This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 191 I will pursue you directly and marry you to the Zhang family

Chapter 191: Chase you directly and marry you home

"Master, drink coffee."

"Thank you, brother."

"Hey? Don't you thank me? I didn't ask, but he doesn't have the eyesight~"

"Thank you too, Brother An Liang." Master Liu's smile became more peaceful now. He was a quiet and well-behaved person. When he sat there, his literary and artistic atmosphere seemed to come up.

Most people will subconsciously put on a show when they see a girl with this temperament.

I want to be able to be on the same channel as the other party.

But Bai Anliang would not do this. He still advocated "using force to defeat skill".

If you just act like a hooligan and that's it, why do you deal with so many useless things?

Moreover, when Master Liu transformed into a haha ​​monster, he was not as ladylike as he is now~
It's hard to imagine that a girl like her would open her mouth so wide and cough when she smiles.

Master Liu couldn't help but feel a little curious when he saw that his senior brother Hu Ge, who was also the first brother in the company, was "bullied" into such a humble position by Bai Anliang.

What is the relationship between these two people?

As far as she knows, Hu Ge should be older than Bai Anliang, right?
This is a brother, and it’s so natural to shout
"Brother, when you came here this time, you said you had something to talk about work? Are you asking me to make a movie?"

"Well, you think it's quite beautiful."

"Hehe~ That's for sure."

"You can't act in my movies in the past two years, at least you can't play the leading role." Bai Anliang told the truth at this time.

But Hu Ge sounded a little unconvinced, "What kind of drama can't I act in?"


"I have been practicing martial arts~ very hard."

"It's useless for you to practice martial arts, you can't resist being beaten."

".Resist beating?"

"Ang, "Ip Man" has not been filmed for the past two years. Now we are developing the "Slaying the Wolf" series. Although the first part has not been released in the mainland, the CDs and other things are already being sold. Several fight scenes in it, Wu Jing was beaten to death by Zhen Zidan with several sticks, and Zhen Zidan was kicked into the hospital by me. How many times can you withstand such a small body?"

"Uh, is the same for the second part?" Hu Ge felt a little guilty, but he didn't give up.

"The second part? It's a little better, but Wu Jing and Tuo Nijia always have crutches around them now, and they don't need to put on makeup even if they have a bruised nose or face on the set."

After hearing these words, Hu Ge couldn't help but glance at his body.

Can he withstand it?
"Brother, why don't you work hard?" Liu Shishi, a little girl, cheered without any insight.

Hugo: .
Thank you so much. What good will it do you to let me die on the set?
He didn't think that if he had any friendship with Bai Anliang, the other party would be "lenient" to him.

Maybe because of our good friendship, we are more powerful when we take action.
When he was filming "Legend of Sword and Fairy", he hung out with Bai Anliang every day, but he saw with his own eyes many times how their Baiwumen fought passionately with each other.

With that strength, it felt like it could tear him apart easily.

Got it~
In the field of action drama, his eldest brother really doesn't get the glory.

"Don't worry, if there is a suitable opportunity in the future, I will definitely think of you first." Bai Anliang said soothingly.

"That's great! I'll give you a drink!" Hu Ge said with a proud look on his face.

"You're bringing a cup of coffee to your house, right?!"

"There's no wine here either~"

"Drink tonight!"

After setting the banquet for the evening, Bai Anliang didn't forget to look at Master Liu, "Master, you're here too tonight, right?"

"Well" Master Liu looked a little embarrassed, "But I'm not very good at drinking~"

"It doesn't matter, just drink the juice. Then you will be responsible for calling a car for your senior brother to take him home."

"Hey? Why can't I call a taxi myself?" Hu Ge said in surprise.

"If you can still stand and call for a taxi tonight, I will jump into the Huangpu River and take a bath." Bai Anliang said cruel words with a calm face.

"Hey, Master, go and buy a box of cephalosporin for me!"

"Haha~" Master Liu could hardly hold it in any longer, but luckily she stopped in time to prevent her from turning into a haha ​​monster and losing her ladylike temperament.

"So, what's the matter with work?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I'll come this time to poach some of your Tang Ren team members." Bai Anliang said with a smile.


Hu Ge was dumbfounded. The good brother directly came to stab him in the back?

Wait a minute, he is just the first brother now, not a shareholder or a wage earner, and it seems to have nothing to do with him.

Liu Shishi's ears seemed to stand up all of a sudden, and he began to absorb the information silently.

"Poaching people? What about Sister Cai?"

Hearing this, Bai Anliang looked at the time and said, "We should start talking now. It's not a big deal. It's just two directors and some crew members. Your sister Cai will lose her temper in a while." "

"This" Hu Ge suddenly didn't know what to do or what to say.

And this time.

Cai Yinong looked at the two Xiangjiang directors in front of him and forced a smile on his face, "Okay, Director Liang and Director Wu, I hope there will be opportunities to work together in the future."

"There must be Mr. Cai."

The two directors didn't have any special expressions, because in their opinion, it was just an ordinary job-hopping.

People go to higher places~ Faced with an olive branch with better conditions, they extend it and show their sincerity, why don't you accept it~
Moreover, in the entertainment industry, unless there is really any hatred, there will be no contact with each other until death.

Maybe we will cooperate again in a while.

Of course, Cai Yinong obviously didn't think so.

The code is too deceiving!

What exactly does Baiwu Film and Television want to do? !

Poaching people and grabbing projects
That martial arts instructor had expressed goodwill to him back then and wanted to receive Tang Ren. How long had it been?Did you directly hit Tang Ren with a hoe?

The failure to sign Liu Yifei to Tang Renlai has already made Cai Yinong very unhappy. Today's young people are too wild!

However, within a few minutes, her subordinates came to tell her: Hu Ge ran to see Bai Anliang and took Liu Shishi with him.

Cai Yinong:? ? ?

A tea cup hit the ground directly, she was so angry!

Even the artists in her company have to be moved?Or the appointed elder brother and elder sister of the future company?
What is unbearable? A young bastard!

"Calm down, we can't poach the company's artists." At this time, Tang Ren's other boss, Li Guoli, came over to comfort Cai Yinong, and he became more sober at the same time.

Bai Anliang didn't have the ability to directly poach Tang Ren, so now it's not a big deal.

Hmm. It feels like a very ordinary business competition, right?
Obviously, men's thinking is different from women's thinking. Anyway, Cai Yinong was still a little angry.

"I'll give Hugo a call."

However, after the phone call, she was not so angry, but her brows were furrowed.

"what happened?"

"Hu Ge said he was just meeting friends, and Bai Anliang invited me to come over for a drink or two that evening."

"Soldier first and then courtesy? That's not his style," Li Guoli muttered.

Although he left Xiangjiang very early and went north to develop in the mainland, he also had connections there.So I have heard about Bai Anliang's way of doing things.

so polite?

Still drinking together?
Normally, we don't compete first and then start fighting.
Li Guoli was a little worried before. If Bai Anliang went crazy and tried the same thing in the mainland, he would have to go out and hide.

Of course, if he really did this, after he hid, it would be Bai Anliang's turn to hide.
"By the way, my company will launch a fairy tale drama soon. Come and play a role for me~"

Bai Anliang looked at Hu Ge and suddenly thought of this and said.

"Well, I agreed directly before you said what you just said, now."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of your boss."

Hu Ge:? ? ?
You have already poached her team, can you handle it?

"Liu Yifei plays the heroine. Didn't you like her before? I'll give you another chance."

"Brother, stop making this joke." Hu Ge begged for mercy.

When Bai Anliang said, "My child, he has a crush on you," it directly led to Liu Yifei's mother strictly guarding him during the filming of "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

I wish I could keep him as far away from my daughter as possible
Again?If there is really going to be a scandal, if there is something, then forget it, it won't be a loss anyway.

But the problem is that it’s not his fault either~
On the contrary, it’s my eldest brother!

Forget it, don't mention it, Master Liu is still here. If you get hammered for saying such things, you will lose a lot.

At this time, Bai Anliang approached Master Liu and asked, "Master, do you want to play a role too?"

"I listen to Senior Brother." Senior Master Liu was still very smart and immediately took the blame on Hu Ge.

Of course, she actually wanted to act
But the current situation feels very wrong.

Where can she, a newcomer, participate?It's okay to watch the gods fight, wait until they decide the winner, and then wait for arrangements.

Didn't you see that my senior brother is sweating on his forehead right now?

Moreover, the name Liu Yifei is also unusual for her.

Because when she debuted, Tang Ren's "little Liu Yifei" draft always made her feel like she was a substitute.

This feeling is actually quite unpleasant. You will be scolded for taking advantage of others.
Master Liu couldn't even imagine how he would be ridiculed if he acted as a supporting actor in a drama starring someone else.

Little girls don’t have that hard-core mentality.

She is not like old gangsters like Bai Anliang and Hu Ge. Oh no, just Bai Anliang, an old gangster, is simply invulnerable.

Are you saying I'm a playboy?Okay, let’s have a direct showdown between labor and management, and we’ll use this persona from now on.

This kind of courage is really not something ordinary people can have.

come back~
Master Liu is also a little curious. Is Bai Anliang, who is rumored to have the word romantic written on his face, really romantic, or is he a character?

In the entertainment industry, those who set their sights on innocent people are likely to do anything in private.

Some people who are funny and humorous on the screen immediately start to shut down as soon as the camera is turned off.

There are also those who are autistic both on screen and in private. I don’t know what kind Bai Anliang is~
Bai Anliang: Don’t doubt it, labor and management are really romantic!I'll let you know tonight.
The evening drinking party was also organized by Hu Ge.

Everything is in his hands, Bai Anliang must be following his arrangements.

It is said that the place they are looking for is the shop where Tang Ren often meets.
And Cai Yinong, whom Bai Anliang had dealt with before, also arrived on time.

It's just that he doesn't look good.

"Mr. Cai, long time no see. Your style remains the same."

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

Bai Anliang's words made Cai Yinong smile, "Mr. Bai is the one who makes people look at him with admiration. How long has it been?"

"It's still incomparable to Mr. Cai's family, which has a huge business. Mine is just a small workshop, and it's just started."

"When Mr. Bai poached my people, it was not the style of a small workshop~"

Hiss. Is this the beginning? !
Hu Ge and Liu Shishi lowered their heads silently and began to frantically reduce their presence.

Let's fight, and don't bring the topic to them.

They couldn't control this situation.

Fortunately, Bai Anliang is not a person who "hurts innocent people".

Since Cai Yinong started first, he wouldn't be polite.

"I thought I was already very polite, but it turned out that Mr. Cai misunderstood. I'll bring you a drink later."

"If this is a polite thing to do, what is an rude thing to do?"

"If Mr. Cai were younger, I would pursue you and marry you home. Tang Ren is mine, so why would I need to poach someone else!"

Liu Shishi, Hu Ge:? ? ?

Ostrich Ostrich~
They are ostriches, they can't see me, they can't see me
And Cai Yinong himself was stunned, "you"

"Mr. Cai, don't get me wrong, this is just what you feel. After all, the pursuit of beauty knows no age, right?"

Little hooligan. No, old hooligan!
A little hooligan can't say such dirty words!

Cai Yinong is really not that angry anymore.

Don't know why.

She didn't feel like being "humiliated".

When I heard Bai Anliang's words, on the one hand I felt a little funny and outrageous, on the other hand I felt a little proud.

Bai Anliang: Huh?
You blush a bubble teapot? !
What is this old woman thinking about?

"Mr. Bai is really good at joking~"

"Ahem, yes, let's make a joke to liven up the atmosphere."

Looking at Cai Yinong's eyes, Bai Anliang was a little timid, but this was a good opportunity to bring up another topic.

"Actually, when I came here, I really had some business to discuss with Mr. Cai."

"Huh? Does Mr. Bai's movie lack investment?"

You think beautifully~
Bai Anliang kept a smile on his face, but the words he spoke almost made Cai Yinong break his guard again, "The "Sword of Immortal" series."
Cai Yinong said he came to participate in the wine party, but in fact he only stayed for about half an hour.

The rest of the time really turned into a pure party.

Hu Ge looked at Bai Anliang with a wry smile, "Brother, you are so fierce. I'll give you a drink. This time it's really wine~"

"What's wrong with you? Don't you talk nonsense after drinking too much? What I just said was nonsense."

Hu Ge: Ah, yes, yes, yes~
He would never be able to learn how to publicly tease Cai Yinong.

The most outrageous thing is that his boss Cai Yinong really didn't get angry on the spot
He was just worried that there would be no way to end today~
At this time, Master Liu seemed to have calmed down.

Then she performed an operation that stunned Bai Anliang.

Pick up the glass and drink it up.

After drinking, he let out a long sigh.

Bai Anliang:? ? ?

Who said shyly in a coffee shop that he was not very good at drinking?

Heroine, with your drinking capacity, I'm afraid you can knock Hu Ge off straight away~
(End of this chapter)

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