This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 165 The development of the plot catches people off guard

Chapter 165 The development of the plot catches people off guard
3000 million, 4000 million, 5000 million
As Bai Anliang led the road show with the main creators, "Ip Man" has also become the king of the film market during this period.

Stimulated by this box office growth, Bai Anliang's wooden figurines are particularly vigorous.

He was counting in his heart, on average, how much the box office would increase for each wooden dummy that was crushed, and he kept chanting: Another 200 million!
However, things are not always so smooth. Regarding the arrangement of films, it has always been difficult to advance.

"A World Without Thieves", which was released more than two weeks earlier, had a box office of more than 8000 million, but it still competed with "Ip Man" in the film schedule. Bai Anliang and Yu Dong found people from major theaters many times, but I can't always get an accurate answer, and the proportion of filming is increasing very slowly.

Yu Dong was getting a little angry, so this was not going to slow down their progress of breaking [-] million!You bastards are the sinners of domestic movies!
Bai Anliang: No, no, no, let's put a sack on it and make these bastards sober.
Yu Dong: Not at all.
The current way is. There is no way.

Of course, the two of them were mainly annoyed at not being able to eat more lineups, which doesn't mean that "Ip Man" had very few lineups.

In the current film market, "A World Without Thieves" and "Ip Man" are two films that are more competitive. It is impossible to have less, but these two greedy beeps just want more.

As for off-the-board tricks, they've been used a long time ago.

It's nothing more than a game of throwing dirty water over old accounts, and it's not too new.

It's just that, except for Wang Baoqiang who is a new star in the movie "A World Without Thieves", which other is not an old fritter who has been in the circle for many years?
Li Binbin is actually the darkest person in it, and now it happens that Wang Jinghua in Huayi is not renewing her contract. If you make some small composition or something and order a set meal for Li Binbin, it is really easy to do, maybe no one will know It was Bai Anliang who did it, and Wang Jinghua directly took the blame for it.

In fact, Bai Anliang really did this. If he slept with Li Binbin, he might not be able to do this kind of thing. After all, he is more or less a quack, and he will go to bed with others to punish others. Son, it's a bit out of the scope of not talking about martial arts, but I haven't slept. I'm sorry.

As for black material or what kind of black material can be made up, what should I do?
It's very simple, just call Fan Xiaopang and ask, and the other party rubs his hands excitedly.

All I needed was to help Bai Anliang make up a rumor that Li Binbin was still wetting the bed at the age of ten.
As for the black material that already exists, it is even more clear.

Make a PPT for him every minute.

However, the effect is average.

The heroine of "A World Without Thieves" is Liu Milk Tea, and Li Binbin is not a so-called super actress now, she is just a supporting actress in this movie, and it's just like that if she is blacked out.

As for Wang Baoqiang?This guy is a newcomer in the entertainment industry first of all, so he has no stories to dig.

One of the most easily fabricated black stories for normal newcomers is: being unspoken by a certain big boss and contributing to the upper body.

In this regard, both men and women are fine. After all, in the entertainment industry, stories about the unspoken rules of men and men sometimes have more audiences than men and women.

But Wang Baoqiang's appearance, at first glance, is not the type that can be unspoken.

So invincible.

Not to mention that in the future, when the other party becomes more powerful, neither the agent nor the people next to him can come up with any serious scandals. It's hard for such a "sage of internal entertainment" to throw dirty water.

Originally, Bai Anliang was still thinking, should he not read the story of Xiaogangpao again?This one is also heavyweight.
Moreover, in a certain respect, "A World Without Thieves" is regarded as a "small steel cannon" work in the eyes of the public and the media, which is completely different from "Ip Man". "Ip Man" is not marked as Ye Weixin's work, but Works of Bai Anliang.

The difference in this aspect is purely based on the influence of the personal style of the director and the leading actor, as well as the degree of fame.

Well-known directors such as Chen Kaige, Xiaogangpao, and Lao Mouzi are rarely overshadowed by actors, and their imprint on movies is very deep. When mentioning their movies, they basically start with the director's name, which belongs to the Works directed by XX.

To put it another way, if a movie is the most influenced by the male protagonist, then the director's name will be in the back row. "Ip Man" is a typical example.

Many viewers who have watched "Ip Man" may not know that the director of this movie is Yip Weixin.

So, Hei Xiaogangpao is right!

But it's a pity that before Bai Anliang had time to find someone to write a small composition, a newspaper slapped on his face.

"Uncle! Something happened to you! Come with me!"

Bai Anliang's eyes darkened, facing such a "sneak attack", he almost kicked him out.

Fortunately, he restrained himself, otherwise Da Tiantian might have to go to the hospital.

"Tian Tian, ​​I have told you several times, don't approach me from behind."

"Hey? Really? Oh, let's not talk about this first. I want to represent justice!" Da Tiantian put one hand on his hip, and made a gesture of raising a gun to aim with the other.

ah!I am dead.
Thanks to Bai Anliang's resistance to this level of cuteness, he picked up the newspaper covering his face and took a look.

It was dark again.

As expected of a "senior"!The efficiency of this work and the precision of the attack, the skill is much deeper than that of Bai Anliang.

If you don't move, you will be done, and if you move, you will aim at the vital point.

As a "newcomer" in the circle, if Wang Baoqiang is the kind of tortoise shell type that you basically have no flaws and can't talk about except for his appearance, then Bai Anliang. He is a sieve, full of holes.

In terms of the relationship between men and women, he is too chic.

There is no need to write small essays and make up nonsense, it is enough to write something really.

Take a look at the entertainment newspaper in front of you, what is written is vivid and euphemistic, well-founded.

Taking Bai Anliang himself as the anchor point, and then carrying out in-depth divergence and adding various heroines, an article that can become a pornographic article with some additions is just like this.

Hmm. How about giving this article a title, "This Actor Doesn't Talk about Martial Virtue"?
I glanced at the editor's name, hippopotamus can't bark, what a bad name, just a look at it will kill me.

However, the current Bai Anliang has no time to complain about this.

This thing is obviously aimed at him. For "Ip Man", which is still in hot theaters, if it spreads, who knows if it will really affect the box office of the movie.

Logically speaking, Bai Anliang is not the kind of idol artist who wants to "guard his body like a jade" for his fans. Even if his private life suffers, the influence is not very big, and most of his fans are men.

But the bad thing is that Ip Man is riding a horse, isn't he!
Ye Wen in the movie was filmed as a good man who loves his wife.

Love your wife in the movie, and mess around outside the movie, is this plausible?
This was the real reason why Bai Anliang's eyes went dark.

grass!Use my money!Take the way of death!
"Hey! Uncle, what are you thinking?" Da Tiantian kept on for a while and was a little tired of "chicken beeping you". Seeing that Bai Anliang was looking at the newspaper with a serious face, he curled his lips in boredom, and didn't cooperate. She's so boring.

"Ah, I'm wondering who is talking so nonsense, isn't this insulting my personality! I have to find a way to sue this guy."

"That's right! The newspaper actually said that I am... oh, I didn't see it!" Da Tiantian said shyly, covering his eyes.

In fact, her acting skills are really not very good.

Don't look at the decent acting in Ip Man, it's because of spending a lot of time on targeted practice.

At this moment, she seems to be covering her eyes, but the slits between her fingers are wide open. It can't be helped, her eyes are big.

As for what was said in the newspaper, unspoken rules.

Reasonable analysis for everyone, why Da Tiantian, a pure newcomer who has never seen before, can be praised so much by Bai Anliang.

It's a TV series and a movie, and it's still the kind that hits big.

This is actually a sneaky change of concept, and I didn’t know it would be a big hit when I was filming. But isn’t it all about results these years, in terms of results, Bai Anliang is putting great effort into promoting Da Tiantian.

What could be the relationship between these two?What a dirty physical relationship!
Hmm. Hard to rate.

Bai Anliang scratched his head, looked at Da Tiantian, then read the newspaper, and scratched his head again.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I was wondering why it must be a dirty relationship"

"Oh, what nonsense."

"That's not what it means. The age difference between us is not very big. Even if normal people think we are close, shouldn't they be boyfriend and girlfriend? Why do you just get into a dirty relationship between men and women? Isn't that a little bit Is it too outrageous?!"

"Uh, it seems to be hey!"

Bai Anliang slapped the table, it's right!

What do you mean?

It's okay that he hasn't been able to find a real girlfriend until now, and even the third-rate tabloids like Tama ridiculed him?

What about Nima? !Co-authoring someone in Bai is not worthy of having a girlfriend?He is not the kind of greasy old man with a family, his girlfriend will die if written?
As for Da Tiantian, she is fine. At the beginning, she was a little angry when she saw that she was made up.

But it was her and Bai Anliang's words that were made up, so that's okay~ I didn't feel so angry all of a sudden.

Of course, in fact, she just read the beginning, and hurriedly took the newspaper to "chicken beep" Bai Anliang, if you read down
Don't worry, I'm already looking down.

Bai Anliang glanced at the photo secretly taken of himself and Yang Mi hugging at the entrance of the hotel, his expression was very natural.

And the boss stared at Da Tiantian, full of doubts, "Hey? Is this me? Why don't I remember?"

I can't stand it anymore!

"This is Yang Mi. That day she came back from a road show all day and couldn't walk. I helped her up a bit. She must have been photographed by the paparazzi."

"Oh, so that's how it is~"

Da Tiantian nodded belatedly, but his small eyes still glanced at the newspaper, his mouth was slightly pouted, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Fortunately, classmate Yang Mi arrived in time. After seeing the newspaper, she was surprised, and then immediately pulled Da Tiantian to explain.

She is very good at "explaining", and after a while, a smile appeared on Da Tiantian's face again. The two little girls held hands and condemned the evil and unscrupulous media together.

Bai Anliang doesn't quite understand this scene, what is Yang Mi doing?

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't she act like "I didn't do it on purpose, it's because my brother is too good."

Don't take the small green tea route?

Of course, Bai Anliang didn't have time to explore the relationship between the two little girls and Yang Mi's careful thoughts right now, he had to settle this matter first.
Unsurprisingly, as soon as this happened, when Bai Anliang took people to publicize it again, someone with malicious intentions jumped out to mention it.

The first thing is what is the relationship between the heroine Da Tiantian and Bai Anliang, and whether the unspoken rules are true. There is no doubt that the reporters are so vigorous these days, they really dare to ask directly.

Regarding this, Bai Anliang didn't panic at all, and said something surprising, "If you want unspoken rules, is she unspoken rules for me?"

As soon as these words came out, the reporters present were on fire!
Come come come!Microphone for you!Let's talk exciting!
Bai Anliang smiled and pulled the dazed and embarrassed Da Tiantian to his side, "Let me re-introduce our heroine, Miss Jing Tian, ​​who is also the star of "No. [-] Under Heaven" and "Ip Man". Investors in two projects”

Looking at Da Tiantian with a cute face and a green face, it's hard to imagine. Okay, rich loli? !
The development of this plot really caught people off guard.

Bai Anliang: Hehe, his colleagues are indeed very powerful, and his methods are admirable. He said he has learned.


The rhythm that the other party wanted to lead, chose the wrong central character!

I chose Da Tiantian as the "breakthrough" so desperately, is this the breakthrough?This is a big pit waiting for someone to jump into.

Regardless of any other young lady who has a relationship with Bai Anliang, he can't explain it very well, he can only talk about good relationship, friends and so on.

Only Da Tiantian is different!
At this moment, the reaction of these media vividly explained everything.

"She is an investor in my two projects, and she contributes a large proportion of the investment. She is more effective than me in the production team. Tiantian, who is the unspoken rule between us?"

"Oh..." Da Tiantian blushed, she really didn't expect Bai Anliang to have a "identity reveal" at this time.

Of course, she herself didn't want to hide this matter, it was just a little sudden.

And can she really do the unspoken rules?

Bai Anliang didn't know if it was his own illusion, why did he feel that little girl Da Tiantian's eyes were bright?

"Okay, no kidding, let me declare here, some unscrupulous media, please don't write such ridiculous news, you write that our relationship is better than this."

Media: OK!you said!Just write it!
Although the development of the plot is a bit unexpected, it is not without reward.

Da Tiantian's "Secret Identity Revealed" is very interesting.

But how do you feel that this puzzle solving is helping to promote "Ip Man" again?
It vaguely seems that the plot outside the movie matches the one in the movie? !

(End of this chapter)

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