This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 158 Clearly super strong, but too insidious

Chapter 158 Clearly super strong, but too insidious

The game will of course continue~
Even if Bai Anliang wasn't there, his juniors would not be affected. It wasn't that his seniors weren't there to control the scene, and they would all be out of order.

His juniors, especially those who have been practicing martial arts for a long time. To be honest, if you don't take the guy's words and fight with bare hands, Bai Anliang is already very vain now.
Fortunately, senior brother's prestige has already shifted from skill to other aspects.

A senior who can fight is certainly convincing, but a senior who can lead everyone to eat and let the juniors get better and better, that is the real prestige.

Even if Bai Anliang loses all his skills from today, he is still the senior brother of Baiwumen.

"Where did the big brother go?"

Huang Tu, who was the only one who was not ready to take the path of professional fighting, but was still in the ring today, had just settled his opponent, and couldn't wait to ask Da Pao when he got off the stage.

The reason why Huang Tu was asked to return to the ring was also to help him make a name for himself as the new leader of the Bai family class.

However, compared to the extremely calm look when he just won the game, now Huang Tu has some emotions.

A victory without the approval of the big brother is incomplete!

cannon:? ? ?
Is labor and capital not your senior brother?Is your attitude bad again?

"Brother has gone to work."

"Well, senior brother must have his reasons for doing things."

Before Da Pao could utter nonsense, Huang Tu figured it out by himself~ Then he still looked like a beeping man in a high-cold attire, with his arms folded, "repressing" beside the ring, and helping Bai Anliang "stand guard".

"You are a senior, and the juniors are still competing, so you are doing such absurd things."

"Brothers do things for their own reasons. I'm afraid they will be too nervous over there."

"Nonsense, ah, you light bastard."

"I can't take it lightly, I'm very angry now. In this way, you come to a horse"

Fan Xiaopang really regretted it a bit, he should have honestly watched the game in the auditorium, instead of sneaking to the backstage to look for Bai Anliang.

The main reason is that she noticed something sharp-eyed about Bai Anliang's legs. There seemed to be something wrong with Bai Anliang's legs, and he staggered a little when he walked, worried that he would be injured. Now, where did the cow and horse get hurt? !He is very energetic!

Of course, she also underestimated the courage of Bai Anliang, who dared to pull her into the toilet
Still a word?She's not a dancer, so she can't come a little bit!
"You can't dance?"

"My father is a singer and my mother is a dancer, but I didn't learn to dance when I was a child, I learned flute and piano"

"Flute? This is good, this is good, let me play it."

"You ride a horse."

A beautiful woman is still beautiful even if she swears at others.

However, Bai Anliang stated in advance that he is not a pervert.

It's just that, I don't know who said that when a beautiful thing looks its best, it looks like it is "destroyed".

Although it's not that exaggerated, seeing Fan Xiaopang with exquisite makeup gradually "dirty" under his "forced"... really felt an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

Especially in places like toilets.

Men's restroom.

"You bastard, you don't even take a shower."

"Boss, someone is here!"

When he heard such a sentence, Fan Xiaopang was frightened, but Bai Anliang was very calm.

After making a shush gesture to her, he motioned for her to continue.

Ten minutes later, when the two of them finally came out of the toilet, the person standing outside was naturally looking up at Fan Xiaopang's secretary Qin Lanqin with his head slightly raised.

However, she just glanced at Fan Xiaopang, and then looked at Bai Anliang with some blame, "Boss, you are too messy! Although there are few people in the backstage, it is not very safe. What if a paparazzi or reporter sneaks in? "

"I'm fine, at least I'll have a better reputation, but Ms. Fan may want a lot of scandal," Bai Anliang said seriously.

Qin Lan glanced at Fan Xiaopang disdainfully, bah!The woman who sticks up on the pole loses her face!
Fan Xiaopang:? ? ?

She can understand the meaning of this look, what do you mean?
Seeing that the two were about to fight each other again, Bai Anliang stood up decisively to smooth things over, trying to change the subject in vain, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Boss, are you injured?" Qin Lan didn't answer Bai Anliang's question at all, but asked while staring at his left leg.

"Well, is there?"

"Yes! Take off your pants!"

this bad line
"Hey, wait a minute, Bai Anliang, what's the matter with your ears?" Fan Xiaopang actually noticed that there was something wrong with Bai Anliang's legs before, but seeing that he was still in a hurry, he naturally ignored it.

But now it seems that she read it right!

However, Qin Lan took a step ahead, so she had no choice but to start from another angle.
Bai Anliang's ears!

She found out when the two of them were in the toilet just now.

It was very different from before, it looked weird, a bit like a dumpling.

"Huh? Forgot to take it out."

In the end, Bai Anliang stretched out his hands to pick and rub the two ears, and the ears returned to their original shape.

Fan Xiaopang was stunned, "What kind of magic did you perform?"

"This is a tactic. For those who practice fighting, if the ear is often bruised and injured during long-term training, it will form special 'dumpling ears' over time. People with this kind of ears will be more powerful in fighting and on the ground. It is common sense. .I figured it out to fool Buakaw, but it didn't seem to work."

Fan Xiaopang:
This man is obviously super strong, but he is too insidious!
In that match just now, even someone who didn't know how to fight could see that Bai Anliang had the advantage throughout.

He can beat the opponent, and he still needs to use this kind of low-level tricks. It can only be said that he is worthy of it.

It's so well prepared!

Of course, if she was an ordinary little girl, she would feel that Bai Anliang was too shady and lacked the spirit of a hero.

But Fan Xiaopang feels that it is a very good character to use all means to ensure that he will win.

This kind of person is his own enemy, which is definitely quite a headache.

But if he is his own person, then he is the most reassuring.

All in all, Fan Xiaopang appreciates Bai Anliang's "insidious and cunning" side.

As for how the ears are made into dumpling ears, Bai Anliang is an actor and a producer at the same time.

This is his specialty.

Have you heard of special effects outfits?
In order to get 100% success with Buakaw, he prepared more tricks than these.
Unfortunately, basically useless.

Thinking of this, the word "Wu De" in my heart seemed to sparkle.

"Boss, don't interrupt, go, follow me to the lounge, take off your pants and let me check."

Hmm. Secretary Qin is really strict.

She could turn a blind eye to Bai Anliang and Fan Xiaopang messing around in the toilet, but she was very concerned about Bai Anliang's leg.

She can't get through this matter!
Bai Anliang scratched his head, "Then what?"


"Alright alright."

With a tough tone and timely acting like a baby, what can such a female secretary do?Of course I listened to her~
Fan Xiaopang saw this in his eyes and kept it in his heart, and his fear of Qin Lan rose to another level.

Good guy. Can you handle Bai Anliang?
I can't keep you!

But she is smart, she won't say anything to Bai Anliang: fire your secretary!With me without her.

Even if this kind of words are really useful, but they are also consuming each other's affection, how could she do it so stupidly.

Hmm. By the way, Bai Anliang's career is getting better and better now, and it's definitely not enough to only have a female secretary by his side, right?

Fan Xiaopang made up his mind and decided to go back and recommend some female assistants and secretaries to Bai Anliang to help Qin Lan "share his worries".
After a few minutes.

Fan Xiaopang slipped away very "sensibly".

At least in Qin Lan's opinion, this woman finally knew it was time to get out.


Hmph~ However, she also knows that this is just the beginning.

The real "war" will be when the other party leaves Huayi and lets Bai Anliang become a shareholder of her studio.

However, Qin Lan is still very confident. After all, as a person close to the boss, she does not believe that the coquettish woman can understand her boss like her.

"Does it hurt?"

"I'm really okay"

"The rest room is in front, I want to check it out for you!"

an examination?
How to check?
Without even thinking about it, Bai Anliang said, "Actually, the root of my thigh may be hurt a little."

Qin Lan: .
Does Buakaw's whip leg really have such an outrageous angle?She doesn't know much about fighting, and feels that her boss is lying to her.

But what does it matter~
As soon as she entered the lounge, Qin Lan locked the door with her backhand.

This place is much safer than the toilet.

Stretching out her hand out of nowhere, she found a rubber band and tied her hair. Qin Lan gave Bai Anliang a gentle smile, "Boss, take it off~"


You said it earlier!

However, while taking off his pants, Bai Anliang felt as if he had forgotten something.

Just after he took off his pants, a voice suddenly sounded
"Uncle, did you win?"

On a horse!
He actually forgot Da Tiantian!

This little girl was left in the lounge by him. By the way, where is she hiding?Why didn't you see her when you walked in?

Da Tiantian: I just went to the toilet
Don't talk about Bai Anliang now, Qin Lan's expression froze.

She is ready to become a glamorous little nurse, and the boss will give medicine if there is an injury, and "injection" if there is no injury.

As a result, another Cheng Yaojin came out halfway.

Facing Da Tiantian, Qin Lan no longer had the confidence to hate Fan Xiaopang before, and subconsciously showed a slightly embarrassed smile on her face, "Tiantian, the boss is injured."


Upon hearing this, Da Tiantian became anxious immediately, and ran up to Bai Anliang, "Where is it? Is the injury serious?"

Fortunately, Bai Anliang was really injured.

The outside of his left thigh was bruised and purple.

Buakaw is really not a cat or a dog. He is the famous K1 champion and the king of Muay Thai.

Those hard whip kicks, although they wouldn't directly kick Bai Anliang until he couldn't stand still, they did a lot of damage.

The slight stagger when walking before was really due to the injury on the leg.

Of course, this injury is not a bone-shattering injury. Bai Anliang would occasionally have this level of injury if he had been more ruthless in exchanges with his juniors in the past.

But the bruise on the leg, which was even a little bit black, really scared Da Tiantian and Qin Lan.

Where has she seen this before!
Qin Lan panicked and felt a little confused, as if she never thought that her boss' injury was so "serious".

As for Da Tiantian?

I cried.

Bai Anliang had to appease the two of them.

To be honest, wearing a pair of underpants and comforting the two girls is a bit out of harmony.

Those who didn't know thought that Bai Anliang had just spoiled them.

"Well, bring me two ice packs."

"I'll go right away." Qin Lan didn't dare to have any more charming thoughts, and hurried to find an ice pack.

As for Da Tiantian, he looked at Bai Anliang with tears in his eyes, "Uncle, does it hurt?"

"Actually, it's okay. By the way, I won~"


"Yes, it's amazing~"

Under normal circumstances, Da Tiantian should give a thumbs up with high spirits, and be a sweet little princess.

But this time, she said pitifully, "Don't hit me in the future."

Bai Anliang deliberately teased her, "Aren't you going to support me?"


When Qin Lan found the ice pack and brought it back in a hurry, she found that something was wrong with the atmosphere between her boss and Da Tiantian.

The boss's expression was slightly embarrassed.

And Da Tiantian. Just stared blankly at the injury on his leg, pursed his lips, and didn't speak.

What's wrong with these two?
Qin Lan didn't have time to think too much, what happened to these two people was beyond her control, so she just pretended not to see it.

"Boss, is this better?"

"It's much better. Let's watch the rest of the games together later. The juniors should all win. In the last game, I will have an exhibition match with Tuo Nijia~"

"You are not allowed to fight!" Da Tiantian suddenly said fiercely.

"The exhibition game is not a real fight, he dare not really fight with me."

"But you are all like this."

"This is actually a minor injury, not that serious, and there is a high probability that I will never be in the ring again in my life."

After hearing these words, Qin Lan and Da Tiantian felt relieved at the same time.

The head-to-head confrontation and blood splatter in the arena are indeed eye-catching, but if one of them is someone you care about, then the whole heart is hung and worried, which is really uncomfortable.

But, Qin Lan still felt that something was wrong.

Why did my boss become a little cowardly?

What did Da Tiantian do?To be ruled out by the lawless Bai Anliang?
Qin Lan was very curious, but she didn't dare to ask, but she was going to suffer, and a beautiful person also "suffered"~——
For the audience at the scene, it is definitely worth the ticket price.

The collision between Baiwumen and a group of muay thai masters was a wonderful fight.

Not only is the process wonderful, but the result is also quite satisfying.

Everyone is going to read Shuangwen today.

When did the Chuanwu sect have such strength?
Of course, there are also some people who like to beep beep and talk nonsense like "Most of the moves used by Baiwumen are not Chuanwu at all".

There are a bunch of rules and restrictions in the nonsense arena, but Bai Anliang would give Buakaw a kick if he wanted to come up.

However, from the perspective of visual appreciation, the most exciting match was actually the finale exhibition match between Bai Anliang and Tuo Nijia.

The two of them can be said to be good-looking when they meet opponents and meet good talents.

Wouldn't it be nice if two movie stars fight each other~
The hosts at the scene were all teasing, saying that Bai Anliang released Hai
Fighting with Boqiu, proving your strength, fighting with Tuo Nijia, is a sophistication of the world.

All in all, after an exhibition match, Tuo Nijia "lost", but this buddy is very happy.

When the two were interviewed together in the group arena, they held the microphone and said something: "Looking forward to the movie with Bai Anliang."

He didn't forget to bring Wu Jing to the stage, saying that he and Wu Jing beat Bai Anliang together, and this time they will definitely be able to beat him.

Oh yes, Zhen Zidan is also very good at joining in the fun. He walked up to promote "Slaying the Wolf" while hurting himself.

Pointing to his own head, he said he was kicked by Bai Anliang, but he didn't stop him, and went straight to the hospital. This wave of self-defense also earned enough attention.

This way of publicity made the eyes of all the colleagues in the audience red.

Damn, can promotional movies be played like this?

You bastards are putting the cart before the horse, aren't you?

But... I'm very envious.

Looking at Bai Anliang who was smiling on the stage but didn't know when he changed into a suit again, as if he had returned to the entertainment circle, many people's balance began to tilt.

A week later, the promotion for the release of "Ip Man" officially started!
(End of this chapter)

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