This actor doesn't talk about martial arts

Chapter 197 If the box office exceeds 1 million, there will be a fight

Chapter 197: Fight if the box office exceeds [-] million

The words "Fight like a man" can still inspire the competitive spirit of male creatures.

Especially these guys who practice martial arts.

As soon as Bai Anliang said those words, Wu Jing perked up.

If he relies on fists and kicks to promote, of course he can!

This is what he eats!

But it was obvious that Bai Anliang's lack of martial ethics and madness were beyond his imagination.

Unlucky guy.
Besides Zhen Zidan, who else could it be~
Zhen Zidan has been quite depressed lately.

The first part of "Slaying the Wolf" actually did quite well at the box office in Hong Kong, but a loss is a loss, and there is no need to wash it away.

For him, although his fame has improved a lot compared to before, it cannot be converted into real box office, and the benefits for his development in the industry are also very limited.

There is a sense of astonishment that after working so hard on this movie, I finally earned only [-] cents.

So, what went wrong?

Just when he was thinking hard about this problem and couldn't find a solution, a phone call came in time.

Bai Anliang: Hey, brother!We haven't seen you for a long time. Where are you?
Zhen Zidan: Good brother, I’m squatting at home~
Bai Anliang: Stop playing fake legends at home, come with me to play real legends, the explosion rate is super high, 999 for one knife
Zhen Zidan: Foster father, is it true? !

Bai Anliang: Look at my sincere eyes, will I lie to you?
A phone call made Zhen Zidan no longer confused.

Just pack your bedrolls overnight and be ready to go north at any time.

At the same time, in terms of publicity and distribution, the first part of "Slaying the Wolf" has been strengthened.

What do you mean?

Everyone has watched the pirated version, right?Did it feel good to play?The second part is another different type of fighting scene but equally as exciting.
Come on, discuss.

When the popularity reaches a certain level, it will be time to cooperate with the media again.

Lao Zhou: Yes, it’s me again!

"I would like to ask Bai Anliang, as the final boss of the two "Slaying the Wolf" series, who do you think is better at fighting the two male protagonists, Zhen Zidan and Wu Jing?"

Come on come on!

Faced with this obviously trouble-making question, Wu Jing himself could only remain silent at this time, and his expression could not be too big, otherwise he might be used as an excuse.
Martial arts actors like them are always compared to each other.

Not only compared to characters, but also offline.

Who can fight better?
They are actors, so they can't just challenge each other, right?

Of course, that's normal.

After Bai Anliang emerged as an actor?What's wrong with the actor?You can still play solo!


Bai Anliang, who was asked this question, was a little confused at first, "Are you asking me?"


"Wait a minute, ask me, who can beat me better, Wu Jing or Zhen Zidan?"

reporter:? ? ?

"Under normal circumstances, you should ask who is better at fighting between me and Wu Jing, and who is better at fighting between me and Zhen Zitan, right?"

The dog beeped, he was hit again.
You have beaten Buakaw, who can beat him better?

After pretending for a while, Bai Anliang stopped showing off and glanced at Wu Jing, "What's the point of asking him? Just let him get on the ring and give it a try."

Ok? !

really? !

"Hey brother, we are actors." Wu Jing also started acting at this time, "I have never been in a ring."

"Are you scared?" "That's not true." Wu Jing scratched his head and turned to look at the media. "The main reason is that Mr. Bai only gave us a salary for acting, but not an appearance fee for being in the ring."

Come on~ If you still can’t figure out which song these two guys are singing about, every one of the media at the scene can change careers.

There were people praising him immediately. This was not arranged by Bai Anliang.

"How can I fight?"

"The box office has exceeded [-] million. I'll give you a big red envelope. Can you give it to me?"

"This." Wu Jing scratched his head, as if he was in a dilemma.

Naturally, the media will not stop making noises and beatings at this time!Must fight!Where would the topic come from if I didn’t hit it!
And Bai Anliang didn't give Wu Jing a chance to "regret" at all, and took out his mobile phone on the spot.

"I'll contact Zhen Zidan and ask him if he can fight."

The phone got through quickly.

"The arena? Okay! I will definitely give you face!"

Zhen Zidan, who was on the other end of the phone, was so bold and generous, and she agreed very readily.

Wu Jing seemed to be a bit "riding a tiger but couldn't get off", and finally nodded, but he didn't forget to emphasize it.

"We only hit it if the box office exceeds [-] million!"

In fact, publicity doesn’t have to be so blunt.

But it doesn’t matter whether it’s raw or not, as long as the effect is good, everything is not a problem.

This wave not only promoted the movie, but also once again promoted a wave of Hyakumon boxing matches.

To be precise, this should be regarded as a program. It is still different from the more professional professional fighting events abroad.

Originally, things were more professional in Xiangjiang, but after moving to the mainland, I had to adjust according to the environment.

After some research, it was divided into three sections.

The first section is of course professional battle, and some domestic and foreign masters will be invited to play.

The second section is to learn from those talent shows and conduct auditions to search for private experts.

If the first two are in real fighting, the third one is actually a bit like a variety show.

Invite celebrities to the stage to fight.

To be honest, if it weren't for this link, it wouldn't be that easy for Bai Anliang to find a TV station to cooperate with.

Again, the domestic fighting atmosphere is not that strong at the moment, and the pure fighting market is just like that.

You can't let Bai Anliang go up and fight against foreign masters every time.

Then star power is important.

The first two attract viewers who are interested in fighting, while the latter attracts all viewers. Who wouldn’t want to watch those glamorous stars fight to the death in the ring~
This is almost the same concept as a reality show.

Full of gimmicks.

Bai Anliang learned this trick from internet celebrities~
In the future, as the Internet develops, many Internet celebrities will engage in this kind of offline dating. That traffic will make them full.

As long as Bai Anliang can find a star who is willing to go on stage, the effect will definitely be much better than those Internet celebrities fighting each other.

"Little Fatty, do you want to have a fight with Li Binbin in the ring?"

Fan Xiaopang:
She glanced at Bai Anliang and said in a weak tone: "If I don't fight, will you stop moving?"

"Hey~ How could it be? I'm not that kind of person."

"Then you have to say this at a time like this?!"

"Cough cough."

Bai Anliang: I just want to watch female celebrities fight. Is this too much to ask for?
He wants to see it so much, and the audience must want to see it even more!
However, it is indeed a bit too much to talk about this kind of thing right now~
Do the “business” first!
(End of this chapter)

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