This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 182 Being Exploded with Gold Coins by Old Stuff

Chapter 182 Being Exploded with Gold Coins by Old Stuff
There is a question like this on a forum:
How do you choose between marrying a goddess or opening a 10-minute Gundam?
Hmm. No one really chooses a goddess, right?

The same reason.

White horse with silver spear, armored and spear.

When a man has this kind of thing to play with, he can hardly see the opposite sex in his eyes.

On the contrary, I hope that there will be a few fierce men who are also fully armed in front of me, and everyone will fight each other passionately.

It's a pity that there is no such macho man in the crew of "Myth"~
Bai Anliang can't pull his eldest brother Cheng Ye to put on the armor and try his hand, he is already fifty.
In the end, I could only entertain myself for a while, and I regretted that I didn't bring the animal cannon.

Otherwise, you might have a good time.

"Unfortunately, the weapon is a little lighter."

The armor is very similar to the real thing, but the halberd is much worse, it feels like it weighs no more than two catties in the hand, and it feels like it can be smashed in an instant if you really use force.

"Ah Liang, do you think there was really that kind of fierce general who could wield dozens of hundreds of catties of weapons before? How many catties of weapons can you use at most?" Big Brother Cheng asked curiously.

"Me? At most a dozen catties, my junior should be able to use a few dozen catties, but he is two meters tall, weighs more than 200 catties, and is covered in sinews."

In fact, Bai Anliang was not too sure whether Da Pao's physique could handle a weapon weighing tens of kilograms.

But if you have to find someone around you who is most similar to the ancient warriors, he is the only one.

As for Bai Anliang himself, how many kilograms?Dreaming.

Weapons are extensions of arms.

It's one thing to be able to hold it, but quite another to be able to command it.

However, the world is so big that there are no surprises.

It seems that in the future there will be a small fresh meat contestant in domestic entertainment, who can play with a [-]-jin big gun. The opponent's height and weight are not even compared with Da Pao, but even compared with Bai Anliang.

So Bai Anliang is convinced, because his own physical condition is better than the opponent's and he can't do it.

He tried his best to play with a twenty-pound weapon, but he still felt good about himself, and felt that he was already a peerless macho.

But the physique here is incomparable with a real human bear like Da Pao.

As for the forty catties, don't worry, Bai Anliang is waiting for that "big brother" who is born with supernatural powers to emerge in the entertainment industry, and then he must find a way to learn from each other.

It will only take ten years or so, and by then Bai Anliang will still be in his prime and still at his peak.

"Weapons weighing more than ten kilograms are already scary. Few people can really use them. At most, they can put on a pose." The eldest brother Cheng said with a little emotion, as if he had begun to recall the glorious years of the past.

He was also a macho when he was young~ He is said to drink cow blood, he is really macho, and his bones are thicker than normal people.

old now
And after Bai Anliang had had enough of playing with the big new toy, he didn't know what kind of character he was playing.

By the way, is this really a cameo role?
He has a given name, Nangong Yan.

The name is a bit like a female frequency Mary Sue.

And the character design of this character is also very Marysu, a loyal soldier who has taken the elixir and guarded Princess Yushu in the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum for 2000 years.

Bai Anliang: It's broken!Still hit the sugar-coated cannonball!
This role, cameo?

I'm afraid there are not too many scenes.
There are two big scenes, one is on the battlefield with big brother Cheng playing Meng Yi, who has a lot of roles, and breaks out of the encirclement in various ways.

Another thing is that there are a lot of scenes in the underground palace.

Bai Anliang always felt that this scene was a bit familiar. When he fooled Zhen Zidan to "guest star" in the "Ip Man" crew, it seemed like this?
It can't be said that they are exactly the same, because the eldest brother Cheng is obviously more willing to spend than him.

They also introduced him to the goddess of Korean entertainment. I don’t know if the eldest brother Cheng has already started it himself. If he hasn’t had time to get started, it would be too sincere.

And that set of exquisite armor, just say how to make it so beautiful. Co-authoring is also a bait? !

Bai Anliang couldn't turn his face and say that there were too many scenes and he had to leave.

凎!There have been so many gold coin explosions for old things, and today an old thing has exploded gold coins.

Seniors are indeed seniors.
So what to do?

Admit it!

If you come out to mess around, you must stand at attention when you are beaten.

People's sugar-coated Bai Anliang has already been eaten in his mouth, and if he turns his face at this time, it will seem a little ignorant of flattery.

All right, all right, he's not bad anyway.

Fortunately, the elder brother Cheng didn't want to cheat Bai Anliang that much, and Nan Gongyan's part in the scene was less than he imagined.

There are only two scenes on the battlefield, one is to take the elixir from Meng Yi and take away Princess Yushu, and the other is even less, just a single line.

And there are more scenes in the underground palace, mainly fighting scenes.

Flying around with coercion is quite a test of basic skills, but it doesn't matter whether it's Big Brother Cheng or Bai Anliang, obviously there will be no problem in this regard.

It's just that, Bai Anliang always felt that it was a bit weird for him to play the role of Nan Gongyan.

The character setting can be said to be completely inconsistent.

A full-blooded soldier stayed in an underground palace with a charming princess for 2000 years!

2000 years!

you say these two people . um . that's the one
Let alone a normal soldier, even if you were replaced by a eunuch, in 2000, you can experience all kinds of tricks, right?
Human XP is diverse.

Even the future AI may not be able to fix this point.

AI: Are you humans still perverted?
cough cough.

Anyway, if it were Bai Anliang, not to mention 2000, two thousand seconds, just half an hour, staying in a confined space with a beautiful woman. This time is enough for him to start talking.

No wonder the name of this movie is "Myth". In this regard, it can only be a fairy tale.

I hope that the audience will not think of these messy things when watching this movie.

Otherwise, if it is a good movie, there will be an NTR plot somehow.

"It's a cameo, let you play so many roles"

After cheating Bai Anliang, the eldest brother Cheng was still a little embarrassed, so he said this while drinking.

"It's okay, it's okay if big brother also help me play a role in "Ip Man"~" Bai Anliang took the opportunity to say.

The eldest brother Cheng didn't hesitate at all, "Of course, when the time comes, give me a role like the master of the martial arts gym. Drunken Fist, Snake-shaped Hand, and White-Browed Fist, just raise your hand."

"Come on, cheers!"

This is called "exchange of interests".

During the time he stayed in the crew of "Mythology", Bai Anliang didn't do anything but drink and sleep with women.

When the crew is not filming, he is mainly observing how the big brother Cheng does it, and how well he will lead the film.
Because he and his eldest brother filmed in almost the same way as two people.

In their crew, the sense of presence of the director is not very high.

Everyone has absolute say in the crew.

If you use the words in the circle, it is actually a drama bully.

If the right to speak is too strong, it will not be possible to be a drama bully.

Bai Anliang's trip can be regarded as learning some advanced experience, how should a leading actor get along harmoniously with the director and other film crew.
It's a pity that this time I didn't learn the cool trick of my eldest brother Cheng, who was halfway through filming with the actress on the set, and felt like he was about to step away from the screen.

It may be that there is really no intimate scene in this movie.

However, when drinking a lot of wine, the eldest brother Cheng bald when he was a little bit over the top.

"Some scenes, you can add them, and you don't have to cut them into the finished film and add them at will~ You can shoot whatever you want?"

Daigo empowerment!

Bai Anliang: Shit!Got it!

That's right, labor and management are the emperor in the crew, and it's true.

Which actress you like, so what if you ask the screenwriter and director to add a passionate scene on the spot?
This kind of drama is not picky about the scene environment.

If the conditions are better, get a bed, if the conditions are not good, you can come directly in the wild~
As for whether it is reasonable to add such a scene, it is unreasonable.

After filming, I saw the finished film and thought it was unreasonable to put it in the movie, so I deleted it.

Wouldn't that make sense?

As expected of a senior!
Bai Anliang immediately raised his glass solemnly, "I respect you!"

Big Brother Cheng: Let’s admit it, the future is yours~
It can be regarded as hearing the word "you" from this kid's mouth, it's really not easy.——
After the production of "Mythology" was finished, Bai Anliang didn't even keep Jin Xishan's contact information, and left directly to join Xiangjiang.

The schedule after this year is indeed a bit busy, but there is nothing to do.

"Sha Po Lang" is about to be released.

Although Bai Anliang doesn't have much interest in the first part of "Slaying the Wolf", apart from holding the copyright, the box office has nothing to do with him, but he still has to attend the premiere when the movie is released.

Well, this movie still can't be shown in the mainland.

There are too many violent and bloody elements.

Zhen Zi was paralyzed, when talking with Bai Anliang on the phone, his tone was extremely depressed.

Without the mainland market, it would be extremely difficult for the film to recoup its costs.

Is it possible to rely on the Xiangjiang market to recover the cost?

Last year's box office champion "Kung Fu" only had a box office of more than 6000 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, which still broke the local box office record of Hong Kong.

In other words, this is the current limit of the Xiangjiang film market.

From a certain point of view, this is also one of the reasons for the decline of the Xiangjiang film industry.

They are no longer Asian Hollywood, and there are far fewer ways to make money from movies.

And now, what can I do if I don't go north?
The embarrassment of the first part of "Slaying the Wolf" lies in this. The mainland market is completely absent.

The biggest impact of this incident on Bai Anliang is that when he has nothing to do, he just calls Yu Dong and asks him to move around more.

Don't let the first one affect the second one they invest in. It must pass the review.

Even if you want to use the big scissors and reshoots, it must be released in the mainland.

The second part can be regarded as crossing the river by feeling the stones of the first part.
A hotel in Hong Kong.

"Brother, I got the best motion design!"

"Not bad, I'll put it back in the company's display cabinet"

Huang Tu, who got here one step ahead, showed him the Academy Award trophy with a look of excitement.

But it's a pity that at this year's Golden Statue Awards, they only got the best action design.

The shortlisted film is of course "Ip Man".

This year's Golden Image Awards, the best film was given to "Kung Fu", the best director and best editor were given to "Mong Kok Night", and the male and female actor gave "2046". There is really nothing left for Bai Anliang .

You can only put old wine in new bottles, and get another best action design.

But this time Bai Anliang was too lazy to go, knowing that he would not be able to win any awards, and the action director of "Ip Man" was named as the fourth junior brother Huang Tu, which could be regarded as a little bit of fame for him, after all, he is now the Bai family Class leader.

"You will definitely win the best supporting actor next year!" Ye Weixin said seriously.

Bai Anliang glanced at him, "When can I get the actor?"

Ye Weixin:? ? ?

Let's look at Big Brother Cheng, after so many years of filming, how many times he was nominated for best actor, but in the end he never got it, and he was always accompanied by others.

It's too difficult for an action actor to win a single award in the acting category. The supporting roles are better, and the protagonist... basically don't even think about it.

And what kind of acting skills do you have, don't you have any clues?
From Ye Weixin's point of view, although Bai Anliang's acting skills are not particularly bad, they are at best quite satisfactory.

Hmm. Let's go above average.

Literary dramas are below average, martial arts are top-notch, and the overall acting skills are rated as above-average, which is not too much.

This kind of acting skills is definitely enough for him as an action actor, at least he won't let the audience play.

The current Bai Anliang is still very young after all, so he wouldn't think about transforming so soon.

So... why does this guy want to win the actor so much?

This is an "evil way"!

"You're a director, I can't compete with others, and if I can't get the best actor, it must be your fault." Bai Anliang said confidently.

Ye Weixin hesitated to speak, but finally said, "But, you are not shortlisted."

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

"Am I not shortlisted?"

"Senior brother, it is true that you are not included in the list of film kings."

"Fuck the Sabi Academy Awards, I'll tell them later, if I don't get the best supporting actor next year, I won't participate in it anymore, and I'll give the best action design a year, and send the beggars away?"

Weren't you very happy when you received this award last year?
Well, today is different.

It is normal for Bai Anliang to look down on this award nowadays.

However, Ye Weixin was stunned, hey, don't say it, this seems to be okay.

Just a few threats, Bai Anliang didn't threaten anyone's personal safety.

Right, it really doesn't involve personal safety.

But those judges faced Bai Anliang, who was "turned into anger from embarrassment", and had to weigh up the best supporting actor, should you give it or not?

"Okay, I'll take care of this, before next year's lottery, I'll walk around"

But Bai Anliang was still a little unhappy, "Actor."

"Hey, Zidan is here!" Ye Weixin changed the topic directly, looking at Zhen Zidan who had just arrived, that was called enthusiasm.

Zhen Zidan touched her nose, what's wrong?Is there anything good?
As a result, as soon as I said hello to Bai Anliang, I saw this guy's serious face: "Do you support me winning the Best Actor?"

Zhen Zi was dumbfounded: Are you sure you're talking about the film king, not the talker?

(End of this chapter)

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