This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 160 Feels like a male and female heroine of an idol drama

Chapter 160 Feels like a male and female heroine of an idol drama

Bai Anliang's interview style is actually very popular with the media.

How should I put it, although he doesn't talk nonsense, he basically doesn't hide it very much.

Hmm. At least he doesn't have a bunch of so-called interview taboos. You can't ask about this and that you can't ask about it.

Before going on the show, the program director gave him the script, and he agreed to record it after just a glance.

Even if there are actually some more topics in it.

That's right, it's a gossip.

During this period of time, he and Fan Xiaopang were a bit too exaggerated. When they were free, they often went shopping on the streets of Xiangjiang, and were photographed by reporters and paparazzi, and even caught by a group of fans on the spot. .

But even on this kind of topic, Bai Anliang's answer can be called frank.

What's wrong with expressing your liking for pretty girls naturally?

Of course, if you insist on asking about relationship, then it’s true that you haven’t fallen in love yet~
Bai Anliang's answer is called "sincerity", even if he seems to answer those ambiguous answers, it seems to be different.

After all, he didn't have to be photographed holding hands and kissing like others, and he insisted on saying that he was a good sister and a sister.

Anyone who steps on a horse knows whether you are a sister or a sister.

However, the hostess seems to be very interested in this aspect, she stares wide-eyed and insists on asking how far Bai Anliang and Fan Xiaopang have developed
That's a little bit crap.

He could tell that this woman was a little hormonal.

"It's really not a lover relationship yet, it's just a confidante, why don't I call her now and ask yourself~"

"Then, let's talk about the heroine of our "Ip Man". How did this girl named Jing Tian be chosen by you? Is she also a confidante?"

Looking at the hostess's slightly playful eyes, Bai Anliang knew that he had met an opponent.

This horse can also talk back to the topic of "Ip Man"?
It's okay, the purpose of going on the show was to promote the movie.

It wasn't particularly blunt to turn the subject.

However, in Fan Xiaopang's case, Bai Anliang generously admitted the saying of confidante, and was willing to leave unlimited room for imagination to the audience.

But when he talked about Da Tiantian, he suddenly became more cautious in his choice of words.

Coming up is a compliment.

Talk about how this girl is so spiritual, how did I and the director choose her in the crowd at a glance
Of course, there must be no mention of the fact that the light of money is too dazzling.

"But using a pure newcomer is relatively risky for a movie, right?"

"She is not a pure newcomer. She played the role of Princess Yunluo in "No. [-] Under Heaven", and she has acting experience. At that time, Director Wang Jing also praised her appearance and performance. This is why I finally chose her as the movie. The reason for the heroine. Moreover, compared to ancient costumes, her cheongsam dress is more attractive, which is very suitable for this kind of appearance."

Bai Anliang's tone was firm and unquestionable.

Anyway, the hostess said she believed it~
And she didn't really want to embarrass Bai Anliang.

After the recording of the program ends.

"Teacher Bai, this is my business card."

Taking the hostess' business card, Bai Anliang glanced at it, um. Chang Suoni, this name has a little impression, but not much.

If it wasn't for time constraints, he would be willing to develop a friendly match or something.

But now... I can only regret that I will definitely next time.

Of course, the hostess didn't entangle for too long, probably because Qin Lan appeared in time.

This chick, following Bai Anliang's side, her aura is getting stronger and stronger.
Now he can actually help him catch peach blossoms.

Regarding this, Qin Lan expressed her aggrievedness. Isn't this what you asked for, the boss? When you go out, you just want to be strong.

She's very strong now~ she's like a queen, isn't it?

Bai Anliang: Okay, okay!I'll buy you a pair of "attack speed shoes" later.
I was very happy to see Bai Anliang boasting about himself on TV.

It's just that "confidante girl" sounds a bit too harsh.

Moreover, as far as she knew, her uncle should be more than just such a "confidant".

The terms "friends with benefits" and "boyfriends" are not popular these days, but confidante is actually a good generalization.

Hmm. A young girl's mind is always full of worries. She feels that Bai Anliang is turning a corner and rejecting him~
Da Tiantian, who was not brought along in the publicity, was actually quite unhappy these two days, and was a little listless in school.

Now she is also a celebrity in school, and from time to time someone will lie on the window and watch her. So sometimes she can't be too depressed, she has to be a bit of a female star~
It is not uncommon for the students of Beijing Film and Chinese Opera to become popular in filming during school, but it is very rare for the students of Beijing Dance to become popular.

Besides, Da Tiantian is not from Beiwu, she goes to the High School Attached to Beiwu. There is a beautiful young lady in the school who has become a star. This is big news in any high school.

As soon as the get out of class is over, people from all walks of life come to "watch" the female stars.

"Tiantian, do you want to go to Chinese opera in the future?"

"Ah? Why is it a Chinese opera?"

"Because senior sister Zhang Ziyi went to Chinese opera, and she also went out of our school."

Obviously, Da Tiantian, a primary school scumbag, doesn't know much about the deeds of the school's celebrities.

She didn't know until today that Zhang Ziyi was also from Beiwu High School.

However, she thought about it for a while, "I'm going to Beiying. I have an appointment with a little sister."

The little sister she was talking about was naturally Yang Mi's classmate.

In the "Ip Man" crew, the relationship between the two of them was so-so at the beginning, but after going out for an "outing" together, there was a significant improvement.

The friendship between girls goes fast and comes fast.

After the two contacted a few more times, their relationship immediately improved by leaps and bounds.

No, as soon as school was over today, Yang Mi ran to the gate of Beiwu High School with a small schoolbag on her back to wait for Da Tiantian.

"Tian Tian!"


young girl holding hands
Ah~ the lily of my hometown~
"Hey, Tiantian, why don't you look very happy?"

Arriving at Da Tiantian's house, student Yang Mi skillfully turned on the TV and took out snacks from the refrigerator, just like going back to her own home, but when she turned around, Da Tiantian who was smiling with her just now, now Lie down on the sofa, stroke the cat, like a salted fish that has lost its dream.

"Oh uncle, he won't take me along to promote him as a good or bad person!"

"Ah? You didn't even bring it with you? You are the heroine!" Yang Mi was a little surprised.

She really didn't understand this.

It's fine if you don't bring her, after all, she doesn't have many roles in that drama, although it's a bit bright, but the size is there, so Yang Mi just waits to go to the premiere scene and forget it.

But it's a bit strange that Da Tiantian doesn't have a role~ She is not only the heroine, but also an investor, Miss Kuan!Did Bai Anliang really eat the bear's heart and leopard's guts?Treat investors like this?

Or is it that he is already so good at handling Da Tiantian?

For this question, Da Tiantian is not quite able to answer it.

Because she felt that after the backstage lounge of the Red Pavilion that day, the relationship between herself and the uncle seemed to have undergone a little subtle change
Uncle avoids her!
That's right, that's it!
"Ah? You confessed?!" Yang Mi was taken aback, her tone subconsciously sour.

"It doesn't count. Anyway, it is."

The poor Fat Tiger was ravaged by Da Tiantian's arms, and finally buried his face "tragically".

Seeing her hypocritical appearance, Yang Mi couldn't understand, she pretended not to care, but asked, "What did he say?"


"Huh? What does that mean?"

"I just didn't say anything, just pat my head and let me go to class! Does he really treat me like a child?"

Then you would be wrong.

child?How about a child at this age?
Yang Mi herself knows it well. She is about the same age as Da Tiantian, but Bai Anliang doesn't treat her like a child.

Teaching a bunch of messy things made Yang Mi feel that she was dirty.

Stinky man!Old color batch!
However, now Yang Mi feels a little gloating in her heart.

It's not aimed at Da Tiantian, but Bai Anliang.

Hey, don't you dare~ Absolutely not!
Of course, there is more than one coward in love. Who is not?
But Yang Mi was quite happy in her heart. She looked at the dazed Da Tiantian and came up with a bad idea, "Let me chase him for you~"


Da Tiantian didn't seem to understand what she meant, and stared at Yang Mi with wide eyes.

That look made Yang Mi feel guilty, as if all Xiao Jiujiu had been seen through.

This is of course just her illusion, Da Tiantian has no such ability.

But now the immature girl Mi, although she has the appearance of a little fox and is very thoughtful, she is still not sophisticated enough, at least when she is telling nonsense, her heart is still beating wildly, and her mouth is dry.

Fortunately, fooling a fool is enough.

Da Tiantian suddenly smiled, "Please!"

"Ah good!"

Student Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief, a little proud, hey, she also thanked us~
As for whether she would not be able to sleep at night doing such "bad things", Yang Mi herself felt a little guilty, after all, she took advantage of Bai Fumei, but when she thought of Bai Anliang's usual demeanor and behavior, she felt a little guilty.
After experiencing the crew of "Ip Man" and seeing some of Bai Anliang's operations, Yang Mi will no longer think that he is just a handsome and capable big brother~
very bad.

But. I like it better.

snort!What's wrong with being cunning?She is a natural match with this guy who doesn't talk about martial arts!
Tian Tian, ​​you are so naive and stupid, you can't handle such a bad guy!Let my sister come!
The premiere of "Ip Man" was naturally held in Yanjing.

Great Hall of the People.

There is actually no special significance for the premiere here, it just sounds a little bluffing.

When the meeting hall is not in session, it is rented out, and the old man has shown a movie here before.

Of course, if "Ip Man" hits the box office, it might become one of the black spots at the premiere in the Great Hall.

There is a bit of a sense of success or benevolence in doing so.

It is worth mentioning that "Ip Man" premiered in the mainland first, and Bai Anliang had to go to Xiangjiang to hold a premiere there.

Before and after this, there is actually no explanation, but in the eyes of some people, there is an explanation.
The theme of Chinese people beating foreigners is not only useful in the movie, but also more useful outside the movie.

The matter of Bai Anliang as a star in the group arena KO Boqiu, after these days of publicity, almost everyone in the mainland knows about it.

The heat may be slightly less than Xiangjiang, but it is still exaggerated.

Just look at the hundreds of media outlets outside the Great Hall.

The sequence of premieres in the Mainland and Xiangjiang is also reflected in these media.

The Xiangjiang media reported that Bai Anliang was an artist of Xiangjiang, but the mainland media directly removed the word Xiangjiang.

In addition, this movie is actually Mandarin lines, dubbed in Cantonese
Media: It's really obvious where this kid is standing.

In this regard, the circles on both sides are quite clear, but Xiangjiang has nothing to do with Bai Anliang.

On the one hand, he didn't want to mess with him, and on the other hand, at least he didn't deny it, so everyone gets what they want.

The current Xiangjiang film industry needs this kind of "false prosperity".

In short, the meaning is that the next Golden Statue Awards will have to give Bai Anliang some sweetness.

don't give?

If you don't give it, you have to give it!
Otherwise, he will turn his head and say that he is completely a mainland artist and has nothing to do with your Xiangjiang entertainment circle.

He can do this kind of thing.

At today's premiere, before the red carpet session started, many media who arrived early to grab seats found a rather interesting place.

A normal movie premiere scene requires a lot of security guards.

Naturally, there were many people maintaining order at the premiere of "Ip Man".

But not security.

Instead, the handsome men in Baijiaban's standard exercise uniforms are completely different from ordinary security guards at first glance. They are all powerful and full of deterrence, and they are too able to control the scene.

The Bai family class here does not refer to Bai Anliang's juniors.

In a sense, Baijiaban and Baiwumen have completed a certain cut.

Baijiaban belongs to Baiwumen, but it is not equivalent to Baiwumen.

Because the number of people in the current Bai family class is much larger than before, they are all newly joined in the past two years, and they are led by Bai Anliang's juniors, whether it's picking up jobs or exercising their skills.

"Uncle, you look like you are in a movie." Da Tiantian looked at the members of the Bai family class outside and said thoughtfully.

"Stop it, don't talk nonsense! Those are my employees, who signed the contract, don't confuse the Baijiaban with the club."

Bai Anliang himself is very satisfied with the current expansion speed of Baijiaban. In addition to Hengdian, there is also a branch of Baijiaban in Huairun Film and Television Base. The martial arts business is booming.

From a certain point of view, his Bai family class is not robbing food, but more standardizing the line of dragon and tiger martial artists in the mainland.

Joining the Baijiaban will not make less money, but more security, and you don't need to look for jobs everywhere.

Those good players who originally ran the single gang are naturally willing to join.

Buying insurance, coordinating and picking up jobs, and asking for salary The work done by Baijiaban is a bit like an intermediary, but its cohesion is much higher than that of an intermediary, and it is more reliable.

In the words of the entertainment industry, the current Baijiaban is more like a talent management agency besides Bai Anliang's dedicated film team.

It's just that the artists in their company are not celebrities, they are all special martial arts.

The earning is definitely not as much as that of stars, but the main amount is a certain amount.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Baijiaban has a certain degree of bargaining power in the martial arts market in the mainland.

This thing is more important than anything else!

"Everything is going on the right track." Bai Anliang said with a little emotion.

"The red carpet is here~" Da Tiantian didn't care about how Bai Anliang's business was doing. Seeing the long red carpet came into view, he became visibly happy.

What girl doesn't like to dress up and pose on the red carpet. Ahem, posing beautifully and enjoying the flash~
"Huh?" Bai Anliang was shocked, "Let's go!"

As the male and female protagonists of the movie, Bai Anliang and Da Tiantian were naturally the first to appear on the red carpet.

But it wasn't just the two of them, Ye Weixin, Wu Jing, and Yang Mi all followed closely behind on the red carpet.

At this time, a young and beautiful hostess invited also began to introduce, "He is coming to us now."

When he saw the hostess who looked a little heroic and a little cute, Bai Anliang was calm on the surface, but inwardly he glanced at Wu Jing behind him as if watching a show.

That look made Wu Jing baffled, what's wrong?
"Brother Jing, let's go, don't be dazed." Yang Mi, who walked the red carpet with Wu Jing in a team, urged.

"Oh, so what, my clothes and tie are not crooked, are they?" Wu Jing asked a little uneasy.

"No, it's quite upright." While Yang Mi affirmed him, she couldn't help but glance forward. Although it was still an "ordinary" suit, wearing it on Bai Anliang gave people a sense of humor. A very attractive feeling.

How do you say that word?

What walking hormone? I don’t know how Brother Anliang came up with this word, it’s too shameless.

But now Yang Mi feels that there seems to be nothing wrong with using this word.

That kind of tough handsome is really too masculine.

Just now, I thought that Wu Jing was distracted on the red carpet, Yang Mi, and she also started to distract herself.

He almost forgot to pose for the media to take pictures, his eyes seemed to be glued to Bai Anliang's body.

Following the impassioned introduction by the live host, Bai Anliang, holding Da Tiantian's hand, stood at the front, cooperating with the major media, enjoying the baptism of flash lights!

To be honest, this burst of flash was a bit fierce, and Da Tiantian couldn't open his eyes after being flashed.

And Bai Anliang's eyes are also quite uncomfortable, but he has such experience, so he can still stand still.

Besides, those who practice martial arts have basically been trained to restrain their instinctive reactions.

It's similar, when you are hit by a fist, you subconsciously close your eyes and the like. When you fight with someone, if someone beats you, if you dare to close your eyes, you will die.

At the same time, Da Tiantian's performance is a little bit bad.

This girl really has never been baptized by this level of flash, and she almost didn't make a fool of herself on the spot for a while.

But it doesn't matter, she is a little girl, when she shrank pitifully beside Bai Anliang and was protected by him. The frequency of the flashing lights was even higher.

It was a slap in the face, and Xiao Niao, who was directly photographed for her, stood up.

Hmm. It's a bit like the hero and heroine of an idol drama.

Anyway, looking at this scene, student Yang Mi was very envious.

"Do you want it?" Wu Jing, a straight man, didn't forget that there was a girl beside him, and raised his head and chest, expressing that he could also protect her.

As a result, Yang Mi rolled her eyes, "Brother Jing, I also want to be exposed, so don't stand in my way~ I finally borrowed the dress."

Wu Jing: .
Hey~ If I knew it earlier, I would have brought Ye Xuan to the red carpet together. This little girl is too talkative and can't beat her.

2 minutes later, after walking in front of the live hostess, Wu Jing's eyes were straightened, this, this, this
"Brother, brother, who is that?"

Well you thick eyebrows and big eyes!

"Her name is Xie Nan, the hostess under Guangguang, what's the matter?"

"No, it's nothing, I'll just ask." Wu Jing pretended to cover up by scratching his head.

Bai Anliang frowned, "You like this one?"

"No, I thought she looked familiar, but after a closer look, I found out that she wasn't."

Dress up!

If it were another occasion, this guy might start asking people about their zodiac signs and whether they have a boyfriend.

Having said that, the host Bai Anliang originally sought was Chang Suoni who gave him his business card that day.

After calling, the other party said that he was willing to come, but it was in conflict with the schedule. While wishing him a good movie, he recommended his younger sister, saying that although she was inexperienced, she was very good. The main reason was that she was beautiful.

pretty?Bai Anliang liked pretty people, so he made a phone call to ask about it. As a result, Guangguang's boss Wang Changtian brought someone to visit that day. That's right, he brought Xie Nan directly.

All in all, Xie Nan successfully became the host of today's premiere. This girl in her early twenties is indeed capable of professional skills. This refers to the professional level of the host, and it has nothing to do with other messy things.

Bai Anliang is such a bad person. After chatting with Xie Nan for a few words, as soon as the microphone was removed, he put his arms around Wu Jing's shoulder with a smile, "Girl, who do you think is more handsome?"

ah this~
Xie Nan wasn't shy, he looked at the two of them openly, and then smiled directly, "Mr. Bai, you are more handsome, and, besides, I am your fan."

Wu Jing: .
I don't know why, I'm heartbroken.

Bai Anliang: It's comfortable.

"Uncle, I also think you are more handsome!" Da Tiantian said courteously suddenly.

After boasting, she lowered her head in embarrassment and became shy.

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

Such a poor acting skill, if it is not based on sincerity, it would be too much.

Who taught her?

Even if she wants to show her favor, she might as well find a time when no one is around, take off her socks, put her tender little feet into Bai Anliang's arms and let him play with him cough cough!

The perverted thoughts disappeared in a flash, Bai Anliang looked at Da Tiantian in embarrassment and speechless.

The other party looked at him with wide eyes expectantly, as if to say: Uncle, how did you praise me?Like it?
Bai Anliang:
"Tian Tian~"


"You go to the children's table later."


(End of this chapter)

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