This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 109 Who is the best fighter among you? !

Chapter 109 Who is the best fighter among you? !
"Brother Bai, isn't your request a little too much? Will my Wing Chun still have a foothold in Xiangjiang?"

"A place to stand?" Bai Anliang looked at Ye Wen's descendants in front of him, feeling a little funny.

The coder thought that he was asking him to fight with people in the newspaper, just to fight for attention and exposure?

Shaking his head helplessly, "What did Mr. Ye Huai say?"

Ye Wen has three sons, one named Ye Huai, one named Ye Zhen, and one named Ye Shaohua.

As for who is Bai Anliang looking for?
He found them all.

But it's not all about speaking out in the media together, some just need an authorization.

Authorize him to be "Authentic Wing Chun"!
They are not too young now, the oldest Ye Huai is 80 years old, how can he jump out and help Bai Anliang with his work.

So basically those who do this work are disciples and grandchildren.

Bai Anliang really doesn't know which disciple or grandson this person is, of course, it doesn't matter.

As long as the other party can cooperate with him to work and shout.

At this time, seeing Bai Anliang's nonchalant attitude, the other party seemed a little upset, "You need to pay more for this."

"Money? I won't give you a cent." While speaking slowly, Bai Anliang reached out to take the tea made by Qin Lan.

After taking a sip, looking at the expectant Qin Lan, he gave a thumbs up, "Not bad."

Qin Lan, who was praised, smiled and stood obediently behind him.

"No more? Brother Bai, if this is the case, then we won't continue to help you with your work, and we can't use the name of Wing Chun to make such jokes with you!"

"Are you kidding? I never joke with people!"

Bai Anliang hadn't finished speaking when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

The door was actually not closed, and the people outside just knocked politely, and the next second, they filed in.


Fifty juniors!A lot!
In other words, thanks to Bai Anliang, he asked the hotel for a bigger meeting room today, otherwise there would be no room for so many people to squeeze into his room.

Standing behind him, Qin Lan clicked her tongue a little. Although she had already learned a lot about Bai's class, this was the first time she saw all of Bai Anliang's juniors at once.

These people look so fierce!
As for the descendant of Ye Wen who was sitting opposite Bai Anliang, he was so frightened that he was speechless, swallowed, and directly suppressed the "warning" he wanted to say.

But Bai Anliang ignored him at all, and waved at Qin Lan, and the girl immediately handed him a folder.

After opening the folder and taking a look, Bai Anliang began to read out the names of the Xiangjiang sects with a blank expression like an announcer.

"Great Sage Split Hanging, Baji, Eagle Claw, Shaving Lotus, Chen Style Tai Chi, Wu Style Tai Chi, Seven Star Mantis, Mulan, Baimei, Longmen, Baihe, Cai Lifo, Bagua, Lingnan Hongquan."

Bai Anliang didn't think it was too much, so he read one by one without haste, making the descendants of Ye Wen in front of him confused.

What are you doing?How many martial arts sects are there in Xiangjiang to popularize science for these people?
However, his juniors just listened silently, each of them half-closed their eyes, and at the same time, they were full of murderous intent.

It was as if something invisible was being condensed in the air, making people subconsciously out of breath.

After he finished reading, he raised his head and looked at the juniors in front of him, but he didn't smile as usual, but his face was sullen and expressionless.

A few seconds later, Bai Anliang held up two fingers, "In two days, a group of five people will call and kick the gym one by one. Remember, those who are too old will not be beaten, and those who are too young will not be beaten. Those who want to gain fame can just remove the plaque and wait until they arrive at the address of Assistant Qin's martial arts gym. No snatching is allowed."

Hiss. No matter how bland Bai Anliang's tone is at the moment, the content of what he said is enough to make the scalp of that descendant of Ip Man go numb.

What is this horse riding for? !

"Master Ye, do you have any comments?" Bai Anliang faced him with a gentle expression on his face.

"You look like this, you want to smash Xiangjiang to pieces!"

"Wrong, I don't have the ability to smash Xiangjiang to the sky. It's just Xiangjiang martial arts. Oh yes. I forgot about you." Bai Anliang smiled even more, and turned his head to look at Qin Lan, "Add one more, Wing Chun. Mr. Bruce Lee is still too famous, and the one he created for Wing Chun is also very famous in Xiangjiang. I think it is enough to have the true martial arts of Ye Wen's descendants, what do you think?"

The second half of the sentence was not addressed to Qin Lan.

And the person who heard this will have a dull face, not knowing what to say.

"That's right~" Bai Anliang added another sentence, "When you go to the gym, besides reporting Baiwu's name, remember to add a sentence."

"Brother, what are you adding?" Second Junior Brother Da Pao asked for everyone.

Bai Anliang laughed wildly at this moment, "Wing Chun, Ip Man! Aren't we using Wing Chun?"

The juniors looked at each other, ah, that's right, of course they used "Wing Chun".

"By the way, let's see off the guests." Bai Anliang stood up and stretched his waist.

The descendant of Ip Man stood up with some numbness in his hands and feet, hesitated to speak, but for some reason, there was still a faint excitement on his face.

They use "Wing Chun"!

"Brother Bai, Lord Bai, then I'll go first."

"No delivery."
Kicking the pavilion is a technical job.

Especially when there are too many martial arts gyms.
The original Bai Anliang actually wanted to pick a few of the most prestigious martial arts gyms in Xiangjiang, and just go there and deal with them.

But after thinking about it for a while, it seems that this method of kicking the gym is not enough gimmicks.

Later, he simply did nothing and kept going, and became ruthless, picking and choosing.

But if he plays like this, he doesn't know how long he will come to play in the gym. If he is disturbed by factors such as wrangling and avoiding war, he may not be able to stay in Xiangjiang for a month.

How could he have so much time to play this kind of "mini game of kicking gyms", so let's be simple and straightforward, let the juniors kick the gyms in batches efficiently, and kick the largest number of martial arts gyms with the fastest speed.

Of course, it is unrealistic to "roll names" all the time, and there will always be various situations.

However, there are less than five or six martial arts gyms, what about more than a dozen martial arts gyms?Dozens or even hundreds?

As long as this order of magnitude rises, even if there are still many omissions, you can still shout the slogan of overthrowing the entire Xiangjiang martial arts.

The movement at that meeting was definitely not small.

You know, even if you eat dozens of shit in one go, you can still make a name for yourself!
Don't talk about overthrowing so many martial arts gyms in one go, as long as it is done, the entire Xiangjiang media will be fried, and one by one will come together like sharks that smell blood, and there is no need for Bai Anliang to go to them again.

Moreover, if someone refuses to accept it at that time, it is because the other party has come to Bai Anliang on his own initiative.

Plan pass.

What's more, Bai Anliang has an "extra plan".

Before the filming started, it was traditional martial arts that were overthrown. Isn't there such "exotic products" as muay thai and karate?

He deliberately kept it and didn't hit it.

At that time, we can still continue to fight, continue to hype, and then use the excuse of making a movie to procrastinate, and then give them all a fuck before it is released.It's too late!
He felt that if it was the Internet age, he could still play a guest role as the leader of the navy.

The way of hype is really fun!
"Boss, do you still want to press your head today?"

"I didn't drink much today." Back in the hotel room, Bai Anliang felt that his assistant's sister seemed to be in a bad mood, so he opened his mouth and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Boss" Qin Lan didn't know what to say, so she complained in a low voice, "They all feel so fierce."

"They? You mean my juniors?"

Qin Lan nodded quickly, and added, "It's worse than the one on TV!"

Bai Anliang waved his hand, and said as a matter of course: "The knife out of the sheath, can it not be fierce~"

"Nothing will happen, will it? It's not like it used to be."

"They're knives out of their sheaths, and you know what I am?"


"It's kind of like that. But it doesn't sound very good."

knife?scabbard?The knife is in the scabbard, this Qin Lan can't be a rotten girl, can she?What I said made Bai Anliang's hairs stand on end
"What is that?"

". The ghost of the knife!"

Bai Anliang quickly threw the strange things of the knife and scabbard out of his mind.

In fact, he is as excited as his juniors at the moment, martial arts practitioners are about to make such a big commotion, it's a ghost if they aren't excited.

Talking so much to Qin Lan right now, and having such a strong desire to confide, is actually a way to release emotions.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to tell her so thoroughly.
Because he had to force himself to calm down.

The true meaning of the knife is not to kill, but to hide.

Including himself, this group of brothers and sisters are too sharp, so they have to hide in their sheaths.

Hidden for three years.
Those small fights before are really not enough to release.

People who practice martial arts have hostility, otherwise there would be no such saying that "with a sharp weapon in your body, you will kill yourself".

With the level of skill of Bai Anliang and his juniors, to be honest, empty-handed is no different from someone holding a knife.

Occasionally taking them to beat up the little Karami of the society is also a way to release their hostility.

Of course, the best way is to let these guys disperse their energy
Just like.

Bai Anliang is free to pick up girls.

The second junior brother Da Pao studied driving and helped the senior brother buy a set.

The third junior brother Bai Wu is thinking about writing a script.

Fourth Junior Brother Huang Tu. Well, Huang Tu is not good enough, study kung fu all day long, don't be too hostile!
And most of his juniors are actually in this state, all of them are like firecrackers, exploding at the slightest touch.

But because Bai Anliang suppressed these guys and occasionally "released" them, nothing really happened.

And now, these "Wu lunatics" have all been released by him.

At this time, if Bai Anliang himself gets on top again, the situation may really be out of control, who knows what will happen in the end.

So no matter how excited he is, he has to endure it.

Control the situation remotely.

It's just that Qin Lan felt that there was something wrong with the eyes of her boss.

Those eyes were like sparks in the snowy night, just a little spark, it made people feel "hot". It made her face flushed inexplicably, but she couldn't help but want to look at each other again
One minute later, Bai Anliang lay on Qin Lan's lap again.

Only this time, he was not very honest with one hand, and while enjoying the other's head massage, he gently rubbed on her stockings.

And Qin Lan bit her lip, her face turned red, but she still endured the itchy feeling, and tried her best to help Bai Anliang hold her head. She found that she didn't seem to be very repulsive~
However, she also needs to divert her attention.

"Boss, is this really just to hype the movie?"

"Yes, it's all for profit."

"I don't feel like it"

"Well, you feel right, half of it is for profit, I am only 21 years old this year, I should be frivolous when I am young."

"Are you younger than me?! I really can't feel it!" Qin Lan said in surprise.

Although Bai Anliang's face is tender, she never thought about the fact that the other party is actually younger than herself.

"Yes, so don't eat my tofu."

Qin Lan was amused by his words, "Then you have to call me sister~"


Hearing this, Bai Anliang opened his eyes and glanced at her.

"Okay, I'm joking." Qin Lan hurriedly dodged his gaze, and immediately "repented".

"It's not big or small~ Go down a little, press the neck, it's a little sore recently."

While listening to his words, Qin Lan quietly rolled her eyes, and made a mouth shape: no big or small~
In the next second, Bai Anliang pinched her leg, "I'm squinting."

"Oh, don't! Boss, I can sue you for harassment if you do this." After being discovered of her petty tricks, Qin Lan tried to turn things around with words.

"I have said that I am young and frivolous, and sometimes the pressure is so great, I always want to act wild~"

"This..." Qin Lan's eyes were a little erratic, and he didn't even dare to answer.

"Press it well~" Bai Anliang smiled, and turned his body slightly so that he could better reach out and check the quality of the staff's clothing. He bought these stockings. What if he bought fake and shoddy products?
To be a man, we must be more rigorous and practice true knowledge.
The next morning.

When a ray of sunshine from the Xiangjiang River shines on the city, the streets and alleys have gradually become lively.

I don't know when it started, the life pressure of Xiangjiang people is getting more and more stressful, and the pace is getting faster and faster
No, we have to start early in the morning, otherwise we don't have enough time!
The fourth junior brother Huang Tu took the lead and rushed out of the hotel with a few juniors before the rooster crowed.
Kick it!
Of course we have to start with the big names!
The first one called "the great sage splits the door".

This school is very well-known in Xiangjiang. It is a combination of Pi Gua Quan and Monkey Boxing. It has won championships in the Southeast Asian martial arts arena for five consecutive years, and it has also performed well in cross-domain competitions such as free fighting.

He even went on an expedition to the United States, fighting karate, boxing, and muay thai fighters, and achieved good results of two wins and one loss.

Oh yes, there are many star students in this school~
Let's do the surgery first!

But halfway through the rush, Huang Tu remembered that he still had to take the reporter with him. He could only stand on the side of the road coldly and make a phone call.

After the "team reporter" was in place, he set off again.

After arriving at the place, I happened to meet someone doing boxing in the morning in a martial arts gym. A group of disciples practiced in a uniform manner, which was quite imposing.

After seeing Huang Tu and his party coming in, most of them cast curious eyes.

What is this for?Apprenticeship early in the morning?
Huang Tu was still very polite, he knocked on the door and came in, and even closed the door for others after entering.

After a person in charge walked up to him to inquire, fourth junior brother Huang Tu's usually aloof face showed a bit of a sinister smile.

"Who among you guys is the best at fighting?!"

Similar scenes happened in many famous martial arts gyms in Xiangjiang on such an ordinary morning.

 Thanks to Thousand Rewards who can't believe I can't find a name that doesn't repeat, and thanks to Xiao Yixuan, Wish Only Success, and Dian 521abc for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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