Chapter 176

"It turns out that it can be solved in this way, it's too outrageous!"

Regarding the literary and drama aspects of "Slaying Wolf 2".

Since Bai Anliang made a request to perform at a high level throughout, Ye Weixin would naturally not refuse to cooperate with him.

But how should I put it? The improvement of acting skills does not mean that you can find a teacher to study suddenly and you will be enlightened immediately.

No matter how Bai Anliang acted, he couldn't make out the layered sense of eyes and expressions mentioned in the statement.

Of course, it may also be because he didn't concentrate enough on his studies.

It was originally agreed that I would learn acting, but after only two days of learning, I have been studying various uses of "yoga".

Regarding yoga, Bai Anliang is considered a professional at the moment.

Which actions can be used and which ones can't, that's called a door clear.

For this reason, it is normal to delay some time on serious acting studies.

What is gained is always followed by something lost.


The acting skills are not enough, so the shots come together.

Ye Weixin helped Bai Anliang think of a "good solution".

Let's not use long lenses.

Cut it.

You can't handle the rich emotions, but can't you handle the single emotion?

The same shape, the same position, the same scene, just take a few more shots and splice the clips together.

Bai Anliang: You are really talented when riding a horse!How did you come up with such a genius idea?

The two hit it off, and then began to torture the crew and other actors crazily.

Of course, the rest of the crew didn't have any opinions.

The shooting was so fast before, now our brother Liang wants to improve, who has any objections?Who dares to have an opinion?

And they are also very democratic, and they specifically asked other people if they would mind.

No one minded, and everyone was very enthusiastic.

Then things are much simpler.

This trick is called the art of clipping.

Who said that if the acting skills are not good enough, it is impossible to present wonderful acting skills?
Bai Anliang and Ye Weixin handed over such an answer sheet.

It's just the time it took. For a shot of about ten seconds, two stunned shots took a week.

Statement: Like a thorn in the back, like a stick in the throat.

Is this how my old lady taught you to act?
But one thing she has to admit is: the effect of shooting like this is actually similar to what she imagined.
Bai Anliang used this method of "cheating" regardless of the cost to create a fake superb acting skills for himself.

Fortunately, he was not complacent about it.

There is still a lot in my heart.

I can only play like this once in a while, otherwise, the cost of shooting will be heavy.

The time of the crew is directly linked to the money, and if you shoot for one more day, you will spend a lot of money.

Bai Anliang is not an actor who only gets a paycheck, he is not happy to let him do this all the time.
Bai Anliang's scenes in "Slaying the Wolf 2" were basically filmed in Thailand.

Even if some of the plots are based in China, a scene was set up in Thailand and it was shot directly.

It's impossible to let him run around again, it's a waste of time.

So, within a month's effort, he was done.

Once the production is finished, he is not going to stay on the crew of "Slaying the Wolf 2".

There are people of his own up and down, and there is no need for him to stare at it all the time, just pay a little attention to the follow-up shooting situation.

But before leaving, Ye Weixin complained to him a little bit.

"Can we slow down the pace of filming a little bit? In the early one year, I didn't have time to do the post-production of three consecutive "Slaying the Wolf 1", filming, publicity, editing, and post-production. Even with eight hands, it's still too busy!"

Hearing this, Bai Anliang understood him very well.

But understanding is understanding, and what came out of his mouth was: "Those who can do more work, I can't trust other directors."

shoot!Slap hard!

As long as you can't shoot to death, shoot to death!
rest?There is nothing to rest, just turn around.

But having said that, director Xiangjiang is indeed capable in terms of filming speed.

Although Ye Weixin is not a fast shooter, he is basically not too lazy.

With a little pressure from Bai Anliang, the speed and quality of the film production is definitely ranked first in China.

"I mean we don't have plans for the next movie so soon, right?" Ye Weixin asked with a slightly bitter face.

"Of course not! Don't worry, you only need to finish "Slaying the Wolf" right now."

"That's great!"

Ye Weixin was relieved.

He was really worried that Bai Anliang would have a new film plan before the filming of the film was finished.

Although he made a lot of money from filming him all the time, the almost non-stop working style made Ye Weixin really overwhelmed.

After filming this movie, he wants to take a good rest.

After chatting with Ye Weixin, Bai Anliang immediately found the third junior brother Bai Wu.

"Ah Wu, you don't need to hurry to guide Ye after you polish the Ming Dynasty Jinyiwei theme book, he won't be able to shoot anymore."

"Ah? Then what should we do? Brother, didn't you say that you want the entire ancient martial arts?" Bai Wu said in surprise.

Hmm. That's right.

With "Slaying the Wolf" in the modern action film series, and "Ip Man" in the modern Chinese martial arts series, it is reasonable for Bai Anliang to supplement himself with a series of ancient costume martial arts action films.

The main thing is to develop in an all-round way.

But Ye Weixin looked like he was about to drop the pick. The work intensity was too high, and it was obviously not good to put pressure on him.

For a while, Bai Anliang couldn't find another suitable director to direct this series, so of course he had to put it on hold temporarily.

But he also had a bad intention, "Don't tell him to take pictures when you turn around, just find a way to let him see this book, if he takes the initiative to say that he wants to take pictures."

Bai Wu gave a thumbs up, his senior brother would "seduce" people.

As for whether Ye Weixin will take the bait or not, and whether he can continue to "work hard", it can only depend on fate.

Anyway, Bai Anliang is not in a hurry right now.
Back in Yanjing, Bai Anliang sent the statement home.

When the two said goodbye, the older sister groaned and looked at him with squinted eyes, "When you are free in the future, remember to come to me for extra lessons. You can't use such a time-wasting method every time, right?"

"It must be certain~"

Make-up lessons?

To be honest, Bai Anliang always felt that even if he really went to see her often, it might not be of much help to improve his acting skills.

Because it's hard to give him lessons again seriously.

I'm afraid it's not physiology class or yoga class to make up for.

Acting class?
You don't study when you get together every day, but now you still find time to study?
Isn't that nonsense.

After all, you can't just pick people up during their menstrual period. That would be too "utilitarian".

He sighed helplessly, he just wanted to improve his acting skills, why is it so difficult?

Isn't this forcing him to find another teacher?

But now there is no need to be so anxious, Bai Anliang doesn't have any new filming plans or film appointments yet, so he can stop and take a rest for a while, and settle down.

Qin Lan: Take a rest, you rest a fart!
As soon as Bai Anliang returned to the company, Qin Lan, who was as busy as a top, started to report to him with a big notebook.

Starting a company is not just about lip service, personnel, finance, cash flow
This is just a matter of Baiwu Film and Television, not counting the gym next door.

"By the way, the performance of the gym in the past two months has been good. There are so many more members."

After quickly dealing with or reviewing the affairs of the film and television company, Bai Anliang took some light on the performance of his own fitness club.

Because he found that, apart from some insiders who came to support him and spend money, quite a few of the names of the newly added members were quite unfamiliar.

"Star effect, we often have female stars and so on here to exercise, so naturally many stinky men come over."

"Has the price increased?" Bai Anliang responded quickly.

Qin Lan chuckled, "Of course, the lowest-grade membership cards are not sold to male members at all."

Hearing this, Bai Anliang gave a thumbs up, "The housekeeper is becoming more and more business-minded."

Complimenting her for being business-minded, Qin Lan just had a little fun, but the title "housekeeper" almost didn't make her happy enough to take off!

Just... I'm quite embarrassed.

If only there would be a ring or something. She would say yes!
Bai Anliang: No ring, but lollipop. Do you want to eat it?
Qin Lan: That's fine too.

As we all know, many places like bars and nightclubs are free for girls, and they can go in directly to play without buying tickets or opening drinks.

But as the saying goes: all gifts are secretly priced.

Why are girls free?

Because they are also one of the experiences of male guests.

Just like playing games, ordinary players are also the gaming experience of krypton gold masters.

Although the high-end gym opened by Bai Anliang is said to be equipped with top-notch equipment, this is not the root cause of his good business.

On the contrary, it was because of his growing network in the entertainment industry and the rewards of his achievements.

As for those male members, there are quite a few successful men in China who like to date female stars.

This is also in line with Bai Anliang's initial business logic.

Drive each other.

"However, we still have to make good rules. You can greet and chat, but without permission, other people are absolutely not allowed to enter the private room. Also, those who ask for something but deliberately harass, our side To give customers a sense of security, even if someone makes trouble, you have to be tough.”

"Hmm..." Qin Lan raised her head and took a breath, "Boss, I was just about to tell you that something really happened recently."

"What's the situation?"

"As for what happened last night, when Li Xiaoran came to exercise, a male client kept pestering her."

"Li Xiaoran, does she come here often?"

"That's right~ You are very diligent here, and you often come to ask me if you are here~"

Bai Anliang glanced at Qin Lan, "What did you say?"

"To tell the truth, I'll just say that you went to Thailand to have fun, and you're not in the company."

What a joy. You are right.

Of course, it's quite easy to find out what Bai Anliang is doing, and filming is not something shameful.


Half an hour later, when Qin Lan finished rinsing her mouth and was putting on her lipstick, she suddenly remembered something.

"Today Li Xiaoran seems to say that he will come over again, boss, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Well, I have to go. The client is harassed in our site, and I, the boss, must go and apologize." Bai Anliang pretended.

There was a little disdain in Qin Lan's eyes.

When you see an old lover, you see an old lover. Why do you have to say that?
But her current state of mind is amazing~
It doesn't matter what kind of female star or female idol you are, even if you don't have a clear relationship with your boss, so what?
My boss is a workaholic at heart, how many chances do these goblins outside have to be with him?
It's hard to meet face to face.

And they also have a lot of work to do, and the time is very mismatched.

Where is she like her, who can always be with her boss.

Companionship is the longest confession of love. In this regard, she has a huge advantage, not to mention that she can help Bai Anliang in his career, making him feel more at ease, and even more inseparable from himself
Summary: This is the real high-level operation!

There are too many beautiful women in the entertainment industry just to have a face and figure.

The real core competitiveness is "inseparable".
"Hello, Mr. Bai."

"Good evening Mr. Bai~"


It's been a long time since I came to the gym, but Bai Anliang found it much more lively than before.

Even the number of girls at the front desk and reception has doubled, and they greeted him everywhere they walked.

This posture is like a lion king patrolling his territory, and the movement is really not small.

Bai Anliang thought something was wrong in his heart, as expected, when he walked to the rest area of ​​the lobby, he could feel that someone's eyes lit up.

"Boss, don't linger in the lobby for too long when you go to the gym. Our gym now not only has men coming to peacock, but also many women."

Qin Lan's reminder seemed to be still ringing in her ears. Bai Anliang thought she was alarmist before, but now she is absolutely right.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and turned directly to the senior member area.
Then he couldn't hold back a little, and called a female supervisor, "Those who are dressed like the lady in the lobby, what's the situation?"

The female supervisor was a little helpless, "Boss Bai, they are also customers, they got a card. They wear a little less. I can't say much about them."

"Isn't it as simple as wearing a little less? I didn't wear any underwear inside the tight yoga clothes."

Bai Anliang's eyesight is so good, so far away, he feels like a Miao Renfeng.


"Mr. Bai, I understand. I will ask someone to greet them and explain the situation. If it doesn't work, I will return the card."

Bai Anliang nodded, it's okay to dress sexy and beautiful, even he likes to look at it.

However, if you want to make it too outrageous, it will be more or less indecent.

Male members feast their eyes, what about female members?Don't be scared to death.

Of course, Bai Anliang almost knew where those guys came from.
"Lady" chant.

It's not here for fitness at all, it's for fishing.

Such people exist now and will always exist in the future.

It's better to divide it into an area and stuff them all together, so as not to get too crowded in the hall to attract attention.

(End of this chapter)

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