This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 163 The two-way rush of sinister tricks

Chapter 163 The two-way rush of sinister tricks

"The box office exploded on the first day, and Bai Anliang raked in 500 million yuan!"

"Ip Man, a model of a family man, the triple comparison is really interesting. The role of a martial arts master who is free and easy is played by Bai Anliang very well. Of course, the acting is still a bit rough, but the wonderful action scenes completely cover up at this point."

"The fighting scene in the movie is more exciting than in the ring!"

"A Kung Fu movie with a potential of over [-] million! A new Kung Fu superstar is rising."

"It's about punching foreigners again. Can Kung Fu movies still have new ideas?"


The explosion of the box office on the first day made "Ip Man" quickly become the darling of the media, further driving the popularity of this movie.

After all, Bai Anliang has been one of the hot spots these days. There are too many "stories" about him, and anyone who finds one can make a big story about it. Naturally, those media will not let go of such a good opportunity .

Of course, besides bragging about his popular science, reporter Zhou, who is Bai Anliang's number one black fan, is also making a fuss, "spouting" the movie "Ip Man". But what he spouts is more interesting.

"The majestic martial arts master portrayed as a character who is afraid of his wife? You really have it!"

Obviously, Reporter Zhou is very tricky in finding out where to spray. Those who don’t know how to do it really think he’s spraying movies, but those who know how to do it can taste something. You’re just helping Bai Anliang attract female audiences. Bar?
After Goryeo's "My Sassy Girlfriend" became popular two years ago, the play of strong women and weak men suddenly became popular.

Of course, the "male weakness" here can't be really weak, but the kind of man who is so powerful on the outside, who is suddenly cowarded in front of his wife, mainly focuses on a sense of contrast.

Male audiences watched "Ten Fighters", while female audiences watched "House Warm Boys", and they won't be numb.

With the current momentum of "Ip Man", it's time for major theaters to increase their film schedule no matter what.

But generally speaking, there are many factors that determine the scheduling of a movie to be released in major theaters.

Box office performance is only part of it, of course, is a very important part.

Because movie theaters also want to make money, it is impossible to show profitable movies and not show them, but to show some blockbuster movies that do not make money.

It can even be said that if you can show that kind of tertiary, quaternary or even more outrageous movies, those theaters will definitely be full without hesitation.

Astringency is the first productive force, otherwise why Xiangjiang has so many colorful movies, Ren Dahua, one of the leading actors of "Ip Man", played many male leads in tertiary films in his early years, his experience is not in Xiangjiang What a rarity.

It is because there is a market for this kind of film.

In other words, Bai Anliang actually really wants to. Ahem!Forget it, with the development of the times, there are too many raw resources available on the Internet, and it is no longer so profitable to shoot the third level, which is a pity.

The attendance rate, movie duration, share, and whether the company produces these are other factors that need to be considered.

Nowadays, the movie with the most box office potential on the market is of course the just-released "Ip Man". After all, Xiaogangpao's "A World Without Thieves" has been released for a while. Normally, theaters will of course make decisions based on the box office. Adjustment on the row.

But that's normal.

Bai Anliang is now very glad that he has brought Yu Dong together to make a movie together, and he doesn't think he is the protagonist, and he can casually hate the world.

Otherwise, he would be bored to death just by arranging and releasing the film.

Yu Dong has really done a good job. He has an absolute specialization in publishing, and he really has connections and experience.

If Bai Anliang were to fight alone, let alone "Ip Man", even if he produced "Avatar" on the spot, it would be useless. If the film schedule could not keep up, where would the box office come from?Fall from the sky?
But now, once the box office of 500 million is released on the first day, it is natural to increase a wave of copies and spread it to more theaters.

In this day and age, there is no way to make digital copies like in the future Internet era. This thing is still immature, and the mainstream is still film copies.

At the beginning of the film's release, a certain number of copies are generally prepared in advance, and then given to various theaters.
And copying is also one of the costs of the film. If it is not particularly confident in the film, no distributor will come up with a whole bunch of copies.

"It's one thing for us to increase the copy. What do those theaters say? No matter how the film schedule is, it must be higher than "A World Without Thieves", right?"

Yu Dong shook his head helplessly, "Hua Yi is still very powerful, and Xiaogangpao is still a gold-lettered brand. The theaters have to give them face to make it easier to arrange films, but it is not so easy to get most of the films. By the way, I still have to guard against box office theft and piracy.”

Bai Anliang frowned, "Is there any trick outside the box?"

"It's hard to say, just be careful." Yu Dong was also a little worried, after all, the two brothers Hua Yi had never been good friends.

Maybe tomorrow we will be able to see Bai Anliang's "black material" in the media.

But facing his worry, Bai Anliang shook his head, "I mean, can we come up with some tricks?"

Yu Dong:? ? ?
what? !

Is the way so wild? !

Lu Ziye?Yu Dong still doesn't know Bai Anliang well enough.

It’s true to talk about it in terms of movies. A movie is useless if it’s just a whole job. In the end, it’s the quality of the movie that determines how far it can go. After all, the audience’s eyes are not blind.

But under the premise of ensuring a certain quality, it is natural to use any means.

Discrediting competitors is a very good means.

Bai Anliang is not a moral sage, he said in a high-sounding way that "the enemy can go, so can I", or more bluntly, "labor and capital just don't talk about martial arts".

Play tricks, engage in small tricks?Bai Anliang really liked doing this.

A World Without Thieves, right?Let him come and find out what he can make up ahem, and what black spots he can use~
the other side.

In Chairman Huayi's office, the Wang brothers frowned.

"Brother, the movie "Ip Man" is a bit aggressive, it probably will affect the box office of "A World Without Thieves"."

"You know it all, just do what you need to do. "A World Without Thieves" can't afford to lose at the box office, at least it has to be in the top three this year."

"Okay, then I'll go find someone first. By the way, I heard that the Wang family has also approved a movie about Ye Wen before. Is there anything I can do about it?"


"I'm sure! But "Ip Man" has already been released, and Wang's company hasn't said anything, so there is probably no involvement or conflict."

"If there is no contradiction, create some contradiction!"

Obviously, Hua Yi's two brothers also had a bit of a headache in the face of the menacing "Ip Man".

Originally thought that "Kung Fu" had been moved up, and "A World Without Thieves" would be able to monopolize this schedule and beat other movies, but it turned out that "Ip Man" was a dark horse.

The combination of Bai Anliang and Wu Jing, who hit the street, unexpectedly tied with the combination of Xiaogangpao, Liu Dehua, Uncle Ge, Liu Milk Tea, and Li Binbin in the early box office.

Who would have imagined this!
The estimated box office of "A World Without Thieves" is between [-] million and [-] million. Needless to say, "Kung Fu" is not even surpassed by the old man's "House of Flying Daggers".

Then only the top three can be guaranteed.

This is not just about the movie, Hua Yi is now also considered to be troubled both internally and externally.

Wang Jinghua's contract is about to expire next year. Huayi's two brothers have talked to her several times, but the results are not very good, and the contract renewal is basically useless.

What Wang Zhongjun regrets the most now is that he didn't change the management contracts of the artists under Wang Jinghua's banner to Huayi's name.

In this way, even if Wang Jinghua wants to leave, as long as there are artists, the company will not have any major fluctuations.

And now?Even if she wanted to sign, she couldn't. Wang Jinghua wanted to "start her own business", and her biggest bargaining chip was the large number of famous artists in her hands.

Liu Jialing, Hu Jun, Liang Jiahui, Chen Daoming, Guan Zhilin, Xia Yu, Wu Junru, Yang Ziqiong
These names make my heart bleed just thinking about them.

But the matter has come to this point, it is basically an established fact that Wang Jinghua left, what Huayi can do is to stabilize the situation.

In this case, the importance of the movie "A World Without Thieves" naturally goes without saying.

There is no better way to stabilize the situation than to show results!
Don't say that you have no enmity with Bai Anliang, even if you have a good relationship, you can find a way to get him.

It's also a coincidence, at this moment, regardless of whether it's the Wang family brothers or Bai Anliang, they are all thinking of ways to play tricks on the other party. Isn't this not a two-way rush to some extent.
500 million on the first day, and more than 3000 million on the first weekend, this is the answer sheet that "Ip Man" handed in two days before its release.

During the road show, Bai Anliang finally shouted the slogan of breaking [-] million. In one day, he went to more than a dozen theaters to run the road show, and he played himself like a "special soldier".

The main creators who followed him on the road show were about to be exhausted, and only Wu Jing could stand it, because he will really be a "special soldier" in the future.

In this case, Bai Anliang can't really fuck other people to death. After all, this is his movie, and he must risk his life. Other people are at most just participating in the role, there is no need for that.

Later, Da Tiantian is the investor, logically speaking, she should be more active
But the reality is, the little girl happily followed Bai Anliang around at the beginning, but after running for a long time, she complained and moaned.

Bai Anliang didn't even use coaxing or deceiving, so he just looked at him with pitiful eyes, and showed off the blisters on her delicate feet. Not to mention, Bai Anliang pinched her feet and searched for a long time before finding it. That little blister.

"Tian Tian, ​​think about your money. The "Number One in the World" and "Ip Man" you invested in will probably earn you more than 3000 to [-] million."

"I'll invest in Uncle again, please, please~"

Hearing 3000 to [-] million, Da Tiantian just raised his head and acted cute.

All right, all right, she said so.

Having said that, Bai Anliang "cheated money" from Da Tiantian at the beginning. In fact, it was a bit deceiving, but in the end it made this little girl a lot of money.

In this aspect, her family members were surprised. After a short life, they actually made money?
No, the original "playing around" is really on the right track now, a company has just opened up, Da Tiantian holds 100% of the shares, and a bunch of people are responsible for her economic business and investment.
Da Tiantian, who had been fooling around with Bai Anliang's back, now has a management team.

The efficiency is simply amazing.

She really has the feeling of a female star.

There are assistants and brokers for travel.

However, at the same time, he is still Bai Anliang's "preparation money bag" and the best investor.

Then it's natural to "serve", but she can't let her not want to play after she's exhausted.

It's just that the manager who is following her now always looks at Bai Anliang with a defensive look, as if he is going to do something bad to Princess Tiantian.

Bai Anliang said that if he wanted to, Da Tiantian would have stepped on a horse in his own shape.

In the backstage of a movie theater in Shanghai, Wu Jing lowered his head little by little, ready to fall into a deep sleep at any time, while Bai Anliang himself looked energetic, with a little tiredness in his eyes.

After the previous host came on stage and gave a warm-up introduction, he slapped Wu Jing on the back, cheering him up.

Then, in the face of applause and screams, a new round of "performance" began again.

"thanks for your support"

Another wooden dummy was smashed to pieces by Bai Anliang on the spot, and the audience screamed
The most expensive part of the road show was the wooden dummy. After one performance, the effect was so good that Bai Anliang decided to come here every time.

After all, he and Wu Jing don't have any other "talents", so they can only show their talents and let everyone "open their eyes".

Not only him, but Wu Jing also showed Taijiquan more than a dozen times, and he was exhausted.

The road show of the two of them is much harder than other people's movies.

But it is also this "sincere" way of roadshow that makes it hard to get a ticket for every roadshow.
Under normal circumstances, most of the star chasers are girls.

But at the "Ip Man" road show, more than [-]% were men.

The group of hanging hairs didn't call Bai Anliang's name, they called "Master Ye". However, it seemed that because of this spirit of "whole work", every road show was extremely lively, and their voices were too loud.

It directly drowned out the voices of those female fans who yelled "Guihai Yidao" at the scene.

Still masculine!

"To be honest, I originally wanted to use my face to attract fans, but why are all my fans male?" Bai Anliang asked helplessly.

Wu Jing was able to answer this question, "Many of the posters they asked for your signature were not "Ip Man" posters, but posters of you fighting with Boqiu before."

Obviously, being able to fight can really attract fans, and the fans are still male fans.

If Bai Anliang wanted to imitate those idol stars selling leeks, he probably wouldn't be able to do it well, because few of these male fans would buy such things.

But they are willing to buy movie tickets. From a certain point of view, it is also quite good. This can be regarded as a real box office appeal.

Perhaps the only pity is that he probably doesn't have much chance to be a fan.

(End of this chapter)

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