This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 142 You wear black silk, you have the final say

Chapter 142 You wear black silk, you have the final say

After watching the two episodes of the TV series, it was past nine o'clock. Bai Anliang felt that he had to leave quickly.

After all~

"Huh? Uncle, what did you put in your pocket?"

This sentence still came out of Da Tiantian's mouth.

Bai Anliang calmly took out his phone from his pocket, gave her a look, and then stuffed it back into his pocket.

The scenes mainly take place: on crowded buses and subways, in narrow cabinets, and in the back seat of a girl riding a bicycle, etc.

It is really rare to watch TV on the sofa.

Of course. Sometimes it's a mobile phone, sometimes it's not.

As for now?
Anyway it is.

Da Tiantian, this little girl is also very naughty, she deliberately rubbed her foot against Bai Anliang's phone.

It was too late to say that, Bai Anliang held down the little girl's ankle to keep her from moving, and then looked at her with a serious expression.

Da Tian Tian:! ! !

Wow!It's the expression on the teacher's face when he was in class!

Immediately, he sat upright, putting on an obedient appearance waiting for training.

Even the cat in her arms became calmer and did a good job.

Seeing this scene, Bai Anliang almost laughed out loud.

It's just that Da Tiantian himself is like this, cute and cute, a little funny.

But adding that cat's funny level directly multiplied by [-]!
"I've watched two episodes, what do you think?"

"Uncle is so handsome!" Da Tiantian hurriedly flattered him.

"I didn't ask you this. I will talk nonsense like this in the future. Forget it, let's talk more. Today we are talking about your part. Think about it carefully, and give me an [-]-word experience later."

Da Tiantian: ? ? ?

what? !

Eight hundred words of experience?
The composition is only [-] words. She is an art student, and her level of culture is definitely not as good as Yang Mi's classmate.

"Don't, uncle. You're clearly embarrassing me~ isn't it, Fat Tiger~"

Fat tiger?

Bai Anliang glanced at the round-headed, round-brained and chubby Jin Gradient in the girl's bosom, and thought that the name was quite vivid.

But I always feel that my little tiger should be called Fat Tiger, and the one bought by Da Tiantian should be called Daxiong.

At the end of the tricky scene, he removed Da Tiantian's feet from his body without showing any traces, "Okay, it doesn't matter if you can't write it, you can sum up your own experience."

Unexpectedly, the little girl is a bit rebellious today.

Just pulled her feet off, and within a second, they got up again, with a look of disbelief, "Uncle, your acting skills are not very good, you actually taught me~"

"You have a teacher to make up lessons, and I plan to find a teacher to make up lessons later."

Regarding the question of acting skills, Bai Anliang didn't hold back his face.

The role of Guihai Yidao is really easy to play, he just needs to be handsome, coupled with his skill, it is enough to give this role extra points.

But when playing Ye Wen, it was very difficult for him to be honest, and he barely met the requirements after trying his best.

Acting needs to improve a bit.

Of course, for Kung Fu actors like him, the improvement of acting skills mainly depends on long-term accumulation.

Didn't act well at first?It doesn't matter, if you shoot for a few more years, with a little refreshment, it will eventually get better.

Many Yeluzi players in the entertainment circle came this way, the key still depends on whether there are many acting opportunities.

Therefore, improving acting skills is very important, but it is not a top priority.

But Da Tiantian got excited when he heard this, "My acting teacher is very good, uncle, you can find her."

"Alright, you can give me her contact information later." Bai Anliang said casually.

"She'll come over tomorrow, and you'll see her then~"

"I may not come back tomorrow."

"Ah?!" Da Tiantian suddenly looked surprised, "What time is it, you still have to go?"

Ah this
Looking at her big sincere eyes, Bai Anliang was really not sure.

don't go?

"The bed in your bedroom"

"Do you have a spare room at home, uncle, what did you say?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I have to go, the company still has something to deal with." Bai Anliang said with a straight face, as if he hadn't said anything just now.

"Okay~ By the way, you can take the little tiger away. Next time you come to me and bring it with you, I can't stand it alone, I always bully the fat tiger"

Bai Anliang nodded, and reached out to touch Fat Tiger's head, it's so round!
This involuntarily reminded him of Liu Yifei's head. To be precise, it was the skull~
I don't know if the cat's round head can also practice iron head skills.

After finally getting rid of those feet that made people feel itchy, Bai Anliang reached into his pocket with one hand, held it down, and held the little tiger with the other hand, and said goodbye~
However, after he left, the little girl couldn't hold back anymore.

Putting the cat aside, the whole person began to chrysalis on the sofa.

Hmm. To be honest, it's a bit inelegant, wriggling like a big maggot.
Fortunately, after twisting for a while, she finally stopped, her face was flushed and curled up in a corner of the sofa, the expression on her face was very strange, biting her lip, as if holding back her urine, but she seemed to be laughing again.
Obviously, Bai Anliang made some mistakes in his judgment.

Although the little girl is stupid and cute, it's not like she hasn't taken physiology class.
Even if you don't realize it at first, you will realize it later.

So. It was unintentional at the beginning, but later, it was intentional.

But Bai Anliang pretended to be stupid, Da Tiantian, who originally just wanted to tease him a little bit, didn't know what to do, so he couldn't kick him.

In the end, everyone plays each other.

To be honest, Da Tiantian's acting was not very good, but mainly Bai Anliang himself was guilty, so he didn't realize it.

But as soon as he left, Da Tiantian couldn't hold back anymore, she was just a little girl, such an exciting and explicit thing. Don't want to sleep well tonight.

She didn't know what she was thinking.

Burying his head on the sofa again, he twisted back and forth shamefully and angrily.

The only good thing now is that her uncle didn't find out that she actually knew this fact, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

At this time, the kitten sitting next to him licked its fur and looked at its owner with doubts in its big eyes: You also want to get into the crack of the sofa?

After returning to the company, Bai Anliang suddenly came back!
He's not the kind of straight male player who hasn't dealt with girls before. Girls, I know him well.

Da Tiantian is 17 years old, not seven years old, can you really treat her like a child?

Da Mimi is about the same age as her, and now she has developed more than half of the eighteen martial arts, and it's not like she didn't understand everything at the beginning. Do you really think that only boys will look for those kinds of discs to watch when they are puberty?

To put it more bluntly, girls who study art should be more precocious than those who go to normal school.
Standing at the door of his office, Bai Anliang was a little happy.

Good guy, I was swayed by the little girl~
Thinking back now, Da Tiantian thought he was watching TV when his face blushed a long time ago.

It is true that a leaf blinds the eye.

After thinking for two seconds, Bai Anliang turned around and walked out, why hesitate!
go back go back.

Tonight, he is afraid that he will rest in Princess Tiantian's bedroom on the flat floor.

To be honest, the reason why Bai Anliang, an old-fashioned critic, deliberately maintained some boundaries with Da Tiantian and treated her like a child was mainly driven by utilitarianism.

After all, this girl is different from other girls.

Other girls just go to bed when they go to bed, whether they want to talk about love or not, they will talk about it after they go to bed.

But Da Tiantian is an investor in his TV and movie projects. It can even be said that without her, Bai Anliang's current starting speed would have slowed down a bit. You can't say both when you start shooting.

Naturally, it needs to be treated with caution.

Unlike other girls in the entertainment industry who have to consider so many things, if she really has something to do with Da Tiantian, then she must fall in love with the trend.

But still the same sentence, don't guess what the girl is thinking.

Bai Anliang also can't fall in love with a girl, so he just listens to himself and listens to himself. What if there is a quarrel or breakup. What will he do with his project?
What if you shoot two shots directly?
Although it was unlikely, Bai Anliang didn't want to take any risks.

As for now, the TV dramas have been aired, and the filming is over.
little things!Make small moves, right?Uncle is here to treat you!

However, just when Bai Anliang didn't mind the trouble and was about to "teach a lesson" to Da Tiantian excitedly, a figure suddenly appeared in the company corridor.

"Hey? Boss, you are back!"

"You haven't slept yet?" Seeing Qin Lan still wearing professional attire, Bai Anliang felt a little strange.

Usually at this point, this girl should already be lying on the bed with a mask on, ready to go to sleep, right?

"No. I went to buy something and came back to use it." Qin Lan spread her hands innocently and showed the bag in her hand, which contained daily necessities and snacks
Seeing the operation of the boss holding the cat with one hand, he hurriedly stepped forward and reached out to hold the little tiger's butt, and put it in his arms, "Boss, you can't hold it like this, it will be uncomfortable."

is it?

Bai Anliang didn't think there was any problem, and the little tiger didn't raise any objections, so it wasn't a big problem.

"Go to bed early, I'll go out for a while."

"I'm going out again. I'll wait for a while before resting." Qin Lan hesitated, "After a while, the ratings for the second round should be calculated. I'll report to the boss tomorrow morning."

What he said made Bai Anliang a little embarrassed.

My secretary is waiting for the ratings all night, if he still goes out to play, it is indeed a bit unreasonable.

"Forget it, I'll wait with you and make me a cup of tea."

Seeing that her boss was not going to go out, Qin Lan subconsciously smiled, "Okay, just wait a moment."

At this moment, her steps seemed to be a little lighter.

You know, when she just came back, she was still complaining in her heart why she was wearing high heels to go shopping.

My feet are sore~
But now, my feet are no longer sore, my legs are no longer painful, and I am full of energy.

Although both her office and Bai Anliang's office can go to that room, Qin Lan habitually goes to her own office first, puts her things back in the room, and then walks out from Bai Anliang's office. The front door went in.

"Huh? Why don't you come out from behind?" Bai Anliang asked a little strangely.

"Boss, I can't develop this habit, it's not good."

"I don't have so many rules."

"Let me decide for myself~" Qin Lan hummed.

Okay, you wear black silk, you have the final say.

(End of this chapter)

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