This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 145 Inexplicably Became the God of Gamblers

Chapter 145 Inexplicably Became the God of Gamblers

"I'm confused! Give me money!"

"Hey, touch yourself! Give me money!"

"I'm sorry. Cut off Hu~ Give me the money."


To be honest, Bai Anliang didn't really want to play mahjong with Wang Fei at first.

This woman is really addicted to poker.

Go to her house to play cards, go in in the morning, come out in the morning, go in at night or come out in the morning.

The mahjong machine didn't run until it exploded because of its excellent quality.

Of course, it was mainly because Wang Fei introduced several clients to Bai Anliang and invited some familiar "Mayou" to organize a group to take care of his business.

Under such circumstances, Bai Anliang's refusal to attend the appointment seemed a little unreasonable.

Inexplicably, there was an extra "Queen of Sales", and he made a lot of money in his circle of friends. No matter how you look at it, he made a lot of money.

And the most ghostly thing is that Bai Anliang's luck has exploded in these few appointments, and he has become the god of gambling for no reason.

Now it's not just as simple as Wang Fei losing the red eye, but also a few of her good friends in the entertainment circle are a little bit wrong. It's okay to lose some money, but you can't be so shameful!
The more you fight, the higher you go, the more you want to fight
Tsk tsk, this is just mahjong for entertainment, no wonder those gambling dogs are so miserable~
Having said that, Li Yapeng was a bit bitter.

This buddy has to accompany him every time, his leg injury is still not healed, but even if he doesn't go to the table to play cards, he still has to sit beside him.

It seemed as if he was afraid that Bai Anliang would be abducted by his queen. To be reasonable, it's really bad.

It's just playing mahjong, not undressing mahjong.

It is better to guard against him than to guard against Xie Tingfeng. However, this guy has recently resurfaced with Zhang Bozhi, and it seems that he is no longer a threat to Li Yapeng.

Of course, the most outrageous came.

When Bai Anliang said that he was going to Xiangjiang to film a movie, and he would not come to play mahjong with them for a while, Wang Fei actually put it aside and thought for a while, and began to mutter, "It's been a long time since I went to live in Xiangjiang."

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

He looked at Li Yapeng in disbelief, you take care of your partner, how much does she like playing cards?
You don't know how to be afraid unless your buddies tell her something unclear?
After playing another round of "Business Mahjong", Bai Anliang stayed in the company for the last few days.

There is nothing else to do these days, the main thing is to practice boxing.

That's right, it's boxing!
It is also very ashamed to say.

He, the majestic senior brother of Baiwumen, has been too busy recently, and hasn't practiced much to maintain his skills.
Or Qin Lan suddenly said one day when she was about to practice, "Boss, how did you do it? I have never seen you practice martial arts, and you are so good."

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Bai Anliang suddenly realized that he really hadn't fought with anyone for a long time. Cough, he didn't practice boxing.

After all, the mainland is no better than Xiangjiang, and there are not so many human sandbags sent to his face for him to beat.

During the two years in Xiangjiang, his skills did not regress at all, and even improved a lot.

After all, it doesn't matter if you hit a wooden dummy or a sandbag, it's definitely not as good as hitting a real person directly.

Only when the real combat experience comes up, can the level of fighting go further.

But that kind of street fighting is different from ring fighting.

Now, Bai Anliang's fitness club has officially opened, and one thing to say, the business is really good.

In the beginning, his network mainly relied on teasing girls. But let alone, the girls he teased are basically very good.

After all, although Bai Anliang is flirtatious and obscene, he has never had a falling out with any girl.

The relationship is still good~
Therefore, this opening, the girls have generously donated money to support his career.

Da Tiantian even asked if she had a lifetime membership card.
As for now, it's a bit like playing mahjong to accumulate contacts~ somehow, I entered a mahjong circle.

At the same time, the fight club is also in operation.

However, the current operation is still not public.

The main reason is that his juniors who are going to arrange to take the professional fighting route, spend all day practicing in it.

It's not like Bai Anliang didn't think about it before, after all, his juniors are so good at fighting, if they can really get ahead by fighting, they will earn a lot of money.

But how should I put it, poor culture and rich martial arts.

Until now, Bai Anliang felt that he could really support professional fighters.

It costs a lot of money, venues, coaches, logistics.
Since it was decided to let the juniors play, it is natural to play in the top tournaments!The matching must be top-notch!

"Hey? Boss, are you going to practice martial arts? Can I go and see?!"

When Qin Lan saw that her boss was preparing to practice martial arts for the first time, she suddenly became interested.

"Come along, there is no place in the company that you can't go."

Bai Anliang took off his suit and changed into sportswear in a rare way.

Well, he does have tracksuits.

Not many, just two pieces. They look quite old, and you can tell that they have been bought for at least two or three years.

However, when Qin Lan looked at his boss who had changed into a sportswear, his eyes were a little straight? !

In an instant, his temperament changed drastically. Bai Anliang, who was originally full of pressure from the handsome and domineering president, changed his clothes, and his style turned out to be a sunny and cheerful boy~
Let's put it this way, wearing a suit and combing his hair back, he looks very mature, he feels at least in his twenties, even if you insist that he is a well-maintained middle-aged man in his thirties, it is not impossible.

But now. That face full of collagen, drooping broken bangs. Handsome guy, which high school are you from? !
The saying that people rely on clothes is absolutely true!
For a long time, Bai Anliang has always dressed in that mature style, which looks really reliable and reassuring, and Qin Lan once made Qin Lan ignore his real age.

It was only at this time that I suddenly realized that it seemed that I was older than my boss!

So, she is still old and young?

Anyway, she, who hasn't had time to change out of her business attire, stands by Bai Anliang's side. It's against harmony!Like a big sister!
"I also want to change my clothes." Qin Lan couldn't help but said.

She doesn't want people to think that there is a huge age gap between her and her boss. If you want to pretend to be young, then everyone should pretend to be young together!
"Aren't you going to exercise later? Just change into the tight-fitting yoga clothes." Bai Anliang put forward his opinion pertinently.

Qin Lan blushed, and spat, "You cut that pair with a hole in the middle, how can I wear it!"

"You only have one?"

"That's right, it's not like I wear loose sportswear most of the time when I exercise."

"Okay~ I'll buy a few more later, I really like that one."

Obviously, even if the clothes are younger, the essence of Bai Anliang's old-fashioned style has not changed in the slightest.

The posture of criticizing Qin Lan's figure with his chin resting on his shoulders was the same as before.

Innocent male high school?

Impossible, impossible in this lifetime.
"Huh? That's it."

"Wow! It's the boss and Secretary Qin! They are dressed so youthfully. They look too young at this level."


When Bai Anliang and Qin Lan passed by the front desk after "changing clothes", the two girls at the front desk looked straight at each other.

Brand new version like never before!
To be honest, Qin Lan is a little embarrassed, because now the company is no longer the two or three big cats and kittens it used to be. It has recruited a lot of employees, and there are dozens of people in all aspects.

So she usually waits until after get off work when she goes to exercise~ Those who are still in the company at that time belong to "our own people".

It's the first time I changed into sportswear during working hours today and "fished" with my boss.

She originally thought that she was already familiar with the workplace, but now she felt a little nervous after a long absence.

The main reason is that the clothes are not as aura as usual~
However, she found that her boss did not have such emotions, and still smiled and nodded to the girl at the front desk, including other employees of the company, even though it would look too young
"Little girl, your heart is a little stronger, why did you become wilted after changing your 'skin'?"

Listening to her boss's teasing, Qin Lan was a little embarrassed, "I haven't worked for a long time, I haven't been here for a year."

"Aren't you quite imposing in the company?"


"Then keep pretending. After a long time, you will get used to it."

When the two of them walked to the fighting training ground, Bai Anliang's juniors happened to be practicing right now.

But the invited coach is not here, this should be free practice time.

And Da Pao even got a reclining chair beside him, eating fruit and pointing at the same time, that's a pleasant feeling.

But after seeing Bai Anliang, the coward immediately came over with a smile on his face, "Senior brother!"

"You're quite leisurely~" Bai Anliang said with a smile.

To be honest, his current appearance is far from the usual oppressive feeling, but it still makes Cannon dare not look at each other, and whispers, "I am idle because I am idle."

"Do you want to try playing a job? You have nothing to do except drive for me all day long. You are still the second senior brother. Don't you want to set an example for the younger ones?"

"Brother, please forgive me. It's not like you don't know that I'm lazy. Their training is too hard, I can't stand it."

This made Qin Lan sound a little strange, lazy?Can't it?

She has never seen Cannon being lazy, he is almost always on call and never complains.

After a few minutes, she knew why Cannon said she was lazy
It was Qin Lan's first time to watch Junior Brother Bai Anliang's training. She watched it for a while, and her face turned pale when she saw the intensity.

Will it kill you? !

Will it really kill you?
Practice like this?
That fist really smashed into the stomach? !

And that hugging. It was really a "boom!" when it hit the ground, it sounded scary.

"Practice the ability to resist blows. The group arena is no better than outside. Wearing gloves and not naked fists will cause more damage, and the possibility of winning with one blow will become smaller." Bai Anliang explained a few words to her, and then prepared himself. Let's practice it.

Seeing this scene, Da Pao's face was bitter.

Bad luck!

My brother is practicing martial arts, so he must be the partner in the training later.

When Bai Anliang was looking for sandbags to warm up, Qin Lan couldn't hold back, and secretly asked Da Pao, "How good is the boss?"

"Brother was very powerful in the past, but now I don't know." Da Pao said very pertinently.

If you don't practice kung fu for a long time, you will definitely regress, and my brother has lost so much weight, and his karate strength is not as good as before.

"Then can you beat him?" Qin Lan asked boldly, "The next one is the one above".

Da Pao scratched his head, "You can't ask like that. Whether you wear gloves or not, whether you can hit the fatal point, whether you use weapons or not, the results will definitely be different."

"Then you tell me for sure, you set the conditions."

"If you use a weapon, no one can beat senior brother." Da Pao said firmly.

"so smart?!"

"Of course"

Da Pao thought to himself, are you talking nonsense, what makes a big brother a big brother?Without the ability to overwhelm everyone with one hand, how can everyone listen to what they say.

Let's put it this way, without the use of hot weapons, no one in the entire Baiwumen can beat Bai Anliang in unlimited fighting with any weapon.

And there is a high probability that he will be killed in two moves.

But if it's a group arena and a bunch of rules come out, it's hard to say.

With only a difference in weight, Da Pao alone might be able to sweep the entire Baiwumen.

He looks like a bear on a horse, and if he goes to the group arena to fight other opponents with a weight difference of tens of catties and a height difference of ten or twenty centimeters, he can't do it casually.

"bang bang bang"

After warming up for a while, Bai Anliang swung his fists and bombarded the sandbags wildly. It seemed to have regained a little bit of feeling.

It's okay, it's a step back, but not too much.

After sweating a little, he turned around and started looking for the cannon
This guy is very conscious, and has already started wearing protective gear.

 push book
(End of this chapter)

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