing and building wooden houses.

Chen Jing's choice is naturally a little different from everyone else's.

The first thing he did was, of course, build a shelter.

But this time, thinking that he wouldn't stay long, Chen Jing didn't bother to do anything, as long as he had a place to live.

After he built a temporary shelter under a tree on the shore with a few pieces of wood, he began to quietly admire Lake Geneva, which is called the highest mountain lake.

By the third day, all the food Chen Jing had brought was consumed.

He had to go back to his old profession and return to his identity as a hunter, collecting as much food as he could for himself.

After a few more days, Chen Jing left Lake Geneva and headed northeast along the Rhone River, which is derived from the Rhone Glacier.

"There are still more than 200 kilometers to the Matterhorn, but our route is very strange."

"Originally, I planned that the Matterhorn is located at the southernmost point of the Alps, so just go east and then turn down."

"But in fact, after walking for a long time, I discovered that my path forward was more or less affected by some subjective judgments."

"Maybe now, I have to go directly over the entire mountain range from the west of the Alps."

Chen Jing made many adjustments along the way, but in the end, he still went astray.

There was no other way. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally chose to cross the Alps.

"In this case, I must also consider survival issues at high altitudes."

"First of all, the food I have on me is completely insufficient. Secondly, the climate at high altitudes is cold, and my clothes are too thin. I must find something that can keep out the cold. I don't want to die of cold in the mountains."

"So now that the plan has changed again, it's time to prepare for entering the mountains."

"It's the same, start by stocking up on food."

“Then it’s about finding something to protect you from the cold.”

"Currently, I am more optimistic about the goatskin. Unfortunately, those guys are very vigilant and are too difficult to catch."

Chen Jing couldn't help but feel worried.

The food is simple. Lake Geneva is dozens of kilometers long and there are always shallow areas. Coupled with his superb swimming skills, it is very easy to catch fish.

But animal skins are not so easy to obtain.

First of all, animals in the wild are very vigilant and will escape before they even get close.

But in the end, Chen Jing still solved the problem.

He relied on traps and successfully hunted a wild sheep, and the problems of food and clothing were solved.

Climbing up the mountain with sufficient supplies, a high mountain peak came into view in the distance, which was shocking.

"Look, what is that?"

Chen Jing was extremely excited and pointed at the cone-shaped mountain hidden in the sky in the distance.

"If you're a climber, if you really love mountains, you definitely want to climb the Matterhorn, and that's like a litmus test that separates climbers from regular mountain travelers."

"It's a bold dream, but when you know that no one has achieved it, you think - why don't I do it?"

"It is hard to believe that such a mountain cannot be the result of random geological processes. This seems to be an impossible task for physics. It is the result of metaphysics. Conquering such a peak requires trying, experience, and rich knowledge. Imagination…”

"Carefully climbing its edges, hanging out of the glacier, clearing the surrounding competitors, leaving the Creation visible in the distance and still imbuing it with soul, this proud mountain looks and is perceived to be alive, at first sight. At first glance, it is clear that this is the Snow Queen from fairy tales, of the 'superhuman', heartless breed, a proud symbol of cold, symmetrical and geometrically correct beauty. There is something immortal in it."

Chen Jing remembered the descriptions of this ultra-high mountain in some books.

Thousands of people are now climbing to the top.

But no one has ever conquered the Matterhorn.

Even if you get halfway up, yes, there will be joy, yes, for a moment the vertical world will be shaking beneath you, there is an abyss of non-classical dimensions, and now you think about having to get to the top.

Tiredness will make you fall into the abyss.

It is generally believed that the Matterhorn gave rise to mountaineering.

In an era when people only tried to climb the easiest path, it captivated people in ways it simply couldn't.

And among the climbers, there is no one who dares to accept the challenge.

The Matterhorn is more difficult to conquer than most other known Alpine peaks.

This was less a matter of technical difficulty than a fear of what the mountain would instill in the first climbers with its walls.

Chen Jing was extremely convinced that perhaps only he could conquer it in this world.

"The first serious attempt to climb the Matterhorn dates back to 1857."

"They come from Italy, and they only reach halfway up the mountain, which is the middle part of the mountain that we can see now."

"Then they all fell to death. The record after that was no more than 4000 meters, so it was unsustainable."

"And I will launch an attack on this world record in half a month."

"I will definitely succeed!"

Chen Jing is full of confidence and his eyes are full of desire!
(End of this chapter)

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