This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 116 May I Let You Touch Your Feet?

Chapter 116 May I Let You Touch Your Feet?

"Ip Man" launch ceremony.

The launch ceremony this time was equally lively, even more reporters than the "Number One Under Heaven" came back.

Although Bai Anliang's achievements in the entertainment industry are actually only the best action design of the Academy Award.

"Dragon and Tiger Gate" was not released, "No. [-] in the World" was not broadcast, and he was still a "baidin".

But thanks to the news made in Xiangjiang before, there should not be too many media coming to cheer.

Of course, in this case, the questions they asked were naturally inseparable from Xiangjiang Wulin.

Why kick the pavilion?When will the fight continue?Can you keep winning?Will it continue after fighting Xiangjiang Wulin?
It can't be said that it has nothing to do with the movie, anyway, it doesn't have much to do with it.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang has a babysitter.

Our dear reporter Zhou, his best media assist, naturally came to the scene today.

The problem is still so sharp.

"Bai Anliang, the movie you made was "Ip Man" and you used Wing Chun for kicking. Is this a hype?!"

good guy.
Standing next to Bai Anliang, Da Tiantian, who was originally happy today, took a closer look. His angry face was a little puffed up.

you again!
Last time, it was this annoying fat reporter who crazily made things difficult for her uncle, but this time he came again?

What about the second general? !Don't fork this person out immediately!
It's a pity that the second general Hum Ha... oh no, Da Pao and Little Tiger will not be here.

That's right, the so-called Second General Hum Ha is the name Da Tiantian gave to Junior Brother Da Pao and the strange CP Mao Mao.

It's very unreasonable, but a creature like a little girl is not unreasonable in the first place.

Now that "Second General Hum Ha" is not around, Da Tiantian can only stare at that Zhou reporter with his eyes.

It's a pity that it's too cute to be lethal.

After "embarrassing" Bai Anliang, reporter Zhou even had time to smile at Da Tiantian.

"Your suggestion is very good. Don't bring it up again next time. Before filming this movie, my juniors and I must of course have a sufficient understanding and demonstration of Wing Chun. What can be better than actual combat?" Bai Anliang nonsense without changing his face.

"Then if you guys lose, does it prove that Wing Chun is not good?" Reporter Zhou still said quickly.

Bai Anliang nodded, and immediately became arrogant, "If we use it and the actual combat effect is not good, then of course Wing Chun is rubbish."

At this time, Ye who was on the scene asked the descendants:? ? ?
How come the topic of whether Wing Chun is rubbish is brought up?
The smell of gunpowder at the scene was getting stronger and stronger, but the topic never left the three important centers of Ip Man, Wing Chun and Bai Jiaban.

It seemed that reporter Zhou was constantly embarrassing Bai Anliang, but in fact, he used another way of asking questions to help Bai Anliang say everything he wanted to say.

Of course, after the final "battle of words" is over, reporter Zhou will write another article to "criticize" Bai Anliang, saying that he will definitely lose in the subsequent competition with Xiangjiang Wulin.
Anyway, just to tell everyone, there is still such a competition~
The way of publicity is extensive and profound, and Bai Anliang is still exploring. But it has achieved a lot.
After "Ip Man" officially started filming, the most excited person was not Bai Anliang, but Wu Jing.

After this kid arrived on the set, he was a little distracted when he participated in the opening press conference.

My mind is full. Pick an opponent and fight!
Ever since, the miracle came.

When the other production crews start up, they take group photos and take pictures after worshiping the gods, and then pick a relatively simple scene and finish filming quickly, which is a good sign for making money.

But the crew of "Ip Man" immediately made it clear that the fight was about to start as soon as the film was turned on.

It's not filming, but real fighting!

This scene made the other leading actors of the crew express their knowledge.

"Sharp! As expected of Baijiaban. Brother Hua, do you think that Wu Jing can win?" Lin Jiadong asked excitedly while looking around.

After Ren Dahua heard this, he smiled and shook his head, "How could it be possible to win? The Baijiaban didn't become famous this year, they were born."

The above dialogue is from Dongguan Tsai and Le Shao, the spokesman for wearing a helmet when fishing.

This time, the entire crew will be chatting with him, who doesn't like to watch the excitement~
And Wu Jing regretted it a little.

The impulse of the code.

Why did I propose to compete now in such a hurry. If I lose, I feel a little ashamed~
But the words have already been said impatiently, and now it is difficult to ride a tiger.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang is more lenient towards his "insiders".

After seeing Wu Jing's entanglement, he explained a few words to his junior brother before walking to Wu Jing's side, "You can choose one, but, since the crew has just started up, everyone clicks as far as they can, so don't hit hard, or it will be bad if you get injured and affect the shooting."

"Of course!" Wu Jing nodded in agreement, thinking that he was very good at martial arts, how could he hurt someone~
However, he ignored it. If he beat Bai Anliang's juniors, even if he was injured, it was unlikely to affect the filming.

It's a big deal to call a few juniors over.

Let's change people, the production crew only has a dozen juniors at the moment, if Wu Jing really has the ability to injure everyone that day, Bai Anliang can transfer another batch immediately.

No, in order to "satisfy" Wu Jing's little wish, Bai Anliang directly got his juniors together and let "Boss Wu" audition for a round of auditions.

Of course, he can guarantee that each of his juniors can make Boss Wu "excited", but who will come, it also depends on Boss Wu's taste~
Well, in this scene, if you replace the hunk in front of you with a young lady in a cool dress~
Unfortunately, it cannot be replaced.

Wu Jing looked at these amazing guys in front of him with a bit of scalp numbness, they were so fierce. It felt like he was going to be beaten to death by them in the next second.

There is no way, the juniors have just "brought swords" in Xiangjiang, and they are still in a state of "excitement" at the moment, so naturally, each of them has bright eyes like wolf dogs~
Wu Jing: It's the rules of the rivers and lakes, one-on-one, not gang fights!

After looking around for a long time, Wu Jing finally found a candidate who didn't look so fierce.

Ah, no!He didn't pick the weakest one.

The guy with the glasses is so annoying, he hates the four-eyed boy the most, and you are the only one!

"Huh? Me?"

The third junior brother Bai Wu was a little confused, is this guy so brave?
Bai Anliang didn't know what to say, and Wu Jing, who was so good at it, really knew how to choose.

Apart from the cannon, Bai Wu is the best at fighting here. He doesn't think that Bai Wu is weak if he wears glasses, does he?

Ah, maybe he was wrong, Wu Jing may know Bai Wu, he just wants to challenge the strong!
very good!energetic!
Before the fight officially started, Bai Anliang put his arms around Bai Wu's neck, and whispered a few words again, "Remember, don't use all your strength, and hold back your strength. If you really can't bear it, don't hit your face or ribs. In short, cooperate a little bit, and fight beautifully."

"Brother, I understand!"

Bai Wu took off his glasses with a smile, and relaxed his muscles and bones a little~
Open and open.
"Wow! Brother Anliang, your crew is so interesting! I've never seen anything like this before."

"Don't come forward, you have no eyes." Bai Anliang grabbed the enthusiastic classmate Yang Mi, this little girl was more eager to join in the fun than Da Tiantian.

Hey, wait a minute?Where is Da Tiantian?

Bai Anliang immediately turned his head to look for it, but he couldn't find it.

And Yang Mi, who was standing in front of him waiting for the competition, seemed to know what he was thinking, "She went to the RV."

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

"How do you know it?"

"I saw it." Yang Mi turned her head and smiled at Bai Anliang, "Our heroine doesn't like to watch the excitement, brother Anliang, where did you find it?"

"Be more polite, that's our investor."

"Good guy, bring money to join the group?!"

"Wrong, without her, this project would not have been established."

Yang Mi shrank her head a little bit, and immediately put Da Tiantian in the ranks of "not to be provoked". The risk level was even higher than that of Liu Yifei from the crew of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

As for why she is here?

Hmm. She took the initiative.

Ah, no.

In fact, Yang Mi recently had a gap period when she had nothing to film. She was very single, so she called Bai Anliang directly and asked him if there were any roles in his movies that she could play.

Having said all of this, Bai Anliang can't say that his crew doesn't have any roles that she can play.

Anyway, she doesn't ask for the size of the role, just play a poor little supporting role with few roles.

How small is the supporting cast?

Hmm. Haven't figured it out yet.

Bai Anliang didn't have the time to help Yang Mi think of a role that didn't really matter, so he just agreed.

Of course, it's not to perfunctory her, it's just that I don't have time for the time being.

But the role, since there is no requirement for the role, it is very simple to play a small role that is similar to polite.

Originally, Bai Anliang planned to notify Yang Mi to come over at that time.

As a result, on the day of the start-up, she came directly with her luggage.
I also missed the launch conference.

But in fact, until now, she doesn't even know what role to play, neither does Bai Anliang.

However, Bai Anliang likes this kind of initiative and a little aggressiveness.

No wonder the future can be popular for so long
At this time, the competition between the third junior brother Bai Wu and Wu Jing officially started.

Needless to say, these two played pretty well.

Regardless of the tricks or strength, they are all quite entertaining, and the surrounding crew members are excited to see them, and they all started to cheer.

But, as one of the parties involved, Wu Jing has a strange feeling, why is it the same as filming tricks?

And I started to get a little out of breath, and the expression of the guy opposite didn't seem to have changed much.

However, after dozens of moves, Wu Jing suddenly discovered that the momentum of the "glass boy" on the opposite side had changed.

A few seconds later, Wu Jing was lying on the ground, looking at the sky and doubting his life.

"Beautiful fight! As expected of you, you can support so many moves under his hands." Bai Anliang said while applauding and supporting Wu Jing.

"Ah I"

"This is my third junior brother. His skill ranks in the top five among all the juniors. He is the main force when Xiangjiang kicks the gym. In the martial arts gym over there, there are not many who can hold more than ten moves. You are already fierce enough. After all, you have practiced martial arts routines since childhood, and your actual combat talent is already very strong."


The smile on Bai Anliang's face was very contagious, and he nodded, "If you want to increase your actual combat ability in the future, you can really go to the fighting club I will open to practice in the future. There are many masters who will teach you moves, combining traditional martial arts and modern fighting."

Wu Jing's head was a little dizzy after talking about it for a while.

This kind of thought really came to my mind: Yes, I mainly practice routines. If I practiced actual combat since I was a child, this guy with glasses will definitely not be able to beat me!

"Don't talk about Brother Liang, be sure to reserve a seat for me! I'll reserve one!" Wu Jing grabbed Bai Anliang's wrist and said sincerely.

"Our two brothers, whether you want to stay or not, I won't charge you the membership fee."

"Hey, that won't work! Just do what you want, otherwise I'm too embarrassed to go."


All in all, everyone is happy.

Wu Jing wasn't beaten into autism, and Bai's class didn't lose its reputation either.

After all, Wu Jing is also a national champion after all, so it's normal to last so long.

However, I don't know if it was because of Bai Wu's release that Wu Jing's self-confidence swelled a little.

After the fight, he actually ran to grab Bai Wu, and asked quietly, "Brother, you or your senior brother, who is better?"

The third junior brother Bai Wu looked at him as if he was looking at a mentally handicapped person~
"He is my senior brother, of course he is the best."

"How big is the gap?" Wu Jing asked unrelentingly.

Bai Wu glanced at the brother who was chatting with the little girl at this time, and didn't know what scale to say
How big is the gap?
Hmm. It's like you and I are as old as you are, old man.

In the end, Bai Wu still decided to keep a certain sense of mystery for his junior brother, just smiled, "It's hard to say, you have to ask the senior brother himself, I haven't fought against him for a long time."

"Okay. After the filming is over, I'll ask him to try it out."

Bai Wu:.
Thumbs up in my heart, buddy, you are too brave!
When Zhen Zidan comes, you two must have a lot to talk about.
"Brother Anliang, I also want to have some action scenes. Is that okay?"

At this time, Yang Mi's eyes seemed to be shining after watching the competition between Wu Jing and the third junior brother!

So handsome isn't it!

I really couldn't hold back, pulled Bai Anliang, and made such an "excessive" request.

In fact, after saying this, she felt a little uneasy. After all, she came here with a thick skin, and it really seemed a bit pretentious to make a request.

So, she quickly looked around, lowered her voice, blushed slightly and added, "May I let you touch your feet?"

Bai Anliang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

No, he just didn't understand. In the other party's mind, could he be a foot fetishist?
Does he have a foot fetish?


A real man was born between heaven and earth, how could it be possible
Well, a little bit, just a little bit.

Definitely not to the extent of a foot fetish.

It's just, let's not talk about it, Yang Mi's proposal is a bit interesting.

"You're not sincere enough, you can only touch your feet if you play unspoken rules?" Bai Anliang said deliberately.

"Oh, brother An Liang, you don't look like a bad guy. Don't tease me."

"Okay, okay, just act like Jinshan looking for the little junior sister who is the role of Wu Jing. When the time comes, let you show your hands. There are only so many roles. Do you want to pull it down?"

"I want it! Brother An Liang, you are the best! I will go to your place at night."

"Hey, hey, it's just a joke, it's not enough." Bai Anliang acted like a gentleman.

Unfortunately, after saying this, Yang Mi ran away.

This is annoying.

Did she hear the last sentence?Are you coming tonight?
 "China Entertainment Begins with Nortel Lecturer", the author is melancholic Xiaoshitou, the book written by the old Huayu readers, the character is guaranteed, and the driving is also very stable. I hope everyone will support it. A male lead with ex-girlfriends all over the world, don't let it go if you like entertainment!

(End of this chapter)

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