This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 171 Are your eyes dry?

Chapter 171 Are your eyes dry?

Classmate Yang Mi was held back by Da Tiantian, and she didn't let her just give Bai Anliang a wave of "meat, eggs, and green onions". This little girl is really capable of jumping on Bai Anliang's back in a dress. kind of thing.

Especially after being "bewitched" by classmate Yang Mi.

For a girl of this age, the views and definitions of love are in her mind. It mainly comes from romance novels and film and television works.

The main feature is an outrageous one.

When the two cobblers get together, the things they research are even more outrageous.

Fortunately, the two of them are not stupid. After summarizing a series, I finally came to a conclusion, be brave!
Hmm. From a certain point of view, it can be regarded as a wrong hit.


Da Tiantian's uncle shouted, and several bigwigs in the film and television industry next to him were stunned when they heard it.

There was something wrong with the look in Bai Anliang's eyes.

You kid. Like this tune!
These eyes made Bai Anliang blush more or less.

Ah this.

It was as if some strange sexual fetish had been exposed.

Needless to say, men understand men very well.

When Da Tiantian called Bai Anliang in front of Yang Mi, Yang Mi never felt that something was wrong, and even complained about Bai Anliang with Da Tiantian, saying that he was old-fashioned and so on.

But shouting this in front of serious "uncles" suddenly seemed to be ambiguous.

The old dicks around seemed to be in a tacit understanding, and the smiles on their faces were slightly obscene.

"Tian Tian, ​​it's just a coincidence that we are talking about you."

"Huh? Really?" Da Tiantian blinked his eyes, very interested, "What are you talking about?"

"Speaking of the next "Ip Man", we won't be able to shoot until you grow up."


"Because the next movie will feature Ip Man's son, it's unrealistic for you to have a son of how old you are now."

This reason is invincible.

Da Tiantian looked like she was still a little girl, and the baby fat on her face hadn't disappeared. It seemed very unreasonable to shoot a scene where she had a son of a few years old.

Although it was quite normal to marry early and have children early in those days, after all, the story was filmed for people today, so there is no need to make it so "reasonable".

As for whether this aspect can be compensated by acting skills, that is too unrealistic.

Not to mention Da Tiantian, even the acting teacher who gave her supplementary lessons had no experience playing the role of mother. Besides, Da Tiantian just likes acting, which doesn't mean she has a high talent for acting.

Before, she was just playing the role of wife, and she spent so much time honing in on it, so she didn't let the audience play, so she can be regarded as having an upper-middle level.

But in fact, she was even given a second by Yang Mi, who had so few scenes. Just one shot.

So much so that Bai Anliang even thought about whether to include Yang Mi's soy sauce as the little junior sister in the follow-up "Ip Man" series.

But I was worried that this little girl was purely inspired, and she would never be able to act out that feeling again.

To sum up, the two little girls, one of them is well-behaved, but their level is not enough, so they can make up for it with tutoring.

Fortunately, he was willing to listen to Bai Anliang's words.

The other one. Gods and ghosts, now the aura is overwhelming, but there may be a wave of diving at any time.

Two problem children.

Then just shoot another "Ip Man" in a few years, Bai Anliang is really not in a hurry to make money with the sequel, and one hen that lays golden eggs is not enough, he plans to get a few more.

"Actually, if Miss Scene is interested, our Huayi also has many projects that lack actors."

I don't know if he felt the breath of money unintentionally exuded by Da Tiantian, but Wang Zhonglei suddenly said this.

It almost didn't make Bai Anliang amused.

Hua Yi, lack of actors?

What their company does the most is to sign artists and then leave them alone.

Don't look at Wang Jinghua's going to take people away, there are definitely a lot of artists left in Huayi, and the production of the plays can't be arranged at all.

Give back the role of Da Tiantian?
Should Li Binbin wash Da Tiantian's feet, or should Zhou Xun, who is about to sign a contract with Huayi, carry the sedan chair for Da Tiantian?
It's a bullshit.

But Da Tiantian didn't understand this, she only heard in her ears that there was a show for her to act in, and her eyes lit up all of a sudden.

"Huh? Really?"

"Of course it is true. If there is a suitable role, I will definitely contact you," Wang Zhonglei said with a smile.

"What kind of play is it? Can you tell me about it?" Da Tiantian didn't see the other party's politeness at all, and continued to ask enthusiastically.

Wang Zhonglei:
You asked me, a dignified CEO of Huayi, to give you a play here?Not suitable?

If it were someone else, he might have lost his temper on the spot, but looking at Da Tiantian's sincere face that doesn't seem to be faking him, and Bai Anliang's calm smile next to him who doesn't seem to mind this kind of "poaching"
Wang Zhonglei couldn't calm down anymore.

He felt like he was teasing a harmless kitten, who was not aggressive, cute and well-behaved, but what was so unbelievable was that the father of this "kitty" lay lazily on the side and stared at it. What about him?

The word "King" on the head is full of oppression.

It seemed as if his face would suddenly change in the next second, and the tiger roared in the mountains and forests, tearing him apart directly.

"That... the specific plot of the script, I'm not very clear, next time next time"

"Oh~" Da Tiantian curled her lips in disappointment, thinking that this person is really unreliable, not as good as her uncle.

When Bai Anliang first met her, he directly took out the script and showed it to her, how true!
Instead of the real greasy uncle in front of him, his mouth is full of empty words, he must be lying!

But when she turned her head, she found that her "home" had been stolen.

At this moment, her uncle's arm was being held by a strange but familiar woman, who was still leaning on him somewhat actively.

Da Tiantian: ? ? ?

She glanced at Wang Zhonglei in disbelief, are you crazy?How can you be so bad? !
Wang Zhonglei: Meow meow?
The little girl seemed to be very angry suddenly, did she say something wrong?
He did investigate Da Tiantian's background, but he didn't find out.

This stepping on a horse is more terrifying than stepping on a horse with a deep background after investigation.

Didn't find out? !
All in all, this little girl had already been labeled "not to be provoked" by him.


Before Wang Zhonglei wanted to make up a few words, Da Tiantian took Yang Mi away unhappy.

But Wang Zhonglei's expression was inexplicable, he and his brother were performing their own duties in Huayi, his brother was internal and he was external.

In terms of social interaction, I think I have a hand in hand.

As a result, today, he didn't understand the mind of a little girl at all. It's a shame!
But he soon understood what was going on Li Binbin.

At this time, Li Binbin was just putting the flirtatious guy on.

The smile on that face seemed to be about to bloom into a flower, and the hand around Bai Anliang's arm was called an intimacy and a big gift.

Wang Zhonglei: Understood, the co-author of labor and capital has become a blame-blame hero.

He doesn't dare to provoke Da Tiantian, Bai Anliang. He doesn't dare to provoke him now either.

This master is a bit more irresistible, that Baiwumen is like a powder barrel on a horse.
After much deliberation, it seems that he can only "bully" Li Binbin.

"Ahem, Binbin, Boss Bai is going to smash ice sculptures on stage later, so don't pester him all the time."

In these words, there are reminders and some warnings.

Unexpectedly, Li Binbin actually didn't give him face at the moment, "Ah~ Mr. Wang, no, I will ask Mr. Bai for advice on action scenes."

Bai Anliang: Interesting!
He also recalled it, and looked at Li Binbin with great interest.

Originally, he was going to find an opportunity to quickly let this woman let go, but now. Not only did he not let go, Bai Anliang naturally put his hand on her waist.

Hug really.

In this scene, seeing Wang Zhonglei's eyelids twitch wildly.

in front of him?

"Sister Binbin likes action scenes very much?"

Hearing this, Li Binbin felt the heat of the big hand on his waist, subconsciously felt a little numb, bit his lip and glanced at Bai Anliang, "I want to act in action scenes even in my dreams. Hit a girl."

"That's not easy, Huayi's family has a big career, you always have a chance, and you will still be a sister in the future."

"First sister." Li Binbin frowned, "Where is the company full of talents, I dare not say that~"

Wang Zhonglei couldn't stay any longer, Li Binbin was giving him eye drops.

It must be that the company wanted to get Fan Xiaopang to stay and actively contacted Zhou Xun to sign her, and she knew about it.

"Binbin, Mr. Bai is right, you will be our company's first sister from now on." Bite the bullet, Wang Zhonglei said so.

Li Binbin's eyes lit up, "President Wang, don't lie to me."

"How can it be?"

"Hey, does the other President Wang think so too?" Bai Anliang said this very appropriately.

At this moment, Wang Zhonglei's expression couldn't hold back any longer, and he turned black.

And Li Binbin immediately recalled it!Okay, let's do this trick with my wife?
Isn't this what happened to Deng Chao and the leader of Huang? The two kings, Huayi, supported each other, and they were very careful.
Still ready to play like this?

Just wanted to continue to "force the palace" for a while, but Wang Zhonglei urinated directly.
I couldn't stand it anymore, the two of them sang and sang together, those who didn't know thought Li Binbin was an artist of Bai Anliang's company.

After the other party left, Li Binbin sighed a little inwardly, but the smile on his face remained unchanged, "Mr. Bai, are you free tonight?"

"Are you looking for me?"

"I'm actually a fan of "Ip Man". I just want to know when I can make another one."

Why are you asking this question?
Bai Anliang had no choice but to repeat his previous answer to Wang Zhonglei, but Li Binbin's eyes lit up, "Then after the celebration banquet is over, can Mr. Bai chat with me about the plot of the next movie?"

"uh this"

Are all the people in Huayi the same urine?Just now Wang Zhonglei looked like he wanted to poach Da Tiantian, but now Li Binbin is even more critical, she wants to poach Da Tiantian's role?
The red cloth on the stage has been uncovered, and the number 5000 million carved out of ice looks crystal clear and beautiful under the light.

Bai Anliang took the main creator of "Ip Man" and his own company to stand on stage, preparing for the ice-breaking ceremony.

But what surprised the media and colleagues at the scene the most was that Fan Xiaopang actually got mixed up with these people at some point.

Many media responded very quickly, and they wanted to find out where Wang Zhonglei was. He ran away early.

After the urine escape, he didn't stay at the celebration banquet at all.

Have to say, his move is wise.

Otherwise, he might be annoyed by the media.

Fan Xiaopang's contract was about to expire, and her current move was undoubtedly announcing in a high-profile manner where her next home was.


After Bai Anliang's first hammer fell, the host, Xie Nan, cooperated loudly: "Congratulations to "Ip Man" for breaking [-] million at the box office!"

Immediately, high-spirited and cheerful music sounded at the scene, and the guests applauded.

Li Binbin, standing at the front of the crowd, applauded lightly while looking at his old opponent with a complicated expression.

Okay, I don't need to be beaten up in the company in the future, I have already made it clear that I want to leave.

But life is endless, and there is no end to violence. If Fan Xiaopang leaves, others will come. She herself has to make plans early.

Even if you don't want to leave the big tree of Huayi for the time being, you still need to prepare a little bit more.

Of course, the teasing inside the company will not stop, and the same goes for the teasing outside the company.

She and Fan Xiaopang will have a long time to fight each other.

Tomorrow, I will contact the media for an article about the other party's black material to add to the fun.

Thinking of this, Li Binbin suddenly felt happy, and then thought of the "date" tonight, and took a sip of champagne with rosy cheeks.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Fan Xiaopang also cast his gaze, and saw Li Binbin raise his wine glass to her, as if greeting her and congratulating her.

Fan Xiaopang: Bah!What's wrong? ——
To Bai Anliang, the celebration banquet tonight is actually divided into two parts.

The celebration banquet in the first half is of course a movie celebration, with colorful flowers and dazzling lights.

However, in the second half of the celebration banquet after that, there was no element of acting, and the focus was on a real celebration.

A large group of tall and thick men got together and yelled and drank in the company.

The protagonist of this celebration feast, the Fifth Junior Brother, completely opened up the chatterbox. After drinking two bottles of horse urine, he stepped on the table and began to brag about how he used to be on the bus before.

From Nantianmen to Penglai East Road, he didn't even bat an eyelid.

"Fifth senior brother, don't your eyes work?"

"Who? Who?! Labor and capital raised their knives and fell, and the blood flowed like a river. You stepped on the horse and asked me if my eyes are dry?"


Seeing such a noisy scene, Qin Lan's teeth itch so much that she will definitely catch these stinky guys tomorrow and clean them up before they are allowed to leave!
Many things in the company were carefully arranged by her. Almost all the decorations were bought by her or made by designers, and many of them were damaged by these reckless people. She is about to go crazy!
Well, her hair was going crazy, but she didn't dare to move forward because these guys drank too much and started fighting.

To be precise, they have begun to open up space to exchange ideas.

Fist and feet have no eyes, if she accidentally hit her, Qin Lan felt that she would die suddenly on the spot.

Fortunately, these guys from Baiwumen have been "going crazy" until midnight, and finally under Bai Anliang's strong "suppression", they rolled back to sleep one by one.

Qin Lan looked at these guys who seemed to have drunk too much with a puzzled face, and suddenly walked like a tiger. Huh?
"Actually, only the fifth one drank too much." Bai Anliang told the truth with a smile.

"Boss, you smell like alcohol."

"Really? That's just right. I'll go out later."

I don't know why, Bai Anliang somehow thought of a sassy saying: Drinking is not included~
"It's so late, where are you going?"

"There's a date."

(End of this chapter)

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